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      • KCI등재

        한자 접미사의 판별과 국어사전 기술

        송정근(Song Jung keun) 한국언어문학회 2014 한국언어문학 Vol.91 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to describe the characteristics of Sino-Korean suffix. One syllable Sino-Korean can be function largely as noun, bound noun, root and suffix. To differentiate Sino-Korean suffix from noun and bound noun, the combinability with syntactic structure like clause or phrase and modification of adjective clause are suggested. And this papers show that the changeability of meanings and part of speech can be the criteria to distinguish suffix from root. In dictionary making such a distinction should be reflected properly because there are many homonym in one syllable Sino-Korean.

      • KCI등재

        한국어의 청각형용사와 의성어

        송정근(Song Jung Keun) 한국언어문학회 2018 한국언어문학 Vol.104 No.-

        In Korean most words representing human senses are adjectives. Korean sensory adjectives in many cases have a lot of morphologically related words and share the property that there are quite a number of them representing each of these senses and they are composed of a lot of semantically related poly-morphemic adjectives which have only minimal semantic distinction. Unlike other sense related adjectives, the number of auditory adjectives in Korean is quite small and there are few morphological related words in them. This study tried to explain why auditory adjectives in Korean are not as much developed as other sensory adjectives. This study examined expressing auditory sense by synesthesia and by onomatopoeia as ways of expressing auditory perception and thus reveal the peculiarity of auditory adjectives in Korean. Synesthesia in Korean is found in such a way that visual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory adjectives transfer to auditory adjective. This kind of synesthesia is also found in English. In Korean an action and its associated sound are represented by a verb and an onomatopoeic adverbial, respectively, but this is not true in German and English because a single word class, either a verb or noun, can express both the action and its accompanying sound at the same time. There seems to be a close correlation between the number of the onomatopoeic words and the existence of a VP consisting of [a V + an onomatopoeic adverb] in a certain language.

      • KCI등재

        미각형용사의 형태론

        송정근(Song, Jung-keun) 형태론 2005 형태론 Vol.7 No.2

        본고는 미각을 표현하는 어휘 특히 형용사의 형태론적 특징들을 검토하였다. 우선 미각과 관련된 다양한 형용사 가운데 미각형용사 형성과 관련된 특정 접사가 분석되거나 내적변화를 겪는 형용사만을 연구 대상으로 삼았다. 이러한 미각형용사들에서는 ‘-큼하-, -콤하-, -곰하-, -금하-, -음하-, -쩍지근하-, -짝지근하-, -척지근하-, -착지근하-’ 등이 비교적 생산적으로 분석되었다. 이들은 분석적인 차원에서 미각형용사와 관련된 접사이지만 미각형용사의 내적변화를 고려한 단어형성의 차원에서는 ‘-큼하-, -음하-, -척지근하-, -착지근하-’만이 생성에 참여하는 접사이며 그 외의 접사들은 내적변화를 겪은 어형에 대한 분석적인 차원에서만 확인되는 어형으로 파악하였다. 본고는 또한 이론적인 측면에서 내적변화를 파생의 일종으로 보았던 기존의 설명법의 문제점을 지적하고 내적변화를 파생법이나 합성법과 함께 독자적인 단어형성의 기제임을 밝히려 하였다. 이를 통해 미각형용사 형성에서 파생과 내적변화가 각각 어떻게 적용되는지에 대한 가설을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to research the characteristics of Korean taste-representing words -- especially adjectives (called 'taste-adjectives' in this paper). Our study focuses only on those adjectives that have either undergone internal change or else are analyzed as containing special affixes relevant to the formation of taste-adjectives. Those that have been most productively analyzed are ‘-khumha-, -khomha-, -komha-, -kumha-, -umha-, -ccekcikun-, -ccakcikunha-, -chekcikunha-, -chakcikunha-’, etc. From the analytical point of view, these are all affixes related to taste-adjectives, but from the perspectives of word formation and internal changes, only ‘-khumha-, -umha-, -chekcikunha-, and -chakcikunha-’ participate in word-formation. Thus, the analyzed suffixes for taste-adjective can be divided into two groups. One is suffixes which can only be analysed and the other is suffixes which play a role in generating words. In terms of word-formation, then, this study emphasizes the distinction between derivation and internal change. Typically, internal change in word formation has been considered a kind of derivation, but these two methods of word formation are fundamentally not similar at all; this paper explains how derivation and internal change are used separately in taste-adjective word formation. (Korea National Open University)

      • KCI등재

        한국어 파생 형용사의 의미

        송정근 ( Song Jung-keun ) 국어학회 2017 국어학 Vol.84 No.-

        우리말은 형용사가 다양한 의미 유형을 나타낼 수 있다는 점에서 언어 유형론적 관점에서 형용사가 풍부한 언어이다. 단일어 형용사와 마찬가지로 파생 형용사 역시 다양한 의미 유형을 나타낸다. 특히 파생 형용사 가운데에 ‘가치’, ‘인간 기질’, ‘물리적 속성’ 등의 의미 유형을 나타내는 단어가 많다는 특징도 확인되는데, 이는 ‘-스럽-, -하-’ 등 생산적인 형용사 파생 접사가 주로 이들 의미 유형의 파생 형용사를 형성하기 때문인 것으로 파악된다. 단어의 구성 성분의 의미와 파생어의 의미를 비교해 보면, ‘길다-길찍하다, 붉다-불그레하다’와 같이 형용사로부터 파생된 형용사는 어기와 동일한 의미 유형을 갖는 특징을 확인할 수 있다. 반면에 다른 품사에서 파생된 형용사 가운데 ‘-스럽-, -롭-, -쩍-’ 등의 접사에 의해 파생된 형용사는 특정한 몇 개의 의미 유형으로 분류될 수 있는 반면, ‘-하-’에 의해 파생된 파생 형용사는 다양한 의미 유형을 나타낼 수 있다. 이는 이들 접사들이 어기에 대해 갖는 제약의 차이에서 기인한 것으로 파악된다. 한편 명사나 어근으로부터 형용사를 파생하는 접사들은 ‘어기의 속성이 있음’이라는 공통된 의미를 갖는데, ‘어른스럽다’와 같이 구체 명사를 어기로 한 파생 형용사는 명사의 속성 중 하나의 속성만 부각하여 나타내 대상이 어기 자체는 아니라는 부가적 의미를 갖는다. ‘궁상맞다, 능글맞다’와 같이 부정적 의미를 갖는 파생 형용사는 접사가 부정적인 의미를 갖는 것이 아니라 주로 부정적 의미를 갖는 어기와 결합하기 때문인 것으로 파악하였다. 파생 형용사를 형성하기 위한 형태론적 절차의 의미 기능 중 가장 광범위하게 확인되는 것은 ‘정도성’ 표현 기능인데, 이는 접사나 어근형성요소에 의해 표현되기도 하고, 자음이나 모음 교체, 중첩 등의 형태론적 절차에 의해서도 나타낼 수 있다. Korean is a language with a large adjective class in typological views in that the semantic content of Korean adjectives ranges over all the semantic types proposed by Dixon. Korean has abundant derived adjective as well as underived. In Korean, productive suffixes like ‘-silep-’, ‘-ha-’ make a derived word classified as ‘value’, ‘human propensity’, ‘physical property’ type. In comparison between the meaning of base and derived word, derived adjective like ‘kilccik-hata’ and base word ‘kilta’ have same semantic type. Some adjectives derived from other word class by ‘-sulep-, -lop-, -ccek-’ can have specific few semantic type. but other adjectives derived by ‘-ha-’ have various kind of semantic types, which is due to the difference of restriction of suffixes. Adjective-derivational suffixes attached to noun or root share the similar meaning ‘characterized by’. The negative meaning of derived adjectives like ‘kungsang-macta’ is came from base ‘kungsang’ not from suffix ‘-mac-’. It means suffix ‘-mac-’ do not have negative meaning. The most common meaning shared by all morphological processes namely derivation, reduplication, sound symbolism(consonant change and vowel change) is ‘graduality’.

      • KCI등재

        학교 문법의 연결 어미와 전성 어미

        송정근(Song, Jung-keun) 우리말글학회 2016 우리말 글 Vol.68 No.-

        이 논문은 학교 문법에서 연결 어미와 전성 어미 기술의 문제점을 비판적으로 검토하고 그 대안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 현행 일부 문법 교과서에서는 보조적 연결 어미의 특수성을 고려하지 않아 연결 어미의 정의와 분류가 학습자에게 정확히 전달되지 못하는 문제가 있다. 문장과 문장을 이어준다는 정의에 보조적 연결 어미가 부합하지 않고, ‘대등적’, ‘종속적’이라는 용어에 비해 ‘보조적’은 연결 단위의 측면과 의미적 측면에서 이질적이기 때문이다. 전성 어미 경우에도 결합하는 단위의 품사적 성격을 바꾸는 전성 어미의 기능이 정의에 명확히 드러나지 못한 문제, 전성 어미가 형성하는 절에 대한 명칭이나 절 설정의 비일관성 문제가 확인된다. 이러한 문제에 대한 대안으로 본고는 전성 어미에 의해 형성되는 절을 안긴절, 안긴절을 성분으로 취하는 절을 안은절 그리고 안긴절과 안은절로 구성된 문장을 안은 문장으로 명명할 것을 제안하였다. 또한 일반적으로 설정하는 ‘구≦절, 절≦문장’가 갖는 문제점을 ‘≦’ 기호가 갖는 다양한 의미 해석 가능성을 통해 설명하였다. The aim of this paper is to point out the controversial issue on the explanation of conjunctive endings and function-converting endings in school grammar and show an alternative plan. Auxiliary conjunctive endings hinder the consistent definition and classification of conjunctive endings due to the particularity of auxiliary conjunctive endings compared with coordinate conjunctive endings and subordinate conjunctive endings. In definition of function-converting endings, there is a problem that it is not clearly revealed that function-converting endings cause attached linguistic units to function as some other part of speech in school grammar. And this paper show that the distinction of embedded clause, matrix clause and embedded sentence will be made by proper naming in school grammar. This paper also show the problems of such expressions as ‘phrase≦clause, clause≦sentence’ by various interpretations of ‘≦’.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        학교문법의 부사절 설정과 관련된 몇 문제

        송정근 ( Jung Keun Song ) 성신여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 人文科學硏究 Vol.29 No.-

        This paper argues that the explanation about the adverbial clause in school grammar has not systematic consistency caused by not considering the related other grammatical modules. As school grammar explained, If all the conjunctive ending which is the only way to make a conjunction in Korean is the adverbial ending which is a kind of embeded ending, every conjunction in Korean would be the subclass of embedding. It is not a proper nor a general recognition on the adverbial clause in Korean. Furthermore, such a view is not adopted in the classification of the extending of sentence. This paper also deals with the problems of the division of coordinate clause and subordinate clause in school grammar. In school grammar, even though coordinate clause and subordinate clause are distinguished, they are commonly included in the adverbial clause. It means that school grammar lacks of the enough grammatical proof to classify and establish the category of the adverbial clause. Though It is a difficult to separate coordinate clause from subordinate clause in Korean, it is not reasonable that these two clauses are treated as the same category.

      • KCI우수등재

        복합어 형태 분석과 공형태

        송정근(Song, Jung-keun) 국어국문학회 2012 국어국문학 Vol.- No.162

        The purpose of this study is to research the empty morph, a surplus word-building element which does not realise any morpheme in Korean complex word. In morphological analysis, word-bulding element which doesn’t have meaning has been regarded as unanalyzable element or linguistic fossile. But in Korean complexe words such as ‘고깃배, 좁쌀, 수캐, 지붕’, ‘-s-, -p-, -h-, -ung-’ must be analyzed in that all the other elements are analyzable. And they can’t be a linguistic fossile in the synchronical analysis, because the lingusitc fossile is diacoronical concept. So a surplus word-building element which does not realise any morpheme is analyzed as empty morph in synchronical analysis. And in the diachronical analysis, they could be interpretated as linguistic fossile. The empty morph in Korean complex word must have the arbitaray distribution and independent statues, because empty morph could be explained as a allomorph or regular assertion element by phonological processes.

      • KCI등재

        중첩과 단어형성

        송정근(Song, Jung-Keun) 한국언어문학회 2020 한국언어문학 Vol.114 No.-

        This study classified the types of Korean reduplication into phonological reduplication and morphological reduplication, and examined the function of reduplication in word formation according to the type of reduplication. Morphological reduplication in which language units with meaning is deeply related to the formation of compound words. In particular, in Korean, onomatopoeia, mimicry, and roots overlap a lot. After reduplication, Korean onomatopoeia and mimic words are combined with ‘-hada(하다)’ and ‘-keorida(거리다)’ to form a derivative verb. The stem of an adjective is a compound root form that overlap after change and becomes a derivative adjective, which has the meaning of emphasizing the target state or attribute. On the other hand, phonological reduplication, which is an reduplication of units whose meaning cannot be confirmed, cannot be analyzed any more, so it is related to the formation of a single word. Phonological reduplication is an reduplication of language units that do not have meaning, but it was considered that even units without meaning can express repetition or continuity through reduplication. Phonological reduplication which is related with sensory expression is understood to exert an expressive function that accurately mimics the sound or state of the natural world, and words that show phonological reduplication can be seen as being created as reduplication when words are formed in the first place.

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