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      • KCI등재

        선양낭성암종(Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma)에서의 Glycosaminoglycan의 발현에 관한 연구

        손창원(Chang-Won Son),김경욱(Kyung-Wook Kim),김철환(Chul-Hwan Kim) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2004 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        Adenoid cystic carcinoma is malignant tumor in salivary gland, and its behavior is very invasive. Of all malignant tumor adenoid cystic carcinoma is occured in frequency of 4.4% in major salivary gland, and 1.29% in minor salivary gland. Histopathologically, adenoid cystic carcinoma is characterized by a cribriform appearance, and tubular form and solid nest type tumor can be seen. The tumor cell structure composed of modified myoepithelial cell, and basaloid cell. Extracellular matrix of this tumor cell contains variable ground substance with basement membrane component. Basement membrane matrix composed of collagen fibers, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and its function is well known that it participate in differentiation, proliferation, and growth of tumor cell. Basement membrane molecule is essential for invasion of peripheral nerve, blood vessel, skeletal muscle in tumor cell of adenoid cystic carcinoma. In many studies, the tumor cell of adenoid cystic carcinoma containing modified myoepithelial cell participate in synthesis of proteoglycan. In this study, tissue sample of adenoid cystic carcinoma of human salivary gland were obtained from 15 surgical specimen, and all specimen were routinely fixed in 10% formalin and embedded. Serial 4-㎛ thick sections were cut from paraffin blocks. the histopathologic evaluation was done with light microscopy. And, the immunohistochemical staining, characteristics of glycosaminoglycan were observed. For biochemical analysis of glycosaminoglycan, isolation of crude glycosaminoglycan from tumor tissue and Western bolt analysis were carried out. With transmission electomicroscopy, tumor cell were observed. Biologic behavior of adenoid cystic carcinoma was observed with distribution and expression of basement membrane of glycosaminoglycan in tumor cells, The results obtained were as follows: 1. In immunohistochemical study, chondroitin sulfate is postively stained in tumor cell and interstitial space, dermatan sulfate is weakly stained in ductal cell. But keratan sulfate is negatively stained. 2. In immunohistochemical study, heparan sulfate is strong positive stained in tumor cell and basement membrane, especially in invasion area to peripheral nerve tissue. 3. In transmission electromicroscpic view, the tumor cells are composed modifed myoepithelial cells, and contains many microvilli and rough endoplasmic reticulum. 4. In Western blot analysis, the expression of glycosaminoglycan is expressed mostly in heparan sulfate. From the results obtained in this study, tumor cell of adenoid cystic carcinoma is composed modified myoepithelial cell, and glycosaminoglycan of basement membrane molecule of heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate mostly participate in the development and invasiveness of adenoid cystic carcinoma by immunohistochemical study and western blot analysis.

      • 큐의 우선순위에 근거한 흐름제어방식

        이광준,손지연,손창원,Lee, Gwang-Jun,Son, Ji-Yeon,Son, Chang-Won 한국정보처리학회 1997 정보처리학회논문지 Vol.5 No.1

        본 논문에서는 우선순위에 기초를 둔 새로운 흐름제어 방식을 제안한다. 이 방식 에 따르면 각 통신경로는 유지하고자 하는 적정 버퍼의 크기를 설정하고, 전송중 이 를 초과하지 않도록 해당 통신경로의 전송 우선순위를 조절한다. 대용량의 통신대역 폭을 요구하는 통신경로는 작은 크기의 적정 버퍼를 설정한다. 적정 버퍼의 크기와 전송 우선순위가 반비례하게 정의하면, 통신경로의 전송 우선순위는 높게 설정되므 로, 각 노드는 설정된 통신경로를 지나는 패킷에 높은 처리 기회를 제공하게 되고, 이를 통하여 버퍼의 크기를 적정 수준이하로 감소시키는 작용을 한다. 또한 대용량의 통신대역폭을 요구하는 통신경로에서는 경로상에 있는 노드에 적은 수의 패킷을 유지 하게 함으로 짧은 전송지연을 갖게 된다. 각 통신경로의 버퍼 크기는 통신경로가 연 결된 동안 일정한 시간 간격으로 재조정될 수 있다. 사용하고 있는 통신망 대역폭이 통신경로의 최종 목적지 응용 프로그램이 필요로 하는 데이타 흐름보다 적은 경우, 그 노드는 큐의 크기를 줄임으로써 대역폭을 보다 크게 확보할 수 있다. 통신망간 연 동 환경에서는 나은 통신망 대역폭을 근접한 노드로 확보할 수 있으며, 따라서 데이 타의 응답이 전통적인 end-to 흐름제어 기법보다 빨라진다. 고속의 통신망 환경에서 는 제안된 흐름제어 기법이 보다 효율적인 성능을 보인다. In this paper, a flow control mechanism is proposed which is based on the priority control between communication path of a node. In this scheme, demanding length of a data queue for any pre-defined, then each node in that path is forced to maintains buffer size under the limit by controlling priority level of the path. The communication path which requires higher bandwidth sets its demanding queue length smaller. By providing relationship between the priority of a path and length of its queue, the high bandwidth requesting path has a better chance to get high bandwidth by defining the smaller demanding queue size. And also, by forcing a path which has high flow rate to maintain small queue size in the path of the communication, the scheme keep the transmission delay of the path small. The size of the demanding queue of a path is regularly adjusted to meet the applications requirement, and the load status of the network during the life time of the communication. The priority control based on the demanding queue size is also provided in the intermediate nodes as well as the end nodes. By that the flow control can provide a quicker result than end to-end flow control, it provides better performance advantage especially for the high speed network.

      • 점진적 다자간 연결을 기반으로 하는 QoS 협상 방식

        손지연(Ji-Yeon Son),손창원(Chang-Won Son),오수형(Soo-Hyoung Oh) 한국정보과학회 1996 정보과학회논문지 : 시스템 및 이론 Vol.23 No.11

        본 논문은 다자간 통신을 위한 종단 시스템에서의 QoS 협상 절차 모델을 제안한다. 제안된 QoS 협상 방식은 기존의 일대일이나 단방향성 다자간 통신에서 사용되던 QoS 협상 방식으로는 해결하기 어려웠던 다자간 연결에서의 보다 통합적인 QoS 협상 방법을 제시한다. 본 논문은 다자간 통신 환경의 기술과, 광역 및 송수신자들의 지역적 특성을 갖는 QoS 인자들을 정의하고, 이들의 협상 방식에 적합한 협상 구조를 설계하였으며, 이에 따른 QoS 협상 절차 및 함수들을 정의하였다. 또한, 다자간 통신을 효율적으로 지원해 줄 수 있는 연결 형태로서 점진적 다자간 연결 방식을 제안하였다. 이 방식은 해당 연결의 구성원 들을 데이타 송신 권한 보유자(송신자)와 비보유자(수신자)로 구분함으로써, 불필요하게 할당된 많은 자원들이 실제로 사용되지 않아서 낭비되는 일이 없도록 하였다. This paper presents a QoS negotiation strategy in the multipeer data communication environment. The proposed strategy provides comprehensive multipeer connection based QoS negotiation and management, which is extremely costly with traditional point-to-point or multicast based QoS negotiation and management scheme. In the paper, global and localized QoS parameters have been discussed. Then the QoS negotiation strategies with some chosen QoS parameters have been introduced. And also, the paper proposes a multipeer connection scheme, incremental connection establishment. The scheme utilizes the limited network resources, by identifying connection participants as either data transmission right holders or not. The proposed scheme minimizes the unnecessary resource wasted by over reservation..

      • KCI등재

        Streptozotocin으로 유도된 당뇨 백서와 비당뇨 백서에서 발치와의 치유과정에 관한 실험적 연구

        김경욱(Kyung Wook Kim),임창준(Chang Joon Yim),손창원(Chang Won Son) 대한구강악안면외과학회 1994 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        The healing effect of D. M. on fracture, wound, extraction socket, oral soft tissue been studied. In recent studies, Glickman researched about the hew bone formation in periodontal disease under D. M. streptozotocin, used as D. M. inducer in experimental animals, has been used as broad spectrum antibiotics, anticancer drugs and carcinogen since 1960 years. Interestingly nowadays strepoozotocin in use to make the experimental diabetic animal model. Following microscopic examination of healing of extraction sockets in no-diabetic rats and that of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. The results were as follows: 1. Trabecular formation consisting of osteoid could be seen in extraction sockets in control group(nondiabetic rats) after 1 week. 2. More chronic inflammation and less granulation tissue were seen in experimental group than control group after 1 week. 3. Trabecular pattern was seen after 4 weeks in experimental group. Trabecular pattern in control group was seen from 2 weeks specimen and became hardened after 4 weeks. 4. Experimental group showed delayed revascullarization, poor granulation tissue formation and incomplete trabecular formation. So it is suggested that D. M. has much more adverse effect on the healing process of the extraction sockets.

      • 큐의 우선순위에 근거한 흐름제어방식

        이광준(Lee Goang Jun),손지연(Son Ji Yeon),손창원(Son Chang Won) 한국정보처리학회 1997 정보처리학회논문지 Vol.4 No.1

        In this paper, a flow control mechanism is proposed which is based on the priority control between communication path of a node. In this scheme, demanding length of a data queue for any path is pre-defined, then each node in that path is forced to maintains buffer size under the limit by controlling priority level of the path. The communication path is which requires higher bandwidth sets its demanding queue length smaller. By providing relationship between the priority of a path and length of its queue, the high bandwidth requesting path has a better chance to get high bandwidth by defining the smaller demanding queue size. And also, by forcing a path which has high flow rate to maintain small queue size in the path of the communication, the scheme keep the transmission delay of the path small. The size of the demanding queue of a path is regularly adjusted to meet the applications requirement, and the load status of the network during the lifetime of the communication. The priority control based on the demanding queue size is also provided in the intermediate nodes as well as the end nodes. By that the flow control can provide a quicker result than end-to-end flow control, it provides better performance advantage especially for the high speed network.

      • Streptozotocin으로 유도된 당뇨 백서와 비당뇨 백서에서 발치와의 치유과정에 관한 실험적 비교연구

        손창원,김경욱,임창준 단국대학교 치의학연구소 1993 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The healing effect of D.M. on fracture, wound, extraction socket, oral soft tissue have been studied. In recent studies, Glickman researched about the new bone formation in periodontal disease under D.M. streptozotocin, used as D.M. inducer in experimental animals, has been used as broad spectrum antibiotics, anticancer drugs and carcinogen since 1960 years. Interestingly nowadays streptozotocin is use to make the experimental diabetic animal model. Following microscopic examination of healing of extraction sockets in non-diabetic rats and that of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. The results were as follows: 1. Trabecular formation consisting of osteoid could be seen in extraction sockets in control group(non-diabetic rats) after 1 week. 2. More chronic inflammation and less granulation tissue were seen in experimental group than control group after 1 week. 3. Trabecular pattern was seen after 4 weeks in experimental group. Trabecular pattern in control group was seen from 2 weeks specimen and became hardened after 4 weeks. 4. Experimental group showed delayed revascularization, poor granulation tissue formation and incomplete trabecular formation. So it is suggested that D.M. has much more adverse effect on the healing process of the extraction sockets.

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