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        노인학대(老人虐待)에 대한 사회복지사社會福祉士)의 인지(認知)와 목격실태(目擊實態)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        서윤(Yoon Seo) 한국노인복지학회 2000 노인복지연구 Vol.7 No.-

        The propose of this study is to explore the conditions of elder abuse though investigation of the social workers` knowledge and the conditions of elder abuse. The result of this research, which investigated the conditions of elderly abuse by using the sample of social workers, shows that 93.4 percent of the responder knew the elderly abuse, and the responders recognized physical abuse as the most serious abuse and emotional abuse as the slightest abuse. It alao shows that 75.2 percent of the witnessed elderly abuse, the most frequent abuse was neglect, the least abuse was physical abuse, elderly abuse mainly occurred in a closed space, there were more men than women among the offenders, the unhealthy elder and the elder who did not participate in social activities were more abused, and elderly abuse was mainly conducted by their suns, daughters in law and persons living together. About 60.7 percent of the responders answered that the stress of the supporters was a major cause of elderly abuse. The result of the research shows that the stress cf the supporters was the major factor which influenced elderly abuse.

      • KCI등재

        존속범죄(存續犯罪)를 통한 노인확대(老人虐待)의 실태(實態)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        서윤(Yoon Seo) 한국노인복지학회 1998 노인복지연구 Vol.1 No.-

        This study is composed of analysing 270 events of crime toward lineal ascendant which were reported in five famous daily newspapers which are bong-a, Jo-seon, Jwg-ang, Korea, and Hankyeare in korea except under fifty years old victims because of keeping away from duplicated articles and grasping the specific character of elder victims. The analysing result is as follows. 1. The specific character of assaulters : The male distributed 89.2% predominates the female by sex and thirty ages(45.4%) by age and inoccupation people(53.2%) by occupation are appeal as the most assaulters. Father(38.7%) is the test by relation of the assaulters and victims and when events appears, drinking condition(64.0%) are the most. 2. The specific character of victims : The male(51.9%) is a few higher rate than the female(48.1%) by sex, the rate of damage is getting lower with age going up, inoccupation people catch 75.4%, and when a crime happens, victim condition with state linked aging distributed 67.3% is the most. 3. The specific character of crimes : Dissatisfaction against parents is the most in crime motive and the specific character of crimes showed as accidental and one tendency. The most situation is that when victims are damaged they are in daily life. There are many simple violences and almost single crimes by method of crimes. A person liable to committing a crime is a few. 4. Correspondence of victims : There are great deal of direct report of victims by a way of confrontation of victims and that reporting victims are damaged a common crime appears.

      • 원불교와 사회복지

        서윤(Yoon Seo) 전남대학교 종교문화연구소 2007 종교문화학보 Vol.4 No.-

        원불교의 개교 동기는 파란 고해의 일체 생령을 광대무량한 낙원으로 인도하고자 함이다. 광대무량한 낙원은 현대사회가 추구하는 복지사회를 말한다고 할 수 있다. 또 원불교는 ‘교화, 교육, 자선’을 3대 사업 목표로 하고 있는데, 자선의 현대적 개념은 사회복지로, 원불교에서는 사회복지를 3대 실천사업 목표의 하나로 설정하여 일찍부터 실현시켜오고 있다. 이렇듯 원불교는 개교 자체가 사회복지적인 차원에서 이루어졌으며, 개교 이래 지금까지 사회복지활동을 활발히 전개해오고 있다. 본 논문은 원불교 사회복지의 근간이 되는 원불교 사회복지 이념과 사회복지관을 주요 교리에 바탕하여 살펴보고, 이념을 구현하는 사회복지활동을 원불교 사회복지의 역사와 현황을 통해 살펴보았다. 그 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 원불교의 사회복지 이념은 개교의 동기, 일원상 진리, 사은, 삼학, 사요에 근거하여 찾아보았다. 개교의 동기는 원불교 사회복지의 궁극적인 목표를 제시하고 있고, 일원상 진리와 사은은 원불교의 이념적 사회복지 이념, 삼학과 사요는 실천적 사회복지 이념이라고 할 수 있다. 원불교 사회복지관은 일원주의, 평등주의, 상생주의, 자력주의, 봉공주의를 제시하였다. 원불교 사회복지의 역사는 광복 직후의 전재동포 구호활동으로부터 출발하였고, 1970년대까지는 요보호노인과 아동을 대상으로 양로시설과 아동양육시설(고아원)을 중심으로 한 시설보호형태의 사업을 주로 전개하였다. 1980년대부터 대상과 서비스 유형이 다양화하기 시작하여 종전의 노인과 아동 중심의 시설보호사업에서 장애인, 정신보건사회사업, 상담 분야로 확대하여 많은 다양한 대상을 위한 사회복지사업을 전개하였다. 현재 13개 사회복지법인과 170개소의 사회복지기관 및 시설이 설치ㆍ운영되고 있다. 원불교 사회복지사업은 총괄 부서인 교정원 공익복지부에 의해 중앙관리체제로 운영되고 있다. 교단 내적으로 원불교 교역자를 위한 사회복지제도는 요양ㆍ휴양ㆍ정양과 정년퇴임 이후의 노후정양에 대한 보장으로 이루어지고 있다. 향후 원불교 사회복지사업의 발전을 위한 과제로는, 첫째, 사회복지사업주체의 다양화와 저변 확대, 둘째, 사회복지사업의 운영책임자를 출가 교역자 중심에서 재가교도로 확대, 셋째, 사회복지사업의 지역 격차 해소를 제시하였다. The Founding Motive of the Teaching of Won Buddhism is to lead all sentient beings, who are drowning in the sea of suffering, to a vast and immeasurable paradise which can be welfare society modern society want to pursue. The Three Work Objects of Won Buddhism are Enlightenment, Education, and Charity. Charity of them in a general idea of modern society is the Social Welfare which is one of three practical work objects of Won Buddhism and is been taking to become welfare and benefit for people. Like this, as founding motive of teaching of Won Buddhism, itself comes from for social welfare and from founding to now it has been practicing for people actively. This thesis is studied in the ideology and a view of social welfare of Won Buddhism based of it and activity of Won Buddhism social welfare embodying it's ideology through with the history and present state of it. The main contents are like following detail. Ideology of Won Buddhism social welfare is searched by based on The Founding Motive of the Teaching, The Truth of Il-Won-Sang, The Fourfold Grace, The Four Essential, and The Threefold Study. The Founding Motive of the Teaching can be indicated a final object of Won Buddhism social welfare, The Truth of Il-Won-Sang and The Fourfold Grace can be indicated the ideology of ideological Won Buddhism social welfare, and The Four Essential and The Threefold Study can be indicated the ideology of practical Won Buddhism social welfare. A view of Won Buddhism social welfare shows the principle of Il-won, the principle of equality, the principle of compatibility, the principle of self-power, and the principle of public service. History of Won Buddhism social welfare has started right after Korean independence with from working the Relief work for War refugees , from in 1970 mainly worked kinds of asylums for the old ages and orphans, and as a lot of changing social members and services, from in 1980 worked and extended to care of the handicapped and the health mental problem, and counsel and serve more different social welfare services. So presently 13 judical corporations of social welfare and 170 organizations and facilities of social welfare are well been establishing and operating by center control system of The Dept. of public welfare of Won Buddhism H.P. Internal systems of social welfare of Won Buddhism for Won Buddhist priests are accomplished of serving for recuperation, recreation, convalesce and retire rest. For future, questions of Won Buddhism social welfare will be developed are the first is the diversification of the main body of the work of social welfare and the low-est stratum extended, the second is extending a responsible manager of the work of social welfare from the Won Buddhist priest to the Won Buddhist home priest, and the third is recommending a answer of the regional disparity of the work of social welfare.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 심리 ; 장애인수용시설 지체부자유 청소년의 자아정체감에 관한 연구

        서윤(Yoon Seo),류중길(Jung Gil Ryu) 한국청소년학회 1998 청소년학연구 Vol.5 No.3

        본 연구는 자아정체감을 형성해야 할 시기에 있는 장애인 수용 시설 청소년의 자아정체감을 연구함으로써 그들의 재활의 기초와 원만한 인격을 형성하도록 하는 실증적 자료를 얻고자 하는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 검증하기 위해 장애인 수용시설 청소년과 일반 청소년의 자아정체감 차이 검정과 장애인 수용시설 지체부자유 청소년의 일반적 특징에 따른 자아정체감의 차이 검정을 위한 가설을 설정하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 광주, 전남·북 소재 장애인 수용시설 지체부자유 청소년 55명과 광주에 사는 일반 청소년 298명이었다. 본 연구에서 설정한 가설의 검증의 결과를 요약하면, 장애인 수용 시설 청소년과 일반청소년의 자아정체감의 비교에서 일반 청소년 집단이 평균값에 있어서 높게 나타났으나, 자아정체감의 각 하위영역별에서 목표지향성, 대인관계 역할인지, 자기 수용에서는 유의미한 차이를 보였으나, 안정성, 자기존재의 독특성, 자기 주장에서는 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 그리고 장애인 수용시설 지체부자유 청소년의 자아정체감은 개인적 특성에 있어서 연령, 특수교육 유무, 장애원인에서 유의미한 차이를 보였으며, 특히 특수교육을 받지 않는 청소년의 자아정체감이 특수교육을 받는 청소년보다 높게 나타나 장애인시설에서의 특수교육이 자아정체감에 미치는 영향은 오히려 부정적으로 나타났다. This study is to identify empirical findings that help the handicapped build up the foundation for rehabilitation and affable personality by examining the self-identification of the handicapped youth at rehabilitation center in their teens when they have to formulate their self-identifications. We set the hypothesis in order to examine the differences on self-identification between the handicapped youth and the ordinary youth as well as the differences on self-identification among the handicapped youth in rehabilitation center in terms of their general characteristics. 55 handicapped youth at rehabilitation center in Kwangju, Cholla-do and 298 ordinary youth at Kwangju were examined in this study. The result of verification on hypothesis can be summarized as follows: On the average, the ordinary youth recorded higher than the handicapped youth in the field of self-identification, thus showing significant difference in statistical terms, while it didn`t show significant difference in such sub-fields of self-identification as stabilization, self-uniqueness, self-assertion(except in sub-fields of goal-orientation, awareness of one`s role in personal relation, self-acceptance). In conclusion, general characteristics and gender are found to have no significant effects on the self-identification of the handicapped youth at rehabilitation center, while they do differ significantly in comparison with the ordinary youth. Accordingly, in order to maintain and promote the self-identification of the handicapped youth at rehabilitation center, it is advisable to help them accept their physical handicap, identify their limitation and establish the goal that can be accomplished with their present physical status as well as their efforts.

      • KCI등재

        노인학대(老人虐待) 사례(事例) 연구(硏究)

        서윤(Yoon Seo) 한국노인복지학회 2000 노인복지연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the cases of elder abuse through personal interview for the abused elderly aged over 65 years. The result of this research, which investigated elder abuse by using the sample of persons aged 65 and over, shows that neglect was the most frequent abuse. Many elder suffered from combination of two and more abuse. Women were more suffered than ran. And the low class, uneducated, unhealthy elder experienced more abuse. The abusers were mainly sons, daughters, and persons living together. It also shows that the major cause of elder abuse was indifference of the family, and elder abuse was mainly caused by two or more factors.

      • KCI우수등재

        지역아동센터의 네트워크 연계기관수 및 네트워크 지속성, 서비스 지속성 영향요인 연구

        김현숙(Hyeon Suk Kim),서윤(Yoon Seo) 한국아동학회 2013 兒童學會誌 Vol.34 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to explore how the number of network organizations, network continuity and service continuity of community child centers were affected by the charge factors, organizational factors and environmental factors of community child centers. To better understand this, we researched 107 community child centers in Chonbuk Province. The key results are as follows. The interpersonal connections of the charge factors had a strong effect on the number of network organizations, but organizational factors and environmental factors appeared to have no effect on the number of network organizations. The operational type(religious group), organizational support level of the organizational factors and public-private cooperation, regular consultative group operation(no) of the environmental factors appeared to have an effect on the level of network continuity. The region(local), regular consultative group operation(yes) and public-private cooperation of the environmental factors appeared to have an effect on the level of service continuity. It was hoped that the results would enable us to explore how factors related to a network had an effect on the service continuity, the number of network organizations and clients referral network continuity, and they appeared to have an effect on the service continuity.

      • 네트워크 마케팅의 국민경제 효과에 관한 연구

        김정식(Kim Jeong-Sik),서윤(Seo Yoon) 조선대학교 지식경영연구원 2002 지역개발연구 Vol.7 No.2

        Network marketing is a system in which consumers having experienced using a product of a company become a salesperson for the product as well. It is through Network Marketing that many people sell products through organizations. which build up these networks. In the future. the relationship between manufacturers and consumers will be closer through direct and effective route with a spread of new media. Also, Network Marketing will expand as we pursue speed and convenience. Network Marketing gives people the power to judge products themselves and make profits with little cost to themselves. For this, both of manufacturers and consumers need to understand Network Marketing. Also our society must make reasonable laws to allow Network Marketing to flourish so society can reap the benefits of Network Marketing.

      • KCI우수등재

        투어리스티피케이션 현상 분석을 통한 관광 기반 도시재생 대응방안 논의

        강영은(Kang, Youngeun),박성은(Park, Soung Eun),서윤(Seo, Yoon) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2018 國土計劃 Vol.53 No.4

        Recently, as a result of tourists attracted by urban regeneration project, there has been a need to raise concerns about the coexistence of local residents and tourists, and countermeasures from Touristification, a negative phenomenon that causes inconvenience to local residents. This study suggests a countermeasure to minimize Touristification through the Delphi survey for residents as well as experts of Gamcheon Culture Village and Huinyeoul Culture Village, which are known as two main representations of Busan’s Touristification. When comparing the level of severity of the residents’ organization and the experts, there was a difference of recognition between the two groups, which comes from the idea that experts have made judgements based on indirect experience. Experts also tended to evaluate the village’s problems more seriously in all items compared to the residents’ organization. 11 problem indexes were identified as the damaging problems of the residents. Based on the Delphi survey, ‘Critical’, ‘Considering’, and ‘Selective’ elements were divided for suggesting urban regeneration planning by public-private partnership. The critical elements to consider were ’Parking problem’, ‘Invasion of living right’, ‘Road congestion’, and ‘Increased noise’. In addition to above, ‘Fly-tipping’, ‘Increase in unauthorized photography’, ‘Increase in rental price’ and etc. were pointed out. This is an exploratory study that suggests the implications regarding elements and policies to consider in early stage of urban regeneration planning.

      • 노인의 의료부양체계에 관한 연구

        서윤 圓光大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.29 No.1

        This thesis is to recognize today's problems about medical system for the elderly. Illness is the most problematic thing of elderly life. The purpose of the thesis is to find a desirable medical system for the elderly. In the process of aging, physical and a mental ability weakening goes to a health weakening, which results in chronic illness and causes medical service using. With addition of a medical service using, expended medical expenses occupy a big portion in a expenditure structure of the elderly. So their financial situation is deteriorated and, in return, their medical utilization rate will be suppressed. Increasing age, the elderly who are able to move well increase. Family structure has been changed to nuclear family. So intimate support from family for them is been reducing step by step. The matter of the support for the elderly occupies a big state, but our social system is not ready for the medical support system. This is our truth up to date. The elderly who are not able to move well, difficulty of approaching medical facilities prevents them from using medical services. This situation is related with their health. Thus, we can say that illnesses and the medical support system are very important factors which make the elderly life more active. First, this thesis looks into the elderly's health and illnesses. Then, as their medical problems, the thesis focuses on medical expenses, medical facilities approaching, and the supporting system for the elderly who are not able to move well. Also, the thesis points out problems of medical insurance system, medical care, diagnosis service and the elderly recuperation system. At last, the thesis suggests desirable programs of medical support system.

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