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        Beyond Structural Marxist Debate over the Class “Boundary Problem” : Bringing Agency into Class Analysis

        서두원 한국사회학회 2011 韓國社會學 Vol.45 No.3

        Twentieth-century Marxist scholars advanced highly sophisticated theories of class structure and debated class boundaries. The dispute centered on the class location of burgeoning whitecollar workers and their relationship with other classes—the so-called boundary problem. Membership heterogeneity and ideological variance among white-collar workers rendered the polemic over the boundary problem intricate, but their numerical increase and political significance made the debate important and controversial. This paper contends that the deterministic and reductionist bias of structural Marxist analysis of the boundary problem is liable to infer that class structure leads to class struggle and class consciousness because it views class as a structural derivative. Conceiving of class as being historically formed and collectively constructed instead, I suggest bringing agency into class analysis by incorporating social movement theories and blending synchronic and diachronic approaches. This type of analysis can be used to elaborate the detailed processes of class consciousness construction and class struggle mobilization—class formation—which predates class structuration.

      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터네트워크 실습 교과목을 위한 PBL 교수학습모형의 설계와 구현

        서두원 한국공학교육학회 2009 공학교육연구 Vol.12 No.1

        본 논문에서는 컴퓨터네트워크 실습 교과목을 대상으로 한 전문대학 학습자에 적합한 PBL 교수 학습 모형의 설계 및 구현을 다룬다. 설계된 교수학습 모형은 대덕대학 2학년 학생들을 대상으로 진행하였다. PBL 수업에 참여한 학생들은 PBL 학습을 통해 문제 체계적으로 진행된 수업에 대한 만족을 나타냈으며 과제 해결을 위해 자료와 도구를 적절히 이용하는 능력을 향상시켰으며 협동학습을 통해 더 많은 것을 배울 수 있었다. 이를 학습자의 수업평가 결과를 통해 확인하였다. This paper deals with the design and implementation of PBL for the computer network practice to improve learner's learning ability. This design is for college students whose learning ability is low. I implemented the CNC-PBL in a class of second year students at Daeduk college. The result of the experiment showed that the CNC-PBL facilitated learner's self-directed learning process.

      • Ba 첨가에 의한 알루미나의 열 안정화 효과

        서두원,한문희,이채현,Seo, Doo-Won,Han, Moon-Hee,Lee, Chae-Hyun 배재대학교 공학연구소 1997 공학논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        촉매연소용 촉매담체인 $\gamma$-$Al_2O_3$의 열안정화에 미치는 Ba의 첨가 효과에 대하여 연구하였다. Ba의 첨가는 $Ba(No_3)_3$.$6H_2O$를 $\gamma$-$Al_2O_3$ 분말에 wet impergnation시키는 방법으로 행하였다. Ba는 $\gamma$-$Al_2O_3$의 소결을 억제함으로써 $\gamma$-$Al_2O_3$의 열안정화에 효과적인 첨가제임을 확인하였으며 최적의 첨가량은 전체 열처리 조건에서 5 mol%임을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 Ba첨가에 의한 열안정화 효과는 이온반경이 큰 $Ba^{2+}$이온이 $\Al^{3+}$이온의 자리에 치환하여 $\Al^{3+}$이온의 표면 확산을 억제하는 효과에서 기인하는 것으로 사료된다. The effect of Ba addition on the thermal stabilization of $\gamma$-$Al_2O_3$ powders were studied. Ba additive was introduced into $\gamma$-$Al_2O_3$ powders by wet impregnation of $Ba(No_3)_3$.$6H_2O$. Ba additive was proved to be effective on the thermal stabilization of $\gamma$-$Al_2O_3$ powders by suppression of sintering. The optimum content of Ba was determined by 5 mol%, through the calcinations temperature range. It is suggested that the main reason of thermal stabilizaton is the substitution effect of large $Ba^{2+}$ ions into the $\Al^{3+}$ sites, which suppressed the surface diffusion of $\Al^{3+}$ ions.

      • KCI등재

        Korean NGOs in Historicizing Foreign Affairs and Decmocratizing Foreign Policies: Agenda Setting and Discourse Framing in the Dokdo/Takeshima Conflict between Korea and Japan, 2005~2008

        서두원,앤드류 링크하트 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2011 국제관계연구 Vol.16 No.2

        While noting the importance of international economic and domestic political factors in the origins and development of the dispute between Japan and Korea over the ownership of Dokdo (called Takeshima by Japan), this paper analyzes the impact of Korean civil society on the conflict and identifies nongovernmental organizations and civic groups as critical agents of change in government policymaking and implementation. The paper focuses on: (1) the protests and demonstrations organized by civil society groups, (2) the language and discourse those groups use in official statements to the government and to the public, and (3) their interaction —both conflictive and cooperative —with political parties and the government. It is a chronological analysis that covers the period 2005-2008, during which there emerged a conspicuous shift in government posture and policy towards the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute by virtue of NGOs’ role in sensitizing the public to the issue, historicizing the state’s agenda, and democratizing the government’s foreign policies.

      • 신사회운동의 제도화와 민주주의의 발전 : 이론과 쟁점 Theories and Debates

        서두원 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2000 한국사회과학 Vol.22 No.1

        20세기 후반 오랫동안 지속되어오던 권위주의체제의 붕괴는 제3세계에서 신사회 운동의 성장을 촉발시켰으며, 이것은 신사회 운동이 민주주의에 미치는 영향에 대한 학문적 관심을 증대 시켰다.본 논문은 이미 출간된 2차 자료를 토대로 북남미와 유럽의 다양한 신사회 운동의 경험을 비교, 역사적 접근방식에 따라 분석한다.기존 사회 운동론 연구는 난해한 이론적, 방법론적 어려움에 직면하고 있다.국가간에 존재하는 역사적, 사회적 조건의 명확한 차이로 인해 운동의 결과에 대한 분석은 다양하고, 때로는 상반된 평가를 도출해냈다.그럼에도 불구하고 본 논문은 운동의 제도화가 국가의 정책결정과정에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 제도적 통로를 확보하고 체제 내의 개혁적 정치 세력들과의 정치적 연대를 가능하게 해준다는 점에서 민주주의 공고화와 발전에 기여하는 중요한 정치적 과정이라는 사실을 밝혀낸다.운동의 제도화하는 운동조직의 특정한 성격과 유리한 정치적 기회구조의 융합의 결과로 나타나는 역사적 산물이다.그러나 운동의 제도화가 항상 민주주의를 발전시키는 것은 아니다.운동조직의 분명한 집단정체성과 국가권력으로부터의 독자성을 유지하는 내적 조건과 국가의 성격이 다소 개방적이고 민주적 정당이 체제 내에서 확고한 세력을 유지하는 외적 조건이 결합되는 상황 하에서만 제도화에 의한 민주주의 발전이 가능하다. As the end of long-fending authoritarianism in the late twentieth century provoked the global growth of new social movements in the Third-World, scholar have increasingly been attentive to how new social movement matter for democratic progress. Based on secondary sources, I analyze with comparative/historical perspective numerous cases of new social movements in North and South Americas and Europe and their impact on democracy. Despite daunting theoretical and methodological problems of studying movement outcomes and disparate historical and social con(litions producing diverse, contending views of movement effects, my research confirms that institutionalization of movements is a major, though not sole, mechanism for consolidating and advancing democracy as it acquires an institutional route to influece state policy-making and allows movement groups to forge political alliance with reformist power elites within polity. Movement institutionalization if facilitated only under specific juncture in which particular characters of movement organization blend with favorable political opportunities, of which traits are much variant by time and context Yet movement institutionalization promotes democracy as long as social movement organization maintains identity and autonomy vis-a-vis state power, state is open, and democratic parties sustain a stronghold inside the government.

      • KCI등재

        Civil Society in Political Democratization: Social Movement Impacts and Institutional Politics

        서두원 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2006 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.35 No.2

        The end of long-standing authoritarianism in the late twentieth century provoked a global resurgence of civil society in the Third World that has driven scholars increasingly to ask how revitalized social movements impact democratic progress. Despite daunting theoretical and methodological problems in studying movement outcomes, and disparate historical and social conditions producing institutionalization of movements is a major, though not sole, mechanism for consolidating and advancing democracy. It provides an institutional route to influence state policymaking and allows movement groups to forge political alliances with reformist power elites withinpolity. Movement institutionalization requires a particular melding of movement organization characteristics and promotes democracy as long as the socialmovement organization maintains its identity and autonomy visvis state power, the state is open, and democratic parties enjoy influence within government. This article ascertains the assets and liabilities of previous research on the causal relationship between social n and suggests possibilities for future research, but acknowledges that great theoretical, methodological, and empirical challenges remain. The end of long-standing authoritarianism in the late twentieth century provoked a global resurgence of civil society in the Third World that has drivenscholars increasingly to ask how revitalized social movements impact democraticprogress. Despite daunting theoretical and methodological problems in studyingmovement outcomes, and disparate historical and social conditions producinginstitutionalization of movements is a major, though not sole, mechanism forconsolidating and advancing democracy. It provides an institutional route toinfluence state policymaking and allows movement groups to forge politicalalliances with reformist power elites withinpolity. Movement institutionalizationrequires a particular melding of movement organization characteristics andpromotes democracy as long as the socialmovement organization maintains itsidentity and autonomy visvis state power, the state is open, and democraticparties enjoy influence within government. This article ascertains the assets andliabilities of previous research on the causal relationship between socialn and suggests possibilities for futureresearch, but acknowledges that great theoretical, methodological, and empiricalchallenges remain.

      • KCI등재

        젠더 제도화의 결과와 한국 여성운동의 동학

        서두원(Suh, Doowon) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2012 亞細亞硏究 Vol.55 No.1

        Since the late 1990s, research on social movement outcomes has proliferated. Most studies have focused on policy outcomes, but other structural, organizational, and biographical consequences have also been identified. A still underexplored domain is the impact of unintended consequences on movement dynamics. Social movements do not always produce the outcomes that they intended, and these unintended consequences can influence movement dynamics in unexpected but significant ways. In this case study of the Korean women’s movement, I find that(1) collective actors tend to respond more quickly when they are faced with outcomes that differ from their original plans or intentions; as a consequence they choose or are forced to modify their organizational infrastructures, which in turn shifts the movement’s dynamics;(2) the impact of unintended consequences is mediated by collective actors’ framing, and subjectively evaluated(not objectively judged) collective action outcomes are pertinent to movement dynamics; and(3) when unintended consequences are viewed negatively they sometimes provide momentum for movement revitalization.

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