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        김지선의 미디어 퍼포먼스 <슬픔의 집>에 나타난 메타연극성

        백인경 한국현대영미드라마학회 2022 현대영미드라마 Vol.35 No.3

        The House of Sorrow is a digital game-based performance piece that stages a video game as the platform to stage themes of memory, thoughts, and their transformations through streaming. This piece is takes the form of a metagame that deals with game within a game, as it employs the artist-created game contents as its central narrative element and welcomes the audience to a virtual theater on a Minecraft map. Yet, from a different point of view, The House of Sorrow simulates stage and theater through the double structure of the game that stages both the diegetic narrative space and the non-diegetic empirical environment. In this context, the argument of this study is that the aesthetic dimension of this piece is noticeable through the apparatus and grammar of theater. This paper thus posits The House of Sorrow as a performing art and investigates the dramatic function of the game-narrative and the staging characteristics of the game-streaming in order to examine the heterogeneous space that unfolds between the performance and digital media. The game “The House of Sorrow” as dramatic text has a self-reflexive and self-referential nature, but the meta-usage of this game operates through its relationship with another world via game-streaming. The game-streaming that mediates the virtuality of the game and the reality of the performance generates the theatrical structure of the performer’s role-playing and the spectators’ game-watching, so creating an interplayable environment for game-playing. Thus, The House of Sorrow appropriates the most trend in popular media culture and registers it within the context of theater, overlapping game and theater ― and what emerges amidst the double would be theater, or play in the most original sense.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Projection of Diabetes Prevalence in Korean Adults for the Year 2030 Using Risk Factors Identified from National Data

        백인경 대한당뇨병학회 2019 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.43 No.1

        Background: A number of studies have reported future prevalence estimates for diabetes mellitus (DM), but these studies have been limited for the Korean population. The present study aimed to construct a forecasting model that includes risk factors for type 2 DM using individual- and national-level data for Korean adults to produce prevalence estimates for the year 2030. Methods: Time series data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and national statistics from 2005 to 2013 were used. The study subjects were 13,908 male and 18,697 female adults aged 30 years or older who were free of liver cirrhosis. Stepwise logistic regression analysis was used to select significant factors associated with DM prevalence. Results: The results showed that survey year, age, sex, marital, educational, or occupational status, the presence of obesity or hypertension, smoking status, alcohol consumption, sleep duration, psychological distress or depression, and fertility rate significantly contributed to the 8-year trend in DM prevalence (P<0.05). Based on sex-specific forecasting models that included the above factors, DM prevalence for the year 2030 was predicted to be 29.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 27.6% to 30.8%) in men and 19.7% (95% CI, 18.2% to 21.2%) in women. Conclusion: The present study projected a two-fold increase in the prevalence of DM in 2030 compared with that for the years 2013 and 2014 in Korean adults. Modifiable factors contributing to this increase in DM prevalence, such as obesity, smoking, and psychological factors, may require attention in order to reduce national and individual costs associated with DM.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중등학교 가정과교사의 자격기준에 관한 연구

        백인경,왕석순 한국가정과교육학회 2009 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        This study attempts to extract the necessary criteria as a secondary school home economics teacher through the factor analysis, and to analysis the teacher's and student's perceptions for the requirement criteria of home economics teacher(RCHET) thereof to confirm the necessary criteria as a secondary school home economics teachers. This research was based on the requirement criteria of home economics teacher developed by Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation(KICE)․Korean Home Economics Education Association(2008)(KHEEA) collected from secondary, upper secondary school home economics teachers and students in Jeollabuk-do. RCHET encompasses the six areas : (1)'Expert of lesson related to evaluation', (2)'Efficient manager of diverse materials for study', (3)'Student advisor equipped with a teaching sense of duty and sound humanity', (4)'Curriculum expert equipped with a expertise knowledge', (5)'A fair and democratic schoolroom environment promoter', (6)'Career path counselling expert understanding student's characteristics and environments'. Through the factor analysis, six RCHET factors are more important to teachers than students. According to importance perception for RCHET, home economics teachers' qualification for minor․second subject and participation of training program showed similar differences statistically in all RCHET factors. Thus, effort for expertise improvement of teacher had important influence on expertise improvement of teacher. As a result of examining the differences from importance evaluation for RCHET, similar differences from frequence of home project, preference of home economics teacher, manual training and home economics score, interest of home economics showed statistically. 본 연구는 중등학교 가정과 교사에게 교사로서 필요한 자격을 실증적 자료 수집에 의한 통계적 검증 과정(주성분분석)을 통해 확인하여 제시하고, 교사와 학생이 가정과 교사의 자격기준 중 어떤 요인(자격기준)을 보다 중요하다고 인식하는지를 조사하여, 중등학교 가정과 교사에게 필요한 교사로서의 자격을 확인하는데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 주성분 분석 과정을 통하여 확인된 가정과 교사 자격기준은 ‘평가와 연계된 수업의 전문가’, ‘다양한 학습자원의 효과적인 관리자’, ‘교직 사명감과 건전한 인성을 가진 학생의 지원자’, ‘전문적 지식을 갖춘 교과 전문가’, ‘공정하며 민주적인 교실 환경 조성자’, ‘학생의 특성과 환경을 이해하는 진로 및 상담전문가’의 6가지로, 이러한 6개의 총 요인은 전체분산의 60.41%의 설명력을 나타냈다. 6가지 자격기준 모두를 가정과 교사가 학생보다 가정과교사에게 필요한 자격으로 보다 중요한 자격기준이라고 응답하였으나, 각 자격기준의 중요도의 순위는 동일하여서 교사나 학생집단 모두 ‘교직 사명감과 건전한 인성을 가진 학생의 지원자’영역을 가정교사의 가장 중요한 자격기준으로 인식하고 있었으며, 두 번째로 중요하다고 생각하는 자격기준은 ‘평가와 연계된 수업 전문가’영역으로 나타났다. 한편, 가정과 교사들은 남자교사보다는 여자교사가, 복수·부전공을 이수한 교사일수록, 또 교사연수에 참여한 횟수가 많은 교사일수록, 가정과 교사 자격기준의 6개 요인을 보다 중요하다고 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또 학생들은 가정 실습의 횟수가 많은 학생일수록, 또 가정 담당 교사를 좋아하는 학생일수록, 그리고 기술 ․ 가정 교과 성적이 높으며, 가정 영역에 대한 흥미도가 높은 학생일수록 가정과 교사자격기준의 6개 각 요인이 가정과 교사에게 중요하다고 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타나서, 학생의 교사 인식에는 가정과 수업에서의 실습, 교사 선호도, 교과에 대한 흥미도와 성취도 여부가 중요한 변인으로 규명되었다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        폐경기전후 여성에서 체지방량과 골밀도와의 관계

        백인경,최미숙,이종호,허갑범,이현철,임승길,이은직,안광진,정춘희,송영득,박석원,정윤석 대한내분비학회 1993 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.8 No.3

        The interrelationships between measurement of bone density and anthropometric variables includig body fat mass were examined in a cross-sectional study of normal healthy pre-, peri- and postmenopausal women. In addition we evaluated the relationship between the type of body fat distributionk estimated by abdominal computed tomography scan, and bone density in some subjects. The results were as follows. 1) Abdominal fat mass was somewhat higher in postmenopausal women in comparison to premenopausal women, although total body fat mass was not significantly different. 2) In premenopausal women, spinal bone density correlated positively with weight, BMI and fat mass, but only regression coefficient for fat mass was siginificant. 3) In postmenopausal women femoral bone density correlated with weight, height and LBM, but only regression coefficient for LBM was siginificant. Theses results suggest that fat mass have a greater effect on spinal bone density among premenopoausal women than among postmenopausal women. Therefore, there might be no more additive relationship of obesity on bone integrity after menopause have occurred, as expected earlier. (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 8:251~258, 1993)

      • 유아를 위한 다문화 교육연극 프로그램 개발 및 적용효과

        백인경 한국유아교육학회 2017 정기학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 유아를 위한 다문화 교육연극 프로그램을 개발하고, 이를 만 5세 유아에게 적용하여 그 효과를 검증하는 것이었다. 프로그램의 목적은 다양한 문화 속에서 더불어 살아가는 태도와 능력을 갖춘 유아를 양성하는 것으로, 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 문화의 다양성을 이해하고 존중하기, 긍정적 자아정체성, 집단정체성을 갖기, 평등의 가치를 알고 타인을 존중하는 태도를 갖기, 편견과 차별을 거부하고 대처하기, 다양한 사회구성원과 협력하며 조화롭게 지내기를 목표로 하여 문화의 다양성과 정체성, 평등 및 존중, 반편견, 협력의 다섯 가지 요소로 교육 내용이 구성되었다. 이러한 교육 내용은 도입단계와 다문화 인식 단계, 다문화 극적 체험단계, 다문화 인식 및 태도 명료화 단계의 교수학습 과정을 통해 구체화 되었다. 연구 결과 본 연구에서 개발한 프로그램은 만 5세 유아의 다문화 인식, 공감능력, 대인문제해결력에 긍정적적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타나 본 프로그램의 다문화교육 적합성과 교육연극이 다양한 유아교육에 적용될 수 있음을 시사하였다.

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