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      • KCI등재

        음운 변화에 대한 과도교정의 양상 고찰

        배영환(Bae, Young­hwan) 한국언어문학회 2017 한국언어문학 Vol.100 No.-

        The primary purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between phonological change in the Korean language and its hypercorrection. To this end, this study further clarified the idea of hypercorrection, conditions, scope, etc. which had been rather unclear so fareto explain the relationship between phonological change and hypercorrection. To test the idea, conditions, etc. the study extracted hypercorrection examples in the Korean central dialect and investigated in which pattern the hypercorrections appeared in the actual literature by setting it as its secondary purpose. To this end, examples were extracted and quantified centering on palatalization and labialization and their development patterns were discussed. As a result, the hypercorrections in Korean central dialect were limited to the phonological change delivered from regional dialects. In this study, hypercorrection was recognized when the phonological environments were identical between the phonological change input part and alternant output part. In addition to this, the study discussed the possibility of different hypercorrection patterns according to social prestige. In this type of transformation under social prestige, the study looked at regions, social classes and vocabulary types to investigate different realization of hypercorrections. The Korean central dialect, first of all, was regarded more prestigious than regional dialects. It was also found that the language reflecting the upper class, rather than the language reflecting the mid class; and Sino­Korean words, rather than the native words in terms of lexicon type; were more socially prestigious thus, showing different hypercorrection patterns. Lastly, it was discussed that hypercorrection immediately appeared from the moment of phonological change or its acceptance and hypercorrection also occurred during active phonological changes or near the completion stage.

      • KCI등재

        CIFER <sup>®</sup> 를 이용한 무인 헬리콥터의 동특성 분석 (III) - 전달함수 해석 -

        배영환,구영모,Bae, Yeong-Hwan,Koo, Young-Mo 한국농업기계학회 2012 바이오시스템공학 Vol.37 No.3

        Purpose: Aerial application of chemicals with an agricultural helicopter allows for precise and timely spraying and reduces working labor and pollution. An attitude controller for an agricultural helicopter would be helpful to aerial application operator. The objectives of this paper are to determine the transfer function models and to estimate the handling qualities of a bare-airframe model helicopter. Methods: Transfer functions of a model unmanned helicopter were estimated by using NAVFIT and DERIVID modules of the $CIFER^{(R)}$ program to the time history data of frequency sweep flight tests. Control inputs of the transfer functions were elevator, aileron, rudder and collective pitch stick positions and the outputs were resulting on-axis movements of the fuselage. Results: Minimum realization of the transfer functions for pitch rate output to elevator control input and roll rate output to aileron control input produced second order transfer functions with undamped natural frequencies around 3.0 Hz and damping ratios of 0.139 and 0.530, respectively. The equivalent time delays of the transfer functions ranged from 0.16 to 0.44 second. Sensitivity analysis of the proposed parameters allowed derivation of minimal realization of the transfer functions. Conclusions: Handling quality of the model helicopter was addressed based on the eigenvalues of the transfer functions, corresponding undamped natural frequencies with damping ratios. The equivalent time delays of the lateral-directional motion ranged from 0.16 to 0.44 second, longer than the 0.1 to 0.15 second requirement for well-controlled typical manned aerial vehicles.

      • KCI등재

        Antimicrobial and Deodorization Finishing of Soybean/Cotton Blended Fiber and Chitosan Finishing with Glyoxal

        배영환,김동은,이효진,김의화,정용식,홍영기,이승구,Bae, Young-Hwan,Kim, Dong-Eun,Lee, Hyo-Jin,Kim, Eui-Hwa,Jeong, Yong-Sik,Hong, Young-Ki,Lee, Seung-Goo 한국섬유공학회 2008 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        The soybean/cotton blended fabrics were treated with two different commercial finishing agents to enhance the antimicrobial and deodorization activity. Also, we used the polymeric chitosan for improving the antimicrobial functionality. A pad-dry-cure process was performed to endow those functionality to the soybean protein fabrics. The treated fabrics by finishing agents have significantly improved antimicrobial and deodorization activity. However the chitosan only treated fabrics show relatively low functionality. Thus, we used the glyoxal as a crosslinking agent to increase the adhesion between the fabric and chitosan. The chitosan treated fabrics with glyoxal have high antimicrobial and deodorization activities as well as improved durability.

      • KCI등재

        CIFER<sup>®</sup>를 이용한 무인 헬리콥터의 동특성 분석 (II) - 주파수 응답 해석 -

        배영환,구영모,Bae, Yeoung-Hwan,Koo, Young-Mo 한국농업기계학회 2011 바이오시스템공학 Vol.36 No.6

        The aerial application using an unmanned helicopter has been already utilized and an attitude controller would be developed to enhance the operational convenience and safety of the operator. For a preliminary study of designing flight controller, a state space model for an RC helicopter would be identified. Frequency sweep flight tests were performed and time history data were acquired in the previous study. In this study, frequency response of the flight test data of a small unmanned helicopter was analyzed by using the CIFER software. The time history flight data consisted of three replications each for collective pitch, aileron, elevator and rudder sweep inputs. A total of 36 frequency responses were obtained for the four control stick inputs and nine outputs including linear velocities and accelerations and angular velocities in 3-axis. The results showed coherence values higher than 0.6 for every primary control inputs and corresponding on-axis outputs for the frequency range from 0.07 to 4 Hz. Also the analysis of conditioned frequency response showed its effectiveness in evaluating cross coupling effects. Based on the results, the dynamic characteristics of the model helicopter can further be analyzed in terms of transfer functions and the undamped natural frequency and damping ratio of each critical mode.

      • KCI등재

        안과 전공의가 시행한 유리체내 주입술의 단기간 안전성 고찰

        배영환(Young Hwan Bae),김하경(Ha Kyoung Kim),배소현(So Hyun Bae),윤창기(Chang Ki Yoon),마대중(Dae Joong Ma) 대한안과학회 2021 대한안과학회지 Vol.62 No.11

        목적: 안과 전공의가 시행한 유리체내 주입술의 단기 안정성을 확인해보고자 한다. 대상과 방법: 2018년 1월부터 2020년 10월까지 본원에서 안과 전공의 및 망막 전문의에게 베바시주맙, 라니비주맙, 애플리버셉트 및 트리암시놀론 아세토나이드 유리체내 주입술을 처음으로 시행 받은 503명의 503안의 의무기록을 후향적으로 분석하였다. 결과: 총 503안 중 안과 전공의가 211안(전공의군), 망막 전문의가 292안(망막 전문의군)에 유리체내 주입술을 시행하였다. 두 군 간의 주사 전 임상양상의 차이는 원인 질환의 빈도를 제외하고 관찰되지 않았다. 안압상승은 전공의군에서 2안(0.95%), 망막 전문의군에서 5안(1.71%) 발생하였으나, 두 군 간의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 결막하 출혈은 전공의군에서 29안(13.74%), 망막 전문의군에서 32안(10.96%) 발생하였으나, 두 군 간의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 비감염성 안내염은 전공의군에서는 발생하지 않았고, 망막 전문의군에서 2안(0.68%) 발생하였으나, 두 군 간의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 감염성 안내염은 전공의군에서 2안(0.95%), 망막 전문의군에서 1안(0.34%) 발생하였으나, 두 군 간의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 두 군 모두에서 각막미란, 외상성 수정체 손상, 유리체출혈, 망막열공 및망막박리는 발생하지 않았다. 결론: 단기간의 안구 합병증의 발생 빈도를 평가하였을 때, 안과 전공의가 유리체내 주입술을 시행하여도 안전할 것으로 생각된다. Purpose: This study evaluated the short-term safety of resident-performed intravitreal injections. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 503 patients (503 eyes) treated for the first time in our hospital from January 2018 to October 2020 via intravitreal bevacizumab, ranibizumab, aflibercept, or triamcinolone acetonide injections by residents or retina specialists. In terms of short-term ophthalmic complications, patients were followed-up 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month after injection. Results: A total of 503 eyes of 503 patients were included. Intravitreal injections were given to 211 and 292 eyes by residents (the resident group) and retina specialists (the retina specialist group), respectively. There were no between-group differences in baseline characteristics except in terms of the indications for injection. Intraocular pressure elevation >5 mmHg occurred in two eyes (0.95%) in the resident group and five (1.71%) in the retina specialist group, but the difference was not statistically significant. Subconjunctival hemorrhage occurred in 29 eyes (13.74%) of the resident group and 32 eyes (10.96%) of the retina specialist group; again, the difference was not statistically significant. No case of noninfectious endophthalmitis occurred in the resident group but two (0.68%) cases occurred in the retina specialist group; again, the difference was not significant. There were two (0.95%) cases of infectious endophthalmitis in the resident group and one (0.34%) case in the retina specialist group; again, the difference was not significant. No corneal erosion, traumatic lens damage, vitreous hemorrhage, or retinal tearing or detachment were noted in either group. Conclusions: Resident-performed intravitreal injections appear to be safe.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선시대 언간 자료의 어휘적 특징 -언간 자료에 나타나는 특징적인 어휘를 중심으로-

        배영환 ( Bae Young Hwan ) 영주어문학회 2017 영주어문 Vol.35 No.-

        이 논문은 언간 자료의 어휘적 특징 가운데 `방언형의 사용`과 `언간 특이형`이라는 측면에 주목하여, 언간 자료에 나타나는 독특한 형태와 용법 등을 살펴본 것이다. 언간의 어휘 가운데 `방언형의 사용`은 특정 지역 편지에서만 집중적으로 나타나는 형태를 우선 살펴 보았고, `언간 특이형`은 여느 국어사 자료에서는 잘 나타나지 않는 형태를 중심으로 논의하였다. 현재까지 확인된 언간 자료는 지역적으로 서울·경기, 충청도, 경상도, 전라도로 나눌 수 있고, 계층적으로 왕실과 사대부 언간으로 나눌 수 있었다. 특히 언간 자료의 성격을 구어적 문어보다는 좀 더 문어에 가까운 것으로 보았다. 이러한 경향은 초기 자료보다는 19세기 자료에 좀 더 심화되는데, 이는 언간의 투식화와 관련이 있는 것으로 파악하였다. 언간 자료에서 확인되는 방언형에는 `□-, 알시롭-, 속그라□-, 언잔, 읏-, 으른, 읎-` 등을 중심으로 논의하였다. 언간 특이형 중에는 용언 가운데 `느긋□다/누긋□다, 속다, □모솝다/□모습다, □모□다, 흐운□다` 등의 출현 양상과 의미 등을 살펴보았다. 명사 중에는 `복모, 빛, 슬□지, 심, 타모, 보/부, 낫, 구, □, 직`등을 고찰하였다. 아울러 부사 중에는 `브경이/브경히, □심도, 훌텨` 등을 다루었다. 이러한 논의를 통해 언간 자료의 국어사적 가치가 좀 더 부각되고 국어 어휘사 연구에 일조할 것으로 기대한다. Regarding the lexical features of Eongan (vernacular letters) materials as the `use of dialect type` and `Eongan specific type`, this paper examined the unique forms and usage appearing in Eongan materials. First, we examined `use of dialect type` among Eongan`s vocabulary focusing on a form that appears intensively only in certain local letters and discussed `Eongan specific type` with a focus on a form that does not appear well in any Korean history materials. The Eongan materials that have been found so far could be divided into Seoul, Gyeonggi, Chungcheong-do, Gyeongsang-do, Jeolla-do regionally and into royal family and Ebonan hierarchically. Especially, the nature of Eongan materials was considered to be a little closer to written language than spoken written language. This tendency is more severe in the nineteenth century than in the early period, and it was identified to be related to Eongan`s standardization. We examined dialect types identified in the Eongan data materials with a focus on `□ -, 알시롭-, 속그라□-, 언잔, 읏-, 으른, 읎-` etc. Of predicate among Eongan specific types, we examined the appearance patterns and meaning of `느긋□다/누긋□다, 속다, □모솝다/□모 습다, □모□다, 흐운□다`. Among nouns, we reviewed `복모, 빛, 슬□지, 심, 타모, 보/부, 낫, 구, □, 직`. In addition, we discussed 브경이/브경히, □심도, 훌텨 among the adverbs.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 언간의 어휘 성격과 특수 어휘에 대한 고찰

        배영환(Young Hwan Bae) 한국어학회 2011 한국어학 Vol.51 No.-

        This study aims to examine the lexical characteristics of verbs found in vernacular script data of the Joseon Dynasty Period. The characteristics of verbs found in vernacular letters are studied, divided into three categories: ``root forms``, ``word forms proclaiming the character of meaning and usage``, and the case that forms in question cease to exist. Root form ``minmang``, which is one of the characteristics of vernacular letters, could be considered that it does not appear with ``hago``, ``hada``, ``han`` and so forth when it is restored to modern Korean. It is reasonable to see the form of repetition that duplicating marks come in as ``minmangminmang``. Verbs which have distinctive characteristics of meaning or usage are an example that is different from modern Korean in terms of collocation or relationship of the co-occurrence and the representative verbs are ``gulda``, ``beurida``, and so forth. Also, most of the forms found in only vernacular letters are generally adjectives that indicate emotions. Among them, typical examples are ``gumkeopda``. ``hehehada`` and so on. Studying these characteristics of verbs in vernacular letters is expected to help the study of the lexical history of Korean, particularly the history of verbs.

      • KCI등재후보

        '-코'말음 부사에 대하여

        배영환(Bae Young-hwan) 국어문학회 2010 국어문학 Vol.48 No.-

        이 글은 현대국어의 '결코'와 같은 '-코'말음 부사들의 형성 과정과 이들의 공통적인 특징을 논의한 것이다. '-코'말음 부사들은 형성의 결과만 존재하지 그 형성 과정이 명확히 드러나지 않았는데, 이들 각각이 어떠한 과정을 거쳐 현대국어에 이르렀는지 살펴보려는 것이다. '-코'말음 부사는 기원적으로 'X하고'의 통사적 구성이 축약되어 어휘화한 것이다. 이들 '-코'말음 부사의 선행어기는 한자어에서 기원하였고, 그 어기는 말음이 [+공명성]을 가진 어형인데, 이것은 '하-'의 수의적 축약 현상과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 그러나 이러한 조건을 만족하는 모든 'X하다' 동사가 '-코'말음 부사로 줄어드는 것이 아니므로 이들 '-코'말음 부사들만의 공통성은 찾기가 어렵다. '-코'말음 부사들은 그것에 대응하는 'X하다'가 현대국어에 존재하지 않는 경우가 있는데 '결하다, 기어하다, 잠자하다' 등이 이에 해당한다. 이들은 모두 이전 시기에는 'X하다' 형식이 존재하였고, 그것의 활용형 'X코'가 어휘화한 것이다. '-코'말음 부사들은 그 어기만으로도 부사로 기능하는 것이 많은데, 그 어기에 비해 '강조'의 뜻을 가지고 있다. 또, '-코'말음 부사들은 19세기 전후에 대체로 어휘화를 겪어 형성된다. '-코'말음 부사의 형성 환경은 'X하다'가 선행하는 논항과 긴밀하게 연결되어 서술어로서의 역할을 충분히 가질 때는 'X코'로 축약되지 않고, 선행하는 논항과 긴밀하지 못하여 서술어로서의 기능이 약화되었을 때 축약되고, 그 후에 어휘화를 겪은 것으로 판단된다. 그러므로 대체로 동사가 단독적일 때가 아닌 여러 합성 형식에서 어휘화가 잘 이루어진다. This article discussed the formation and the common characteristics of '-ko(코)' final adverb like 'gyeolko(결코)' in modern Korean. The '-ko' final adverbs have only the result of their formation, but not the process of their formation. This article tried to find through which process each of the adverbs has reached modern Korean. Originally the '-ko' final adverb was contracted and lexicalized from the syntactic constructions of 'X하고' The preceding base of these '-ko' final adverbs originated from Chinese character, and the word form of base has the [+sonorant] at ending word that is closely related with the optional contraction of 'ha-'. However, as all 'X하다' verbs that satisfy these conditions do not reduce to '-ko' final adverb, it is hard to find the community of those '-ko' final adverbs. In some cases, '-ko' final adverbs do not have a corresponding 'X하다' in modern Korean as 'gyeolhada(결하다), gieohada(기어하다), jamjahada(잠자하다)' etc. All of these words had the form of 'X하다' before and were lexicalized from their conjugated form 'X코'. There are lots of '-ko' final adverbs that perform the function of adverb with only their base, having the meaning of 'emphasis' compared to their base. The '-ko' final adverbs, in general, were formed through lexicalization before and after the 19th century. As for the environment of formation of '-ko' final adverb, it is judged that 'X하다' did not reduce to 'X코' when it played the role of predicate by being closely related with the preceding arguments, it did reduce when its role as predicate was weakened by not being closely related with the preceding arguments, before undergoing the lexicalization. Therefore the lexicalization is well conducted not in an independent verb, but in a synthetic verb.

      • KCI등재

        학교 문법에서의 "동화"와 "모음동화"의 처리에 대한 비판적 고찰 -특히, "활음 첨가", "모음조화"의 기술을 중심으로-

        배영환 ( Young Hwan Bae ) 한민족어문학회 2012 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.62

        이 논문은 학교 문법의 음운의 변동 단원에서 기술하고 있는 ‘동화’와 동화의 하위내용인 ‘모음동화’ 중 ‘활음 첨가’와 ‘모음조화’의 처리에 대해 비판적으로 고찰한 것이다. 먼저 학교 문법에서 음운 동화의 일종으로 제시된 ‘동화’는 한 음운이 다른 음운으로 바뀐다는 점에서 ‘교체’의 일종이므로 교체와 대등하게 기술될 내용은 아니다. ‘동화’와 ‘교체, 탈락, 첨가, 축약’은 기준이 다른 음운의 변동의 모습이다. 그런 점에서 음운 변동 양상인 ‘교체, 탈락, 첨가, 축약’을 기술하고 ‘교체’의 하위분류로 ‘동화’를 설명하는 것이 체계적인 기술이 될 수 있다. 그러나 현행 개정 『국어』 교과서 16종 중 이러한 체계를 따른 것은 불과 3종에 지나지 않았다. 그리고 학교 문법의 모음 동화 중 ‘이-순행동화’와 ‘모음조화’는 음운 변동의 양상을 살펴보면 ‘동화’라 보기 어렵다. 특히 ‘이-순행동화’는 <표준 발음>, 『표준국어대사전』, 학교 문법 등의 기술 내용이 일치하지 않는 것도 문제로 지적될 수 있다. 또, 이는 두 음운 연쇄에 반모음 ‘ㅣ’가 첨가된 것이기 때문에 ‘동화’가 아니라 ‘음운 첨가’에 해당된다. 그러므로 음운 동화에서 다룰 내용이 아니고 음운의 ‘첨가’ 속에서 다루어야 한다. ‘모음조화’의 경우는 양성모음과 음성모음을 각각 분류할 수 있는 음성학적, 음운론적 자질이 존재하지 않는다. 혹, [양성성]이라는 자질을 만들 수도 있으나 그것이 의미하는 바가 모호하고 무엇보다 그것이 음운의 동화에 어떻게 관여하는 지 알 수 없다. 또 현대국어에서는 음성모음화에 의해 모음조화가 위축되었으므로 더 이상 모음조화는 동화로 볼 수 없다. This is a critical study of "assimilation" as well as "vowel assimilation" which is the subordinate concept of assimilation described in the phoneme change unit of the school grammar. While the contents of school grammar do not necessarily have to match that of scientific grammar, this study dealt with "assimilation" and "vowel assimilation" under the premise that the description of school grammar must be logical based on academic grammar and uniform standard in order not to cause confusion for learners. First, the "assimilation" suggested as a phonological assimilation in the school grammar is a type of "alteration" as one phoneme turns into a nother that it shall not be described equally with alteration. "Assimilation", "alteration", "deletion", "insertion", and "contraction" are the phonological changes of different standards that it would make the description more systematic if the phonological changes such as alteration, deletion, insertion, and contraction are described first and then "assimilation" is described as a subordinate concept of "alteration." Also, descriptions in <Standard Pronunciation>, <Korean Dictionary>, and school grammar about ``i-progressive assimilation`` do not match each other. Furthermore, this is rather "phonological insertion" as the semivowel, "i", is added to two phonological strings. This shall not be dealt with in the area of phonological assimilation but in the area of phonological ``insertion.`` Finally, the vowel harmony that the school grammar treats as a type of vowel assimilation does not have phonetical and phonological features to classify bright vowel and dark vowel. Perhaps, brightness and darkness can be created but their meanings are ambiguous, and above all it is unclear how it is involved with the assimilation of phoneme. Since vowel harmony is contracted by dark vowel in modern Korean, vowel harmony can no longer be considered as assimilation.

      • KCI등재

        顯宗의 한글 편지에 나타난 자기 지칭어 ‘신’에 대하여

        배영환(Bae Young-Hwan) 국어국문학회 2009 국어국문학 Vol.- No.153

        This paper aims to investigate what the self-designation word. "Sin" used in the King Hyeonjong' Korean Letters in Choseon Peoriod means and what kinds of self-designation words for kings there were. Among the Korean Letters written by King Hyeongiong, twelve letters have been passed down to the present, and some of them were found in "Sukmyeongslnhancheop", "Sukwisinhancheop" and the relics of Princess Myeongan. The word "Sin" was used in one of King Hyeongjong's Korean Letters to designate the king himself in front of the kings grandmother. This letter must have been written by King Hyeongjong himself, compared with his other letters. The word "Sin" can mean a Chinese character '臣' or '身', but it means '臣' in the letter. A king could call himself as 'Sin' in front of the former king' wife. This is because he should treat the former king's wife equally with the former king according to the Joseon Dynasty's etiquette. '臣' and '小子' (Soja) were mainly used by kings to designate himself in front of the former kings' wife in the True Record, '臣', which is mainly found in 'Chaekmun", is an expression showing the relationship between sovereign and subject and was used in an official and formal situation. '小子', which is an expression showing kinship, was used without special limitations and is colloquial. Because '臣' is an expression showing the relationship between sovereign and subject, it is an expression to treat the former kings wife with the highest respect. During the later period of the Joseon Dynasty, the kings self-designation word '臣' became hard to find gradually, and instead, '小子', which is colloquial, was more widely used.

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