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      • KCI등재

        외사시를 동반한 물무뇌증 1예

        박채린,김남주,최병세,황정민,Chaerin Park,Nam Ju Kim,Byung Se Choi,Jeong-Min Hwang 대한안과학회 2010 대한안과학회지 Vol.51 No.7

        Purpose: To report a large-angle exotropia, limited adduction, epiblepharon, high myopia and no pupillary light reflex in a patient with hydranencephaly. Case summary: A ten-year-old girl with mental retardation presented with exotropia. The patient could fix only with the right eye and was unable to follow with either eye. The Krimsky test revealed 95 prism diopters of exotropia, and adduction was severely limited in both eyes. Pupillary light reflex was absent in both eyes. Cycloplegic refraction showed high myopia in both eyes. Slit lamp examination revealed lower lid epiblepharon and inferior corneal opacity in the right eye. No abnormal findings in the fundus examination were detected. A computed tomogram of the brain showed that the cerebral hemispheres were replaced by a cystic space filled with cerebrospinal fluid, compatible with hydranencephaly. Recession of the lateral rectus muscle and resection of the medial rectus muscle with epiblepharon repair of the lower lid were performed in both eyes. One week postoperatively, the epiblepharon was corrected, and the Krimsky test showed 16 prism diopters of left intermittent exotropia at near. Conclusions: When a combined manifestation of mental retardation, limited adduction, no pupillary light reflex and a large-angle exotropia is present, the possibility of a congenital developmental anomaly of the central nervous system including hydranencephaly should be suspected.

      • KCI등재

        조지 포크가 경험한 1884년 조선의 음식문화

        박채린 한국식생활문화학회 2020 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.35 No.2

        This research is the first known to introduce and analyze food-related content among the records left by George Clayton Foulk (1856-1893), a naval attaché dispatched as part of a U.S. delegation to Korea during the Joseon dynasty in the 19th century. Sketches and memos by Foulk provide important clues in understanding the food culture during the late Joseon dynasty. By analyzing the types of foods, table composition, and intervals between serving the nine rounds of food from the rural government office, which Foulk ate during his local trip, he was able to confirm that there was a starter (‘preliminary table’ or ‘hors d’oeuvre’) before the main table and that it was served before the main dish.

      • KCI등재

        베지테리언 음식으로서 한식의 가치와 개념 정립을 위한 제언- 채식주의 운동의 역사적 전개과정을 중심으로 -

        박채린 한국식생활문화학회 2022 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.37 No.6

        This article defines the characteristics of Korean vegetarianism by tracing the changes in the core motives revealed in thehistorical development of the vegetarian movement that started in the West. We further explore and compare the limitationsof the vegetarian movement conceived in the West with the essential values, ‘How can Korean vegetarian culture gain theupper hand?’. Our results indicate that the sequential changes of the motives inherent to the flow of the modern vegetarianmovement were <religious-philosophy>, <political-society>, and <healthy-nutrition>. This settled the transition from‘vegetarianism as an ideological form’ to ‘vegetarianism as a lifestyle’, making it a more becoming way of life. However,along with the spread of ‘vegetarian lifestyle as a form of life’, commercial vegetarianism, which overshadows the essentialvalue of vegetarianism, continued to flourish due to the modern capitalist industrial system. To curb commercialization, thenecessity arose to establish a new vegetarian diet with a propensity towards an ‘ecological-environmental point of view’. Thus, in order to establish the term and concept of a vegetarian diet for Korean vegetarian characteristics, we propose theformation of a vegetarian term and concept suitable for the Korean vegetarian culture.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 한시(漢詩)에 나타난 전통음식문화 연구 -김려의 <만선와잉고(萬蟬窩賸藁)> 중 김치 소재 열매채소 시를 중심으로-

        박채린 국립민속박물관 2018 민속학연구 Vol.0 No.42

        This study aims to summarize fruit vegetables as kimchi materials including eggplants, white gourd, and cucumber among food materials and food-related contents described in Manseonwainggo written by Kim Ryeo (1766-1821). In addition, it is to compare and analyze them with recipes and food-related records described in other cookbooks and documents in the same period. This is for examining the significance and characteristics in terms of food history and cooking history study of the food-related records in the literature works of the late Joseon Dynasty to summarize and contemplate the value of the Chinese poetry in the Joseon Dynasty, shown therein for food study. Furthermore, this study does not provide just description and recipes intented in previous food studies for old literature works, but an expansion of objects, scope and extension of viewpoint for the study by combining natural science with the humanities to present a new methodology for food study in more diverse manner and detail. Previous studies for traditional food culture have focused on recipe description and story telling with old cookbooks because of difficulties in access to the data and interpretation of it. To address these issues, this study describes the Chinese poetry and other records in addition to cookbooks, and conduct multi-dimensional analysis and consideration. The description is for summarizing the Chinese poetry and other records in addition to cookbooks to provide multi-dimensional analysis and consideration to know the overall dietary culture at the time, for example, cultivation and harvesting of materials, food consumption areas and circumstances, folklore factors at the time, feeling and sentiment of people contemporary with authors. This is a scientific study describing food culture about using vegetables in the Joseon Dynasty in records shown in other Chinese poetry and collection thereof than cookbooks. The significance of this study is to suggest and attempt a new method for studying food culture by multi-dimensional examination through combination of methods including details belonging to natural science and humanities areas for food. The results of diverse and multi-dimensional examination described above can be useful for the industry and scientifically. For example, development of traditional food culture contents can enrich the resources useful for reproduction and as historical evidence. As the white watery eggplant was identified as a raw material for seokbakji, it is useful where used for reproduction and exhibition of traditional food. On the contrary, the auxiliary data can be significant as the resources related to food contents with stories by verifying the type of foods mentioned in the poems through cookbooks, farming books and pictures. It is because the Chinese poetry, farming books, cookbooks in text and pictures as image resources can be integrated into the reproduced food. Because the main production area of white gourd seokbakji is mentioned, it can be used as local tourism contents. The information about the village Maeup known well for seokbakji kimchi and white gourd seokbakji based on white watery eggplants in the late Joseon Dynasty was identified, but it is hard to find the information through other cookbooks and farming books. Moreover, it is identified how much the cucumber and the white gourd as various raw materials, for example, Tang(湯), Jeon(煎), and Jeok(炙) in addition to kimchi, was used in the classical scholars’diet. 본 연구는 김려(1766-1821)의 만선와잉고(萬蟬窩賸藁)에 나오는 여러 식재료와 음식 관련내용들 중 김치 재료로 사용 된 열매채소류(果菜類) 가지, 동아, 외를 발췌, 정리한 후 동시대의 조리서 및 기타 문헌들에 나오는 조리법 및 음식 관련 기록들과 비교 분석함으로써 조선 후기 문학작품 속 음식관련 기록들의 음식사적, 조리학적 의미와 특징 등을 살펴보고 이를 통하여 조선시대 한시들이 갖는 음식학적 가치를 찾아 정리 및 고찰 한 것이다. 아울러서, 기존의 고문헌을 대상으로 한 음식 연구 방법들이 지니고 있었던 단순한 자료의 정리 및 조리법 탐색이라는 한계를 벗어나 자연과학과 인문학의 융복합적 차원에서의 연구대상 및 범위의 확장과 관점의 확대를 통해 좀 더 깊이 있고 다양하며 세밀하게 음식학을 연구하는 새로운 방법론도 제시하였다. 기존의 전통시대 음식문화 연구들은 자료의 접근과 해석의 어려움으로 인해 고조리서 중심의 조리법 정리와 스토리 기술 등에 치중되었던 한계가 있었다. 이러한 문제의 극복을 위하여 본 연구에서는 재료의 재배와 확보. 취식 장소와 상황, 당대의 민속적 요소 등은 물론 작자와 동시대 사람들의 느낌과 감상 등 당시의 식생활문화 전체의 맥락을 파악하고자 조리서 외에 한시와 기타의 기록물들을 찾아 정리하고 다차원적인 분석과 고찰을 실시하였다. 조리서가 아닌 한시와 문집의 기록을 통해 조선시대 채소류의 이용과 관련 된 음식문화를 정리한 학술연구 작업인 것이다. 이 연구가 지닌 의의는 음식의 자연과학적 영역과 인문학적 영역에 속하는 내용은 물론 연구방법론의 융합을 통한 다차원적 연구라는 새로운 음식문화 연구방법론을 제시하고 시도했다는 점이다. 이렇게 다양한 영역 다차원적인 연구의 결과물들은 학문적으로는 물론 산업적으로도 매우 유용하게 활용 될 수 있다. 예를 들면 전통 식생활문화 콘텐츠 개발 시 재현과 고증에 활용할 수 있는 자원이 더 풍부해 질 수 있는데, 가지의 경우 흰색물가지가 섞박지의 식재료였다는 사실을확인함에 따라 전통음식 재현과 전시 활용 시 유용하며, 반대로 詩에 언급된 음식이 어떤 형태였는지 조리서나 농서, 그림 등을 통해 검증함으로써 보조 자료들 자체가 풍부한 스토리를 지닌 음식콘텐츠 자원으로 의미를 지니게 된다. 텍스트로서 한시와 농서, 조리서, 그리고 이미지 자원으로는 그림과 재현 음식이 접목될 수 있기 때문이다. 동아섞박지의 경우 명산지가 언급되어 있어지역 관광콘텐츠로 활용가치도 있다 본 연구를 통해 조리서와 농서를 통해서는 파악하기 어려웠던 조선후기 흰색의 물가지를 주원료로 한 섞박지김치, 동아섞박지로 이름나 있던 마읍(馬邑)이라는 고장에 대한 정보를 확인할 수 있었다. 더불어 김치 외에 탕, 전, 적 등 다양한 조리재료로 활용되었던 동아와 오이가 선비들의 식생활에서 어떤 비중을 차지하고 있었는지 정황도 파악할 수있었다.

      • KCI등재

        「주초침저방(酒醋沈菹方)」에 수록된 조선 전기(前期) 김치 제법 연구 - 현전 최초 젓갈김치 기록 내용과 가치를 중심으로 -

        박채린,권용민,Park, Chae-Lin,Kwon, Yong-min 한국식생활문화학회 2017 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.32 No.5

        This study aims to examine the contents of "Juchochimjeobang", a cookbook about Jeotgal kimchi, and review its value in the history. This cookbook was published between about 1500s and early 1600s, and its book title is unknown because both the front and the back covers thereof are missing. However, the cookbook contains many wine and kimchi recipes, accounting for 66%, and "Juchochimjeobang" was thus named after the recipes. "Juchochimjeobang" has 126 recipes in 120 categories, and this study examines 20 kimchi recipes and 7 recipes for preserving vegetables. "Juchochimjeobang" has a specific recipe for making Jahajeot and Baekajeot kimchi which are described in literature published between 1400s and 1500s. Although the recipes for making the aforementioned two types of Jeotgal kimchi are simple because jeotgal is just mixed with main materials, they are different from the recipe for Seokbakji described in Gyuhapchongseo, a cookbook written in the 19th-century Joseon Dynasty. Seokbakji described in Gyuhapchongseo is made by mixing spices of ginger, spring onion, chili powder with other materials. This implies changes of making Seokbakji over time. Moreover, "Juchochimjeobang" is a very valuable historical cookbook because it has unique recipes, for example, adding sesame liquid, chinese pepper, willow and the like.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Weight Stress on Weight Control Behavior in Adult Women after Post-COVID-19

        박채린,김현경,김다현,한채정 한국비교정부학회 2022 한국비교정부학보 Vol.26 No.3

        (Purpose) This research analyzed the effect of the post-COVID-19 weight control stress of female adults on weight control behavior. (Design/methodology/approach) To collect materials for this research, online and offline surveys were conducted for women for 26 days from May 26∼to Jun 20, 2022. Questionnaires were distributed to 488 female adults in their 20s~60s. Excluding 41 respondents who were not sincere in responding to the questionnaire, 447 questionnaires were used for this research. The survey adopted a self-evaluation that each respondent wrote down for each question. (Findings) As a result of examining the differences in post-COVID-19 weight stress depending on the general characteristics of research subjects, differences in post-COVID-19 weight stress depending upon age, weight, and education were significant, while differences depending upon the marital state, occupation, and monthly income were none. As a result of examining the differences in post-COVID-19 dietary control change depending on the general characteristics of research subjects, differences in post-COVID-19 dietary control change depending on age, weight, and education were significant, while differences depending upon the marital state, occupation, and monthly income were none. As a result of examining the differences in post-COVID-19 exercise change depending on the general characteristics of research subjects, the difference in post-COVID-19 exercise change depending on occupation was significant, while differences in post-COVID-19 exercise change depending on age, weight, marital state, education, and monthly income were insignificant at the 5% significance level. As a result of investigating the correlation of post-COVID-19 weight stress with the dietary control change and exercise change, the post-COVID-19 dietary control change and weight stress turned out to have a very high positive correlation, and the post-COVID-19 exercise change and weight stress also turned out to have a significant positive correlation. As a result of investigating the effect of post-COVID-19 weight stress on the dietary control change, the post-COVID-19 weight stress turned out to have a significant effect on the dietary control change. As a result of investigating the effect of post-COVID-19 weight stress on exercise change, it is possible to see that the higher the post-COVID-19 weight stress is, the greater the exercise change is. (Research implications or Originality) This research investigates the weight control stress women feel and their weight control behavior changes (diet, exercise, and weight control) in the changing stream of life due to COVID-19 and examines the relation of the recognition improvement regarding healthy weight and the prolonged pandemic with weight change.

      • KCI등재

        김치 독자성의 근거와 형성 과정에 대한 고찰

        박채린,Park, Chae-Lin 한국식생활문화학회 2021 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.36 No.3

        The Chinese Sigyeong records the foods of the Primitive Pickling Period, pickling being a universal vegetable storage method, but does not indicate the origin of the pickled vegetables or the location of the source of transmission. Kimchi mainly used salt and sauce-based soaking materials at the beginning of the Fermented Pickling Period (beginning in the 1st to 3rd centuries A.D.), and it differed from the Chinese method, which used alcohol and vinegar. In the Umami-Flavored Pickling Period (beginning in the 14th and 15th centuries A.D.), jeotgal, fermented seafoods, were added, and pickles with a completely new identity were created, one different from any other pickles in the world. Lastly, entering the Complex Fermentation and Pickling Period (beginning in the 17th and 18th centuries), the technical process evolved using a separate special seasoning containing red pepper as the secondary immersion source after pickling in brine, the primary immersion source. As a result of this, kimchi was transformed into a food with a unique form and taste not found anywhere else. The unique characteristic of kimchi is that the composition of original materials, a combination of salted marine life and vegetable ingredients, is its core identity, and there is a methodological difference in that it is completed through a second process called saesaengchae (生菜)-chimchae (沈菜).

      • KCI등재

        설하멱적을 통해서 본 쇠고기 구이 조리법 변화에 대한 역사적 고찰 I - 1950년대 이전의 문헌을 중심으로 -

        박채린,권용석,정혜정 한국식생활문화학회 2011 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.26 No.6

        The aim of this research was to analyze changes in a Roasted Beef recipe through Sulhamyukjuk. In order to conduct this study, we investigated ancient and modern culinary literature published until 1950. The main method of research in this study was content analysis. There were 15 pieces of ancient and modern culinary literature used. In addition, the roasted beef recipes totaled 78. Analysis of recipe data published over the last 300 years showed two different types of Roasted Beef recipes: 1) Roasted Skewered Beef and 2) General Roasted Beef. In the case of Roasted type, the method was divided into three steps: 1) Coating of flour porridge after marinade in the source, 2) Three dippings into cold water during Roasting, and 3) Roasting again with Seasoning.

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