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      • KCI등재

        임진왜란 시기 조선수군 사례를 통한 해군병력 충원방안 고찰

        박주미 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2022 한국군사학논집 Vol.78 No.2

        징병제를 유지하는 한국에서 출산률 저하와 고령화로 인한 병역자원 감소, 병 복무기간 단축 등으로 적정 상비 병력 유지가 어려워지고 있다. 특히 함정을 기본 부대 단위로 하는 해군은 급변하는 안보환경에 따라 신규 함정의 건조와 교체가 꾸준히 이루어지면서 병력 부족에 대비가 시급한 상황이다. 이에 본 연구는 임진왜란 시기 조선수군에 대한 사례분석을 통해 현재와 미래의 해군 병력 충원방법에 대해 고찰하였다. 선조실록 등의 문헌분석 결과 이순신은 첫째, 병역자원의 이탈을 최소화하였고, 둘째, 고역을 개선하려 노력하였으며, 셋째, 다양한 신분 계층에서 인재를 충원하려 노력하였다. 이러한 분석 결과를 토대로 현재와 미래 해군 병력 충원방법에 대해 다음 세 가지 방안을 도출하였다. 첫째, 엄격한 법 적용으로 현역병에서 이탈하는 인원을 없애고, 둘째, 해군의 어려움과 고통을 상쇄해줄 수 있는 현실적이고 실질적인 혜택 지급과 효율적인 인력구조 개편, 셋째, 해군 지원의 진입장벽을 낮추어 다양한 인재를 확보하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Skin-related Quality of Life in Patients with Lung Cancer Taking Oral Targeted Agents: A Single-Center, Cross-Sectional Study

        박주미,김정혜 대한종양간호학회 2023 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.23 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the level of the relationship between skin toxicities and skin-related quality of life (QoL) in patients with lung cancer taking oral targeted agents. Methods: This cross-sectional study surveyed 152 lung cancer patients receiving oral targeted agents. The Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PROCTCAE) was used to assess skin toxicity. The Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) was used to evaluate skin-related QoL. Collected data were analyzed with independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation using the SPSS 27.0 statistical analysis software for Windows. Results: Skin toxicity was the highest among patients who reported skin dryness 2.07±1.20, followed by itching 1.91±1.25, rash 1.48±1.32, skin darkening 1.39±1.16, hives 1.38±1.25, acne 1.37±1.36, nail (finger or toe) ulceration 1.34±1.34, nail ridging 1.20±1.14, sensitivity to sunlight 1.10±1.07, stretch marks 0.95±1.13, hair loss 0.91±1.14 and nail discoloration 0.83±1.07. The subjects' mean skin-related QoL of the participants was 7.29±6.11 out of 30. Skin-related QoL showed a statistically significant positive correlation with skin toxicity. Conclusion: Skin toxicities correlated significantly with poor skin-related QoL. Skin toxicity levels in lung cancer patients receiving oral targeted therapies need to be closely monitored, and strategies to enhance skin-related QoL must be developed.

      • KCI등재

        비대칭전략의 유형과 사례분석 그리고 교훈

        박주미,길병옥 미래군사학회 2020 한국군사학논총 Vol.9 No.1

        An asymmetrical strategy means a war-performing method that makes the enemy unimaginable in terms of types, dimensions and forms via the analysis of my strengths and the enemy’s weaknesses. Due to the possibility of victory opened to the weak, it can be differentiated in its strategic dimension, level and type utilized in the East and West as well as in the past and present times. This inquiry analyses the Mao’s guerilla war and U-boat’s pack of wolves war as the representative case study based on the Metz and Johnson’s classification of the asymmetrical strategy. As a result, this study is reached at the following conclusion: First, an asymmetrical strategy has a powerful effect in a way that it controls the win or lose of war in the land and sea wars. Second, despite of its effects, it does not guarantee the victory by using the strategy by itself. Third, to win the battle and war, one must to apply the strategy flexibly. The asymmetrical war will be fall into the failure if he or she does not grasp and apply it flexibly according to the changes of time, opinions and situations. This study contends that South Korea needs to research and develop her own symmetrical strategy faced with North Korea and strong neighboring countries in Northeast Asia.

      • KCI등재

        Use of a healing abutment-type scan body and closed-mouth impression technique for mandibular implant-supported fixed complete denture: a pilot case report

        박주미,박연희,이정진 조선대학교 치의학연구원 2021 Oral Biology Research (Oral Biol Res) Vol.45 No.4

        Numerous clinical and laboratory procedures are required for fabricating an implant-supported fixed complete denture. Such processes can be inconvenient for both dentists and patients, and errors can occur yielding adverse effects on the accuracy of the prosthesis. The introduction of digital technology as well as computer-aided design and manufacturing has allowed for the efficient fabrication of more accurate prostheses. In the prosthetic procedure of placing a full-mouth implant-supported fixed prosthesis, the combination of a healing abutment-type scan body for a digital impression and a conventional closed-mouth impression technique can reduce the number of a patient’s office visits and lab procedures, tests, adjustments. In this study, we described the modified protocol for the fabrication of an implant-supported fixed complete denture. Furthermore, we compared the modified with the conventional protocol and evaluated its clinical applicability and efficiency.

      • 『장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법』의 정책집행 과정 분석: 특수교사 법정 정원을 중심으로

        박주미 복지대학교 장애인능력개발원 2016 장애인고등교육연구 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 2008년 특수교육계의 큰 기대 속에 시행된 『장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법』의 정책집행 과 정분석을 위해 이론적 고찰을 통한 ‘정책자체', ‘집행 기관 및 집행자', 그리고 ‘환경'을 변인으로 하는 분석 모형을 설정하였다. 정책집행 과정 속에 나타난 쟁점 가운데 가장 중요한 특수교사 법정 정원을 중심으로 정책 집행 관련 변인을 분석하였으며, 분석모형은 문헌연구를 통하여 각 변인별 하위 요인들을 설정하여 살펴보았다. 연구결과 정책집행수단 부족, 정책집행자의 집행의지 부족, 관련 부처 간 협력 부족 등이 문제 로 파악되었다. 그리고 연구결과는 외부주도형으로 채택된 정책을 원활히 집행하기 위해서는 집행 중에도 외부주도 집단의 끊임없는 목소리가 필요하며, 또한 정책집행 담당자와 주변 관련 기관들의 원활한 의사소 통 및 협조적 관계형성이 반드시 필요하다는 것을 잘 보여주고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        자율-안보 교환 모델을 통해 본 임진왜란 시기 조·명 연합수군의 해전 수행 연구

        박주미 미래군사학회 2023 한국군사학논총 Vol.12 No.2

        During the Imjin War, Joseon (Korea) engaged in a war against Japan with the military support of Ming China which concerned that the war would spread to its own territory. According to the analysis based on the autonomy-security trade-off model proposed by Altfeld and Morrow, Joseon was able to conclude the war with the assistance of Ming China. However, in exchange for enhancing its security for survival, Joseon had to sacrifice its autonomy, including operational control over its military forces. The Joseon Navy, which played a decisive role in altering the course of the war, also had to compromise its autonomy in various aspects. Today, the Korean Peninsula, influenced by geopolitical conditions, faces difficulties in effectively responding to external threats through its own capabilities alone. However, it is crucial to remember that as we strive to enhance our self-defense, the autonomy of our sovereignty increases. 임진왜란 시기 조선은 전쟁이 자국으로 확대될 것을 염려한 명나라의 군사적 지원을 받아 일본과 전쟁을 치렀다. 알트펠드와 모로우의 자율-안보 교환 모델을 통해 확인한 바에 따르면 임진왜란 시기 조선은 명나라의 도움에 힘입어 전쟁을 끝낼 수 있었지만, 생존을 위한 안보 증진의 대가로 군령권 등의 자율성을 희생했다. 특히 전쟁의 흐름을 바꿀 정도의 결정적 활약을 벌였던 조선수군 역시 많은 부분에서 자율성을 양보해야만 했다. 지정학적 영향을 크게 받는 지금의 한반도 역시 자력만으로는 적 위협에 대응하기 힘들다. 하지만 자주국방을 위해 노력한 만큼 우리 주권의 자율성은 커진다는 사실을 기억해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        치과용 도재의 균열전파 특성과 도재 -금속간의 응력분석

        박주미,배태성,송광엽,박찬운,Park, Ju-Mi,Bae, Tae-Sung,Song, Kwang-Yeob,Park, Charn-Woon 대한치과보철학회 1994 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of the crack propagation characteristics and bond stress of ceramo-metal system. In order to characterize the crack propagation, the static crack propagation stored in $37^{\circ}C$ distilled water of two commerical porcelains and the dynamic crack propagation under cyclic flexure load of ceramo-metal system were examined. In order to characterize the bond stress, the shear bond test, the 3-point flexure bond test, and the finite element stress analysis of ceramo-metal system were conducted. The results obtained were as follows : 1. Bulk densities and Young's moduli of opaque porcelains increased with repeated firing. 2. Maximum fracture toughness during 4 firing cycles showed at the group of 4 firing cycles in Ceramco porcelain and 2 firing cycles in Vita porcelain. 3. Shear bond strength and flexure bond strength of Ceramco-Verabond specimen were larger than those of Ceramco-Degudent G specimen (p<0.05). 4. Interfacial stresses under three point flexure bond test were concentrated at the edges of ceramometal system. 5. When a cyclic flexure load was applied, the crack growth rate of porcelain surface of ceramometal specimens was decreased as load cycles increased.

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