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      • KCI등재

        Recent Advances in Cell Therapeutics for Systemic Autoimmune Diseases

        박영재,곽승기 대한면역학회 2022 Immune Network Vol.22 No.1

        Systemic autoimmune diseases arise from loss of self-tolerance and immune homeostasis between effector and regulator functions. There are many therapeutic modalities for autoimmune diseases ranging from conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and immunosuppressants exerting nonspecific immune suppression to targeted agents including biologic agents and small molecule inhibitors aiming at specific cytokines and intracellular signal pathways. However, such current therapeutic strategies can rarely induce recovery of immune tolerance in autoimmune disease patients. To overcome limitations of conventional treatment modalities, novel approaches using specific cell populations with immune-regulatory properties have been attempted to attenuate autoimmunity. Recently progressed biotechnologies enable sufficient in vitro expansion and proper manipulation of such ‘tolerogenic’ cell populations to be considered for clinical application. We introduce 3 representative cell types with immunosuppressive features, including mesenchymal stromal cells, Tregs, and myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Their cellular definitions, characteristics, mechanisms of immune regulation, and recent data about preclinical and clinical studies in systemic autoimmune diseases are reviewed here. Challenges and limitations of each cell therapy are also addressed.

      • KCI등재
      • 동아시아의 근대화와 인문학

        박영재 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1994 人文科學 Vol.71 No.-

        The Confucian tradition as the corpus of humanistic thinking in China became challenged by the impact of Western powers in the mid-19th century. After decades of trying to modernize the country, the Chinese finally abolished the civil service examination system in 1905. Following the death of the Confucian institution, they witnessed an iconoclasm which led to a disintegration not only of China´s political world order but also of its basis of Sinocentric idea of the traditional humanities. This conclusion of the May Fourth movement would be reincarnated by the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. The problem is that, during the century of iconoclasm, no reconstruction of the humanities has been made. Today´s China is still searching for an alternative norm. As for Japan, its modernization can not be in any context interpreted as the 'westernization.' On the contrary, Japan´s traditional humanities, an amalgamated body of the kangaku(漢學) and the kokugaku(國學), survived the Western impact. The very continuity and uniformity of the Japanese humanities generated an exceptional way of thinking for the ongoing 'successful' modernization, and finally established an anti-Western expansionist ideology for the colonial empire: the Japanese Orientalism. The contemporary Korean humanities are suffering from a trifold problem. First of all, it cencerns with a universal aspect of the Chinese humanities. With the collapse of the Chinese world order, traditional Korea´s cultural periphery lost its center. Secondly, the Establishment of the contemporary South Korean humanities is dominated by students either of the Japanese Orientalism or of the American Orientalism. The Orientalism, as E. Said criticized, has speculated that Japan would be historical model. The idea was supported by a heavily materialist-oriented norm of modernization at the expense of the humanities. Thirdly, the ideological conflict between the two Koreas has made monocular both South and North Korean intellects. However, the problem of Korean should not be confined into a notional one. It is a localized edition of global conflicts of the 20th century: Conflicts between universalism and parochialism, rhetoric and practice, tradition and modernity, material modernization and the humanities and son on. In this context, neither China´s deconstructive experience nor Japan´s 'success' story can serve as an uncontested model for the reestablishment of the humanities in Korea. On the other hand, if the Korean humanities successfully attain a totally new direction and an innovative methodology because of their own modern historical experiences, they will expectedly provide a key formula for the future of the humanities in general.

      • KCI등재

        축구 경기 이벤트 단위 네트워크를 이용한 대한민국 축구 양식 측정

        박영재,김동우,남선호,김영진,손승우 한국물리학회 2018 새물리 Vol.68 No.6

        Web-casting text is a text broadcast service for sports games. Just by using the web-casting text, most of the content of the game is delivered. In this study, we make a word network by using 389,139 football game events from 344 matches of Korean national team and analyze the network through the stylometry. We cluster the events according to the location of their occurrence, and confirm that the frequency distribution of the events follows power law. We utilize the Word2Vec, a machine learning method for converting words to vectors, to measure the cosine similarity between the events and to understand the relation between the football game events. We construct two networks, one is a transition network that uses the event sequence and the other is a Word2Vec network that learns the data by using Word2Vec. We compare the results to show the significance of the Korean football style revealed in each of the networks. 스포츠의 중계는 영상뿐만 아니라 문자로도 이루어진다. 문자 중계의 내용만으로도 축구 경기 대부분의 내용이 전달된다. 본 연구는 대한민국 국가대표 A매치 344경기에서 나타난 389,139개의 축구 경기 이벤트를 이용하여, 네트워크를 만들고 양식측정학(stylometry)으로 비교해본다. 다양한 이벤트 내용을 발생 위치에 따라 군집화하고, 이벤트의 빈도 분포에서 보이는 멱함수 법칙(power law)이 성립하는 것을 확인한다. 단어를 벡터로 변환하는 기계학습 방법인 Word2Vec으로 축구 경기 이벤트를 학습하여 이벤트 사이의 코사인 유사도를 측정하고, 축구 경기 이벤트의 관계를 파악한다. 이벤트의 발생 순서를 이용한 전이 네트워크와 Word2Vec으로 학습한 네트워크를 서로 비교하고, 각 네트워크에서 드러난 대한민국 축구 양식을 살펴본다.

      • KCI등재

        Peripheral State Interests and the Belt and Road Initiative: Why Pakistan and Sri Lanka Have Strengthened Ties with China

        박영재 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2019 남아시아연구 Vol.25 No.3

        Increased shakiness in the U.S.-led liberal international order has brought more spotlight upon Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). With contending views regarding the rise of China and the possibility over Chinese expansionary foreign policy across the BRI, there has been limited discussion of peripheral states and the very interests they hold. This paper seeks to delve into the interests of two key peripheral states located in South Asia participating in the BRI. Pakistan and Sri Lanka lie in key geostrategic positions, and they have both granted access and control to ports to China. This paper pushes forth the argument that these states have entered into agreements with China seeking continued economic aid and militaristic protection amidst faulty U.S. foreign policy and posturing in South Asia. Whereas the U.S. has been inconsistent in aid provisions while unwaveringly criticizing the two states, China has consistently delivered aid and protective measures. In pushing forward with deals and measures provided along China’s BRI, the peripheral states of Pakistan and Sri Lanka depict cases of the U.S. losing influence across a war-time ally and a long-neglected actor, respectively in South Asia.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        제4차 산업혁명 플랫폼으로서의 스마트 시티 구축 전략

        박영재 한국디지털정책학회 2019 디지털융복합연구 Vol.17 No.1

        The city is experiencing various problems such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, urban crime, and faces the limit of growth. Recently, various attempts to build a Smart City have been spreading around the world, in order to solve these problems. Smart City is attracting attention as the core platform of the future city with the 4th industrial revolution. However, various definitions of smart city are mixed, and the methods and strategies for implementing smart city are changing or evolving due to the development of technology and the experience during that time. This study summarizes the definition of various smart city through literature review and suggests smart city building strategy that enables sustainable growth of cities as a platform of the 4th industrial revolution era. 현재의 도시는 교통혼잡, 환경오염, 도시범죄와 같은 다양한 문제를 겪고 있으며 성장 한계에 직면 해 있다. 도시의 지속가능한 성장은 경제, 사회 및 환경과 밀접한 관련이 있으며 인구통계학적 추세에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 잘 관리 된 도시는 부정적인 요인을 최소화하고 이익을 극대화 할 수 있다. 최근에는 이러한 도시 문제를 해결하기 위해 스마트 시티를 구축하려는 다양한 시도가 확산되고 있다. 그러나 스마트 시티에 대한 다양한 정의가 혼재되어 있고, 스마트 시티 구현 방법과 전략은 기술의 발전과 축전된 경험으로 인해 진화하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 문헌연구를 통해 그동안 제시된 스마트 시티의 정의들을 정리하여 통합적인 정의를 제시하였다. 스마트 시티는 제4차 산업혁명과 함께 미래 사회의 핵심 플랫폼으로 주목 받고 있다. 그동안의 스마트 시티가 기존의 도시 문제해결에 치중하였다면 제4차 산업혁명시대에서의 스마트 시티는 혁신을 통한 지속가능한 성장을 할 수 있어야 함을 더욱 강조하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 제4차 산업혁명의 플랫폼으로서 스마트 시티를 구축할 때 추진되어야 할 전략들을 제시하였다.

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