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        성적 노출증 및 접촉도착증의 유병율 및 임상특성 : 예비연구

        박선화,권석현,왕태종,홍정민,김은비,맹정원,임명호,Park, Sun Hwa,Kwon, Seok Hyeon,Wang, Tae Jong,Hong, Jung Min,Kim, Eun Bi,Meng, Jung Won,Lim, Myung Ho 대한불안의학회 2015 대한불안의학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Objective : The current study investigated the prevalence and clinical characteristics of sexual exhibitionism and frotteurism, which was conducted for the first time in Korea. Methods : Among 568 total subjects (mean age $19.28{\pm}5.0$ year), 109 were victims of sexual exhibitionism (19.2%, VSE) of which 57 were females (91.9 percent) ; and 57 were victims of sexual frotteurism (10.9%, VSF) of which 57 were females (91.9%). The participants completed the self-reported scale for epidemiological and clinical characteristics. Results : Incident frequencies of above two times of VSE and VSF were 49 (50.0%) and 20 (32.3%), respectively. Incident locations of VSE were school/office 37 (33.3%), street 28 (25.6%), and near home 20 (18.3%). Also, incident locations of VSE were inside of bus 12 (19.3%), subway 12 (19.3%), subway/bus station 8 (12.9%), near home 8 (12.9%), and school/office 7 (11.3%). Notifying rate of VSE and VSF to the police were 7.3% and 0%, respectively. Also, notifying rate of VSE and VSF to family or friends were 72.5% and 58.1%, respectively Conclusion : These results suggested that VSE and VSF had a common prevalence, which could be different from behavioral and emotional characteristics of a control group ; and the victims were shown to require an active intervention by supportive social system.

      • 온라인 커뮤니티 웹사이트에 나타난 임신과 출산에 대한 여성들의 관심사

        박선화,우민수,전경자,유정옥,Park, Sun Hwa,Woo, Min Soo,June, Kyung Ja,Yu, Jung ok 서울대학교 간호과학연구소 2020 간호학의 지평 Vol.17 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe women's concern for pregnancy and child birth in the internet community. Methods: One representative in the internet community was selected and questions regarding pregnancy and child birth were collected for 2 weeks in October 2019. A total of 8,005 questions were analyzed by frequency and proportion after categorizing theme into pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. Results: The most frequent questions were on preparedness for pregnancy (26.2%), followed by questions on infertility (23.3%), and on postpartum care (20.2%). Among the questions on preparedness for pregnancy, the most frequent questions were related to the follicle and ovulation. More than half of the questions on infertility (68.3%) were about diagnosis and treatment. Questions on abortion included symptoms, abortion procedure, post abortion care, and the support system. Among the questions on delivery, the most were about the delivery method (67.2%). Finally, questions on postpartum care were related to the physical changes/symptoms, daily life after delivery, postpartum care support, etc. Conclusion: As these results reflect women's need for information and support, it is suggested that more specific and targeted nursing practices for pregnancy and child birth should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        중년 여인에게 어느 여름에 일어난 일: 도리스 레싱의 『어둠이 오기 전의 여름』에서의 자아 발견의 여행

        박선화 ( Sun Hwa Park ) 아시아문화학술원 2010 인문사회 21 Vol.1 No.1

        이 논문은 도리스 레싱의 『어둠이 오기 전의 여름』에서 어느 여름날의 경험들을 통해 새로운 자신의 모습을 발견하는 케이트 브라운의 변화를 탐구한다. 결혼 후 25년간 남편과 아이들을 위해 헌신하다가 그녀는 우연히 런던에서 개최된 국제음식학회의 통역 일을 맡게 되고 동시에 물개에 관한 꿈을 꾸기 시작한다. 이 두 여행으로 인해 그녀는 신체적 변화뿐 아니라 정신적 변화를 거친다. 두 번째의 통역 일을 마친 케이트는 터키에서 제프리를 만나 스페인으로 여행을 떠나기로 결정한다. 불행히도 제프리는 열병에 걸리고 케이트는 바라던 밀월의 시간을 그를 간호하는데 보내고 만다. 설상가상으로 그녀 또한 열병에 걸려 결국 혼자서 런던으로 돌아온다. 물개의 꿈을 통한 그녀의 또 다른 여행은 그녀로 하여금 자신의 자아와 대면하게 만든다. 이는 젊은 자신의 또 다른 모습이라 할 수 있는 모린과의 동숙 생활과 긴밀하게 연결되어 있다. 모린은 케이트가 꿈을 완성하는 것을 도와주고 이를 통해 케이트는 자신의 늙어감을 받아들이기에 이른다. 또한 그녀는 그처럼 달아나고자 했던 가족에게 돌아가기로 결심한다. 이런 점에서, 그녀의 가족으로의 복귀는 암울한 미래가 아니라, 여름날의 경험을 통한 새로운 인식에서 얻은 긍정적인 미래를 내포하고 있다. This paper explores Kate Brown``s change after her experiences on Summer days through Doris Lessing``s The Summer Before the Dark(1973). Serving herself in looking after her husband and four children since her marriage 25 years ago, Kate happens to take a part-time job in the Global Food conference held in London as an interpreter and at the same time she starts to have dreams of seals. These two journeys bring her into going through her both physical and psychological changes. After the second job, Kate meets Jeffrey in Turkey, where they decide to take a trip to Spain. Unfortunately, Jeffrey is attacked with a fever and so Kate spends her seemingly romantic time in looking after him. What is worse, she has the same illness, which makes her give up their trip and come back to London by herself. Her another journey through dreams of seals leads her to face into her real self. This is closely related to staying with Maureen who is identified as a double of young Kate. As Maureen helps Kate to complete her dreams before she goes back home, Kate comes to accept her coming of age. Also, she decides to go back to her family from which she tries to run away. With this, her return to the family shows her positive future which is gained by her new recognition through the experiences on summer days, not predicting a dark future.

      • KCI등재

        광기와 치유: 도리스 레싱의 『지옥으로의 하강에 관한 브리핑』

        박선화 ( Park Sun-hwa ) 대한영어영문학회 2011 영어영문학연구 Vol.37 No.4

        According to Michel Foucault, madness is something to be feared and ignored in the Western world, and so a madman, as the other, is excluded from ordinary society. However, in Briefing for a Descent Into Hell Doris Lessing shows madness is not a disease to be avoided, and rather it connects to another reality or another view of life. For Lessing, madness can be therapeutic rather than destructive. Unlike the female protagonists in other novels, Briefing for a Descent Into Hell begins with the story of a madman who is hospitalized at the Central Intake Hospital in London. The doctors attend this man, later identified as Charles Watkins with two sons, with conventional treatments and medicine, and regards him as a patient not a human being. Others including his wife, Felicity, think of him as the other, mentioning that he has shown something strange or inappropriate in daily life. This otherness might be caused with the matter of the lack of mutual understanding between individuals, which drives him into an inner-space journey. In his dream, he confronts and experiences incomprehensible accidents, such as a fantastic and genocidal war which may be occurring in our civilization. This dream makes him realize the difference between madness and sanity, dream and reality. Coming out of his dream, he gains the vision of unity in which one can embrace each other’s otherness and promote harmony in them. Like this, in Briefing for a Descent Into Hell, through madness Charles Watkins’s urge to heal the schism of his self-division is well represented by Lessing who emphasizes that madness is a cultural label that permits the potential for vision or self-healing to be nullified by the very institutions that ostensibly promote recovery. (Chungwoon University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『로드 짐』에서의 콘래드의 서사전략: 말로우,“우리 중의 한 사람”

        박선화 ( Sun Hwa Park ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2013 근대 영미소설 Vol.20 No.1

        This paper commences with the doubt about Marlow`s reliability in telling Jim`s story to the listener and reader in Joseph Conrad`s Lord Jim. Marlow describes Jim who in the first part of the novel abandons the Patna which is in a critical condition and carrying about 800 passengers; in the last part, he exerts himself to regain his fame in Patusan but he decides to accept his death for his own cause. Marlow tries to understand Jim using several minor narrators who support Marlow`s opinion and judgement. However, I argue how much the reader and listener can trust Marlow and minor narrators, and therefore we should distinguish the author and narrator from the implied author, who has sensibility that accounts for the narrative. With the suggestion that the structure of the novel has something to do with Marlow`s intention to control all the narratives, I disclose the concealed contradictions in the narratives. From chapter 1 to 3, the omniscient writer draws the reader`s attention to how insufficient Jim is to meet the needs as the first mate by showing his failures. From chapter 5 to 35, Marlow has authority over Jim by observing and intervening in Jim`s affairs and alludes to his weakness. From chapter 36 to 45, the privileged man appears as Marlow`s mouthpiece to represent the way of Jim`s death. Though Conrad uses the three different narrators, I suggest it is Marlow`s strategy to lead us to see the theme of ``the journey into the deep truth of human heart``. So, as a double of Conrad, Marlow just shows his concern of ``the state of a man`s soul` rather than the white man in a colonial milieu. It is likely to read Jim`s story as a production of Britain`s imperialism in that Marlow sends Jim to Patusan in order to occupy and construct a new colony after ousting other colonists. This is why Marlow calls Jim one of us. Using multiple voices, Conrad`s narrative strategy functions to blur the historically specific conditions that allow for the construction of a figure such as Jim. Through the voice of the implied author we should catch, Lord Jim can be read as the tale which is concerned with the relationship between colonizer and colonized.

      • 브랜드 디자인 브랜딩 프로세스에 관한 연구

        박선화(Park, Sun-Hwa),이정욱(Lee, Jung-Wook) 한국실내디자인학회 2010 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        Men’s everyday life in the 21st century was all already designed. Those who deal with information professionally have succeeded and recognized so far in the era of knowledge workers. However, it needs the ability that realizes the trend of the 21st century and opportunities, creates artistic and emotional beauty, makes a great story, and creates something new by combining an idea that seems to have no relations. We normally think making motional values rich is a waste. However, sharing what people like and feeling the happiness during the process is the most important value, experience, and memory. In the process of finding out problems that many people share with one another in the society and solve them, there is a basic essential of design. As people think the root of problems originated from the society, everyone can understand the plan or the process so that they can share the meaning with the same point of view of designers. During the process, a point of view or spirit that men can share is created and impression made by sharing it is right the basic and essential of designs. This study aims to analyze the brand styling, marketing, and brand styling process that is able to stimulate and consumers’ emotion and desires.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 노동시장 변화와 대(對)중국 해외직접투자(FDI) -신노동계약법을 중심으로-

        박선화 ( Sun Hwa Park ),오효방 ( Xiao Fang Wu ) 한중사회과학학회 2010 한중사회과학연구 Vol.8 No.2

        This research mainly analyzes (potential) the change of labour environment in China and it`s impact on the inward Foreign Direct Investments. Under this aim, it selects the China`s new Labour Contract Law, which was passed by the Standing Committee of the National People`s Congress on 29 June 2007, and went into effect on 1 January 2008, as a main case study. The new law means bigger severance payments and higher operational costs. It`s provisions will be of concern to foreign-invested manufacturing corporations because of the burdens it imposes on, or shifts to them. The Law directly, and by implication, imposes additional administrative burdens on them. Using the data recorded by the Export-Import Bank of Korea, it suggests that the effectuation of new labour contract law may influence on manufacturing FDI in a negative way, whereas investments in non-manufacturing sectors are expected to positively increase.

      • KCI등재

        『어느 생존자의 회고록』에 재현된 레싱의 유토피아

        박선화 ( Sun Hwa Park ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2016 현대영어영문학 Vol.60 No.2

        This paper aims to examine Doris Lessing``s utopian vision in her The Memoirs of a Survivor. The narrator of the story, a middle aged woman, goes and comes through an ‘opening wall,’ and because of this ‘opening wall’ device, The Memoirs of a Survivor can be considered as fantasy or science fiction(SF) writing. In a fantastic world, the narrator with Emily who pops up without any notice goes through the “it,” which causes much fear and anxiety because of its ambiguity and threat of unexplained imminent catastrophe and foreboding. Emily, as a double of the narrator, reveals the problems of the mother and daughter relationship, in particular, the mother’s rearing and caring of the children. On the other hand, in a world of SF, the narrator shows the destructive aspects of the underworld children who just survive on their own in an anarchic or dystopian city. Lessing tries to solve the personal and impersonal matters by creating her own utopia towards which all the characters move using the ``opening wall``. Like this, by mixing fantasy and SF in The Memoirs of a Survivor, Lessing suggests we all can save each other through our forgiveness and reconciliation. (Konkuk University)

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