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        담양군 도래수마을의 식물상 조사 분석

        박미정,최진아,이상화,김은자,전보배,유준완 한약정보연구회 2015 한약정보연구회지 Vol.3 No.3

        The purpose of this study is investigate vegetation to design a community healing garden in Damyang-gun Doraesoo rural village. As the result of vegetation survey, 68 plants was found. They were analyzed in the view of Raunkiaer’s classification of life forms, floristic regional indicator plants, naturalized plants. These analyzed results were integrated and community garden plants were suggested, that composes 19 plants for appreciation, 8 plants for vegetable garden, 5 fruit trees and 16 landscaping plants.

      • KCI등재

        A Simple and Reliable Method for Obtaining Entomosporium Monoconidial Isolates

        박미정,Quinn A. Holtslag,신현동 한국미생물학회 2011 The journal of microbiology Vol.49 No.2

        Monoconidial isolates of Entomosporium mespili were successfully cultured using a simple isolation procedure. A detailed description of the steps required for isolating E. mespili is provided. The characteristic pattern of conidial germination and growth on potato dextrose agar is also described. The process that was successful in obtaining pure isolates involved collecting material in the morning, picking a glistening white mass of conidia under dissecting microscope magnification, depositing a mass of conidia onto a drop of water on a glass slide, streaking the conidial mass onto potato dextrose agar, incubating the plate for 48 h, and transferring the characteristic fan-shaped colonies to fresh medium.

      • KCI등재

        삼국시대 봉토분 조사방법론

        박미정 한국문화유산협회 2006 야외고고학 Vol.0 No.1

        기존의 조사에서는 트렌치제토법이 주로 이루어졌으나 봉분축조과정에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 계단식제토 조사방법과 수평식제토 조사방법 등 다양한 방법이 시도되고 있다. 필자가 함안 도항리 6호분 발굴조사 과정에서도 위와 같은 다양한 조사방법을 시도해 보았는데 그러한 조사성과를 토대로 삼국시대 봉토분의 조사방법을 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있었다. 고분조사는 ‘고분의 토층둑을 어디에 어떻게 설치하는가’에 따라 조사의 성패가 좌우되므로 조사계획 설정이 매우 중요하다. 이러한 조사계획과 제토방식의 설정에 있어서 선행되어야 할 것이 봉분 조성방식의 파악이다. 봉분의 조성방식은 내부시설과 외부시설의 구축관계에 따라 봉분이 먼저 축조되는 것과 동시 축조되는 것, 봉분이 뒤에 축조되는 것으로 분류할 수 있고 다시 완성된 봉분의 단면을 기준으로 양파형․수평형․내경형으로 나눌 수 있다. 제토방식에 있어서 ①트렌치제토 조사방법은 기간과 비용을 단축시키는 효과를 가지고 있지만 트렌치에 의해 봉분의 상당부분이 훼손될 수 있고 토층단면에서 확인되는 사항 외에는 파악하기 힘들다는 단점이 있다. 다음으로 ②계단식제토 조사방법은 수평형봉분에 적용이 가능하지만 기간과 비용이 많이 든다. 분구에 대한 횡적인 토층자료와 평면상태를 함께 관찰할 수 있고 구획축조 현상과 작업단위 등의 파악이 가능하다. ③수평식제토 조사방법은 기준 토층둑을 남기고 먼저 한분면에 소트렌치를 설치한 후 일정 공정단계까지 제토하고 나머지 부분도 이와 같이 제토하는 방식으로 트렌치조사를 실시하되 한번에 생토면까지 제토하지 않고 하나의 작업단계 까지 설치하므로 트렌치의 폭이 그렇게 넓을 필요가 없고 붕괴의 위험도 적다. 시간과 비용이 많이 드나 수평형과 내경형봉분에 유용한 방식이라 할 수 있다. 모든 발굴조사가 그러하듯 봉분에 대한 조사에 있어서도 사전에 봉분축조 과정을 충분히 검토 하고 그에 따른 적절한 조사방법을 선택하여 조사를 행하는 것이 가장 중요하다고 할 수 있다. Building ancient tombs involve a series of work such as, choosing sites,constructing the interior including, outer-stone chamber, inner-stone chamber and a niche, burying the deceased and constructing the exterior, mainly the mounds. The tombs, thus, areregarded as architectural structures and some of them are named as mound tombs or earth-mound tombs owing to their outside shape. Although trenching has been the major type of excavation of tombs so far, the interest in the process of raising mound has introduced several other methods such as, terracing and horizontal approach. I have applied these techniques to the excavation of Dohangli Tomb 6 in Haman. Based on that field survey, excavation techniques for large-scale earth-mound tombs built during the Three Kingdoms period are reviewed as below. Where you erect a soil probe decides the success your tomb investigation, therefore, formulating a good excavation strategy is very important. Prior to making a digging plan a mound style has to be considered. In relation to the construction order between the interior and exterior the types are divided into three; mound-first, concurrent and mound-later structure. These are classified into three again pursuant to profile of the mound: onion type, horizontal type or caliber type. Among the excavation techniques, ①trenching is effective in saving time and cost though, it might disturb the mound quite severely and it only reveals the vertical dimension of the area. ②Terracing is applicable for a horizontal type of mounds, however, it requires a lot of time and money. It enables to examine the longitudinal strataor records of the mound and is efficient in site control. ③Horizontal approach is to remove soil, initially, in a section of a large area by setting a small trench then expands to the whole place. It does not need a wide trench and minimizes adanger of collapse. Even though it requires substantial amount of time and money, it is recommended for horizontal or caliber type mounds. In every excavation the probe bulk must be let remain until the examination ends completely so the researcher can check the context and revise the record afterwards.

      • KCI등재

        예이츠의 시: 영국계 아일랜드 민족성1)과 변형적 상상력

        박미정 한국예이츠학회 2001 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.15 No.-

        Yeats’s imagination is filled with the deliberate efforts and will to transform the given reality and self. Influenced by William Blake’s visionary or symbolic imagination who had pursued the eternal essence of life, Yeats sought for the perfect and beautiful as the goal which human beings should try to reach. In ‘Adam’s Curse,’ he asserts, since the Fall, there are nothing perfect and beautiful without one’s deliberate labour to reach them. A good poem necessarily needs lots of repeated correction, “stitching and unstitching,” but finally if it doesn’t seem natural like “a moment’s thought,” all the efforts and labour which have been made comes to be futile. In that the naturalness in poems through laborious process is emphasized, it can be said that his poetics would seek to the perfect and the refined, in content and expression, but most of all his great concern is on one’s passion and the laborious process to transform the reality as it is through imagination. This paper aims to explore the achievement of Yeats’s transformative imagination acted on the idealization of Anglo-Irish aristocratic tradition and nationality in terms of the discourse of nationalism. He projects onto Anglo-Irish aristocratic class the intellectual leadership over the crowd and the organic continuity and tradition which Irish middle class, that he hates, is regarded to lack. Under the threat and violence of Irish Catholics who began to make claims to their rights on dispossessed land, the Anglo-Irish, who had enjoyed the power and wealth since the 17th century, were forced to feel crisis. The Anglo-Irish were destined to play no more active roles in the following Irish history and would be in danger of isolation. Thus his idealization of the Anglo-Irish was constituted where his desire and fear meet. Here Yeats’s idealization of Anglo-Irish aristocrat was made retrospectively in the crisis. The Gregorys’ Coole House and Yeats’s tower, Thoor Ballylee are representative symbols in which he idealized the Anglo-Irish culture and its heroic tradition. The sense of form which Yeats found in the architectural form of Coole House as well as “courtesy” and “ceremony” in aristocrat’s life is one of the heroic ideals Yeats pursued throughout all his life. In poems dealing with this theme, we can see that he idealizes the Anglo-Irish culture and tradition by giving them the idealized heroic values such as the recklessness, intellect and courtesy, criticizing the rigid mind and snobbism of native middle class people who is indifferent to one’s spiritual value and imagination. This is the discourse of nationalism which insists on one’s nation’s innocent, continuous and self-sufficient attributes and proves its superiority to other nations. They would hide the fact that it is invented or constituted by purpose, assuming naturalness and making national myth a self-evident fact through various cultural discourses. But Yeats’s transformative imagination, as seen in ‘Adam’s Curse,’ puts great emphasis on one’s labour made behind to reach the ideal and the opposite to the reality, he lays bare his deliberate efforts of idealizing, not making natural by hiding and mystifying it. Here his poetry comes out of the typical discourse of nation. Like the Anglo-Irish ancestors who founded the magnificent house dreaming the ideal, Yeats himself who wrote a poem in the crisis of breakdown of the Anglo-Irish nationality by historical change and violence wanted to be memorized to his heir as a founder, “befitting the emblem of adversity.” In ‘Meditations in Time of Civil War,’ and ‘Coole Park and Ballylee, 1931,’ we can see that he makes the myth of Anglo-Irish nationality and at the same time demystifies or deconstructs it by showing that it is invented.

      • Chaotic Signal 기반 UWB 통신의 timing 정확도 향상에 관한 구조 연구

        박미정,박형철,김학선 한밭대학교 2007 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        본 논문에서는 송 수신기간의 거리측정을 위해 UWB 시스템에서 chaotic 신호를 이용한 간단한 변·복조 방식인 COOK를 사용하였다. 이 시스템에서 정합펼터 출력 파형의 첨두 (peak) 지점이 송·수신기 간의 거리를 나타낸다- 이러한 특성으로 정합필터의 출력이 첨예해질수록 보다 정확한 위치를 획득할 수 있다. 어떠한 모양의 펄스를 사용해야 첨예한 출력 파형을 얻을 수 있는지를 알기위해 COOK 시스템의 송선기에 여 러 가지의 PSF(Pulse Shaping Filter) 를 추가하였다 구형파, 삼각파, roll-off가 0.25, 0.5, 그리 고 1 인 root raised cosine 신호 형태로 Chaotic signal을 변조하여 5가지 경우를 모의실험 하였다 그 결 과 삼각파 형태의 포락션을 갖는 chaotic 신호를 사용하였을 때가 가장 첨예한 특성이 나온다는 것을 알 수 있었으며 이를 위하여 COOK 변조에서 이러한 삼각파 형태의 chaotic 신호를 송신하기 위한 새로운 구조의 스위치를 제안하여 그 성능을 검증하였다. In this paper, We adapt UWB transceiver that used chaotic signal and simple COOK MODEM for the distance measurement. We can estimate the distance between transmitter and receiver by output waveform of the matched filter in this system. When this output pulse-width of the matched filter is the more sharp we can get the more precise positioning information. We simulated the UWB positioning system which added the PSF(Pulse Shaping Filter) to find out what kind of PSFs made the best sharp pulse. we took into account PSFs of the 5 cases which are a square wave, a chopping wave, a root raised cosine signal with roll-off 0.25, 0.5 and 1. As a result, the best sharp case of the demodulator output waveform characteristic is the a chopping wave. So We suggested new structure switches to generate the a chopping waveform envelope chaotic signal. and We can verify the performance by simulation that new switch architecture in the COOK modulation is matched very well.

      • Cefpiramide와 Aminoglycoside의 혼합시 배합 변화

        박미정,박광준,박경호,손인자 한국병원약사회 2006 병원약사회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Cefpiramide is usually used for the treatment of a documented or suspected infection due to susceptible organisms such as G(-), G(+), P. aeruginosa. Aminoglycoside is used for infection due to G(-) organism. Aminoglycoside is usually used with cefpiramide to widen antibacterial spectrum. So in clinically, this combination used frequently. But, in vitro, when aminoglycosides antibiotics is added to Cephalosporin antibiotics, it is known to be incompatible. In Seoul National University Hospital in Korea, there is a report of incompatibility that when aminoglycoside antibiotic is added to cefpiramide, it will precipitate. So. We study, in vitro, compatibility of cefpiramide with aminoglycoside. The test sample was diluted in D5W, NS. cefpiramide was prepared five different concentrations; 1g/10ml(10%), 1g/20ml(5%), 1g/50ml(2%), 1g/100ml(1%), and 1g/200ml(0.5%). Three aminoglycoside antibiotics were prepared two different concentrations; amikacin(0.5%, 0.125%), gentamicin(0.16%, 0.04%), tobramycin(0.16%, 0.04%) of which prepared sample was mixed 1:1 in different concentration. We took 2 ml that the mixed sample, and observed for precipitation visually and determine the pH with pH meter. Immediately after preparing a injection, we observed signs for incompatibility such as formation of particle, occurrence of haze and gas, increase of turbidity and change of color. In result, compatible concentration range of cefpiramide + aminoglycoside group was 1% + 0.5%, cefpiramide + gentamicin group was incompatible within the range of study concentration, cefpiramide + tobramycin group was 0.5% + 0.16%. And the higher concentration of cefpiramide result in the higher pH of mixed sample to be incompatible.

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