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      • KCI등재

        NAFTA 환경관련 투자중재사건 분석과 한미 FTA에의 시사점

        박덕영,이서연 한국중재학회 2012 중재연구 Vol.22 No.2

        Because the Korea-US FTA and NAFTA have an overlapping contracting party, the US, their provisions have much in common. The Investment Chapter of these agreements especially show much similarities, and thanks to these similarities, it is likely that the Korea-US FTA arbitration tribunal of ISDs regarding the environment will put more weight on the NAFTA tribunals’ interpretations of those similar provisions. Since the NAFTA tribunals has already undergone many environment related arbitration cases, the interpretation of these NAFTA tribunals will help heighten the predictability of environment related Korea-US FTA arbitration cases. This paper analyses the environment related NAFTA cases where the tribunal has issued an award, which are the Metalclad case, S.D. Myers case, Waste Management case, Methanex case, Glamis Gold case, and Chemtura case. According to this analysis, the most controversial NAFTA provisions were Article 1102(national treatment), Article 1105(minimum treatment standard, fair and equitable treatment), Article 1110(expropriation). The NAFTA tribunals applied the requirement of these articles in a strict manner, and as a result the possibility of the tribunal finding a violation lessens. After the aforementioned analysis, this paper proceeds on comparing the national treatment, minimum treatment standard(fair and equitable treatment), and expropriation provisions of the Korea-US FTA and the NAFTA, and predict the impact that the environment related awards of NAFTA can have on the environment related Korea-US FTA counterpart. It is expected that the NAFTA interpretations on the national treatment and minimum treatment provisions are likely be used as they are, but not for the interpretations on expropriation, because of the differences of the expropriation provisions of the two agreements.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        EU기능조약상의 환경보호체계에 관한 고찰 -환경 관련 통상조항을 중심으로 -

        박덕영 국제거래법학회 2011 國際去來法硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        The Treaty of Lisbon, which entered into force December 1 of 2009, is the impetus for change in the EU system. Thanks to the treaty, the EU now has legal personality and can officially take part in the global affairs using its own name. Also the treaty amended most of the TEU and renamed the Treaty establishing the European Community to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Since the 1990s, global concern over the environment is growing and countries all over the world are doing their best to implement the mandatory reduction of greenhouse gases of the Kyoto Protocol. Bearing this trend in mind, the EU has diligently focused on preserving the environment by imposing various conservation measures and now is regarded by the international community as a model case in environmental protection and greenhouse gas reduction. But the probability of these EU measures acting as potential trade barriers against countries wanting to export to the EU is very high. As a result, the study over trade related environmental regulations of the EU is thriving in Korea. But even though an understanding of these regulations must be grounded on a basic knowledge of the provisions on environment and trade in the Treaty on the functioning of the EU, it is difficult to find such research. In other words, much of the scholarship is concentrated on specialized research supported by the industry and related organizations, while analysis on the provisions which are the prerequisites for such research is rare. This paper first reviews article 3 of the TEU, which declares the environment protection principle and is the fundamental clause on environment preservation inside the EU; articles 191-193, which constitutes part 20 of the TFEU and specifies the above principles; article 114, which stipulates the harmonization of domestic laws of EU member states; and other clauses directly regulating issues on the environment and their interrelation. Then it will touch upon articles 34 and 35, the key provisions on import and export quotas, and analyze, inter alia, how to interpret the exceptional clause of article 36 and what the current environmental trend of its interpretation is. Finally, this paper examines ‘rule of reason’ which has been developing through the ECJ rulings for the protection of environment. Expectations of an increase in trade with the EU are high after concluding the negotiation of the Korea-EU FTA in July 2009, but these hopes might be dashed because of the EU’s trade measures targeted on protecting the environment. These trade measures are based on various regulations or directives which are grounded on environment related provisions of the EU treaties. Without an accurate understanding of these undertakings, the strategies Korean export firms can use when entering into the EU market are bound to be limited. Furthermore,considering the possibility of Korean small businesses abandoning export plans due to a lack of understanding on these barriers, the Korean government should provide a comprehensive program to lend aid to these small businesses. Also,Korea should actively adopt promising EU environmental measures to prepare beforehand for the ‘Age of Global Warming’.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라의 저작권 세관신고제도 도입에 대한 고찰

        박덕영,조유미 한국저작권위원회 2009 계간 저작권 Vol.22 No.2

        오늘날 지재권에 대한 높은 관심과 더불어 문화산업의 발전에 따라 저작권의 중요성이 점차 증대되고 있다. 이와 동시에 효율적이고 실질적인 저작권 보호를 위하여 집행수준 및 감독강화에 대한 요구도 높아지고 있는 게 현실이다. 우리나라 역시 한-미 FTA를 통해 전반적인 지재권 집행의 수준이 크게 강화되었고, 저작권에 있어서도 기존에 없던 세관신고제도를 도입하게 되었다. 이는 미국의 제도로서 저작권 침해 물품을 국경 단계에서 차단함으로써 저작권 침해로 인한 막대하고 급속한 피해의 확산을 방지하기 위한 목적으로 운영되고 있다. 미국은 Code of Federal Regulation, Part. 19 Subpart D에서 저작권의 세관신고에 관해 규정하고 있다. 저작권 침해 물품의 수입에 대하여 효율적인 보호를 받고자 하는 저작권자는 미국 저작권청에 우선 해당 저작권을 등록하고 세관에 신고하여야 하는데, 세관에 신고된 저작권은 20년 동안 세관의 보호를 받게 된다. 세관신고에 대한 보호기간 이후에도 저작권의 보호기간이 존속한다면 세관신고의 갱신을 통해서 재차 보호받을 수 있고 각각의 단계에서 일정한 비용이 요구된다. 미국 세관은 점차 증가하는 저작권 침해의 현실에서 저작권을 보다 더 강력히 보호하기위해 세관의 역할을 증대할 필요성에 대해 언급한 바 있으며, 이에 따라 관련 규정의 개정을 제안한 바 있다. 우리나라에 도입된 세관신고제도 역시 상당 부분 미국의 규정과 매우 유사하기 때문에 미국의 제도와 규정 및 개정 논의를 검토한다면 향후 우리나라 세관신고제도의 효율적 운용에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재


        박덕영 한국중국언어학회 2019 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.83

        The study of Chinese monosyllabic vocabulary and its semantic evolution is an important academic field. On the innovation of its research methods, we can introduce the perspective of extraterritorial comparisons on the basis of general investigation. That is to say, in order to compare the evolution of Chinese characters and their semantic systems in countries other than Korea. This new way of thinking not only expands the original register of investigation, but also enriches and improves research in China. And as a result, there will be new and unexpected academic discoveries, breakthroughs and expansions of current academic knowledge. This paper takes the study of the evolution of the Chinese character "oil (油)" as a case, and introduces the perspective of extraterritorial comparison. In other words, reference is made to the evolution of the Korean Chinese character word "oil (油)" in order to verify this new research method. This paper investigates the ancient and modern backbone pronunciation, form, meaning, part of speech and word entry of "oil (油)", compares the evolution of the Korean Chinese term "oil (油)", identifies and explains the similarities and differences between China and Korea and contributes to the expansion of the current body of research. First the pronunciation of "oil (油)" in ancient and modern Chinese is different from that of the Korean Chinese vocabulary, but there are some similarities. Second in terms of morphology, the regular script forms of the Chinese character "oil (油)" is commonly used in the Korean Chinese vocabulary, and there are also variants. Third, in terms of meaning, by comparing the meanings of "oil (油)" in China and Korea, there have been some changes in the meaning of the word. Furthermore, referring to the situation of the Korean Chinese vocabulary and the investigation of modern neologisms, and it transpired that some semantics of "oil (油)" are not found in modern Chinese but are retained by Korean. 汉语单音节词汇及其语义演变过程的研究,是一个重要的学术领域.论其研究方法创新,可在一般性的考察基础上,引入域外比较的视角,即对比韩国等中国之外的国家的汉字词及其语义系统的演变情况.这种新的观照方式,不仅扩大原有的考察语域,丰富完善以中国境内为考察范围的研究,且往往会有新的、意外的学术发现,突破、拓展有的学术认知。本论文即以汉字“油”的演变研究为案例,引入域外比较视角,即参考韩国汉字词“油”的演变情况,以验证这一新的研究方法。论文考察了“油”的古今主干音、形、义、词性、词条目等方面,在此过程中对比韩国汉字词“油”的演变情况,辨析中韩异同,解释其中缘由,获得了一些新的发现。古今汉语“油”的读音与韩国汉字词的古今音都不完全相同,但有相似之处。词形方面,汉字“油”的楷书形体虽通用于韩国汉字词,但又出现了异体字。对比“油”的中韩古今词义,可知词义出现了一些伸缩变化,但总体上中韩古代的“油”的词义比现代的更为相近,原因是最初传入朝鲜半岛的“油”的词义被保留了下来。在词条目方面,除参考韩国汉字词的情况并注重考察现代新语词外,发现“油”的某些语义,为现代汉语所无,而韩国予以保留。

      • KCI등재후보

        미국-호주 FTA 체결이후 호주의 저작권분야 국내이행에 관한 연구

        박덕영 국제거래법학회 2007 國際去來法硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        A Study on the Domestic Implementation Laws of Copyright in Australia after the Conclusion of AUSFTA

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