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      • KCI등재

        조선 전기 공납용 백자제작에 따른 분청사기 양식변화

        박경자(Park Kyungja),박형순 한국미술사교육학회 2010 美術史學 Vol.- No.24

        조선 전기에 국가를 운영하는데 사용된 그릇(器皿)은 용도에 따라 내용(內用: 王室用) 및 국용(國用)으로 구분할 수 있다. 內用은 국왕과 궁궐 안에 거주하는 왕실(王室) 구성원의 일상생활에 소용되는 것이고, 國用은 국왕과 왕실 및 궁궐 안팎에 위치한 여러 관사(京中各司)의 공적인 용도이다. 조선 전기에 내용 및 국용으로 사용된 자기의 종류에는 백자ㆍ청자ㆍ분청사기가 있으며 특히 분청사기의 양이 많았다. 이들 자가는 조선의 개국과 함께 시행된 공납제(貢納制)의 체제에 따라 지방관부(地方官府)가 전국에 있는 자기소(磁器所)에서 현물의 세금인 공물(貢物)로 제작하여 중앙의 여러 관청에 납공(納貢)하였다. 이러한 조선 전기의 공납용 자기는 그 종류가 분청사기에서 백자로 대체되고, 경기도 광주에 내용 및 국용 백자를 전담하여 제작하는 사옹원(司饔院) 사기소(沙器所)인 관요(官窯)의 설치가 완료되면서 크게 변화하였다. 본 논문은 관요의 설치가 완료되는 1469년 이전인 1440년대부터 공납용자기로 백자의 비중이 커지기 시작하고, 1450-1460년대에는 공납용 분청사기를 제작하던 여러 지역의 가마에서 공납용 백자를 제작하는 점에 주목하여 이 시기에 나타난 분청사기의 양식변화 및 제작기법에 따른 지역적 특징을 살펴보았다. 즉 1450년 이전에는 인화기법의 공납용 분청사기와 함께 여러 지역에서 주로 면상감기법으로 제작된 모란문이 1450년 이후에는 전라도에서는 조화(음각)기법으로, 충청도에서는 철화기법으로, 경상도에서는 조화기법 및 상감백자로 제작되었다. 또 1470년대에는 지역별로 다양한 기법으로 제작된 분청사기의 양식이 단순한 귀얄기법 위주로 변화하였다. 이상의 내용은 조선 전기의 자기를 대표하는 분청사기 소멸기의 양상을 구체적으로 밝힐 수 있는 데 그 의의가 있다. In the early period of the Joseon dynasty, the ceramic and porcelain wares used by the King's government were categorized into two areas depending upon their usage: the internal usage wares and governmental usage wares. The internal usage wares were used personally by the King and his family in the King's palace, and the governmental usage wares were used for official purposes by the King, his family and the government offices. These ceramic and porcelain wares included white porcelain, blue celadon, and Buncheong ware. Among them, Buncheong wares were dominant. In accordance with the new taxation system implemented by the King at the start of the Joseon Dynasty, these ceramic and porcelain wares were manufactured at local kilns and offered to the King by the local governments to fulfill their tax duties. However, with the opening of the Saongwon Sagiso in 1469 at Gwangju, Gyungido, which became the sole state-run kilns and manufactured the white porcelain wares only, the Buncheong wares were completely replaced by the white porcelain at the King's government. Accordingly, there came a major transformation of the Buncheong kilns, which were deserted by the King's court. This article is to study the transition of the design and technical characteristics of the Buncheong wares at the local kilns since 1440, as more of the white porcelain wares were demanded for taxation by the central government even before the launch of the Gwangju white porcelain kilns in the year 1469. A special attention is paid to the period 1450-1460 when the Buncheong kilns were forced to manufacture white porcelain wares to follow the changes in the official taxation demand by the King's government. Before 1450, the peony design patterns were decorated on the Buncheong wares using the stamping technique. It is found that, after 1450, the peony design patterns were put on the Buncheong wares by using the incising technique in Jeola-do region, the painting technique with iron pigment in Choongcheong-do region, and the incising technique and the wihite-porcelain inlaying technique in Gyungsang-do region. In 1470, the regionally separated manufacturing techniques became mostly unified into the simple brushing technique. In summary, the present report is devoted to the detailed study of how the Buncheong ware, the representative ceramic ware of the early Joseon Dynasty, decayed as the demand from the King's court changed to the white porcelain.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        아프리카 출신 난민아동들의 한국생활 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구

        박경자 ( Kyungja Park ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 아프리카 출신 난민아동들의 한국생활 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구이다. 연구에서는 아프리카 출신 난민아동들의 학교, 또래, 지역사회에서의 생활경험과 그 의미를 규명하고자 했다. 연구는 2019년 10월부터 2021년 3월까지 수행되었다. 본 연구에는 한국에 5년 이상 거주한 8명의 아프리카 출신 난민아동이 참여했다. 자료는 일대일 심층 면담을 수행하여 구성했다. 연구결과 48개의 의미 단위, 15개의 하위구성요소와 6개의 구성요소가 도출되었다. 6개의 구성요소는 보편적 교육권리의 배제, 인종차별, 트라우마의 중복 이환, 미운 검은 오리, 선한 사마리아인들, 흑인 정체성의 회복으로 나타났다. 연구결과에 근거하여 난민아동에 대한 교육의 중요성, 민간자원의 적극적인 개입, 정신건강을 비롯한 문제에 대한 다각적인 접근에 대한 제언을 했다. This study is a phenomenological study of the experiences of refugee children from Africa in South Korea. The study sought to identify the experiences and implications of refugee children from Africa in schools, peers and communities. The study was conducted from Oct. 2019 to Mar. 2021. Eight African-born refugee children who have lived in Korea for more than five years participated in this study. The data were organized by conducting one-on-one in-depth interviews. The study resulted in 48 semantic units, 15 subcomponents and 6 components. The six components were found to be the exclusion of universal educational rights, racism, repetition of trauma, hateful black ducks, good Samaritans, and the restoration of black identities. Based on the results of the study, the researcher suggested the importance of education for refugee children, active involvement of private resources, and diverse approaches to mental health and other issues.

      • 분청사기의 변천과 지역성

        박경자(Park Kyungja) 국립광주박물관 2018 아시아 도자문화 연구 Vol.- No.1

        분청사기는 청자와 동일한 계통의 태토로 형태를 만들고 그 표면에 백토(白土)를 분장(粉粧)한 자기로 청자와 백자를 합친 것과 같은 속성을 지니고 있다. 분장을 바탕으로 한 제작방식은 약100년의 짧은 존재기간에도 불구하고 분청사기의 다양한 양식 변화를 가능하게 했다. 분장은 완성단계의 시각화 양상에 따라 시문과정단계(施紋過程段階), 바탕형성단계(地形成段階), 표면백색화단계(表面白色化段階)의 분장으로 구분된다. 분장의 단계별 변화는 문양이 없이 백토만을 입히는 방향으로 진행되었고 이는 15세기 조선 분청사기의 변천과정과 일치한다. 분청사기는 1410년대에 정형화된 인화문이 공납자기의 관양(官樣)으로 정착되어 고려 말 상감청자와 양식적으로 분화되었고 이후 1450년대까지 정밀하게 제작되어 양식적인 독자성을 형성하였다. 1460년대에는 이루어진 분청사기생산의 공납요에서 백자생산의 관요로 국용자기생산체제의 전환은 분청사기의 급격한 양식변화를 초래하였다. 인화문분청사기의 쇠퇴와 함께 1460-1470년대에는 백토분장이 문양의 바탕을 형성한 조화와 철화분청사기가 시문방식, 도구, 안료의 사용, 제작지역의 차이에도 불구하고 동일한 양식으로 제작되었다. 이러한 제작기법의 지역별 차이는 지방군현의 관장 하에 공납자기를 생산한 장인집단이 호(戶)를 이루어 존재한데에 그 배경이 있으며 정형화된 제작규범에서 벗어난 자유로운 제작여건에서 제작자의 개성이 지역특징으로 표출되었다. 청자에서 태동하여 백자의 영향으로 소멸하기까지 분청사기에 나타난 분장의 시각화 양상과 시문기법의 차이로 표출된 지역성에 대한 고찰은 분청사기에 대한 상반된 의미의 미학적 평가를 구체화하는 의의가 있다. Buncheong ceramics existed in the early part of Joseon Dynasty, in the 15thcentury, for about 100years. The technique of decorating the clay body with white slip enabled the progression of various style finishes. In the 1410s, as certain stamped patterns settled down as an official standard for government use, buncheong ceramics replaced the inlaid celadon for taxation purpose. The white-slip decoration technique experienced transmutation from the early stamping method, which left the white slip in the negative engraved area only, into the decoration method without stamping on the white slip, and eventually to the white slip only method without any decoration that made it look like white porcelain. As the hard white-porcelain was produced at full-scale around the year 1500, manufacturing of buncheong ceramics mostly discontinued. In more detail, the stamped buncheong ceramics flourished into a unique artistic position in this progression until around the year 1450 as a unified style was developed in a sophisticated and elegant pattern. In the 1460s, as the production of buncheong-ceramics at taxation-purpose kilns was beginning to be challenged by white-porcelain production at government-run kilns, the transmutation of buncheong ceramics into the non-stamped, white-porcelain look-alike style was encouraged. Buncheong ware manufactured during 1460-1470 was covered with white clay without the pattern stamping, and the artistic patterns were either engraved with knife or iron-painted with brush even though the artistic patterns were common. Usage and development of the knife-engraving technique and the brush-painting technique were separated regionally because the artisans were registered and managed in regional groups by local governments.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌(지구촌) 세계영어와 원어민: 영어사적 관점에서

        박경자(Park Kyungja),임현선(Im Hyunsun) 한국영어어문교육학회 2016 영어어문교육 Vol.22 No.2

        The acceptance of cultural as well as linguistic diversity is necessary for smooth and successful communication in English among people of different cultures, because such acceptance improves language’s “intelligibility, comprehensibility and interpretability” (Smith, 2009). As a global language, English has naturally taken on global features – features unique to the languages of the many speakers who use English across the world. Hence, English has cultural as well as regional varieties which are differentiated by specific features used by diverse speakers. Today, with the population of non-native English speakers (NNS) outnumbering that of native speakers (NS), English language practitioners and researchers have a responsibility to ensure that both NSs and NNSs are informed about the linguistic and cultural varieties of English. This paper takes a historical perspective, exploring the following two points in terms of the development of English as a global language: (1) The innate potential of English as a global communication tool; and (2) A semantic change (generalization) in the term, “native speaker of English.”

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 팬데믹에서 대학생들의 일상생활 경험 : 해석현상학적 분석

        박경자(Park, Kyungja),김명찬(Kim, Myeungchan) 한국열린교육학회 2022 열린교육연구 Vol.30 No.1

        본 연구는 COVID-19 팬데믹에서 대학생들의 일상생활 경험에 관한 해석현상학적 분석연구이다. 본 연구에서는 5명의 연구 참여자를 대상으로 1:1 심층 면접을 시행하였다. 연구 참여자들은 COVID-19 상황에서 등교하지 못했고 친구들과 단절되었으나, 오히려 집이라는 편안한 공간에서 해방감을 느꼈고, 학교와 사회가 만든 시간에서 벗어나 자기만의 시간을 지닐 수 있었다. 그런데도 참여자들은 서울이나 수도권 대학생과 비교해 경쟁력의 거리가 더 벌어질 수 있다는 공포가 증가하였으나, 자신에게 주어진 시간 속에서 진지하게 진로를 모색했고, 자신이 원하는 일과 진로를 확정하고 여기에 몰입했다. 또한 가정이라는 공간에 머무는 시간이 늘어남에 따라 대화가 증가하였고, 이는 가족의 이해와 재발견으로 이어졌다. 하지만 가장 중요한 것은 연구 참여자들이 인간의 숭고함을 체험한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 연구 결과‘집이라는 벙커 속에 안전함’,‘사회적 시간 거스르기’,‘낙오 공포의 증가’,‘잠행 속에 진로 모색’,‘가족의 재발견’,‘인간 숭고함의 체험’이라는 6가지의 본질적 주제가 출현 되었다. 이러한 결과에 대한 논의를 제시하였다. This study is an interpretative phenomenological analysis study on the daily life experiences of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. A 1:1 in-depth interview was conducted with five participants who were unable to attend school due to the COVID-19 situation. They were cut off from their friends, but felt liberated in the comfort of their homes and could spend time in their own way, without being restricted by schedules created for them by school and society. Nevertheless, the participants had an increased fear that the skill gap could widen between them and the university students in Seoul or the metropolitan area. In addition, as they spent more time at home, conversations between them and their families increased, which led to greater interpersonal understanding and reconnection. Most importantly, it can be said that the students experienced the sublime nature of human beings. The results of the study showed six major themes: (1) safety in the bunker of home; (2) crossing social time; (3) increasing fear of falling behind; (4) searching for a career in stealth; (5) rediscovery of the family; and (6) experience of the sublime nature of humanity. A discussion of these results is presented at the end of the paper.

      • KCI등재

        소셜네트워크서비스 사용중단은 왜 발생하는가?

        박경자(Kyungja Park),고준(Joon Koh),박승봉(Seungbong Park) 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2015 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to specify elements that can be useful to explain discontinuance intention of social network service users after they adopt the services. SNS is a platform based service that is heavily depending on interaction between users. Therefore, a variety of types of costs in technology usage may be considered as an important factor. From this perspective, this study demonstrates systematical relationship between ‘behavioral costs’, ‘sunk costs’, ‘opportunity costs’ and ‘coupling’ as major elements that can have effects on SNS discontinuance intention of service users. Main findings are as follows; First, experienced benefits and sunk costs have negative effects on discountenance intention while behavioral costs and coupling have positive effects on it. If perception of sunk costs increases, strength of discountenance intention is low. This result implicates that sunk costs play a significant role in using SNS. Second, it is shown that experienced benefits influence coupling perception negatively while behavioral costs influence it positively. Coupling can be defined as thinking that people should pay corresponding costs to get certain benefits. It is found that SNS users are generally more sensitive to losses than benefits. Third, the finding suggests that coupling has a positive effect on opportunity costs and discountenance intention. Particularly, coupling was found to have a positive effect on discountenance intention against our expectation. This result is different from previous studies suggesting that there is a positive relationship between coupling and SNS use behavior (intention), which indicates that coupling effect of the traditional products and services environment can differ from that of the e-service environment.

      • 조선 초 ‘司膳’명자기의 성격

        박경자 ( Kyungja Park ) 이화여자대학교 도예연구소 2019 陶藝硏究 Vol.- No.28

        사선서(司膳署)는 고려 말에서 조선 초 사이(1380-1420년대)에 왕실(王室)의 일상식사와 궁궐 안에서 공적(公的)인 용도의 음식제공을 담당한 관청이다. ‘司膳’명자기는 ‘司膳署’를 의미하는 ‘司膳’ 두 글자가 표기된 자기이다. ‘司膳’명자기에 대한 학계의 지금까지의 연구는 자기의 사용주체, 생산지역, 생산지에서 사용처인 궁궐까지의 운송 담당자와 운송방식에 관한 것이다. 그 내용은 첫째, 司膳’명자기의 사용주체는 왕실이다. 둘째, 그 생산지는 충청도, 전라도, 경상도의 여러 지역이다. 셋째, 생산지에서 궁궐까지의 운송 업무는 왕실의 식사를 담당한 조직인 사옹(司饔)이 수행하였다. 넷째, 운송방식은 사옹이 제작지에 직접 내려가서 현물의 세금(貢物)으로 수취하여 궁궐까지 육로(陸路)로 운송했다는 것이다. 본 논문은 ‘司膳’명자기에 관한 지금까지의 연구 성과와 달리 ‘司膳’명자기의 사용주체가 왕실이 아니라 이조 소속의 관사인 사선서이고, 공부(貢賦) 운송시스템인 육로가 아니라 국가가 구축한 운송방식인 해로(海路) 운송이었다. 또 공납자기를 상납하는 주체는 해당 군현(郡縣)이었다. 즉, ‘司膳’명자기는 사선서가 왕실에 대한 조석상식(朝夕常食) 제공이 아니라, 공적인 용도의 음식제공에 사용한 관용자기(官用磁器)이다. 이러한 결과는 『조선왕조실록』의 내용과 가마터에 대한 고고학적인 발굴 결과에서 확인한 세 가지 사실을 바탕으로 도출되었다. 첫째, 조선 초에 왕실이 일상식사에 사용한 그릇은 자기가 아니라 은기(銀器)였다. 둘째, ‘司膳’명자기의 사용처는 궁궐 안팎의 관청영역이었다. 셋째, 조선 초에 ‘司膳’명자기를 포함한 공물(貢物)은 해로로 운송되었다. The Saseonseo(司膳署) was a government office during the Goryeo Dynasty and early Joseon Dynasty (1380~1420’s) in charge of daily meals of the royal family and the provision of food for public use in the palace. ‘Saseon(司膳)-inscribed’ porcelain is a ceramic ware engraved two letters ‘Sa司 and Seon膳’ which means ‘司膳署’. The research on the ‘Saseon(司膳)-inscribed’ porcelain has been focused on the main users, the place of production, the person in charge of transportation and the method of transport. The contents cover; First, the subject of use was the royal family. Second, the production sites located over various regions in Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do, and Gyeongsang-do. Third, the transportation from the place of production to the palace was performed by Saong(司饔), the organization responsible for the royal meal. Fourth, the Saong went directly to the place of manufacture, received the tax in kind, and transported it to the palace by land. In this paper, the author clarifies the main subject of the above-mentioned ‘Saseon(司 膳)-inscribed’ porcelain was not the royal family, but the Saseonseo(司膳署). In addition, the transportation method was not by land but by sea route transportation, a government-built freight system. It is proposed that the responsibility for transportation lied with the local authorities of the region where the porcelain produced. Therefore, the ‘Saseon(司膳)-inscribed’ porcelain was adopted by the Saseonseo to provide food for public official purpose, not for the royal family. In order to prove the results, the author ascertained three respects based on the records of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty and the results of archaeological excavations; the vessel used by the royal family in the early days of Joseon Dynasty was not a porcelain but a silver-ware, the porcelain was used in government offices outside the palace either and that it was made as a tribute and transported by sea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        컨버전스제품의 상대적 매력도와 채택의 영향요인

        김재전 ( Jaejon Kim ),박경자 ( Kyungja Park ) 한국정보시스템학회 2015 情報시스템硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        Purpose This study reviews technology acceptance research in the information system area and consumer behavior research in the marketing area, sets characteristics of convergence products, personality of consumers and communication channels as main concepts and demonstrates their effects on ‘relative level of attraction’ and ‘intent to adoption. Design/methodology/approach The survey was conducted against potential consumers who have the intent to purchase electric communication media products that provides a variety of functions and service, such as a smart TV, a tablet PC and a smart watch. All items were adapted from previous literature and revised as appropriate the purpose of this study and measured on a 7-point Likert scale with answer choices ranging from “strongly disagree” (1) to (7) “strongly agree.” Totally, 300 respondents participated in the survey. Out of the 276 respondents, incomplete or invalid 24 were discarded. With them, SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 20.0 for structural equation modeling were used for the analysis. Findings Main findings are as followed;- First, it is found that ‘interrelationship of technology’ and ‘functional diversification’ of convergence products has positive effects on relative level of attraction. Second, perceived behavior control has significant effects on the intent to adoption convergence products. Third, communication through mass media has positive effects on making potential consumers feel attraction about products while there is no relationship with the intent to a. On the other hands, it is demonstrated that there is no relationship influential relationship between communication through interpersonal channels and relative level of attraction while communication through interpersonal channels has significant effects on the intent to adoption.

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