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        소나 영상 획득을 위한 무인자율항법 시스템 구현

        류재훈,류광렬,Ryu, Jae Hoon,Ryu, Kwang Ryol 한국정보통신학회 2016 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.20 No.11

        본 논문은 해저탐사에서 소나영상 촬영을 위한 무인자율항법(AUSV)시스템 구현에 관한 연구이다. 자율항법 시스템은 선체에 모션센서, DGPS에 의한 현재 경위도 좌표와 목표지 경위도 좌표의 차를 가지고 선체 추진체의 항로를 FFPID 알고리즘으로 제어한다. 실험결과, 목적지 좌표에 대한 제어좌표 오차는 전체 항법거리 1km 에서 6 m 이하로 우수하다. 또한 자율항법 모드에서의 소나영상 촬영 결과물은 유인선 촬영 결과물과의 차이는 12 화소 이하로 전체 영상 차이는 거의 식별할 수 없이 동일하다. 개발된 시스템은 유인선으로 촬영 불가능한 해저 지형에 대한 소나영상 촬영을 위한 새로운 방법으로 활용 가능하다. This paper describes the implementation of AUSV system for sonar image acquisition to survey the seabed. The system is controlled by Feed Forward PID algorithm on the vessel for bearing of the thrusters composed of motion sensor and DGPS which calculates the differences between the current location and the destination location for longitude and latitude based on GPS coordinates. As experimental results, the bearing control performance is good that the error distance from the destination positions are under 6m in total survey track of 1km. And the sonar image deviation of a object is under 12 pixels from the manned survey method, which the comparison with the total image quality is almost the same as the manned survey one. Thus the proposed AUSV system is a new method of system can be utilized at the limited survey areas as the surveyor should not be able to approach on sea surface by onboard vessel.

      • KCI등재

        영화촬영에서의 셔터의 활용과 스토리텔링

        류재훈(Jae-Hoon Ryu) 한국콘텐츠학회 2014 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.14 No.12

        영화의 촬영이란 단순히 시나리오의 내용이나 인물의 행동을 화면에 옮기는 작업이 아니다. 촬영감독은 이미지를 통해 시나리오에 담긴 감정을 화면에 축적한다. 그 축적의 연속이 영화의 본질이다. 따라서 촬영감독은 끊임없이 시나리오를 해석하고 그것을 시각적으로 표현하기 위해 애쓰게 되는데 이러한 작업에서 가장 근본이 되는 것은 당연히 촬영 기술이다. 결국, 영화 촬영이란 기술을 수단으로 예술성을 드러내는 작업이므로 촬영의 가장 기본적인 기술적 요인을 살펴보는 것은 영화예술을 이해하는데 큰 도움이 된다. 인물의 감정을 드러내는 여러 기술적 수단이 있지만 그 중 조명이나 미술 등의 도움 없이 카메라 그 자체의 기능만으로 가장 간단하고도 유력하게 시도할 수 있는 것이 셔터의 활용이다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 셔터의 활용에 대하여 기본적이면서 필수적으로 알아야 할 요인들에 대해 논의한다. Filming of movie is not working for translating scenario of story or character’s moving. Director of Photography accumulates emotion in scenario through image. The accumulation of continuation is the essence of movie. Therefore, cinematographer strives consistently to analysis scenario and to express through visual which operation of the most basis can be filming technology. Eventually, Filming of movie is based on mean of technology to show artistry work. Accordingly, searching the most fundamental of filming’s technical factor considerably help to understand movie art. There are variation technology factors to expose character’s emotion. And the most simple and influential try by only using the pure function of camera is utilizing shutter without supporting lighting and production design. As a result, this thesis discuss about essential and basic factors of utilizing shutter.

      • KCI등재

        트래킹 샷을 이용한 영화의 공간성 확장과 스토리텔링

        류재훈(Ryu, Jae-Hoon) 한국영상제작기술학회 2016 영상기술연구 Vol.- No.24

        In many factors of composing film, ‘Screen’ can be the most essential factor by looking aspect of conveying emotion and story. Because Film could be the most visual art beyond compare. As with the variety methods of making screen for effective storytelling, one of the most fundamental methodology is definitely Camera Movement. It is the one that distinguish stop motion image which is picture from cinematic image. The concept of still image from camera converts to moving image of film camera that makes running time which contains moving subject and moving camera. In other words, taking continuity of camera"s moving determines basis factor of cinema art. Among several camera moving, the most typical moving is tracking. Tracking could consider the most effective method to drag in the outside world of screen into camera screen. Therefore, to understand tracking shot could be the basic step to understand camera work. In this thesis describes functional feature and effect about tracking shot throughout searching practical case.

      • KCI등재

        관객의 시각적 ‘몰입’을 위한 특수상영관의 현황과 전망

        류재훈(RYU, JAE HOON) 한국영상제작기술학회 2018 영상기술연구 Vol.- No.28

        Currently, multiplex theaters in Korea are entering a low growth phase. This study confirms that multiplex chains are expanding special high-value-added theaters such as 3D, 4D, IMAX to overcome such limitations. As part of such a trend, we are witnessing the recent expansion of screen X screening facilities and confirming that the production of screen X screening films has been actively being attempted at home and abroad. This special auditorium assists the viewer ‘s "immersion" through visual pleasure and assists the film narrative. While this special screening technique was once expected to ‘tow’ new film narratives and grammar, it is now clearly at a ‘supportive’level. Screen X screening technology is one of the few theater-related technologies that Korea has original technology. It is not known whether it will become the standard of theater in the future, but it is a desirable phenomenon that it is getting good evaluation at home and abroad and the related facilities are increasing. This study deals with the status of multiplexes in the Korean movie market, the status of the special screenings, the status of the screen X screen, the similarity with the cinerama technology, and the future prospects of the screen X.

      • KCI등재

        Heidegger 존재론에 비추어 본 교육공학 재개념화: 처방의 의미를 중심으로

        류재훈 ( Jae-hoon Ryu ),유영만 ( Yeong-mahn You ) 한국교육공학회 2018 교육공학연구 Vol.34 No.3

        ‘잘 가르치는 일’로서 교육공학은 모종의 처방적인 활동임이 틀림없다. 이 점에서 교육공학은 일종의 도구적 성격을 갖는다. 하지만, 처방이 목적, 내용과 분리될 수 없다는 점은 교육공학을 단순히 도구적 성격만으로 설명할 수 없음을 명확히 드러낸다. 이처럼 교육공학의 본질을 파악하기 위해서는 교육의 목적과 내용과 연계하여 처방의 의미를 규명해야 한다. 이에 본 연구는 교육공학의 현상 이면에 보이지 않는 본질을 드러내고자 존재 의미에 대해 탐색한 철학자인 Heidegger의 철학에 비추어 교육공학을 재개념화하였다. Heidegger 존재론에 비추어 본 교육공학은 존재자적 교육공학과 존재론적 교육공학으로 구분된다. 이때 존재자적 교육공학은 실제적 지식, 실용교육, 전향적 관점의 적극적 처방을 지향한다. 반면, 존재론적 교육공학은 이론적 지식, 인간교육, 후향적 관점의 소극적 처방을 지향한다. 그러나 두 가지 교육공학은 서로 혼동해서는 안 되지만, 그렇다고 분리되어 존재하는 것도 아니다. 실제 교육 활동에 있어서 교육공학의 두 가지 존재 양식은 모두 필요하며, 경우에 따라서 두 가지 존재 양식은 상호보완적으로 작용할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 교육공학의 두 가지 존재 양식을 통합할 수 있는 모형을 제시하였다. 이것은 이론적 지식의 축적을 통해 자신의 안목을 넓히고, 대상에 대한 깊은 이해를 바탕으로 실제적 처방이 이루어질 때, 비로소 심층적 지식을 전수할 수 있다는 것을 시사한다. As a “well-teaching activity” educational technology is prescriptive, thus having a kind of instrumental meaning. However, the fact that prescription cannot be separated from educational aims and subject matter clearly reveals that educational technology cannot be explained simply by its instrumental nature. In order to understand the essence of educational technology, it is necessary to identify the meaning of prescription in connection with the educational aims and subject matter. Therefore, this study re-conceptualized educational technology in the light of the philosophy of Heidegger, who has explored the meaning of being in order to determine the intrinsic value of educational technology. Educational technology in the light of Heidegger’s theory of being is divided into “ontic educational technology” and “ontological educational technology,” in accordance with the aspects of explanation and understanding of existence. “ontic educational technology” pursues practical knowledge, practical education, and positive prescription from the perspectives of prospective thinking. On the other hand, “ontological educational technology” pursues theoretical knowledge, humanity education, and negative prescription from the perspectives of retrospective thinking. However, although two aspects of educational technology are sharply contrasted, they do not exist separately. In actual educational activities, both aspects of educational technology are necessary and, in some cases, can complement each other. In this study, we present a model, which integrates these two different aspects of educational technology. This implies that the not-yet-manifested knowledge can be transferred only when practical prescriptions are made, based on the accumulation of theoretical knowledge from a teacher's own existential awakening and caring for the learners' being.

      • KCI등재

        한중합작영화현장의 제작 시스템과 노동조건 분석

        류재훈(RYU, JAE HOON) 한국영상제작기술학회 2017 영상기술연구 Vol.- No.26

        As the Chinese movie market has exploded in recent years, examples of Korean-Chinese joint films are gradually increasing. However, most of the studies are thought to be in the view of the macro view that analyzed the flow of Korean – Chinese joint films from the huge industrial perspective of the movie industry in both countries. While there is no room for rethinking the significance of such an industrial perspective, it is also necessary to look at the flow of the Korean-Chinese joint film from a practical point of view and look at the working conditions and the situation of the staff working at the actual site. This study examines the situation of Korean cinematographers working in Chinese cinema in order to look at the film of both countries from a practical point of view when these Korean film staffs faced the actual working circumstance in the Chinese film making. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the difference of the production system of the staffs of two countries, the labor conditions, and the contract specificities through experience of several staffs who worked in the recent joint film between Korea and China. It also examines the effects of the conflict between South Korea and China over the recent THAAD placement issue in South Korea, and discusses future prospects.

      • KCI등재

        행위자 네트워크 이론(actornetworktheory)을 기반으로 한교육공학의 학문적 정체성 탐구

        류재훈 ( Jae Hoon Ryu ),최윤미 ( Yoon Mee Choi ),김령희 ( Ryeong Hee Kim ),유영만 ( Yeong Mahn You ) 한국교육공학회 2016 교육공학연구 Vol.32 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 인간과 기술의 관계에 급진적 관점을 제시하는 행위자 네트워크 이론(actor-network theory: 이하에서 ANT로 표시)에 비추어 교육공학의 학문적 정체성을 탐색하는 것이다. ANT는 기술을 포함한 비인간 행위자에게 인간과 동등한 지위를 부여함으로써, 그동안 서양철학에 내재되어 있는 주체/객체, 인간/기술 등의 이분법적인 관념의 틀을 탈피하는 대안적 관점을 제시한다. 인간과 기술을 둘러싼 다양한 현상을 여러 행위자들 간의 상호작용을 통한 관계적 효과로 이해하는 ANT의 철학적 입장을 분석함으로써 교육공학의 학문적 정체성을 재조명하는 계기를 마련하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 우선 ANT의 개념과 원리가 무엇인지를 살펴본다. 이는 ANT에 비추어 교육공학을 바라보는 관점을 확대하고자하는 본 연구의 자연스러운 출발점이 된다. ANT의 개념과 원리를 토대로 ANT를 기반으로 한 교육공학을 상정하고, 이것이 기존(실증주의, 구성주의 기반)의 교육공학과 어떠한 패러다임의 차이가 있는지 존재론적(ontological), 인식론적(epistemological), 가치론적(axiological), 방법론적(methodological) 측면에서 논의한다. ANT에 기반 한 교육공학은 첨단기술이 교육에 유입되어 적극적으로 활용되고 있는 현시점에서 기존 교육공학의 한계를 극복할 수 있는 실마리를 제공한다. The aim of this study is to explore the identity of educational technology in the light of actor-network theory(ANT), which has been considered the most radical theory of the relation of human and technology in the science and technology studies(STS) field. ANT regards artifacts and nonhuman beings like technology, as same agents like humans, and explains how the couple human/non-human should be substituted for the insurmountable dichotomy between subject and object, human and technology, entrenched in western philosophy. ANT refers phenomena surrounding people to the complex networks of heterogeneous agents such as human, nonhuman beings, and artifacts, and with the following review of ANT philosophy this study attempts to present the theoretical explication of the educational technology``s academic identity. In this regard, first, it elucidates ANT conceptual terms. Secondly, it interprets the educational technology in the light of ANT philosophy -the ontological, epistemological, axiological, methodological aspects, by comparing two dominant traditional paradigm in educational technology(positivism and constructionism), with the alternative one.

      • KCI등재

        호기성 그래뉼 슬러지를 이용한 연속 회분식 공정의 도시하수처리에 대한 적용

        예재빈 ( Jae-bin Yae ),류재훈 ( Jae-hoon Ryu ),홍성완 ( Seong-wan Hong ),김현구 ( Hyun-gu Kim ),안대희 ( Dae-hee Ahn ) 한국환경과학회 2018 한국환경과학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to confirm the applicability of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) in the advanced sewage treatment process. Simulated influent was used in the operation of a laboratory scale reactor. The operation time of one cycle was 4 h and the reactor was operated for six cycles per day. The volume exchange ratio was 50%. The influent was injected in divisions of 25% to increase the removal efficiency of nitrogen in every cycle. As a result, the removal efficiencies of CODCr and TN in this reactor were 98.2% and 76.7% respectively. During the operation period, the AGS/MLVSS concentration ratio increased from 70.0% to 86.7%, and the average SVI30 was 67 mL/g. The SNR and SDNR were 0.073 0.161 kg NH<sub>4</sub> <sup>+</sup>-N/kg MLVSS/day and 0.071-0.196 kg NO<sub>3</sub><sup> </sup>--N/kg MLVSS/day respectively. These values were higher or similar to those reported in other studies. The operation time of the process using AGS is shorter than that of the conventional activated sludge process. Hence, this process can replace the activated sludge process.

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