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      • 無極의 「關東楓岳鉢淵籔石記」 撰述

        김흥삼 동국대학교 신라문화연구소 2013 신라문화제학술발표논문집 Vol.34 No.-

        이 논문은 『三國遺事』 「關東楓岳鉢淵籔石記」의 저본인 「關東楓岳山鉢淵藪開剏祖眞表律師身骨眞藏立石題銘」을 복원하고, 두 글의 관계를 비교ㆍ검토한 글이다. 무극은 1,827자로 구성된 「골장제명」을 刪撰의 방법을 가지고 1/3정도를 삭제해 「발연석기」를 찬술하였다. 무극이 추구한 산찬의 구체적인 방법은 다음과 같다. ①「골장제명」의 내용을 「발연석기」에 그대로 싣는 것이다. 이에 해당 하는 비율이 83.6%이므로, 무극이 「골장제명」의 원형을 살려 「발연석기」를 짓고자 노력했음을 파악할 수 있다 ②「골장제명」을 「발연석기」로 轉寫할 때 삭제하는 것이다. 삭제는 해당부분이 없어도 의미가 통하고 문장이 성립하며 글의 전개에 무리가 없을 때 취해진 조치였다. 그러나 무극이 삭제할 때 진표와 신라불교의 이해를 위해 필요한 내용을 많이 빠뜨렸다. ③「골장제명」을 「발연석기」로 옮길 때는 수정하는 것이다. ⓐ 수정할 때 유사한 단어나 내용으로 바꿨는데, 이때 단어의 轉位나 어사의 전환이 일어났다. ⓑ 전후 문맥에서 내용이 전개되는 과정을 보고 잘못되었다고 생각되는 곳을 고쳤다. ④「골장제명」 중 글을 명확히 하고자 하거나 강조하고 싶거나 종교적 표현을 드러내고자 하는 부분에 새로운 내용을 넣는 것이다. This paper restore the Kwandongpungaksanbalyeonsugaechangjojinpyoyulsajinsingoljangipsokjemyong char is the original script of the Samgukyusa Kwandongpungakbalyeonsusokgi, compare and review the relationship of the two writings. Mugeuk wrote writings the Balyeonsokgi that deleted about 1/3 have a way of the sanchan in the Goljangjemyong consisting of 1,827 characters. Mugeuk sought for the concrete method of the sanchan is as follows. ① The contents of the Goljangjemyong literally carried in the Balyeonsokgi. Because of the corresponding rate is 83.6%, understand that trying to wrote the Balyeonsokgi lived the original figure of the Goljangjemyong by Mugeuk. ② Mugeuk was deleted to moved that described the Balyeonsokgi in the Goljangjemyong. This action was taken deleted that make sense, the sentence is established, the development of writing is reasonable without in chat portion. However, Mugeuk very omitted what you need to understand of Jinpyo and Silla Buddhism. ③ Mugeuk was modified to moved that described the Balyeonsokgi in the Goljangjemyong. ® When modified, Mugeuk changed to similar words or contents. This time occurred to changed the place or the meaning of the word. ® Fixed the wrong place to saw the contents of the deployment process in the context. ④ Mugeuk where want to clarify or emphasize the writing, or display the religious expression in [he Goljangjemyong pur [he contents of the new.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        신라말 崛山門 梵日과 金周元系 관련설의 비판적 검토

        金興三(Kim Heung-Sam) 한국고대사학회 2008 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.50

        기왕의 연구에서는 김주원이 ① 원성왕에게 받은 거대한 식읍이 명주에 있었으며, ② 명주로 오기 이전에 이미 혈연적 연고를 두었고, ③ 명주로 퇴거할 때 추종세력이 함께 이주했다는 것을 근거로 범일과 김주원계가 밀접한 관련을 지니고 있었다고 주장했다. 그러나 먼저 주장하는 바는 김주원계를 매우 큰 세력으로 상정하고 이들과 범일이 신라말 명주라는 시간과 공간의 동일성을 가지고 있으므로 개연적으로 논의한 것이었다. 김주원이 받았다는 식읍이 기록된 『신증동국여지승람』 인물조는 조선전기 명족의식에 의해 족보가 만들어지던 시기에 작성된 것으로 각 지방의 거족들의 입김이 크게 작용하였다. 강릉 읍사의 주축을 이루고 있던 거족인 강릉김씨는 자신들의 시조인 김주원을 현창하고자 임금에 버금가게 명주군왕으로 칭하고 많은 지역의 식읍을 받았다고 인물조에 기재하였다. 그러므로 여기에는 역사적 사실과 부합되지 않는 부분이 많다. 즉 통일신라 때 봉호의 방식으로 식읍이 주어졌으나 김주원에게는 봉토로 지급되었고, 나라를 들어 항복해 온 견훤과 경순왕의 식읍이 1군에 지나지 않은데 비해 반란을 일으킬 소지가 있던 김주원의 식읍은 5군에 걸쳐 있었다. 또 사망한 정의태후가 교지를 내렸다고 등재하였고, 신라시대 관등으로 잘 알려진 상대등을 상대장등으로 잘못서술하였으며, 통일신라시대 때에 없는 지명인 근을어를 기록하였다. ②와 ③의 주장은 사료적 가치가 적은 족보와 최근에 만든 비문에 근거하였다. 여기에는 김주원의 부친인 김유정이 강릉에 벼슬하러 갔다가 그곳에서 박씨를 만나 결혼하였다고 실려 있다. 그러나 골품제사회에서 신라 최고위층인 경주 진골과 지방 토착세력 간의 결혼이 이루어졌는지 의심스럽다. 김주원의 휘하세력으로 경주에서 명주로 퇴거할 때 함께 했다고 거론한 최ㆍ함ㆍ박씨는 모두 고려 건국 이후에 명주에서 활동한 성이다. 또 열거한 성씨는 『세종실록』 지리지와 『승람』의 기록을 그대로 따르고 있어, 이 내용을 족보와 비문에 옮겨 적은 것으로 보인다. 결국 강릉김씨가 강릉에 제대로 정착한 것은 김주원대가 아니라 『강릉김씨세보』에 삼한공신이라 나오는 김식희대에 이르러서였다. 이와 같이 범일이 살았던 시기인 신라 하대에 그가 주로 활동하였던 명주지역에서 김주원계는 큰 세력을 형성하지 못했다. 그러므로 범일과 김주원계의 관계는 미약할 수밖에 없다. 이 취약한 관계는 범일의 가족과 김주원계와의 관계에서도 확인할 수 있다. 범일의 조부로 명주도독을 지냈던 김술원은 신라말에 반란 등 정치적 목적에 의해 김주원계가 명주에 관리로 파견되지 않은 점으로 보아 이 계통의 사람이 아니다. 김주원과 김술원이 ‘원’자를 돌림으로 썼고 동시대에 살았다고 하나, 족보에 기록된 것처럼 신라말 김주원계는 항렬자를 사용하지 않았으며, 이들이 살았던 시기도 한 세대 이상 차이가 난다. 또 범일의 어머니인 문씨는 累葉豪門이었으므로 명주에 거주한지 얼마 안되는 김주원계와는 다른 집안이다. Past studies urged that Bumil and Kim Chuwon lineage be closely connected on the basis of ① that Kim Chuwon owned a huge sigup in Myungju area bestowed by Wonsong Wang, ② that he had blood relations prior to his arrival to Myungju, and ③ that he arrived at Myungju with his followers. This urge, however, was a conjecture that Bumil and Kim Chuwon shared with time and space, late Silla period and Myungju area, respectively, on the premise that Kim Chuwon was supposed to be a huge power in the era. Character articles of Sinchungtonggukyojisungnam describing Kim Chuwon' sigup was written in the former Chosun period in which huge families made chokpo with familial sense of interest and under their influences. Kangung Kim clan, a huge family dominating Kangung Eupsa, wrote that their ancestor Kim Chuwon received sigup encompassing many areas comparable to a king, as referring him to a Myungju kunwang with intent to distinguish him. Therefore, Character articles are discrepant with historical facts. It was written that Kim Chuwon was given bongto rather than bongho which was a common manner of bestowing sigup in the Unified Silla period; he had sigup over 5 kuns compared to the fact that surrendering former kings Kyonhwon and Kyongsun wang had sigup over only 1 kun area; many subjects were given doctrine by Jeongeui Taehu, who already dead at the time; sangdaedung, a well-known offical rank in Silla, was wrongly written as sangdeajangdung; and the article recorded Keuneuleo which never existed in the era of Unified Silla. Arguments ② and ③ are grounded on the chokpo lacking historical material value and lately made epitaph on which Kim Yujeong, Kim Chuwon's father, had been in Kangung for a government service and met a Park clan and married her. It, however, is doubtful that Kyongju chingol, a highest rank aristocrat, could marry a local gentry in the bone-rank system. Choi clan, Ham clan, and Park clan who were urged to move with Kim Chuwon from Kyongju to Myungju were in fact family names which lived since the founding of Koryo. These family names also rewrote recording of Sejongsillok chirichi and Sungnam, which are believed to be quoted in the chokpo and epitaph. Finally, the time when Kangung Kim clan settled down at Kangung was Kim Sikhee generation, as known as Samhankongsin in the Kangung kimssi sebo, not Kim Chuwon generation. In sum, Kim Chuwon lineage did not form an influential family at Myungju in the late period of Silla when Bumil lived, which only weakly connects Bumil and Kim Chuwon lineage. Also, this weak connection was confirmed by the relationship between Bumil's family and Kim Chuwon lineage. Kim Soolwon, Bumil's grandfather and Myungju Dodok, was not a man of this lineage on the basis of that Kim Chuwon lineage was not sent to Myungju with political agenda for treason control in the late Silla. Although Kim Chuwon and Kim Soolwon owned 'won' in their names in turn and lived in the same age, Kim Chuwon lineage did not use their generation name, as written on chokpo. Kim Chuwon and Kim Soolwon lived, in fact, at the eras separated by more than one generations. Moon clan, Bumil's mother, also belonging to homun of many generations, is a family different to Kim Chuwon lineage who arrived at Myungju not long ago.

      • KCI등재

        나말려초 굴산문 개청과 정치세력

        김흥삼 ( Kim Heung Sam ) 한국중세사학회 2003 한국중세사연구 Vol.- No.15

        Gaechung, who was a regional influential person moving into Kanggun from Gongju since his father generation, was born in 835 and entered into the priesthood at Hwaomsa and became a Bumil`s disciple. After Bumil`s entering Nirvana, he became the Patriarch of So¨n in the Mt. Gul Sect and took care of the Gulsansa, suffering intrusions from thieves several times. At this time, with the voluntary contribution of an Alchan Minkyu from the ranks of Yuktupum, who moved into Kangnung from Kyongju, he moved from the Gulsansa into Bohyunsa. He was sponsored by Wangsunsik who was dispatched as a regional officer of Silla and became the strongest man in Myongju with the position of Jimyongjugunjusa. He also began to have a connection with a lot of Powerful Local Gentry, such as Wangye and Gwankyung who were native-born local powers. As mentioned above, in the era between late Silla and early Koryo, there were a lot of political powers in Myongju, such as large-sized Powerful Local Gentry and small and medium-sized Powerful Local Gentry. So the power in the town was not held by large-sized Powerful Local Gentry alone, but by the coalition among a lot of small and medium-sized Powerful Local Gentry as well. Therefore, the ruling system in Myeongju was formed by a lot of Powerful Local Gentry`s association one another. Once again, only a Powerful Local Gentry could not manipulate autocratic nile in Myeongju and the region was ruled by co-dependent relations. In conclusion, it cannot be said that the Kim chuwon parties, one of the Powerful Local Gentry, were only the leading powers in Myeongju region in the era between late Silla and early Koryo. In addition, it might be said that there was a close friendship with Wangsunsik before Kungye occupied Myeongju and also due to its geographical position there was a close relationship with Gaechung. Also Gaechung could maintain a close relationship with the king``s family of Silla, because he accepted the invitation from King Kyongae and Wangsunsik pursued the intimate Silla policy However, Gaechung had a relationship with Wang Kon since Wangsunsik gave a hearty submission to Wang Kon after the fall of Kungye`s regime. But Wang Kon showed no interest in him due to wars against the Later Paekche, so there remained all estrangement with each other. In summary, in the process of the power change among political parties, Gaechung made an effort to embrace all the relatively influential political parties lather than to choose the selective fellowship. In addition to having γelations with a lot of influential parties, he unlike his teacher Bumil, had a political point of view using the relations with the king`s family instead of excluding them. In other words, Gaechung expanded the Mt. Gul Sect fly educating his pupils, connecting a variety political powers.

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