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        환원동에 의한 염화암모늄의 열 분해 반응

        김훈식,이문득 한국화학공학회 1980 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.18 No.5

        The two-stage decomposition of ammonium chloride into ammonia and hydrogen chloride with the aid of reduced copper and other additives was investigated. The mechanism of the reaction is as follows; 2NH₄Cl + Cu…→CuCl₂ + 2NH₃+ H₂ (1) CuCl₂ + H₂…→Cu + 2HCl (2) The most effective promoter for this reaction turned out to be the one obtained from the mixture of NiCl₂, CuCl₂, alumina, NaCl and KCl and reduced under the hydrogen atmosphere at 500℃. The maxium yields of ammonia for the stage (1) and hydrogen chlorides for the stage (2) are 83% and 80%, and the flow rates of hydrogen are 1 ㎖/min at 420℃ and 5 ㎖/min at 530℃ respectively. 환원동을 주성분으로 하는 promoter로서 염화암모늄을 암모니아와 염화수소로 분리하는 다음과 같은 2단계 열 분해 반응에 대해서 연구하였다. 2NH₄Cl + Cu…→CuCl₂+ 2NH₃+ H₂ (1) CuCl₂+ H₂…→Cu + 2HCl (2) 가장 효과적인 promoter는 NiCl₂, CuCl₂, Alumina NaCl 및 KCl의 혼합물을 500℃에서 수소로 처리하여 얻어진 것이었으며, 이들 promoter를 使用하였을 때 얻어진 최대 수율은 (1)의 반응에서는 420℃ 수소 기체의 유속 1㎖/min에서 NH₃가 83%, (2)의 반응에서는 530℃, 수소기체의 유속 5㎖/min에서 80%였다.

      • KCI등재

        15세기 朝家의 吉再 追崇과 인식

        김훈식 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2012 민족문화논총 Vol.50 No.-

        Gil-Jae(吉再) had were highly revered during Chosun Dynasty in varying ways. The main agents of reverence in 15th century were Choga(朝家) including King and government officials. After the founding of Chosun Dynasty, Cho-ga emphasized the importance of loyalty. And Gil-jae became a symbolic figure of loyalty at that time. The distinctive features of reverence by Choga had affected to the way regard Gil-jae through out the Chosun Dynasty. In Choga’s interpretation, Gil-jae is representative of a loyal who didn’t serve a second lord. Also, he was a devoted son and a man of the cleanest integrity. To praise a noble character of Gil-jae, Chosun Dynasty promoted his position after his death and hired his descendants for government officials. And Gil-jae adopted as one of the main characters in 『SamGangHaengSilDo』(『三綱行實圖』) which is famous painting portraying the great men in history. The main characters of 『SamGangHaengSilDo』 were the representatives of values emphasized by Chosun Dynasty and confucianists. With a series of reverence to Gil-jae, Choga suggested a model figure to government officials and candidates. There were another approach regarding Gil-jae as a moralist. This approach was accepted within Sarim-School in 16th century. However, there were considerable difference in understanding of Gil-jae between Choga and Sarim-School. 조선왕조 5백 년 동안 다양한 주체들에 의해 다양한 방법으로 吉再 追崇이 이루어졌다. 이 중 15세기 길재 추숭의 주체는 국왕과 관료를 포함하는 朝家였다. 이때 확립된 조가의 길재 인식이 조선왕조 내내 영향을 미쳤다. 조가의 길재 추숭의 기본 내용은 世宗 때 모두 이루어졌다. 우선 後孫 錄用과 본인의 贈職이라는 褒賞이 있었다. 후손 녹용은 그 이후에도 계속 이루어지면서 조가에서 길재를 추숭하는 대표적인 방법이 되었다. 이와 함께 길재가 『三綱行實圖』의 충신들 가운데 한 사람으로 선정되었다. 이로써 길재는 우리 역사상 충신을 대표하는 인물 가운데 한 사람으로 완전히 자리 잡았다. 15세기 길재에 대한 모든 글에는 길재가 ‘不事二君’을 내세워 조선왕조에 벼슬하지 않았다는 사실이 기록되어 있다. 고려왕조에 忠節을 바친 인물, ‘忠臣 吉再’가 길재의 가장 중요한 모습이기 때문이다. 이와 함께 이 시기의 글에서는 ‘孝子 吉再’의 모습도 아주 자세하게 그려내고 있다. ‘효자 길재’는 ‘충신 길재’가 될 수 있는 바탕으로 간주되었기 때문이다. 또 15세기 조가의 길재 인식에서는 길재의 성품이 廉靜하여 재물에 욕심이 없었음을 특별히 강조한다. 이를 통해 길재는 효행과 충절뿐만 아니라 염치까지 갖춘 청렴한 인물로 그려진다. 길재에 대한 인식에서 ‘忠臣 吉再’ 못지않게 일반화된 내용이 ‘道學者 吉再’이다. 그러나 이 ‘도학자 길재’로서의 모습이 그려지기 시작한 것은 16세기 이후 사림파의 道統論이 확립되면서부터다. 15세기 조가의 길재의 학문에 대한 인식은 16세기 이후 사림파들이 강조한 ‘도학자 길재’의 모습과는 다르다.

      • 木連屬 植物의 花粉發芽에 관한 硏究

        金薰植,李承雨 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1989 硏究論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Research was conducted to investigate the effects of media composition on pollen germination and pollen tube growth in Magnolia spp. Boron remarkably promoted the pollen germination and pollen tube growth. However, no pollen germination occurred on the media containing no boron in M. sieboldii and M. obovata. The highest capacity for pollen germination and pollen tube growth was obtained with the combination of 10% sucrose and l00ppm boron. On the other hand, K, Ca, and Mg did not promote the pollen germination and pollen tube growth in both species. For the pollen tube growth, however, M. denudata showed higher sensitivity than M. liliflora to medium acidity. In M. denudata, low GA_(3) concentration in the medium hastened the pollen germination, while pollen tube growth was retarded by high GA_(3) concentration. In contrast to GA_(3), no pollen germination occurred on the medium containing 50ppm and 100ppm IBA. The capacity for the pollen germination was markedly higher in M. liliflora and M. denudata than in M. sieboldii and M. obovata.

      • KCI등재

        16세기 군신윤리의 변화와 출처론

        김훈식 한국역사연구회 2003 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.50

        One of the most typical and unanimously received ultimatum regarding the Confucian concept of the relationship between the King and the Subjects(including the vassals), is that they are bonded with justice and moral obligations. What the historians should keep in mind in analyzing this ultimatum, is that the contents of those justifications and moral obligations used to change to same extent, due to the trends and unique atmospheres of certain subject periods. In this article, the fact that the moral obligations regarding the matter of whether to serve the government or choose otherwise(like retiring) became a dominant subject, is closely examined. Along with the heightened sense of justice based on moral reasoning(名分論的義理), which in itself strongly supported undisputed subordination to the King's authority, the 16th century's moral principles regarding the relationship between the King and the Subjects began to newly highlight the matter of choosing to serve the government, or not. in other words, it became very important for the scholar-officials to abide by certain moral disciplines and obligations when they were going to commence public service in the government or choose to retire from it. They were required to cautiously consider their own abilities, and determine whether they were prepared for the job or not. And most importantly, merely having the abilities was simply not enough. A scholar-official also had to take the personal nature and colors of the King and other vassals into consideration, because they had to act accordingly and provide adequate services at the right place and at the right time. They believed that acting upon these kinds of principles and obligations, was serving the higher cause which was no less than establishing a moral and proper relationship between the King and the subjects. This kind of new highlights in the concept of King-Vassal relationship suggests that there were certain changes made to the political ideologies of this era as well. The most dominant subject matter in the area of political ideologies at the time was, in order to bring the image of an ideal society to reality, whether one should choose to serve the country by having enlisted itself for government service duties, or stay where one was and choose to serve the social ideals through non-governmental, civilian or academical activities. How to utilize governmental power was not a primary issue. Whether to join it or not was. This was the most distinct characteristic of the 16th century's political ideology, compared to the 15th century's one.

      • 전기화학적 반응을 이용한 함불소화합물 제조

        김훈식,박건유,김홍곤,권영수 한국공업화학회 1999 응용화학 Vol.3 No.1

        The synthesis of perfluorocarbons (PFC) and hydrofluoroethers (HFE) using CAVE method was studied. The in-situ fluorination using the CAVE was conducted with hydrocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, ethers and low F-containing hydrofluoroethers. Effects of the reactant species, the reaction temperature, the feed ratio of F₂generated/reactant, and the current density of the carbon anode on the yield and the selectivity of PFC or HFE were evaluated. The targeted highly fluorinated materials were successfully produced, but the production rate was limited by the gas flow through the porous carbon anode. The production of by-products and the polarization rate of the carbon anode were mainly affected by the reactant species; the selectivity of PFC or HFE was improved by using partially fluorinated reactants, but the use of reactants having double bonds produced more by-products and accelerated the polarization of the carbon anode.

      • KCI등재

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