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        機械工嶪 종사자의 작업복 착용 실태조사 연구

        김혜령,서미아 服飾文化學會 2002 服飾文化硏究 Vol.10 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for improvement in working Uniform in both scientific and efficient ways. The study were enforced by questionnaire and personal interview. The subject of the survey were the workers of 264 in mechanic industry in Seoul. The results obtained from the researches by methods above are as follolws. 1. In general. Working Uniform could be classified types of two. One is loose-fitting one-piece garment covering the body and legs, the other is two-piece garment. The latter is a jacket with either sports collar or soutein collar. fastened with either buttons or a zipper and its sleeve is finished by cuffs and tapes Regarding to color inkblot. dark navy. khaky. dark beige are favourable ones. 2. In regard to the necessity of uniform that workers suppose. most of them were aware of it and agreed wearing uniform could play an important part. The reason why are on the basis of safety-first and work efficiency and also to protect a body from harmful or toxic dirt specially in machinery workplace. 3. The purpose of wearing an uniform according to statistics of population make some difference in age, gender, categories of industry. and the scale of factory. 4. In retard to care of uniform, front hem, edge of sleeve in a jacket. and knee, hip part in pants were most vulnerable spots for dirt. The parts damaged easily are edge of steeve in a jacket and a zipper in pants. On the average. laundry have been done by water and was once a week frequency.

      • 헨리 제임스의 낭만성과 도덕적 심미주의 : -'황금잔'을 중심으로-

        김혜령 한국 헨리제임스 학회 1996 헨리 제임스 연구 Vol.- No.1

        While Henry James is generally regarded as the 'realist' whose style is focused on 'psychological realism', his major works are deeply colored with Romantic quality. In The Golden Bowl, which is one of the conspicuous Romantic novels, Prince Amerigo and Adam Verver, two male protagonists, reveal some important Romantic aspects. They both have deep interest in human mind, and are capable of insightful perception in their society. These two men show ceaseless spirit of exploration into human experience. They are also possessed of keen aesthetic discrimination, which makes them to enjoy extraordinary beauty of artistic things, as well as of human mind. Such assets enhance their seat onto the assessor of aesthetic moralism. Their moralism makes them to sacrifice their own will and desire, and, accordingly, to establish a new moral world of their own. In the end, their will to restore the beauty of human relationships contributes to the 'empathic love' and renunciation of their own selfish desire, bringing in the equilibrium of the relationships of the people concerned.

      • KCI등재후보

        기계공업 종사자의 작업복 만족도 연구

        김혜령,서미아 服飾文化學會 2003 服飾文化硏究 Vol.11 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for improvement in worker's uniform in both scientific and efficient ways. To make this procedure right, we brought the focus of the study into the present condition of working uniform in various machinery plants. The study was enforced by questionnaire and personal interview. The subjects of the survey were the 264 workers working in mechanical industry in Seoul. The results obtained from the researches by methods above are as follows. The level of satisfaction, on the whole, with their uniforms failed to reach the average level with the result of 2.97. The reason would be they have not been very contented with colors and materials. The level of satisfaction of color was only 2.76, far less reaching the average score 3. In detail, they complained color is dull, dark, too much solid and outdated. Surprisingly, the level of satisfaction with materials turtled out to be really low as the materials used get dirty easily, doesn't draw moisture away from the skin quickly transport to surface making wearer more comfortable and doesn't have plenty of air moving out. According to statistics of population, the level of satisfaction of uniform on the whole differed from the point of age, gender, categories of industry, one's professional experience and income level.

      • 크린룸 공정에서의 입자 유동 분석

        김혜령 동명정보대학교 1999 東明情報大學校論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        Particle deposition on shadow mask surface, especially before photo process, results in defect of the final product. This study focused on the reduction of particle deposition rate, as well as the increase of particle removal rate from the cleanroom. In order to obtain a quantitative understanding of particles cleanroom behavior on the shadow mask production line, the three dimensional numerical simulation of photo process line has been performed and the results are analyzed for practical application. Furthermore, additional numerical simulations have been performed by changing the cleanroom geometry to increase the particle removal rate.

      • KCI등재

        마을공동체운동과 마을교회

        김혜령 한국기독교사회윤리학회 2013 기독교사회윤리 Vol.27 No.-

        기독교 윤리학 관점에서 볼 때 최근 한국시민사회에서 일어나고 있는 마을공동체운동은 그 운동 자체의 세속성에도 불구하고 매우 흥미롭고 의미 있는 변화라고 할 수 있다. 그 이유는 마을공동체운동이 근본적으로 모든 것이 물신화된 글로벌 자본주의 사회에 대항하는 대안적 운동으로서 일어난 풀뿌리민주정치와 사회적 경제의 재건을 이룩하려 하기 때문이다. 또한 이러한 일들을 통해 무엇보다도 사람과 사람, 사람과 자연의 관계성에 기초한 “이웃에 대한 상호적 돌봄과 나눔”과 “일상에 충실한 소박한 삶”과 같은 윤리적 가치들을 지향하고 있기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구는 한국사회의 마을공동체운동의 정치·경제적 배경과 그 의의를 연구하고, 그 윤리적 함의를 몰트만의 희망의 윤리를 통해 살펴보고자 한다. 그러나 본 연구는 마을공동체운동의 연대의 윤리와 기독교의 사랑의 윤리의 유사성에도 불구하고 왜 한국교회가 독일교회와 달리 시민사회의 마을공동체운동 속에서 소외될 수밖에 없었는지 그 원인도 진단하고자 한다. 결론적으로 이 논문은 한국교회가 소외상황을 극복하고 새롭게 마을교회로 부활하기 위해 마을공동체를 위한 복지적 책임에 머물러서만은 안 되며, 반드시 거룩함의 시공간을 선포하는 케리그마 사역을 담당해야 한다고 주장하고자 한다. 이러한 마을교회의 거룩한 사역이야말로 인간의 삶이 일상적인 세속성의 위험에 매몰되지 않고 그 존재의 깊이와 안정을 찾을 수 있도록 할 것이다. From the perspective of Christian ethics, the village community movement could be said as a very significant challenge despite it’s secularity. The first reason is that the movement as an alternative against the global capitalism tries to build a grassroots democracy and the social economy. Secondly, it has ethical values such as “mutual caring and sharing for the neighborhood” and “a simple life for the every life” based on the relation of human and human, and of human and nature. Hence, this study will start from a recherche in the political and economic background and the importance of the korean village community social movement, and reveal the ethical importance from the perspective of the ethics of hope by J. Molttman. This study, however, aims also to find out the reasons why the Korean Church unlike the German Church had to be excluded from the village community movement by the korean civil society in spite of the intersection between the ethics of solidarity in the village community movement and the ethics of love in the Church. For the conclusion, it is for the resurrection of the Village Church that this study does not only stress to take a role for the responsibility for the social welfare in the local community, but also for the ministry of Kerygma to proclaim the space and the time of the Holiness in the world of the Profane. This holy work of the Village Church will make the human life to build the stability and the depth of his being without being obsessed with the daily Profane.

      • KCI등재

        노숙인 복지사업을 위한 국가와 한국 교회의 책임과 협력

        김혜령 한국기독교사회윤리학회 2011 기독교사회윤리 Vol.22 No.-

        한국사회에서 무료급식이나 쉼터 같은 노숙인 복지 사업이 조직적으로 시작된 것은 1997년 겨울 금융위기 이후의 일이다. 이러한 복지 사업에 제일 먼저 움직인 것이 교회였다. 이후 이들 단체들에게 응급구조자금을 원조해주는 간접적인 방식으로 참여하던 지방정부와 국가는 2005년이 되어서 < 부랑인 및 노숙인 보호시설 설치·운영규칙 > 개정하고 보다 적극적인 역할을 수행하게 되었다. 그러나 교회는 인적 자원을, 국가는 재정을 지원하는 이원화된 시스템이 여전히 유지되고 있다. 문제는 소수의 한국 교회가 노숙인 선교 사업에 적극적으로 봉사하고 있는 것에 반하여, 대다수의 한국 교회와 교인들은 노숙인의 존재나 노숙인을 생산하는 사회구조적인 악에 무관심 하는 것이다. 이 논문은 노숙인을 대하는 한국 교회의 모순된 두 얼굴을 반성함으로써 보다 적극적인 책임을 호소하고자 하는 목적에서 시작되었다. 이를 위해 이 논문은 정치와 윤리, 제도와 인격적 만남, 정부와 교회간의 밀접한 상호 협동관계를 강조한 폴 리쾨르의 윤리학에 기초로 하여 새로운 기독교 윤리를 모색한다. 개신교인이자 철학자인 리쾨르의 윤리학에 담긴 바울과 아우구스티누스 전통의 정치 개념을 추적하여, 세속 국가의 사회복지와 기독교의 사회봉사가 상호 모순되지 않음을 밝힌다. 리쾨르의 철학적 윤리학을 신학적 윤리학으로 발전시키기 위한 예비적인 작업으로서 이 논문은 1장에서는 하이데거의 거주 존재론을, 2장에서는 레비나스의 타자의 윤리학을 다루어 리쾨르 윤리학의 독창성을 드러내고자 한다. 논문의 마지막 장에서는 한국교회의 노숙인 복지선교사업 현황을 간단히 분석하고 몇 가지 개선점을 제안한다. In korean society, organized services such as the provision of free meals or shelters to live for homeless people in only began to be provided in 1997, following the financial crisis. Prior to this, some churches and other Christian organizations were involved in providing social welfare for the homeless population. The local government and the State only supported them indirectly by providing emergency aid. In 2005, the enactment of special laws for the managerial regulation of shelters for the homeless made this division of roles between the Korean church and the State more firm. However, only a few churches and Christians have participated in this social mission; most of the population has ignored the existence of the homeless, and the current socio-economic system has contributed towards producing this trend. To overcome the disparities between the churches in Korea and to aim for more active responsibility in public spheres, this study aims at creating a new system of Christian ethics founded on the beliefs of Paul Ricoeur, who stressed on the relationship between politics and ethics, the government and the church. From the point of view of this protestant philosopher, who was one of the greatest leaders in the movement for Christian socialism in France, the modern welfare State based on humanity is not in opposition to the kingdom of God, but is rather a form of the realization of his kingdom. This study researches whether this Ricoeurian argument follows the traditional point of view on politics and the Church, like the arguments of the saints Paul and Augustine. With regard to solving the problems of the homeless that are beyond the scope of the ethical capacity of churches and individual Christians, this study agrees with Ricoeur that the social mission of the Church must work with the social welfare policies of the State. This study contains four chapters. In the first two chapters, we compare Ricoeur and the non Christian philosophers Heidegger and Levinas to more explicitly justify the theological validity of the Ricoeurian ethics. The first chapter examines the ontology of habitation, and the second chapter examines the ethics of the Other. The third chapter, which is the main chapter in this study, examines the relationship between the State and the Church according to the ethics of Ricoeur. The last chapter will analyze the extent of the social services provided by Korean churches to the homeless, and propose reform measures.

      • KCI등재

        장애학생의 학교생활적응과 관련변인 연구: 지적장애와 ADHD 학생을 중심으로

        김혜령,이원령 한국정서행동장애학회 2018 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.34 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to help school life adjustment of children with disabilities by finding out the related variables that affect the school life. For this purpose, the questionnaire data of 76 students with intellectual disabilities and 72 ADHD students attending general elementary school were analyzed by SPSS 23 program, t test, correlation and multiple regression analysis. The main findings are as follows. First, according to the type of disability, the class attitude and friendship of students with intellectual disabilities were significantly higher than ADHD. The positive personal behavior of male students according to gender, and class attitude, positive personal behavior, school rules of the regular classes students were higher than that of special classes. Second, self-control, teacher support, family support, and ego-resilience among protective variables have a significant positive impact on school adjustment, whereas internal self-assertion and democratic rearing attitude have a negative influence on the school life adjustment. Third, teacher's discrimination, parent-child relationship, hyperactivity, and delinquency among risk variables have a significant negative affect, but anxiety has positive affect. It is expected that educational efforts will be needed to strengthen the protective variables and to adapt the students with disabilities to school life through a differentiated approach to risk variables in the future. 본 연구는 장애학생의 학교생활적응과 관련된 변인들을 알아봄으로써 원만한 학교생활을 할 수 있도록 지원하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 일반초등학교에 재학 중인 지적장애학생 76명과 ADHD학생 72명을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사 자료를 SPSS 23 프로그램을 통해 집단 간 t검정, 상관관계, 다중회귀분석을 실시하였으며 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애유형에 따라 지적장애학생의 수업태도와 교우관계, 성별에 따라 남학생의 긍정적 개인행동, 학급형태에 따라 일반학급 학생의 수업태도, 긍정적 개인행동, 학교규칙이 유의미하게 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 보호변인 중 자기통제, 교사지지, 가족지지, 자아탄력성은 학교생활적응에 정적 영향을 미치는 반면 내적자기주장, 민주적 양육태도는 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 위험변인 중 교사차별, 원만하지 못한 부모-자녀관계, 과잉행동, 비행은 유의미한 부적 영향, 그리고 불안은 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 정적 영향을 미치는 보호변인을 강화하고 위험변인에 대해 차별화된 접근을 통해 장애학생이 학교생활에 잘 적응할 수 있도록 교육적 노력이 필요할 것으로 기대된다.

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