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      • 출판、인쇄매체의 발달이 晩淸소설의 발전에 미친 영향

        김태관 동의대학교 인문사회연구소 2004 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.- No.9

        晩淸小說硏究的重点当然是梁啓超和他倡導的"小說界革命"的理論,但是這一重要的文學變革幷非僅由梁啓超一人所決定的。"小說界革命"的口号,雖然直到1902年才由梁啓超在《新小說》雜志創刊号上發表的《論小說与群治之關系》一文中正式提出來,可是戊戌前后文學界對西洋小說的介紹,對小說社會价値的强調,以及對別具特色的"新小說"的呼喚,都可以看做是"小說界革命"的前奏。卽使一般史家公認影響"小說界革命"的极其重要因素: 西方文化的傳入,也不僅僅指的是西洋小說的翻譯和西洋或日本的文學、美學理論的介紹,它同樣需要追溯鴉片戰爭以來西學東漸的整个歷史, 特別是以往爲人們所忽視的傳敎師的作用。但對晩淸小說的影響而言,傅蘭的征文活動、林樂知翻譯《文學興國策》和李提摩太与梁啓超的交往等,都對"小說界革命"理論的提出産生了直接的影響。 作爲"小說界革命"理論的主要創制者,梁啓超的思想也有一个變化發展的過程。盡管他的小說活動時間幷不長,理論、創作或翻譯的數量也不多,可是影響之广、貢獻之大,同時代的小說理論家根本不能与之相比。梁啓超對晩淸小說的影響力与他對報刊的掌握密切相關的,近代媒体在中國的興起造就了梁啓超式的"輿論界的驕子",他也很快形成了一套适應于報刊的文風,這一特点与晩淸小說逐漸書面化的傾向是一致的。而粱啓超理論的發生、發展和完成,同樣与他的辦報經歷緊密相關,直至1902年他創辦"中國唯一之文學報"《新小說》雜志,在該雜志上梁啓超不僅發表了中國第一部政治小說《新中國未來記》,而且發表發"小說界革命"的綱領性文章《論小說与群治之關系》,從此晩淸小說變革開了序幕。 本稿(報刊、雜志的發展對梁啓超的晩淸"小說界革命"的影響)圍繞着報刊、雜志的發展集中討論"小說界革命"運動的整个發展過程. 小說是比較晩起的文學体裁, 因爲結构复雜、文字繁多、篇幅龐大,它的流通方式,不同于詩歌口口相傳, 必須經過抄寫或印刷等加工過程, 然后到達讀者手中才開始流傳。小說的這种特性決定了它的命運, 与印刷術的發展和出版業的發達結下了不可解之緣。因此, 小說或多或少都帶有文化商品的意味, 不僅近代小說如此, 明淸以來白話通俗小說也是如此。 到了淸代, 出版業主要以三种形式發展: 一是官辦書局, 二是書院書局, 三是民間經營的書坊。 适應市民階層需要的小、戲曲、小唱、鼓詞等,也都是書坊大量出版的品种。上述的出版業到了晩淸, 正如当時社會的其他方面一樣,隨着西方先進科學和西方文化的輸入, 發生了很大的變化。同時這些變化与当時政局的變化緊密的聯系在一起。 第二次鴉片戰爭失敗, 促使統治階級中一部分人也想了解西方,幷且學習西方的技術。 1862年,淸政府中洋務派官僚在北京成立了淸末最早的洋務學堂京師同文館。1863年在上海成立了广方言館, 在广州成立了广州同文館。 此外, 在福州成立了船政學堂。這些机构一方面培養譯員, 另外一方面館內設有印刷机, 翻譯了西方科技書籍, 刊行數學、物理、化學、語言等譯書。 再次, 穿敎師的活動對中國出版業得發展起了很重要的作用。他們很重視用書籍來宣傳敎義, 全國傳敎中心地都設立了印刷厰和出版社。其中上海的"广學會"的創立和《万國公報》的發行, 最引人注目。他們除了印刷出版大量如《圣經》、禱文等有關宗敎的書籍以外, 還出版了西方的自然科學和社會科學等書籍。 在這方面成就最突出的傳敎師有傅蘭雅、李提摩太和林樂知等。他們在上海《万國公報》上發表了譯作和著作。傳敎師帶進來代表現代文明的新的傳播手段(媒介)---報紙和雜志。近代中國報刊是西學東漸的産物。据權威統計,從19世紀40年到90年的半个世紀內,外國人在中國創辦的中、外文報刊近170种,約占中國同一个時期報刊總數的95%。由于它們大多是以敎會或傳敎師各人名義所創刊,因此較集中在宗敎和科技方面,文學方面偶有所見,例如《六合叢談》中的《希腊詩人略說》、《羅馬詩人略說》、《和馬傳》等、《万國公報》中的《館中述怀二首》、《除日試士竹枝詞二十首》、《解組歸田感賦四律》等、《上海新報》中"西人"和"華友"們投寄的隨筆、游記、詩詞和短篇小說。当然, 這些散見的作品在其載体的報刊中僅僅占着微乎其微的一角之地,自然也就談不上這些報刊對文學的影響。直到《申報》創刊幷于当年出版《瀛寰瑣記》以后,才標志着文學找到了大衆傳播媒介的新形式,幷利用其出版周期快、讀者覆盖面广的獨特优勢擴大了文學的影響。 《申報》的創刊是划時代的一件大事, 意味着商業性報刊的出現。擁有印刷、出版力量的外國資本家,見書報、雜志有利可圖, 就投入資財人力,興辦出版企業以占領中國文化市場,英國美査是最突出的一个。 第二个轉折就是甲午戰爭和戊戌變法的失敗。甲午戰爭的失敗加深了中國的民族危机,喚起了人民的覺醒。洋務運動以徹底失敗告終,新興的維新派,1895年在北京組織了强學會,宣傳維新主張,継而改爲强學會書局, 出版《中外紀聞》: 又在上海設立分會, 刊行《强學報》,鼓吹變法,但很快被淸政府封

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Preliminary study of anesthetic risk factors in surgery for pathologic fractures secondary to metastatic tumors

        김태관,윤준로,노영명,윤혜진,박미선,김영혜 대한마취통증의학회 2018 Anesthesia and pain medicine Vol.13 No.2

        Background: Despite advances in the treatment of primary cancer, metastatic pathologic fractures still affect the survival of cancer patients. The goals of surgery, such as those with terminal cancer, are to maintain a maximum level of independence and improve the quality of life. A patient may be a poor surgical candidate because of a short life expectancy or illness that is too severe to benefit from surgical fixation. Moreover, this surgery is an operation accompanied with significant morbidity and mortality. This retrospective study investigated the characteristics of these patients and assessed the influence of anesthetic risk factors on the outcome. Methods: The records of 45 patients with pathologic fractures who underwent surgical stabilization for metastatic factors from 1 January 1995 to 31 December 2013 at our hospital were reviewed. Demographic data, various severity scores, anesthetic factors, and survival were reviewed. Results: The most common sites of primary tumors were lung, liver and stomach. The predominant sites of pathologic fractures were the femur (71.1%); six lesions were in the humerus and four in the spine. Univariate and multivariate analyses identified several prognostic factors with a significantly worse influence on survival, including lung tumor and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score. Conclusions: Although the number of patients was too small to result in a satisfactory appraisal, the most important step is to select candidates to gain the benefits of palliative surgery. We suggest the possibility of APACHE II scoring and the recognition of lung cancer in making the clinical decision of performing the palliative osteosyntheses for patients with pathologic fractures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Growth Competition between Trichoderma harzianum and Fusarium solani on a Plant Residue in Non-Sterile Soil

        김태관,Guy R. Knudsen 한국미생물·생명공학회 2016 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.44 No.4

        Plant residues serve as substrates for the proliferation and overwintering of plant pathogenic fungi in soil. Effects of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum on the colonization of wheat straw by the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium solani were investigated under different soil moisture regimes (−50 vs. −500 kPa) in non-sterile soil. T. harzianum ThzID1-M3 and/or F. solani were added along with wheat straw to non-sterile soils. ThzID1-M3, other Trichoderma species, and F. solani were monitored for a 21-day period using quantitative PCR. ThzID1-M3 reduced the colonization of F. solani on wheat straw (p < 0.05) under both moisture regimes, and F. solani reduced the colonization by ThzID1-M3 and other Trichoderma species (p < 0.05), thus suggesting competitive inhibition between ThzID1-M3 and F. solani. Colonization by ThzID1-M3 and generic Trichoderma was improved in the wet soil (p < 0.05), but colonization by F. solani did not differ between the two moisture conditions. Thus, the inhibitory effect of ThzID1-M3 was greater in the wet soil (p < 0.05). The growth competition between ThzID1-M3 and F. solani to colonize plant debris suggests that the biocontrol fungus T. harzianum may reduce the potential of the plant pathogen, F. solani, to survive and proliferate on crops.

      • KCI등재

        공사계약일반조건상 공기연장비용에 관한 기초연구

        김태관 아주대학교 법학연구소 2015 아주법학 Vol.9 No.3

        영국 법원은 수급인의 금전보상청구를 허용하는 계약약관에서 이를 허용하는 규정을 두고 있고, 그 절차를 엄격하게 준수하는 경우에 한해 수급인의 공기연장과 공지연장비용청구를 허용하고 있다. 이와 같은 수급인의 클레임청구권은 계약상의 권리임이 분명하다. 이러한 클레임청구권은 계약약관에서 정한 사유와 그로 인한 공사진행에의 영향 등의 실체적 요건과 더불어 구체적인 절차적 요건을 규정하고 있는 것이 통상적인데, 실체적 요건과 절차적 요건도 엄격히 준수하지 않을 경우에는 원칙적으로 클레임청구권을 행사할 수 없게 된다는 점에서 공기연장비용청구의 실체적・절차적 요건에 대한 엄격한 준수가 있어야 한다는 점에서는 우리 공사계약일반조건의 해석에서도 마찬가지라고 생각한다. 그러나 영국의 건설계약약관의 경우 공기연장은 도급인에게 책임이 있는 사유뿐만 아니라, 불리한 기상조건과 같이 중립적인 사상에 대해서 적용되는 경우가 많은 반면, 공기연장비용청구는 도급인의 책임에 의해 공사가 방해받은 경우에 한정하고 있는데 반해, 우리 공사계약일반조건은 공기연장사유에 불가항력적 사유를 포함하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 이로 인한 공기연장비용청구도 긍정한다는 점에서 차이가 있다. 절차적 요건으로, 공기연장신청시 수정공정표를 첨부하여 서면으로 신청하여야 하는데, 공기연장신청서와 첨부서면인 수정공정표에는 계약담당자나 공사감독관이 공기연장사유의 발생과 그로 인해 공기연장신청을 승인하는데 필요한 사항이 기재되어 있어야 한다. 다만, 계약담당자나 공사감독관이 이와 관련한 사항을 이미 알고 있는 경우에는 최소한의 사항만을 기재한 내용의 통지만으로 족하다고 하여야 한다. 뿐만 아니라 수급인의 공기연장신청은 계약종료시점이 아니라 계약의 이행 중 구체적으로 「공기연장사유의 발생이 판명된 시점」에 지체없이 하여야 한다. 다만, 공기연장일수의 산정을 위해서는 공기연장사유의 발생일이 아니라 공기연장사유의 소멸일을 기준으로 하여야 할 것이다. 또한, 실체적, 절차적 요건을 갖춘 경우에 수급인은 도급인에게 「실비」범위 내에서 공기연장비용을 청구할 수 있게 된다. 영국의 건설계약약관에서 공기연장비용을 실비로 제한하고 있는 경우는 매우 드문데, 우리나라의 일반조건은 공기연장비용을 실비범위로 제한하고 있다. 우리나라의 일반조건에서도 실비범위를 벗어난 손실에 대한 보전조치를 위해 일반조건의 개정이 필요하다. In order to claim the extension of the construction period are found in the contractor from construction contracts General Conditions of Construction Contract for public institutions of South Korea to place orders, substantive requirements such as the following is required. (1) Extension reasons of the construction period is to occur. (2) Because of extension reasons of the construction period, it is necessary to affect the overall construction schedule. (3) Occurrence of extension reasons of construction period should not be due to being responsible for contractor. In order to claim the extension of the construction period is observed, procedural requirements, such as the following is required. (1) Before the end of the contract period, without delay, the contractor shall apply for the extension of the construction period in writing. (2) Change of the contract has to be completed before starting the implementation of the part that has changed. (3) the contractor, shall apply for adjustment of the contract amount to the construction price received final. However, if the contract clause that allows the billing associated with the extension of the construction period in the contract does not exist, How should I do? In order to allow the billing associated with the extension of the construction period, there is a method as follows also in this case. (1) How to claim damages if it affirms the obligation of contractor' cooperation , was in violation of this. (2) How to claim the costs associated with the extension of the construction period and in accordance with the provisions of creditors delay.

      • KCI등재후보

        Protrusive Morphology of Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)Pentacene Nanofilms Deposited on SiO2 Surfaces via the Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Method

        김태관,소회섭,김현호,김성수,이재갑 대한금속·재료학회 2008 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS Vol.4 No.2

        Highly pure 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-PEN) nanofilms were deposited on oxidized silicon wafer substrate surfaces at two different substrate temperatures (25°C and 70°C) via the vacuum thermal evaporation (VTE) method. Atomic force and scanning electron microscope analyses showed that the TIPSPEN films (~55 nm) prepared at two different substrate temperatures commonly have a number of protrusions widespread over the films. The protrusions, which are highly likely to be crystallites, tend to be smoother and grow higher at the elevated substrate temperature (70°C), suggesting an improved crystallinity of the film. However, this study suggests that an optimum substrate temperature higher than 70°C must be found to remove or at least minimize the protrusive morphology of TIPS-PEN semiconducting films as well as to form a perfectly polycrystalline film for an organic thin film transistor device since the morphology of a semiconductor film deeply affects the performance of a transistor.

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