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        대기압 유전체배리어방전의 발광특성

        김진기,김윤기,Kim, Jin Gi,Kim, Yoon Kee 한국재료학회 2015 한국재료학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Plasma properties of dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) at atmospheric pressure were measured and characterized using optical emission spectroscopy. Optical emissions were measured from argon, nitrogen, or air discharges generated at 5-9 kV using 20 kHz power supply. Emissions from nitrogen molecules were markedly measured, irrespective of discharge gases. The intensity of emission peaks was increased with applied voltage and electrode gap. The short wavelength peaks (315.9 nm and 337.1 nm) measured at the middle of DBDs were significantly increased with applied voltage. The optical emission from DBDs decreased with the addition of oxygen gas, which was especially significant in argon discharge. Emission from oxygen molecules cannot be measured from air discharge and argon discharge with 4.8% oxygen. The emission intensity at 337.1 nm and 357.7 nm related with nitrogen molecule was sensitively changed with electrode types and discharge voltages. However, the pattern of argon emission spectrum was nearly the same, irrespective of electrode type, oxygen content, and discharge voltage.

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      • KCI등재

        서울 아파트 매매가의 영구적 · 일시적 요인 분석

        김진기 ( Kim Jin Gi ),이현탁 ( Lee Hyun-tak ),장봉규 ( Jang Bong-gyu ) 한국부동산분석학회 2017 不動産學硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        This paper proposes a log-linear present-value model in relation to home prices, Chonsei prices, and interest rates (conversion rates from Chonsei prices to rent prices). Given the present-value model, we apply a vector autoregressive approach to the Seoul apartment market and then find three main results. First, the Seoul apartment market seemed to be speculative in the past, but its speculative movements have gradually declined over time. Second, most recent variation in home prices relative to Chonsei income results from the future uncertainty related to the interest-rate forecast. Third, Chonsei prices and interest rates provide natural increasing and decreasing trends for home prices, respectively. In addition, variation in expected returns that represents a shift in real-estate investment opportunity makes the prices mean-revert to the home`s intrinsic value. Since the interest-rate forecast not only increases the price volatility but also induces the price decrease, it is important to keep a long-term interest-rate policy stable for the residential stabilization.

      • KCI등재

        최인호 소설의 반공주의 연구

        김진기 ( Kim Jin-gi ) 우리어문학회 2017 우리어문연구 Vol.59 No.-

        본 논문은 최인호 소설의 반공주의적 성격에 대한 규명을 목표로 씌어졌다. 최인호 소설에 대해 반공주의적 접근을 한 연구는 전혀 없었다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그렇지만 최인호가 작품활동을 시작했던 1970년대는 반공주의와 발전주의가 결합하여 반공병영사회를 형성했던 시기로서 이 반공주의에 영향을 받지 않은 개인이나 사회단체는 없었다고 해도 과언이 아닐 정도였다. 그만큼 반공주의적 폭력이 난무하던 시기였다고 하겠다. 더구나 미국 대통령 닉슨의 데탕트 정책으로 정국은 혼란에 혼란을 거듭하고 있었다. 이 엄혹한 변화의 시기에 정국은 요동을 치고 있었고 이러한 정국의 변화에 문단이라고 해서 예외는 아니었다. 따라서 그러한 문단에 간신히 한 발을 걸쳤던 최인호로서도 당시의 문단 내 논쟁 상황으로부터 자유로울 수는 없었을 것으로 예상된다. 이 문단 내 논쟁 상황 뿐만 아니라 국내의 사회적 상황에도 민감하게 반응했던 최인호의 소설을 이 민감한 시대 상황을 지배했던 반공주의 이념과 관련시킨다는 것은 어쩌면 당연한 접근이라 할 만하다. 그럼에도 그러한 접근이 거의 없었다는 것은 어쩌면 기이할 정도로 이상한 현상이라고 할 만하다. 실제로 최인호 소설은 아버지 영향을 압도적으로 받아 이것이 그의 대부분의 아이모티브 소설에 영향을 주었다고 할 수 있다. 이 아버지가 한국전쟁때 인민군의 체포를 피해 서울 청계산 자락에 움을 파고 도피생활을 했다고 한다면 일제 때 변호사였던 아버지의 사회적 위치를 고려해 볼 때 그 아버지의 이념적 성향이 어떠하리라는 것은 충분히 예상해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 그 아버지에 대한 최인호의 강한 애정을 토대로 볼 때 최인호의 반공주의에 대한 입장 또한 분명하리라 사료된다. 부친 사후 이 아버지의 역할은 황순원과 박영준 등이 맡았을 것이라 추정된다. 이 반공주의는 윤리적 성격을 띠고 있는데 북한을 반윤리적 집단으로 남한을 윤리적 국가로 바라보고 있기 때문이다. 그렇지만 최인호의 소설에는 이러한 이념적 성격이 상당히 은폐되어 있는데 그 이유는 아마도 당대의 지식층의 대 사회적 경향이 대부분 지배 권력에 비판적이었기 때문이라고 생각된다. 그러한 그들의 시선에 자신이 기회주의자로 몰리지 않기 위하여 그의 소설은 그 주제가 분명치 않은 모호성으로 포장되는 경우가 많다. 그렇지만 그 모호성을 벗기고 그 안을 보면 최인호의 반공주의적 성격은 생각보다 매우 완고하다는 특징을 가지고 있다. This paper is written in purpose of investigating the anticommunism character of Choi In-ho’s novel. It is no exaggeration to say that there are no researches on anticommunism approach of Choi In-ho’s novel. 1970’s when Choi starts writing, almost people and organizations are influenced by anti communism because in the period of 1970 anticommunism and developmentalism combine to form anticommunism-army society. That much, that period of 1970, anticommunism violence is rampant. Besides, Due to the detante policy of former President Nixon, political situation of R.O.K repeats confusion. In this brutal period of change, political situation is repeats confusion and this situation affects literary world. Therefore, Choi In-ho who has a foot in literary world can hardly be free from controversy situation of the then current literary world. It is natural that correlate Choi’s novel with a delicate situation because his novel sensitively react to not only the controversy situation of the literary world but internal and external social situations. Nevertheless, there is little approach in that way. His novel has child-motif because Choi had been influenced by his father. His father was lawyer when the time under the rule of Japanese imperialism. But in the Korean War, his father fled to elude the North Korean People’s Army. In consideration of his social position at the time under the rule of Japanese imperialism, father’s ideological inclinations can be guessed. On the basis of Choi’s strong affection for his father, his position on anticommunism is also guessed. After death of his father, community in Pyeongan Province made of Hwang Sun-won and Park Young-jun probably play a role as father. The anticommunism has the ethical nature because this ideology regards North Korea as unethical nation and South Korea as ethical nation. However, in Choi’s novel, this ideological inclinations are hidden because the social trend made by the intellect of the age is probably bitter against ruling power. Choi’s novel is wrapped in ambiguity of subject in attempt to be accused of opportunist from the intellect’s point of view. However, taking off ambiguity and looking inside, we can find that Choi’s anticommunism character is so stubborn than we thougth.

      • KCI등재

        자아존중감이 체육교과성적에 미치는 영향

        김진기(Jin Gi Kim),권판근(Pan Kuen Kwon),김홍석(Hong Seok Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2001 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-esteem on physical education achievements. Subjects of this study were 167 male students and 163 female students randomly from one high school. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. High school students with high level of global self-esteem, social-peer self-esteem, school academic self-esteem showed the high academic achievements of physical education(p<.05). 2. There were no significant differences between high level and low level of home-parents selfesteem in any academic achievements. 3. There were no significant interaction effects between the level of self-esteem sexes of students in any academic achievements.

      • KCI등재

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