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        한국어모어화자 초급일본어 학습자를 위한 효율적 작문지도 연구

        김정혜(金貞惠, Kim, Jeong-Hae) 일본어문학회 2009 일본어문학 Vol.46 No.-

        日本語学習において作文は4つの機能の中で一番最後になされる総合学習である。作文は、確実な意思伝達の機能や、遠くにいる人に意思を伝える機能、長期間保存することの出来る機能などがあり、大変重要なものである。 初級日本語学習者の書いた作文の誤用を分析した結果、韓国語を母語とする初級日本語学習者は、語順の類似している韓国語の言語体系から影響を受けていることが判明した。これらの誤用をなくす方案として、基礎段階において、多くの日本語を体得することが重要であることを提示する。少なくとも基礎日本語においては、「日本語講読」との連携で楽しい歌、詩、小説、シナリオなどやさしい日本語で書かれている、学習者の興味をそそる内容のものを多く学習することが効果的であると考える。また、韓国語の言語体系の影響とは関係ないと思われるイ形容詞の過去形や可能動詞·受け身動詞などは、それらが使用されている楽しい会話文で習得できるのではないかと考える。そして、これら基礎段階で習得した日本語を使って作文をし、作文での誤用例を文法の授業に活用するという方法が効率的な日本語学習方法であると考える。 しかし、何と言っても日本語で正しく作文するには、たくさん読んで、たくさん書いて、それらの全てを添削して、誤用について説明するということ以外に王道はないと考える。

      • KCI등재


        김정혜(金貞恵,)(Kim, Jeong-Hae) 일본어문학회 2012 일본어문학 Vol.58 No.-

        本稿では、朴重鎬の「回帰」の作品分析を通して、身体的トポスの意味に ついて、アイデンテイテイ形成におけるトポスの役割について、そして、作者のメッセージについて考察した。その結果、「回帰」においては、身体的トポスの中でも特に五感を通してのトポスが作品に多く描写されていることが判明した。そして、それは、自然と人工という概念で分けられ、<在日>は人工という概念の範疇に入るという作者のメッセージを読みとった。 また、身体的トポスの意味と登場人物のアイデンティ形成におけるトポ スの役割としては、韓国と北朝鮮という対比によってそれは明らかになった。聴覚•嗅覚という身体の一部で描写する韓国人と、北朝鮮の航海士には五感全身を傾けて対するその差異から自ずと作者の祖国に対する思いを推論することができた。そして、最後に、帰国事業によって人生を変えられた達と玉順夫婦の身体的トポスは、死と再生という結末を得た。もう子供の産めない体になってしまった玉順は、祖国にいる弟一家を支援することで、生きる意味を得、未来へ向って進んで行く決心をする。明秀のトポスは、今後も港町室蘭であり、船内であり、それらを包む自然である。それらは、明秀にとって生きる日常であるが、明秀をどこか今とは違った場所へと誘うものでもあるのである。

      • KCI등재


        金貞恵,(김정혜,Kim, Jeong-Hae) 일본어문학회 2009 일본어문학 Vol.44 No.-

        在日コリアン文学に表れたディアスポラの様相と意味を、立原正秋․金 鶴泳․元秀一․柳美里という4人の在日コリアン作家の小説を分析して究明した。その結果、立原正秋の内面にあるマラーノ性を、金鶴泳の小説における日本文學への韜晦を、元秀一の「猪飼野物語」におけるクレオール語との関係を、そして、最後に柳美里の「8月の果て」における文學の世界化への試みを明らかにすることができた。これら4つの様相は、すべてディアスポラ的であると看取できる。 在日コリアン文学は、日本的要素と韓国的要素をもっていながらも、柳 美里の文學に至っては世界的な要素をも持ち合わせていると考えられる。

      • KCI등재

        종이 의상에 관한 연구

        이주실(Joo Sil Lee),김정혜(Jeong Hae Kim) 한국복식학회 1999 服飾 Vol.44 No.-

        The industry of modern clothing has deviated from the overflow of commercialism and the standardization and nowadays is going toward pursuing art, creativity, and high added value. This trend brings the return of the natural materials from the synthetic textiles and increases the value of old and handmade fabrics. Finally, the handmade-paper, which is a natural material, comes to be reconsidered as a new material for the clothing. Therefore, as the natural materials and the manufacture of handmade clothing are rising again, the qualitative improvement and globalization of clothing industry should be first realized through the developments of creative and various clothing materials and new expressing techniques. The above investigation and study have been synthesized and analyzed as follows: First, through the study on the origin of the paper clothing, its historical background and the process of its development, we`ve learned these two facts following : the paper clothing of the East in the past mostly had practiced meanings. On the other hand, in the West it had meanings which were raised the artist`s emotions and beauty-consciousness to the artistic level by the various kinds of expressing methods. Second, handmade-paper was manufactured by the embedding method, which mixed mulberry pulp, gauze, corn hair, sisal, silk and so on. It was found that handmade-paper had the affluent and proper texture as the clothing material and was be able to control the clarity through the variation of thickness. It was also confirmed that the creative and original texture with hand-worked molding beauty was obtained by the use of handmade-paper. Third, when the handmade-paper is used, the molding beauty of plane, relievo, and solid can be freely pursued, and various and effective molding conformation can be constructed by the effect of superposition and repetition. Also, because the maximum discretion from the various optional manufacturing methods is allowed, the molding beauty can be maximized when the clothes are manufactured with handmade-paper. Fourth, the gauze with strong drape was combined to overcome the stiffness and the tearing of the paper. As a result, the durability and the wearability of the paper were strengthened and thus the applications as the clothing material were enlarged. In conclusion, in order to enhance the value, creativity, practicality, and artistic sense of the design for modern clothing, the clothes made of handmade-paper should be more studied. Moreover, for the generalization of paper clothes, the studies on the development of practical paper with water resistance, post-treatment after dyeing, flexibility, and durability should be done. I really hope that this study will be the motive to provoke the possibility of handmade-paper as new clothing material in not only practical sense but also artistic sense.

      • 등줄쥐에서의 한국형 출혈열 병원체 한탄바이러스의 전파경로

        김정혜,이호왕 고려대학교 의과대학 1982 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.19 No.3

        Epidemic hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome was recognized for the first time in 1951 among UN troops in Korea. Since that time it has been known as Korean hemorrhagic fever (KHF) and remained endemic near the demilitarized zone between South and North Korea. In recent years it appears to have spread slowly in a southwesterly direction and about 800 hospitalized cases are clinically diagnosed each year. In 1976 Lee and Lee succeeded in demonstrating an antigen in the lungs of the striped field mouse, apodemus agrarius, which gave specific iumunofluorescent reactions with sera from patients convalescent from KHF for the first time. The natural reservoir host of Korean hemorrhagic fever is Apodemus agrarius coreae in the rural endemic areas in Korea however, mode of transmission of Hantaan virus in Apodemus mice is not known to date yet. This is the first report on demonstration of the mode of transmission of the virus experimentally in Apodemus agrarius. 1. Mice inoculated by the intramuscular route experienced viremia or about 5 days beginning on day 7. After 3 weeks, immunofluorescent and neutralizing antibodies were present and no mouse ever developed signs of acute illness. 2. Virus was recovered from lung, kidney, salivary gland, and liver, and virus excretion in urine, saliva, and feces occurred from about day 10 through day 640 (urine) postinoculation. Antigen, but not infectious virus, was persistent in lung tissue for as long as 1 year. 3. Horizontal contact infection occurred among cage-mates regardless of sexual pairing up to 640 days after infection and no evidence for participation of ectoparasitic arthropods in such transmission was obtained.

      • エウ·ミリの作家的志向意識

        金貞惠 釜山外國語大學校 2005 外大論叢 Vol.31 No.-

        This paper has been composed based on the interview I had with a Korean writer in Japan, Yu, Miri in Awajishima, Japan on April 30, 2005. In this interview, I intended to intensively analyze the goal consciousness Yu has as a writer. The followings are core items of the interview: 1. Yu has hitherto published 14 novels, stories and 10 essays, which are so world-famous as to have been translated into foreign languages in 8 countries except Japan. All of her novels and stories have been tranlated especially in Taipei. 2. "I write novels and stories to secure the space in which I can exist", answered she, "I see "Gold Rush" and "하치가츠노하테" as my representative works." 3. Yu shows a strong intention to identify fiction with truth in her works, which is the very reason she enjoys a style of autobiographic statement. 4. As regards the future writing plans, she answered, "I myself cannot predict what to do in the future before completing this work I am writing at the moment, because I have never written under a ceratin plan. It is sure I am interested in a series of murder accidents with an adult hero or heroin, or anything related to my grandfather on the paternal side, and so on." 5. About a question "what do you think of your identity as a Korean Writer residing in Japan?", asked she back, "I have never written any work in the consciousness of my identity. How many names will continue to remain on the list of Korean writers residing in Japan in the future 50 years?", affirming "Anyone cannot be called a distinguished writer, as long as he or she is labeled as a Korean writer residing in Japan." In light of this, she is a worldwide writer who has already overcome any condition or situation in which she is positioned as a Korean writer residing in Japan. I have perceived Yu, Mi-ri is a Korean descendent who shows an image as a highly talented and self-confident writer and nevertheless has Korean sentiments and etiquettes. Her works have their own attraction, in that though written in a specific language like Japanese, they describe human beings and world approved by every reader living in the age of a global village. This might be the reason her works are translated in a variety of foreign languages.

      • 『夜明け前』と 近代

        金貞惠 부산 외국어 대학교 1996 外大論叢 Vol.15 No.1

        시마자기 도오손의 『夜明け前』은 '해뜨기 전'이라는 의미의 일본근대소설이다. 이 作品은 일본 근대여명기의 지식인에게 가로 놓인 근대의 전정한 의미에 대한 물음은 물론 그에 대한 고뇌와 좌절로 얼룩진 처절한 탐구 과정을 그리고 있다. 도오손은 이 작품을 일본의 군국주의가 고조화되고 프로레타리아 운동가들에 대한 탄압이 심해진 소화초기(1929년)에 쓰기 시작했다. 따라서 그가 경험한 현실적 변동기와 작품속의 변동기는 그 나름의 상광성을 지닌다 할 것이다. 필자는 우선 주인공 아오야마 한조가 추구한 근대의 의미가 무엇인가를 고찰하고 이어서 도오손이 추구한 근대의 의미가 무엇인가를 고찰하고 이어서 도오손이 추구한 근대의 의미가 어떤것이었는가를 시대상과 관련지어 살펴볼 것이며, 마지막으로 작품 「夜明け前」에 나타난 근대의 의미가 무엇인가를 살펴 보았다. 이는 바로 「夜明け前」의 주제라고도 말할 수 있는 것이다. 먼저, 아오야마 한조에 있어서의 근대란 그 옛날의 天皇이 통치한 그런 시대가 도래하는 것이다. 이는 바로 오랫동안의 무사 통치 시대를 마감하는 것이자 일본이란 나라를 되찾는 것이였다. 도오손에 있어서의 근대도 한조와 비슷하다. 도오손은 근대정신의 파탄을 경험하면서 그것을 버릴 수가 없어서 국학, 특히 히라타파의 국학 정신에 탐닉하여 이를 되살리려고 노력했다. 왜냐하면 국학이란 것 자체가 上代의 순수한 일본문화를 부활하려고 하는 것이기 때문이다. 특히 히라타파의 根本精神은 眞心이며, 이 진심에 따라 행동하는 것이 神道의 길이다 가르치는 것이다. 이것이 바로 자신의 이익을 버리고 나라를 위해 일하는 것이였다. 이같은 운동은 무사들의 통치에 대한 비판정신에 바탕을 두고 있다. 이와 같은 관점에서 이 작품에 나타난 근대의 의미를 파악할 수 있을 것이다. 「夜明け前」의 서두에서 「木曾路는 모두 산 속에 있다」로 시작한 것에서 알 수 있듯이 일본사회 구조의 가장 밑뿌리에서 근대화를 계속적으로 거부하는 현실 즉 일본고유 토속성을 망각한채 이익 捨象을 전제로 발상된 새로운 세상에의 추구였기에 이 작품에서의 근대는 결국 반근대의 의미로 회귀되고 마는 것이다. 이는 바로 이 작품이 지닌 주체의식의 한계라고도 말할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        특수학급 교사의 통합학급 교사와의 협력경험에 대한 사례연구

        김정혜,최성욱 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2012 교사교육연구 Vol.51 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the meaning of collaboration between special education teachers and inclusive class teachers. For this study, three special education teachers were sampled and observed in classroom teaching. The conclusions are as follows: First, the necessity of sharing information and communicating for overcoming the limitation from dualistic structure of inclusive education settings, and the recognition of necessity to effective teaching in inclusive class affected on the special education teachers’ motivation to collaboration. Second, special education teachers experienced some collaboration barriers such as insufficient communication in decision making of suggestion-agreement, limited collaboration and unprepared collaboration. Third, special education teachers experienced the increment in achievement of disabled students and the positive change of inclusive class teacher after collaboration with other teachers. Finally, special education teachers, through reflective introspection, found themselves insufficient collaborators who stuck to passive followership, small teaching, and prescribed just correcting answer. 본 연구는 특수학급 교사와 통합학급 교사간의 협력 경험을 탐색하면서 특수학급 교사가 경험하는 협력의 의미를 특수학급 교사의 관점에서 파악하는 데에 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 특수학급 교사 3명을 대상으로 사례 연구를 수행하였다. 수집한 자료를 주제별로 분류하여 의미를 생성하는 과정을 통하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 특수학급 교사는 자발적으로 협력 동기를 형성하고 협력에 참여하였다. 통합교육 장면의 이원적 구조에서 오는 한계성을 극복하기 위한 원활한 정보 공유 및 소통의 필요성, 장애학생의 효율적인 지도를 위한 교사 간 경험의 공유와 공동대처의 필요성은 특수학급 교사의 협력동기가 되었다. 둘째, 특수학급 교사는 협력의 장애요소로 교사 간 소통 부족, 의사결정과정에의 적극적 참여 부족, 협력범위에 대한 부족한 합의, 협력을 위한 체계적인 계획 부족을 경험하였다. 셋째, 특수학급 교사는 협력 결과 장애학생의 성장과 통합학급 교사의 긍정적인 변화를 경험하였다. 넷째, 특수학급 교사는 반성적 성찰을 통하여 불완전한 협력자로서의 자기발견을 하였다.

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