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      • KCI등재

        치유적 글쓰기가 대학생의 자기 효능감에 미치는 영향 ― 중국 고전 문학을 중심으로

        김의정,표시연 중국어문학연구회 2024 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.145

        This paper originated from the intent to explore how self-efficacy, defined as the level of confidence in individual task performance, increases through writing in a literature therapy course. Selected texts for therapy were drawn from well-known Eastern classics such as "Analects," "Zhuangzi," "Shiji," and "Du Fu." Group discussions, therapeutic writing, and reflective journals were conducted concurrently in the class. In order to assess numerical significance of students’ self-efficacy, pre-and post-tests were administered, consisting of a total of 24 items categorized into three sub-domains: self-regulation efficacy, confidence, and task difficulty. Despite students' earnest participation and engagement, unfamiliarity with Eastern classics and initially low literary literacy levels hindered significant numerical outcomes. However, post-mean scores showed some improvement across all the items of the three subdomains in self-efficacy. Because self-efficacy is a complex competence intertwined with other psychological factors, the need for future analyses correlating with other aspects such as self-esteem, self-identity and writing efficacy is suggested to provide a more comprehensive and rational interpretation. The results of this study might provide empirical data for future studies to yield more meaningful results in planning in a more systematic approach.

      • KCI등재

        陸卿子 樂府詩의 시적 전략

        김의정 중국어문학회 2015 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.50

        . 明末清初之际出现了一大批女性诗人,她们开始强调个人经验和情感的抒发,文思的想象。而这种个人经验,想象和情感最适合用乐府诗来表达,因为“乐府诗”本身就是把传统故事拿过来进行加工,再创造,所以这种诗体女性诗人运用起来更为得心应手,既可以把自己的情感巧妙地隐藏起来,又可以充分展现自己的个性。女性诗人陆卿子给我们留下了各种风格的乐府诗,而本文着重从话者的角度加以分析。考察后发现,陆卿子没有用以往的女性诗中常见的流泪,叹息,哀怨,等待之类的消极情绪来表情达意,而是力求具有豪迈率真的男性诗风,所以她的诗中有很多模仿李白的作品。但实际上综观她的作品不仅仅是这种类型。本文从“男性话语”,“女性话者”,“在分界线上的彷徨”这三个角度去加以探讨。她的男性话语写作因缺乏实际经验多有败笔,而从女性话者角度来重新解读传统故事的作品多有佳作,因为表达了真挚细腻的情感。可是这类诗作也不是每篇都是佳作,实际上在陆卿子的作品中最常见的是不能归属于任何一类的,在分界线上彷徨的一类作品。笔者认为这类作品虽然在完成度上还差一点儿,但是我们可从这类作品中了解明末清初的女性诗人们敢于摸索新的思路的实际情况,值得我们继续研究。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동방여성문학(東方女性文學) : 명대(明代) 여성(女性) 시인(詩人) 왕미(王微)의 여행시 -창작의 동인(動因)과 인식(認識)을 중심으로

        김의정 중국어문학회 2012 中國語文學誌 Vol.39 No.-

        本論文的論點是王微這位女性的旅行記錄。 在明代約束女性的等級制度森嚴, 女性在家庭內部흔難隨意出入廳堂, 更何況自由出行。 再加上, 在明代盛行的纏足, 從身體上不利於女性走動。 因此, 可以肯定在傳統觀念中, 女性旅行與女性的完美典範背道而馳。 不過, 王微具有靑樓女子這一特殊身빈, 雖然職業性質使저不得不輾轉於各地, 但從記載저寫的詩的記錄中能구得知, 저的旅行已越過職業上的需要, 具有一種主動性。明末淸初著名詩人錢謙益在記述王微一生時稱, 王微遊覽長江和楚國一帶,登上大別山眺望包括黃鶴樓和鸚鵡洲在內的許多名勝地; 拜訪被稱爲玄嶽的武當山, 攀登天柱峰, 沿著長江遊走, 登上廬山訪問白居易草堂, 在五乳峰上參拜감山大師。 저生前曾編著有《名山記》、 《월館詩》、 《宛在篇》、 《未焚稿選》、 《遠遊篇選》、 《間草選》、 《期山草選》、 《浮山亭草》等詩文集。 從詩文集的題目中就能구看出저格外喜愛旅行。 我認爲由此可以得知, 雖然저因靑樓女子這一特殊職業不得不근隨男性文人們一起旅行, 但是若저不格外看中旅行的話, 走完那些長距離旅行幷非易事。本論文首先將介紹旅行詩的創作背景和王微身爲靑樓名妓的生活以及저和譚元春之間的關系。 之後, 將對王微留下的旅行詩進行分析, 조出其中所蘊含的共同意義。 最後, 通過저留下的幾篇有關旅行的文字, 硏究저堅持旅行的動因以及저是如何賦予旅行意義的。

      • 최대 블록화 방법을 이용한 묵자획 특징 추출에 관한 연구

        김의정,태균,Kim, Ui-Jeong,Kim, Tae-Gyun 한국정보처리학회 1997 정보처리학회논문지 Vol.4 No.4

        본 논문에서는 오프라인 한자의 특징 추출을 위한 최대 블록화 방법(Maximum Block Method:MBM)을 제안한다. 최대 블록화란 처며 찾아진 화소로부터 블록을 점차 키워 나 아가감 으로서 입력문자의 골격선과 특징점을 추출하는 방법이다.기존의 세선화 방법 에서는 국소적인 잡음의 영향과 굴곡점, 누락점 등에서 발생되는 왜곡 현상이 특징 추출 을 어렵게 하는 단점이 있었다. 본 논문에서는 최대 블록 생성으로 인하여 잡음블록의 제거와 합성으로 직선과 사선획을 찾으므로서, 정확한 특징점 추출하는 앙법임을 입증 하였다. 실험 데이타로는 프린터 결과물, 중고등학교 한자 교과서와 기타 문서 등을 사용하였다. 한자 이외에도 한글 및 영, 숫자를 입력하여 실험한 결과, 인식의 전처리 과정인 골격선 추출과 획의 특징 추출에서 매우 효과적인 방법임을 확인하였다. In this paper the Maximum Block Method is suggested for the Feature Extraction of stokes of off-line Chinese characters.The Maximum Block Method is a technique which enlarges the block from the first found pixel that wxtracts the skeleton and features of the input characters.The maximum Block mthod is an adequate technique for the correct extraction of the features since the exsting thining methods have shortcomings of making the feature extraction difficult from the distoritions generated from the effiects of the parial noises,inflection points and blemishes. The printed outputs and chinese books of the middle and high school students,and other materials are used for the test.It was found that the Maxthod is also an effective technique for the extraction of skeleton line and features,which is the preoprocessing of the pattern recognition,for the Korean chracters and English as well as chinese chracters.

      • KCI등재

        유방암종의 바늘 생검 조직에 대한 동결절편 검사의 유용성

        김의정,전이경,홍성란,희숙,강성수,이지현,이성공,혜선 대한병리학회 2002 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.36 No.3

        Core needle biopsy (CNB) is widely used as the initial sampling method for breast cancer. And because frozen section (FS) diagnosis is rapid and reliable, we studied the diagnostic agreement between the diagnoses of FS of CNB and final diagnosis after surgery to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the FS of CNB. Methods : Of 409 patients who were preoperatively diagnosed by FS of CNB and who underwent final surgery from 1996 through 2000, 24 cases were found to be ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 385 cases invasive carcinoma (IC). The diagnoses of FS of CNB were compared with final diagnoses. Results : The diagnostic accuracy of carcinoma is 63.6% for DCIS and 86.9% for invasive carcinoma. Five cases (1.2%) could not be diagnosed because of material insufficiency for diagnosis. Twenty two cases (5.4%) were diagnosed as benign on FS, among which 20 (90.9%) were misdiagnosed by sampling error. Twenty seven cases (6.7%) were deferred on FS, 4 of these cases were DCIS, 5 were invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), the rest displayed low nuclear grades or marked freezing artifacts. Conclusions : The diagnostic accuracy of FS of CNB is very high except for cases of ILC and low grade DCIS. Considering the advantage of rapid evaluation, more definitive diagnosis, familiarity by pathologists and availability of ancillary study, FS of CNB is very useful method as the preoperative evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        육아종성 유방염의 임상 및 병리학적 특성

        김의정,최윤정,지영,희정,박양순,홍순원,박찬일,도일,이희대,정우희 대한병리학회 2005 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.39 No.3

        Background : Granulomatous mastitis (GM) is a rare chronic inflammatory condition that clinically mimics a carcinoma. The diagnosis of idiopathic GM depends on the exclusion of other granulomatous inflammations. The purpose of this study is to correlate the clinicopathological features of GM with etiologies. Methods : We reviewed the clinical records of 58 cases that were histologically diagnosed as GM. We performed special stains for microorganisms such as Ziehl-Neelsen, periodic acid Schiff and gram stains, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB PCR). Results : The mean age of patients was 35.3 years. Most patients were parous except three. Seven patients (12.1%) were related with pregnancy or lactation. TB PCR was positive in nine patients (15.5%). Five patients (8.6%) had gram positive bacilli that were recognizable as coryneform bacteria. Culture study demonstrated Staphylococcus aureus in only one case. Infectious GM had a greater tendency to form abscesses. Fat necrosis was more likely to be present in idiopathic GM, but other histological features were similar to each other. Twenty-two cases (37.9%) showed recurrence. Conclusions : We suggest that TB PCR and gram stain are essential tests for the differential diagnosis of GM, because the histologic features considerably overlap irrespective of the various etiologies.

      • KCI등재

        개방 단말 동축선 프로브의 환산모델에 대한 안정성과 정확성

        김의정,조유선,세윤,Kim Yee-Jung,Jo Yu-Sun,Kim Se-Yun 한국전자파학회 2005 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.16 No.1

        동축선 프로브법을 사용하여 매질의 광대역 복소 유전율 값을 얻는다. 신뢰할 수 있는 복소 유전율 분포를 얻기 위해서는 먼저 측정된 반사계수의 정확성과 환산 모델의 안정성이 보장되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 서로 다른 uncertainty를 갖는 계측기를 사용하여 환산 모델의 민감도를 해석하였다. 그리고 측정된 반사계수의 정확성에 영향을 주는 여러 요인에 대해 측정을 통해 조사하였다. Complex permittivities of material in a wide bandwidth are measured by using an open-ended coaxial probe. To obtain a confident complex permittivity profile, the accuracy of measured reflection coefficients and the stability of the conversion model should be guaranteed in advance. In this paper, the sensitivity of our conversion model is analyzed by employing two instruments with different uncertainties. And various factors effected on the accuracy of measured reflection coefficients are investigated in experiment.

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