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      • KCI등재

        편심 하중에 의한 강철도교 세로보의 비틀림 거동

        김성남,성익현,김종헌,강영종,Kim, Seong-Nam,Sung, Ik-Hyun,Kim, Jong-Heun,Kang, Young-Jong 한국방재학회 2004 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.4 No.4

        본 연구의 대상교량은 세로보와 레일의 중심선이 일치하지 않으며 편심거리가 존재한다. 편심이 존재하지 않는 설계-시공이라면 실제 세로보에서는 열차 하중에 의해 휨 응력만이 발생하게 된다. 그러나 실제 설계-시공 상에서는 세로보와 레일의 중심선이 일치하지 않고 이러한 세로보와 레일의 편심에 의해서 침목에 휨이 발생한다. 이에 따라 침목과 연결되어 있는 세로보에는 휨 응력뿐만 아니라 추가로 비틀림 응력도 발생하게 된다. 이러한 비틀림 응력이 세로보 절취부에 미치는 영향과 수직 브레이싱을 설치하였을 경우의 영향에 대해서 분석해 보도록 한다. The centroid of rail doesn't coincide with the centroid of stringer on target truss bridge. If there is no eccentricity on the bridge, bending stress works only. But in the real design and execution, not only bending stress works but also torsional stress does because of it's eccentricity. So this study evaluates how much the torsional stress by eccentricity effects joint members on the bridge. We investigate the possibility to control torsional stress if we model longitudinal bracing between stringers.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Waste Heat recovery for savings fuel and protecting the environment

        김성남(Kim Seong Nam) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2010 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.10

        Current interest in reducing emissions and reducing engine operating costs is leading towards the use of more effective waste heat recovery. By adapting the tuning of the Wartsila low-speed two-stroke marine engines to increase exhaust gas energy and employing both steam and exhaust gas turbines in a Total Heat Recover Plant, an electrical output of about 11% of engine power is possible. Such savings can make a major contribution to improving both plant efficiency and engine emissions. This Total Heat Recovery Plant is attracting much interest from shipowners interested in saving fuel costs and reducing emissions. It must be remembered that modern large, low-speed marine engines are so highly developed.

      • KCI등재

        민사법상 수인한도론에 관한 연구

        김성남(Kim seong nam) 한국비교사법학회 2016 비교사법 Vol.23 No.4

        수인한도는 합리적인 사람이 사회생활에서 참을 수 있는 한도를 말하는 것이고, 수인한도론은 이 수인한도에 대한 해석론으로 민법 제217조를 그 출발점으로 한다. 생활방해는 정당한 권원에 의한 권리행사로 인하여 이웃 토지 소유자 및 거주자에 대한 방해 또는 손해가 문제가 되므로 당해 생활방해를 동반하는 권리행사에 대한 위법성 여부의 판단이 중요하고, 그 기준이 되는 것이 수인한도이다. 판례에서는 위법성 판단을 위한 수인한도의 일반적 판단기준과 그 외 침해유형별로 새로운 기준을 제시하기도 하여 구체적 사례에서의 모든 사정을 종합적으로 고려하여 그 초과 여부로서 위법성을 판단하고 있다. 그러나 모든 개별적 사정을 종합하여 고려하는 방법은 모든 사정을 일일이 검토하여 그 초과 여부를 정한다는 것인지 포괄적으로 종합 판단한다는 것인지 애매하고, 종합적 판단은 물론 그 판단기준을 일일이 검토한다고 해도 어느 기준에서 어느 정도의 가중치로 최종적인 수인한도 판단에 영향을 미치는지에 대해 알 수 없어 객관성을 결여한다. 본고에서는 생활방해에 대한 위법성 판단기준인 수인한도 초과 판단의 객관성을 확보하기 위해 침해유형별로 주된 수인한도 판단기준을 설정하여 그 중요도를 설정하고 그 단계별로 수인한도를 적용하는 3가지 구체적 판단방법을 제시해 본다. Article 217 of Civil law is ban to nuisance in principle. It was devised to adjust for the problem of real estate used between neighboring in reasonably and covers ownership disturbance but also the resident s right of pain avoidance in a daily life and interpreted to neighboring land and buildings, thus carving personal interest to live in decent conditions out of its application. According to this have to duty of endurance for the any condition but if beyond that condition can do the claim of the appropriate action and ruled rated for determining the illegality. That is the basis judged for illegality and over the endurance limit is determined illegality on the nuisance and environmental violations, this judgment is based on the illegality. Endurance limit means a limit that a rational man can endure while he leads a social life, which accepts illegality when an extent of infringement goes beyond the limit generally acceptable in leading a social life in respect with environmental pollution and nuisance. The theory of the endurance limit is interpretation of article 217 of the civil law. The court is to judge for endurance limit, whether it goes beyond endurance limit by comprehensively considering decided taking into account public utility of inflicting company, locality, the order of priority of land use, special circumstance of the inflicted, continuance of infliction, observance of public regulating standard, evasion possibility of damage and measure of damage prevention of inflicting party. In practice, however, only one or two major suspectability criteria for the type of infringement are applied, and other additional susceptibility criteria have an influence on the overall susceptibility, It does not seem to be actually taken into account as to how it affects the judgment. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish each infringement type in order to secure the objectivity of judging the infringement. This is a three-step application method for judging nuisance. In order to do this, the types of infringement against life disturbance were first identified. And, each type of infringement and according to the types of infringement, the priority factor, the supplementary factor, and the reference factor were classified and tried to specify and differentiate the application. It is a priority factor, a supplementary factor, and a reference factor. It is possible that the overriding or overvaluation may be determined from the priority factor and the overvaluation may be determined in conjunction with the supplemental or reference factor. This leads to a demand for more detail and objective standard for the endurance limit, adjusting established requisites for protecting nuisance. They are will help to ensure rationality and objectivity of the endurance limit.

      • KCI등재후보

        생활방해에서 수인한도의 차별적 적용에 관한 연구

        김성남(Kim, seong nam) 서강대학교 법학연구소 2016 법과기업연구 Vol.6 No.1

        수인한도는 위법성을 판단하는 기준으로 생활방해 또는 환경오염피해 외 법 전반에 걸쳐 채용되고 있으며, 개별적 사례에서 여러 가지 수인한도 판단기준을 비교·형량하여 양 당사자의 이익을 조정하는 기능을 한다. 수인한도를 넘는 침해는 위법한 것이고 피해자는 그 행위에 대한 제거 또는 예방을 위한 유지청구와 그 침해행위로 인하여 발생한 손해에 대하여 손해배상을 청구할 수 있다. 그런데 판례에서는 유지청구를 인용하는 경우와 손해배상을 인용하는 경우의 수인한도 적용에 있어 차이를 둔다. 즉 손해배상의 경우보다 유지청구의 경우에 더 강한 수인한도를 적용하므로 손해배상이 인정되는 위법행위도 유지청구에서는 적법행위로 취급된다. 특히 생활방해나 환경오염피해가 기업 활동에 의해 발생하는 경우 그 가해자의 권리행사를 제거 또는 금지시키면 그로 인하여 얻어지는 사회적 편익이나 유용성을 누리지 못하게 되는 공익적 불이익이 초래된다는 생각이 있다. 이러한 관점은 초기 산업화를 겪은 사회에서 일반적으로 나타나는 현상으로, 법은 생활방해를 수반하는 기업 활동을 허용하는 합법적인 수단으로 기여하였다. 즉 산업 활동을 위한 토지의 소유와 이용관계에 있어서 절대적 소유권 개념을 바탕으로 산업 발전에 기여하는 기업의 권리행사는 공공의 이익이고 그로 인한 개인 토지 소유자의 불이익과 형량하여 판단하는 재판관의 재량권으로 포섭되었다. 법 제정은 시대의 상황을 흡수하고 그 질서를 잡아 나가면서 정착하는 것인데 초기 산업 국가들과 달리 생활방해 규정을 먼저 제정하고 후에 생활방해와 환경오염피해에 대한 문제를 논의하기 시작한 우리의 경우, 민법 제217조의 해석에 있어 외국의 영향을 받아 이를 근거로 하는 수인한도 판단에 있어 법관의 자의적 판단에 의존한다는 비판을 받는다. 수인한도는 위법성을 판단하는 것이고 이는 해당 피해에 대한 구제와 연결되므로 합리적이고 객관적인 적용을 위한 민법 제217조의 독자적이고 정치한 해석의 필요성이 있다. The legal basis acceptance limit is based on Article 217 of the Civil Law, which stipulated duty of patience. The important thing is determined illegality on the nuisance and environmental violations, which is the illegality of judgment based on the is acceptance limit. In other words, acceptance limit means a limit that a rational man can endure while he leads a social life, which accepts illegality when an extent of infringement goes beyond the limit generally acceptable in leading a social life in respect with environmental pollution and nuisance. In cases, to judge such al acceptance limit, whether it goes beyond acceptance limit decided taking into account public utility of inflicting company, locality, the order of priority of land use, special circumstance of the inflicted, continuance of infliction, observance of public regulating standard, evasion possibility of damage and measure of damage prevention of inflicting party. The extent of acceptance limit can vary depending on the relief means of the victim, but all of it judges illegality based on al single standard of acceptance limit, so both claims can be uniformally. By the way, in interpreting Article 217 of Civil Law tend to rely on foreign Law, there are a difficulties due to apply to on acceptance limit. So, it investigates the history of on the nuisance which try to draw the implications for Germany, USA and Japan. In the face of the early industrial society, this countries begun to change their interpretation to support the industrial progress. These countries understood that brings the nuisance in the industrial development, which Law was enacted to allow it. But our case, after enacted Article 217 of the Civil Law already, began to be discussed on the nuisance and environmental violations. Therefore, it is a need for a Article 217 of civil Law independent and modern interpretation. Article 217 in the Civil Law covers not only ownership disturbance but also the resident s right of pain avoidance in a daily life. Its scope of remedy is widespread and also forbids the disturbance of livelihood and environment. Consequentially, it copes with new type of disturbance flexibly. It also relieves damage practically since its object to protect is not a real right but a person. Additionally, as an invoked article for the acceptable limit, let a victim whose disturbance level is below the acceptable limit take it and for whose disturbance level is over the acceptable limit, let him or her charge appropriate action.

      • 도시형 FRT Exterior Design 연구

        김성남(Kim Seong Nam),김상중(Kim Sang Joong),김창현(Kim Chang Hyun) 한국철도학회 2004 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        It is the urgent task of induce the inhabitants to utilize the public transportation instead of the personal transportation to dissolve the traffic jam. But construction of the subway, the representative substitute means, demands a great of investment expense including various kinds of expenses. So the technical development and research of standardization of FRT(Fuel cell Rubber tired Train), the eco-friendly public transportation system low in construction expenses, effective, excellent in approach as well as in traffic, are propelled positively. This project wants to propose exterior design FRT in which original creative methods are utilized with the target of development and construction of FRT which coincide with anthropocentric eco-friendly traffic system. Utilizing the proposed style as the basic materials, this project wants to grasp difficulties, and to establish the way to solve and develop them.

      • KCI등재

        생활방해에서 수인한도 적용에 관한 연구

        김성남(Kim Seong Nam) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2016 法學論文集 Vol.40 No.1

        Article 217 of Civil law is ban to nuisance in principle. It was devised to adjust for the problem of real estate used between neighboring in reasonably and covers ownership disturbance but also the resident’s right of pain avoidance in a daily life and interpreted to neighboring land and buildings, thus carving personal interest to live in decent conditions out of its applicaton. According to this have to duty of endurance for the any condition but if beyond that condition can do the claim of the appropriate action and ruled rated for determining the illegality. That is the basis judged for illegality and over the endurance limit is determined illegality on the nuisance and environmental violations, this judgment is based on the illegality. In other words, endurance limit means a limit that a rational man can endure while he leads a social life, which accepts illegality when an extent of infringement goes beyond the limit generally acceptable in leading a social life in respect with environmental pollution and nuisance. The court is to judge for endurance limit, whether it goes beyond endurence limit by comprehensively considering decided taking into account public utility of inflicting company, locality, the order of priority of land use, special circumstance of the inflicted, continuance of infliction, abservance of public regulating standard, evasion possibility of damge and measure of damage prevention of inflicting party. So judgment stages can be divided into 3 in applying, which is factor of preferential, factor of residual and factor of referential for endurence limit judged equip objectivity. This leads to a demand for more detail and objective standard for the endurance limit, adjusting established requisites for protecting nuisance. They are will help to ensure rationality and objectivity of the endurance limit.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        혈액투석 환자에서 투석 적절도와 빈혈과의 관계

        김성남 ( Kim Seong Nam ),최규복 ( Choe Gyu Bog ) 대한신장학회 2003 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.22 No.4

        목 적 : 만성적인 빈혈은 신대체요법을 진행 중인 말기 신부전 환자의 심혈관계 합병증 및 이와 연관된 사망률을 높이는데 중요한 영향을 미치고 있다. 이러한 혈액투석 환자에서 발생되는 빈혈의 가장 주된 원인인 에리스로포이에틴 (erythropoietin : EPO)의 상대적인 생성저하를 해결하기 위해 임상에서는 흔히 EPO의 정기적인 투여를 시행하고 있다. 그러나 EPO를 투여 받고 있는 중에 나타나는 빈혈, 즉 EPO 저항성의 여러 원인들 중 EPO의 효율에 영향을 주는 투석의 종류와 용량에 대한 충분한 이해가 부족한 것이 현실이다. 이에 저자들은 동일 조건하에서 혈액투석을 받고 있는 환자의 투석적절도와 빈혈의 상관관계를 확인하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 이화여자대학교 목동병원에서 최근 3개월 이상 혈액 투석을 받고 있는 혈색수치가 11 g/dL 미만인 57명의 말기 신부전 환자를 대상으로 전향적 연구를 진행하였다. 결 과 : 전체 대상환자 중 13명이 투석의 용량이 부족한 것으로 나타났고, 대조군과 비교하였을 때 남녀 성비를 제외하고는 기본적인 임상양상의 차이는 없었다. 연구시작 시점에서 영양상태는 비교적 투석용량이 높았던 대조군에서 양호하였다. 투석 부적절군에서 투석용량을 증가시킨 후, Kt/V는 평균 3.02±0.79에서 4.21±0.24로 약 37% 정도 증가했으며 (p<0.01), 혈색소는 8.98±0.79에서 9.34±0.97 g/dL (p<0.01)로, 헤마토크릿은 26.44±2.38에서 27.31±2.95% (p<0.05)로 증가하였다. 결 론 : 저자들은 투석의 용량을 증가시킴으로써 EPO를 투여 받고 있는 혈액투석 환자의 빈혈을 호전시킬 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. Background : Chronic anemia inceases cardiovascular risk and its related mortality in patients with undergoing maintenance hemodialysis. To resolve the issue of anemia due to diminished synthesis of erythropoietin (EPO), regular injection of parenteral recombinant human EPO was adopted in most dialysis center. But we are not aware of previous reports of the relationship between modality or intensity of dialysis and anemia with EPO resistancy. For these reasons, we investigated the relation bewteen the adequacy of dialysis and the response of EPO in end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients who were receiving maintenance hemodialysis at least for three months in same cindition. Methods : We studied prospectively 57 adult ESRD patients with hemoglobin below 11 g/dL/ Results : 13 patients showed the under dialysis, and there was no differences in clinical features with the control groups, except the ration of gender. At the beginning of the study, the control groups who received adequate dialysis showed better nutritional state. The groups who had received under dialysis showed the increment of 37% in Kt/V from 3.02±0.79 to 4.21±0.24 (p<0.01), Hb from 8.98±0.79 to 9.34±0.97 g/dL (p<0.01), and Hct froem 26.44±2.38 to 27.31±2.95% (p<0.05) after increase of the dialysis doses. Conclusion : Based on above results, we concluded that the patients with EPO could be improved in chronic anemia by means of increased dialysis doses. (Korean J Nephrol 2003;22(4):420-425)

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