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        The Impact of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak on Trends in Emergency Department Utilization Patterns

        김도균,김도균,이진희,곽영호 대한의학회 2017 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.32 No.10

        Changes occurred in the patterns of utilization of emergency medical services during the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) outbreak. The purpose of this study was to analyze the patterns of adult and pediatric patients who visited the emergency department (ED) during the outbreak. This retrospective study was conducted by analyzing changes in the patterns of visits among adult and pediatric patients in the ED at one tertiary teaching hospital in Korea. The study was performed from June 1, 2013 to July 31, 2015. The MERS outbreak period was from June 1 to July 31, 2015, and we compared that period to the same periods in 2013 and 2014. We compared and analyzed the patients' characteristics, emergency severity index (ESI) level at the visit, cause of visit, diagnosis, final dispositions, injury/non-injury, length of stay at the ED (EDLOS), and hospitalization rate. A total of 9,107 patients visited the ED during this period. Of these patients, 2,572 (28.2%) were pediatric patients and 6,535 (71.8%) were adult patients. The most common cause of an ED visit was fever (adult patients: 21.6%, pediatric patients: 56.2%). The proportion of non-urgent visits involving an ESI level of 4 or 5 and the EDLOS decreased significantly in pediatric and adult patients in comparison to that during the past two years. This change was significant in pediatric patients. Among adult patients, the rate of injury decreased, whereas it increased among pediatric patients. During the MERS outbreak period, pediatric ED visits due to non-urgent cases decreased significantly and there were more pronounced differences in ED utilization patterns in pediatric patients than in adult patients.

      • 인류세 도래에 따른 녹색전환의 가치와 중장기 전략 발굴 연구

        김도균,안소은,정우현,주문솔,이재혁,서은주,류환희,최명애,홍덕화 한국환경연구원 2022 기본연구보고서 Vol.2022 No.-

        Ⅰ. 서론 □ 연구의 필요성과 목적 - 기후위기는 ‘인류세’로 지칭되는 새로운 지질시대의 도래를 알리는 핵심 증거로 받아들여지고 있음. 코로나19 이후의 새로운 기준은 코로나19의 종식을 넘어서서 기후위기를 극복할 수 있는 ‘녹색전환’이 되어야 함 - 활력 있는 지구 생태계는 인간 문명 없이 존재할 수 있지만 인간 문명은 생태계와 별개로 존재할 수 없다는 단순하지만 분명한 사실에서 정부의 정책이 출발해야 함 - 이러한 맥락에서 본 연구는 인류세 논의를 바탕으로 코로나19 이후 우리 사회 뉴노멀의 방향을 녹색전환으로 제안하고, 그 실현을 위한 중장기 연구과제를 발굴하는 것을 목적으로 함 □ 연구의 범위와 수행 체계 - 인류세 논의가 녹색전환에 주는 함의를 검토한 후 구체적인 연구과제를 제안함 - 연구과제 발굴의 내실화와 공론화를 위하여 한국환경사회학회와 협업하여 6차례 전문가 포럼 진행 Ⅱ. 인류세 도래에 따른 녹색전환의 의미와 기본방향 □ 인류세 논의가 녹색전환에 주는 함의 - 인류세는 인간의 힘이 지구 표면을 바꾸는 결정적인 힘이 되면서 도래한 새로운 지질시대를 가리키기 위해 제안된 이름 - 이 개념은 노벨 화학상을 수상한 대기화학자 파울 크뤼천(Crutzen)과 생태학자 유진 스토머(Stoermer)가 2000년에 처음 제안 - 인류세는 환경 논의의 규모를 지구(행성) 차원으로 확장하며 ‘행성적 한계’를 강조함 - 인류세 논의가 녹색전환에 주는 함의 ㆍ첫째, 인류세의 행성적 한계는 녹색전환의 방향이 생태적 한계 속에서 경제와 사회를 녹색화하는 ‘내포 관계’를 지향해야 함을 강조 ㆍ둘째, 인류세 논의가 강조하는 행성적 한계는 성장중심주의와는 다른 사회·경제 구조로의 전환을 강하게 요구함. 즉, 성장중심주의와 대비되는 ‘탈성장’이라는 새로운 전환 논의로까지 확장 ㆍ셋째, 인간 활동을 생태위기의 원인으로 지목하면서도 다종적 정의 개념을 통해 ‘인간 이외의 존재’까지 포용하는 환경정책을 요구 ㆍ넷째, ‘창의적 실험’을 통한 미래 지향의 탐색 활동을 강조 □ 녹색전환 연구과제 발굴 - 한정된 보고서에서 폭넓은 연구 영역의 연구과제를 제안할 수 없는 현실을 고려하여 <그림 1>과 같이 5개의 녹색전환 연구과제 제안 - 순환경제 영역에서 두 가지 연구과제 제안 ㆍ인류세의 행성적 한계는 성장중심주의를 넘어서고자 하는 탈성장 논의로까지 확장 ㆍ성장중심주의를 넘어서고자 하는 탈성장 논의가 새로운 자원 투입 없이 자원을 순환하여 사용함으로써 정상 상태의 사회를 추구한다는 점에서, 탈성장과 순환경제는 그 지향점을 공유함 ㆍ연구과제 1, 거시적 차원에서 탈성장 논의와 순환경제 정책을 연계하는 연구 ㆍ 연구과제 2, 순환경제 실현을 위한 지역공동체 단위의 미시적 실천전략과 연결하는 연구 ㆍ이는 인류세에서 강조하는 미래 지향의 창의적 전환실험이라고 할 수 있음 - 노동, 미래세대, 육식 중시 관행을 넘어서는 식생활(채식)에 관한 연구과제 제안 ㆍ또한 인류세의 원인은 자본주의의 불평등한 사회·경제적 관계와 밀접하게 연계되어 있음. 따라서 인류세 논의를 반영한 녹색전환 과정에서는 ‘정의로움’ 같은 사회 가치 강조 ㆍ특히 급격한 녹색전환 과정에서 나타날 수 있는 노동(계)의 문제를 어떻게 포용할 것인가, 그리고 전환 과정에서 현세대를 넘어서 미래세대의 의견과 이해를 어떻게 반영할 것인가 같은 세대 간 정의 문제를 고려해야 함 ㆍ연구과제 3, 노동을 포용하는 정의로운 전환 연구 ㆍ연구과제 4, 지속가능한 사회를 위한 미래세대의 참여 연구 ㆍ인류세의 다종적 정의 논의는 정의의 영역을 ‘인간 너머’로까지 확장. 채식 위주의 저탄소 식단은 인류세의 대표적 환경위기인 기후위기 문제를 해결하기 위한 시민 실천방안으로, 동물의 내재 가치(intrinsic value)를 인정하는 동물권과 결합 ㆍ연구과제 5 지속가능한 사회를 위한 식생활의 녹색전환 연구 Ⅲ. 녹색전환을 위한 중장기 연구과제 제안 □ 세부 과제와 로드맵 ㅇ 5개의 중점 연구과제별로 세부 전략연구를 제안해 보면 <그림 2> 및 <표 1>과 같음 Ⅳ. 기대 효과 ㅇ 연구과제가 추진된다면 다음과 같은 효과를 얻을 것으로 기대 - 첫째, 순환경제 이행 모니터링을 위한 거시 지표를 개발하여 국내에 적용하고, 데이터를 구축함으로써 순환경제 연구의 폭을 넓힐 수 있음 - 둘째, 기존의 순환경제 실천 관련 지원 제도와 거버넌스를 개선한 새로운 지역 기반 순환경제 생산모델을 제시하여 단선형 경제에서 순환형 경제로 시스템 전환의 토대를 마련할 수 있음 - 셋째, 녹색전환 정책이 ‘정의로움’이라는 사회적 가치와 조화를 이루도록 하고, 녹색 전환 과정에서 발생할 수 있는 사회갈등을 예방함으로써 관련 정책의 효과적인 추진 기반을 강화할 수 있음 - 넷째, 환경위기의 직접 당사자가 될 미래세대의 목소리가 정책 설계와 결정, 집행과정에 실효적으로 반영될 수 있도록 하는 법제, 정치, 그리고 사회적 토대를 마련하여 세대 간 형평성을 제고할 수 있음 - 다섯째, 환경위기를 불러온 우리 삶의 방식을 변화시키고 비인간 존재까지 배려하는 시민 실천전략으로서 채식 장려 정책을 추진하는 기반을 마련할 수 있음 Ⅰ. Introduction □ Necessity and purpose of the study ㅇ The climate crisis is considered a key evidence marking our entry into a new geological era named Anthropocene. The new normal after the COVID-19 Pandemic should be “green transformation” which can tackle climate change, not limited to putting an end to the pandemic. ㅇ Government policies should be based on the fact that the earth’s ecosystems can exist without human civilization while human civilization cannot exist without ecosystems. ㅇ In this context, this study suggests green transformation as our society’s new normal after COVID-19 based on the discussion of Anthropocene; the study aims at identifying mid- and long-term in-depth research topics to achieve green transformation. □ Scope and procedure of the study ㅇ Reviewing the implications of the Anthropocene discussion for a green transformation and suggesting specific research projects ㅇ Holding six expert forums in partnership with the Korean Association for Environmental Sociology to enhance the quality of research projects and publicize them Ⅱ. Identifying Research Topics in Green Transformation in the Advent of Anthropocene □ Implications of the Anthropocene discussion for a green transformation ㅇ Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch dating from the commencement of significant human impact on the earth’s surface. ㅇ This concept was first proposed in 2000 by Paul Jozef Crutzen, who was an atmospheric chemist and awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and an ecologist Eugene F. Stoermer. ㅇ The Anthropocene discussion expands the scope of the environmental discussion to the earth (planet) level and emphasizes “planetary boundaries.” ㅇ The implications from the Anthropocene discussion for a green transformation can be summarized as below: - First, the planetary boundary of the Anthropocene emphasizes that the direction of a green transformation requires the pursuit of an “inclusive relation,” which would facilitate the development of a green economy and society within ecological limitations - Second, the planetary boundary emphasized by the Anthropocene discussion requires a transformation to a social economy structure different from the growth paradigm. In other words, it is expanded to the discussion of a new transformation called “post-growth” in contrast to the growth paradigm. - Third, it was highlighted that human activities are the cause for the ecological crisis and addressing this crisis requires inclusive environmental policies that take “non-human beings” into consideration with the concept of multispecies justice. □ Investigation of green transformation study projects ㅇ Five green transformation study projects are suggested considering limited space of the report. ㅇ Two study projects are suggested in the circular economy area - The planetary limits of the Anthropocene is expanded to the post-growth discussion going beyond the growth paradigm. - The discussion of post-growth going beyond the growth paradigm pursues a society with a normal state by using resource circulation without the input of new resources; post-growth and circular economy share the same goal. ㆍ First, a study project that connects the post-growth discussion with circular economy policy at the macrolevel ㆍ Second, a study project connected with microscopic practical strategies which could be a future-oriented, creative transformation experiment emphasized by the Anthropocene ㅇ Also, study projects on labor, future generations, and promoting diets that consume less meat are proposed. - The causes of the Anthropocene are closely related to the socioeconomic inequality resulting from capitalism. Therefore, social values such as rightfulness are emphasized in the process of achieving the green transformation reflecting the Anthropocene discussion. - In particular, it is essential to consider how issues faced by labor groups can be addressed in the process of a rapid green transformation; it is also important to consider the issues of intergenerational differences, such as ensuring the capacity to accommodate future generations’ opinions and extend our understanding beyond the current generation in the process of a transformation. ㆍ Third, a just transition study project embracing labor ㆍ Fourth, a participatory study project of the future generation for a sustainable society - The discussion of multispecies justice of the Anthropocene extends the scope of justice beyond human beings. The low-carbon diet with plant-based meals is a civil action plan to solve climate crisis, which is a major environmental crisis of the Anthropocene, and it would also address animal rights recognizing the intrinsic value of animals. ㆍ Fifth, a study project on a green transformation in diets for a sustainable society Ⅲ. Proposal of Medium and Long-Term Study Projects for a Green Transformation □ Detailed projects and the roadmap ㅇ Specific strategic study suggestions for five major study projects are illustrated below: Ⅳ. Expected Outcomes ㅇ The study is expected to have the outcomes outlined below: - First, macro indicators for monitoring the understanding of circular economy will be developed and applied to domestic circumstances and relevant data will be collected, which will contribute to broadening the scope of circular economy research. - Second, supporting systems related to the implementation of the circular economy will be improved and a new, local community-based circular economy model will be presented. - Third, harmony between green transformation policies and social values of justice will be encouraged, and the foundation for the effective implementation of the related policies will be strengthened by preventing social conflicts in the process of green transformation. - Fourth, legal, political, and social foundations will be established to effectively reflect the voices of future generations who will face the environmental crisis on policy design and decision as well as its implementation while improving equity among generations. - Fifth, the policy foundation for vegetarianism will be laid as one of citizen engagement strategies that can transform our lifestyle which has caused the environmental crisis and take into account non-human beings as well.

      • 매개변수가진에 종속되는 현의 횡방향 진동을 이용한 종방향 진도의 추정

        김도균,김광준 한국소음진동공학회 1994 소음 진동 Vol.4 No.3

        Periodic longitudinal vibrations of a video and audio tape and the like used for transducing pictures and sounds may be induced by self-excited vibrations which are caused by frictions against the heads and guides, and their eccentricity, noncircularity or irregularity. It is important to analyze the longitudinal vibration of a tape because it causes distortions of a reproduced signal. It is difficult to measure directly the longitudinal vibration. In this paper a method estimating longitudinal vibration using impulse responses in the transverse direction is presented. And, the parameters boundary domain where the transverse and longitudinal vibration can be decoupled is introduced. In the domain where the both vibrations are decoupled, analytic methods using frequency characteristics and transient responses of the transverse vibration, respectively, are presented. The time domain method predicted more exactly the instantaneous phase of the longitudinal vibration than frequency domain method did.

      • KCI등재

        광양만 임해 매립지 느티나무 식재지 토양의 수직적 특성 변화

        김도균,김용식,Kim Do-Gyun,Kim Yong-Shik 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.2

        This study was carried out to elucidate the vertical characteristics of soil properties at six planted sites of land reclaimed from the sea, in Gwangyang Bay, Jeollanam-do Province, Korea. Based on the types of planting site, the chemical properties of the vertical soil layers varied. The vertical variation was great in the planting sites $Z_1\;and\;Z_2$, but less varied in the mounded planting sites $Z_3,\;Z_5,\;and\;Z_6$. Major reasons for the vertical variation in soil chemical properties included differences in the accumulation of organic matter, soil disturbance by heavy construction equipment, and heterogeneity of soil properties between soil horizons. As soil depths increased, soil salts varied. The electrical conductivity (ECe) increased in the lower areas of planting sites $Z_1\;and\;Z_2$, and the disturbed, saline planting site $Z_3$, but decreased in the lower areas of $Z_3,\;Z_5,\;and\;Z_6$. These tendencies did not coincided with exchange cation concentrations $(Na^+,\;K^+,\;Mg^{++},\;Ca^{++})$. Both total carbon (T-C) and total nitrogen (T-N) accumulated more in the lower areas of planting sites than in the higher areas, and levels were higher closer to the surface than in the soil depths. It is supposed that these tendencies are related to the accumulation of fallen leaves or other organic matter at the soil surface, and the soil chemicals then slowly move downward from the surface. Impediments to tree growth included soil hardiness, high soil salinity and exchangeable cation concentration, low soil moisture content, acidic or alkaline soil, low organic matter, heterogeneity of soil texture and establishment of soil stratification.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        리듐 2차 전지용 약극활물질 LiFePO<sub>4</sub>의 합성 조건에 다른 전기화학적 특성

        김도균,박현민,정연욱,이준형,김정주,Kim, Do-Gyun,Park, Hyun-Min,Jeong, Yeon-Uk,Lee, Joon-Hyung,Kim, Jeong-Joo 한국세라믹학회 2006 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        [ $LiFePO_4$ ] is one of the promising materials for cathode material of secondary lithium batteries due to its high energy density, low cost, environmental friendliness and safety. $LiFePO_4$ was synthesized by the solid-state reaction method at 500 - 800°C. The crystal structure of $LiFePO_4$ was analyzed by X-ray powder diffraction. The samples synthesized at 600 and $700^{\circ}C$ showed a single phase of a olivine structure. The particle sizes were increased and the specific surface areas were decreased with heating temperatures. The electrochemical performance was investigated by coin cell test. The discharge capacities at 0.1 C-rate were 118 mAh/g and 112 mAh/g at $600^{\circ}C,\;700^{\circ}C$, respectively. In an attempt to improve the electrical conductivity of cathode materials, $LiFePO_4/graphite$ composite was prepared with various graphite contents. The electrical conductivity and discharge capacity were increased with increasing the graphite contents in composite samples. The rate capabilities at high current densities were also improved.

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