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      • 간호 학생의 개인 위생의 실천에 관한 조사 연구

        김금재 全北大學校 醫科大學附設 看護專門大學 1982 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        This research paper on practice of personal hygiene of nursing college students in Jeonju was made by sampling randomly 345 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students of the Nursing College in Jeonju from the 28th of april to the 18th of may 1981. The results are summarized into 13 items as follows : 1. The house-holders were farmers, foresters, fishermen and related workers(39.7%), salesmen (23.9%), civil servants (18.8%) and other workers (10.1%). 2. Economic situation of the respondants : ordinary (78.6%), less than ordinary (15.4%), and more than ordinary (2.3%). 3. Frequencies of brushing their teeth:tiwce(69.9%), once (26.1%), and three times a day (4.0%) 4. a) Habit of washing their hands before meals : regularly (37.7%), sometimes (51.9%), never (10.4%) b) Habit of washing their hands after having been to the toilet : regularly (42.3%), sometimes (34%), never (10.4%) 5. Taking a bath : once a week (45.5%), once every two weeks (43.2%), and twice a week (7.2%) 6. Frequencies of changing under-wear : once every two days (35.9%), twice per week (35.7%), daily (19.2%) 7. Answers to the question : "What kind of water do you drink?" Any kind of water (60%), always boiled water (30.4%), sometimes not boiled water (9.6%) 8. Percentage of the student's knowledge about hygiene : some knowledge (53.9%), extensive knowledge (45.2%), no knowledge (0.9%). 9. Informations related to personal hygiene was received from : the teachers (53.6%), from news papers and/or magazines (18.6%), form the parents (9.3%). 10. Their parents and/or brothers and sisters(61.5%) were reported as the main health consultants. Others were medical doctors (18.2%), nurses (9.3%) and pharmacists (5.2%). 11. Medical care was mostly received from pharmacies (63.5%), hospitals or private clinics(22.9%), 10.7% had their medical care at home. 12. The practical extent of the personal hygiene appeared as follows : moderate (56.2%), more than ordinary (30.4%), and less than ordinary (4.1%). 13. Reasons why they do not practice personal hygiene is the lack of hygienic facilities because of : lack of money (41.7%), indolence (22.3%), and bad habits (21.7%).

      • 간호대학생의 월경 주기 동안의 기초체온 변화에 관한 조사 연구

        김금재,이숙희 전북대학교 의과학연구소 1986 全北醫大論文集 Vol.10 No.3

        This study was undertaken to investigate the menstrual cycles and ovulation times. The investigation was made among 100 students of the Department of Nursing during a period of three months from May to July, 1984. The ovulation time was determined by measuring basal body temperature. It was found that the menstrual cycles ranged from 20 to 34 days, and that the most common cycle was 26 to 34 days(89%). The average cycle was 30.8 days. Average basal body temperature was the lowest at 15 days prior to expected flow, regardless of menstrual cycles. The basal body temperature dropped gradually during the pre-ovulatory phase and it gradually rose again during the post-ovulatory phase. These results suggest that there may be a relationship between the lowest besal body temperature and the ovulation time.

      • 韓國人의 Toxoplasma Gondii 抗體價

        金錦才 全北大學校 醫科大學附設 看護專門大學 1981 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        In order to determine the incidence of toxoplasma antibodies in Korean people, 72 medical and 166 nursing students were examined by Sabin-Feldman dye-test. Out of a total of 238 human sera from the Jeonbug University medical and nursing students, the overall positive rate was 41.6%. The difference in positive rate was observed between male and female, showing 33.3% and 45.2% respectively. There was a tendency that the dye-test titer of female is somewhat higher than that of male (medical students). The mode of transmission of the parasite to human was briefly discussed.

      • 人體 末梢血液 白血球의 日中 및 月中 變動

        金錦才 全北大學校 醫科大學附設 看護專門大學 1979 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        人體 末梢血液 白血球의 日週期 變動을 觀察하고저 3名의 醫科大學生을 對象으로 平素 生活이 비슷한 明 17時間 暗 7時間의 明暗調節下에서 每時間마다 採血하였으며, 月週期變動을 觀察하기 위해서는 平素와 같은 生活을 하고 있는 看護大學生 15名으로부터 午前 11時에서 12時 사이에 採血하여 實驗하였다. 末梢血液 好酸球의 絶頂値는 休息期인 O時에 觀察되었으며, 好中球는 活動 初期인 8時에 絶頂値를 보였으며, 淋巴球는 休息期인 22時에 絶頂値를 보였다. 好中球와 全淋巴球의 數는 月經週期에 따른 變化를 보이지 않았으나 人淋巴球의 數는 月經中에 減少되었다가 一週日後에는 月經前 値로 回復되었다. 위 結果로 보아 一般的인 末梢血液內의 白血球 測定에 있어서도 日中變動 및 月中變動을 考慮해야 하리라고 思料된다. 終稿함에 있어서 本實驗을 도와주신 全北大學敎醫科大學 黴生物學敎室 河大有 敎授님과 鄭憲鐸先生님께 感謝를 드립니다. This study was undertaken to observe the circadian and lunadian variations of the values of peripheral blood cells. The experiments was carried out on three medical students in the dark-roon under the light-dark regimen of L.D. 17:7 for circadian rhythm and on fifteen nursing students under the normal life pattern for lunadian rhythm. The acrophase of peripheral neutrophil count was in the early stage of activity span whereas the acrophases of peripheral eosinophil count and lymphecyte count were in the midstage of the rest span. A significant decrease in T-lymphocytes occurred during the menstrual period, but the percentages of T-lymphocytes returned to the pre-levels one week after the end of the menstrual period. On the other hand, total numbers of lymphocytes and neutrophils showed no changes during the menstrual period.

      • 단식과 Cyclophosphamide가 먼역반응에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구

        김금재 中央醫學社 1992 中央醫學 Vol.57 No.3

        It is important to know the correlation between food restriction and immune functions. However, very little research has been conducted on the effect of food restriction on immune functions and the underlying mechanism to account for the immunological alterations induced by limit-feeding is still not clear. In an attempt to understand better the effects of food restriction stress on immune response and to clarify such mechanism, the effect of food deprivation or water deprivation on cellular and humoral immune responses and the effect of cyclophosphamide (CY), a widely used antitumor drug, on the immunological alterations induced by fasting were studied. The cellular immune response was evaluated by delayedtype hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and contact hypersensitivity to dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB). The humoral immune response was assessed by hemagglutinin response to SRBC. Mice were stressed by deprivation of food or water for 2 days before immunization. CY was given intraperitoneally as a single dose of 250 mg/Kg 2 days before immunization. The control mice were fed ad libitum both pellet and water. It was found that food deprivation for 2 days led to enhance Arthus reactions and 24-hr DTH reactions to SRBC. CY, given to food-deprived mice enhanced contact hypersensitivity to DNFB as well as Arthus and DTH reactions to SRBC. The water deprivation for 2 days also enhanced significantly the Arthus and DTH reactions. In contrast to cellular responses, food deprivation decreased hemagglutinin response, and the depressed antibody response by food deprivation stress was significantly reserved by CY injection. Taken together, these findings suggest that food restriction may enhance cell-mediated immunity but suppress antibody response in the applied experimental conditions and that CY-sensitive suppressor T cells may play an important role in the immunological alterations induced by stress.

      • 비타민 E 투여가 Cryptococcus neoformans 및 Candida albicans 감염에 대한 마우스의 저항에 미치는 영향 : 진균감염증 환자의 간호중재 개발을 위한 동물실험 Animal experiment for the development of nursing care for fungal infected patients

        김금재 中央醫學社 1996 中央醫學 Vol.61 No.8

        The previous studies found that vitamin E(VE) administration increases the humoral and cellular immune response in mice. The present study was undertaken to investigate to know the effects of VE administration on the resistance of mice to two commensal yeasts, Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans which cause opportunistic infections in immunocompromised or severeiy debilitated hosts. Mice were daily treated with intramuscular injection of 300 mg/mouse of VE on 10 consecetive days before intravenous inoculation of 5 X 105 CFU of C. neoformans or C albicans. The colony forming units(CFU) of C neoformans in the lungs, brains, livers, spleens and kidneys of VE-treated and control mice were enumerated 9 days after the infection. VE administration significantly reduced the number of C. neoformans recovered from the above organs examined. Furtheremore, VE adnninistration enhanced survival of mice that had been experimentally infected with C. neoformans compared with control mice. VE administration also reduced the numbers of C. albicans recovered from kidneys of experimentally infected mice. The effects of VE administration on delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to cryptococcal culture filtrate(CneF) antigen was also assessed and it was found that VE administration enhanced the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to CneF. Taken together, the present data strongly suggested that VE administration may increase the resistance to infections with C. neoformans or C. albicans.

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