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      • CFPM을 활용한 성과관리에 관한 연구

        김교선(Kyo Sun Kim),김대호(Dae Ho Kim) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 2007 商經硏究 Vol.32 No.1

        As the market competition becomes intensive and customer’s needs for quality, price, speed and service are showing a tendency to diverse, enterprises start to recognize that legacy management style can not afford to catch up with current market situation anymore. Also they are unable to lead the market and make their own value with this kind of legacy management system. In addition, it becomes harder for companies to know what is the way to improve the performance when the result turns out very poor. Therefore the necessity of performance analysis and improvement through effective performance management system is being on the increase. This study verified the effectiveness of CFPM(Cross Functional Process Mapping) in an enterprise optimization aspect as a performance management tool in a department or teamwise substructure especially in the non manufacturing fields. According to this study, we can find out the following facts. First, CFPM can connect the company strategy with core process which should be improved and provides the systematic methodology to derive the subjects to cany on as a nucleus. Second, CFPM can make possible “process oriented performance management” considering the connection through departments. Third, CFPM provides a method to create the customer’s value through continuous process improvement. Lastly, CFPM can promote the innovative reorganization, which was verified through the case study.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Anisakis病에 의한 호산구성 ( 好酸球性 ) 장염 ( 場炎 )

        김용진(Yong Jin Kim),정진영(Jin Young Jung),김원근(Won Kun Kim),송준화(Jun Hwa Song),김교선(Kyo Sun Kim),김중구(Joong Gu Kim),박하철(Ha Chul Park),이종찬(Jong Chan Lee) 대한소화기학회 1990 대한소화기학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Eosinophilic enteritis is characterized by marked submucosal edema and massive infiltration of eosinophiles throughout the entire intestinal wall. The etiology of this disease is not clear until now, although some authors insisted that some gastrointestinal allepens, parasites or collagen diseases. Authors report the case of eosinophilic enteritis of ileum with embedded larva of Anisakis, which is thought as etiology. The patient is 47-year-old male, who was healthy, received operation due to acute abdominal pain with small bowel obstruction. He lived in Eastern sea side of Korea and liked to eat the raw cuttle fish. The specimen is segmental resected product of ileum and shows central small ulcer lesion and marked submucosal edema. On histiology examination, marked eosinophilice infiltration throughout the mucosa to serosal layer, accompanied with marked submucosal edema. The three segmented body of Anisakis larva is present in mucosa to submucosal area, which site is just correlated with small ulcer lesion on gross examination. We concluded that the possibility of Anisakiasis as etiology of eosinophilic enteritis may be high especially in the cases of sea-side inhabitants. So we think that careful seria1 sections for pathologic examination is needed in such cases.

      • 상위 수준 설계 도면의 자동 생성

        이은철,김교선,Lee, Eun-Choul,Kim, Kyo-Sun 대한전자공학회 2005 電子工學會論文誌-SD (Semiconductor and devices) Vol.42 No.11

        회로도면 자동생성 분야는 지난 수십 년간 HDL기반 설계과정에서 사용되어 왔다. 그러나 회로 도면은 더욱 복잡해져서 레지스터 및 시스템 레벨에서 자동 생성된 회로도면을 보고 신호의 흐름을 파악하기 어렵다. 이와 같이 복잡해진 회로도면의 가독성을 향상시키기 위해 본 논문에서는 4가지 기법, 즉 i ) 심볼이나 터미널들과 같이 반복되는 회로 패턴을 벡터 형태로 치환, ii) 피드백 루프 절단 알고리즘 개선, iii) 번들 네트 생성시 발생하는 다단 연결을 간결 화할 수 있는 압축 탭, iv) 연결도에 따라 블록열을 구분하고 정렬하는 알고리즘을 제안한다. 제안된 회로도면 생성 기법의 효용성을 확인하기 위해 도면 자동생성 프로그램을 개발하고, 계층적으로 설계된 미디어 프로세서의 다양한 모듈의 도면을 생성시켰다. 실험한 결과 도면 면적을 비롯하여 배선 수, 길이 등을 $90\%$까지 감소시키고 가독성을 높이는 효과를 보였으며 블록의 분산 및 빈 공간 발생을 억제하는 효과를 보였다. The automatic generation of circuit diagrams has been practically used in the HDL based design for decades. Nevertheless, the diagrams became too complicated for the designers to identify the signal flows in the RTL and system level designs. In this paper, we propose four techniques to enhance the roadability of the complicated diagrams. They include i) the transformation of repetitive instances and terminals into vector forms, ii) an improved loop breaking algorithm, iii) a flat tap which simplifies the two level bus ripping structure that is required for the connection of a bundle net to multiple buses, and iv) the identification of block strings, and alignment of the corresponding blocks. Towards validating the proposed techniques, the diagrams of an industrial strength design m generated. The complexity of the diagrams has been reduced by up to $90\%$ in terms of the number of wires, the aggregate wire length, and the area.

      • 外來 文學思潮의 韓國的 受容形態에 대한 考察 : 李孝石의 作品世界를 對象으로 하여 A Study of the Literary Would of Lee Hyo-Suk

        金敎善 全北大學校 文理科大學 1974 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        지금까지 이효석의 소설에서 발견되는 표현에 있어서의 특징적인 요소들과 이같은 요소들의 상호결합으로 말미암아 이루어진 그의 작품세계의 성격 또는 그 질적 차원에 대하여 될 수 있는대로 공정한 입장에서 살펴보려고 하였다. 그리고 그의 표현에 있어서의 특징적인 요소들이 어떤 결합상태로 나타났을 때에 소설로서 가장 성공하였는가를 밝혀보았다. 그 결과는 다음과 같이 요약될 수 있다. 첫째 테마가 사상성의 깊이를 요구하는 문제의식과 관련이 없는 정서적인 세계일 경우 특히 그것이 전통적인 정한의 세계일 경우 소설로서 성공하고 있다. 둘째 제재가 현대적인 것, 도시적인 것이 아니고 토속적인 것이었을 때에 성공하고 있다. 셋째 문장에 있어서는 즉물적인 인상을 정서적 감각적으로 표현할 때에 성공하고 있다. 관념의 표출 또는 박력있는 동적인 상황을 표현할 때에는 성과를 거두지 못하고 있다. 말하자면 위에서 지적한 세가지 요소가 결합되었을 때에 그의 작품은 소설로서 결함이 없는 것이 되는 것이다. 그리고 이같은 요소들에 서구적인 새로운 기법을 절제있게 적용하였을 때에 그의 소설에 있어서의 전통적인 미감은 현대적인 미감의 차원으로까지 변용되고 작품의 수준은 높아지는 것이다. 그런데 이같은 점은 그의 소설에만 해당되는 것이 아니다. 신문학 60년의 역사를 통하여 가장 좋은 작품이라고 정평이 있는 소설에서는 대체적으로 이런 점을 지적할 수 있다. 가령 이태준, 김유정, 김동리, 황순원 같은 작가들의 작품에서도 이런 점은 발견된다. 그리고 이같은 점은 시에 있어서도 해당되는 것이다. 가령 한용운, 김소월, 김영랑, 서정주 같은 시인들의 대표작에 대하여서도 마찬가지이다. 이렇게 보면 신문학 60년사에서 작품 수준의 상승관계에만 치중하여 논할 경우 서상한 바와 같은 문학적 성격의 성숙과정을 그 핵심적인 발전의 방향으로 지적할 수도 있을 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        상부소화관의 급성점막성병변

        김대환,김영재,정준모,최용환,정영채,김교선,이국희,황장용 대한소화기내시경학회 1984 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.4 No.1

        Clinical and endoscopic features on 86 patients with acute upper gastrointestinal mucosal lesien were evaluated. Males were predaminant about 3 times of female. Most of patients were in 4 th to 6 th decade. The prevalent locations were proximal part of the stomach and dodenal bulb. Most,freqent chief camplaints was epigastric pain. Eeloscopieally aoute ulcers were characterized by shallow in depth, variant size and shape, rather clear ulcer margin without mucosal fold eonvergence and multiple lesions rather than sigle. The inducing factors of the acute mucosal lesiona whiah were noted were alcohol, HCI, analgesics, herb drug, steroid, antibiotlies and orgaaie ipheephorus.

      • KCI등재후보

        경기관지폐생검의 진단적 가치

        이원식,정태훈,김교선,이국희,유덕종,손명원 대한내과학회 1986 대한내과학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        The diagnostic value of transbronchial lung biopsy(TBLB) through fiberoptic bronchoscope was studied in 61 patients with diffuse or localized lung disease in which routine clinical and laboratory examinations revealed no diagnostic clue. By the technique adequate tissue specimen for diagnosis was obtainable in 28 of 33 patients (78.8 percent) and 25 of 28(89.3 percent) with localized and diffuse lung diseases, respectively. A histological diagnosis was possible in more than 75 percent of the patients with lung cancer proved by various means. On the other hand, in patients with tuberculous lesions, diffuse or localized, the incidence of positive diagnosis was less than a half. The complications among 61 patients underwent the TBLB were pneumothorax in one and hemoptysis in three, which subsided spontaneously. These facts suggest that the TRLB is a relatively safe, and more useful in the diagnosis of cancer of the lung than in inflammatory disease.

      • 上部消化管出血例에서의 緊急內視鏡檢査

        羅蓮淑,鄭英採,金敎善,黃長龍,崔龍煥,鄭俊謨 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1984 慶北醫大誌 Vol.25 No.2

        應急實을 방문하는 患者중 吐血과 血便을 主訴로 하는 患者 123名에게 緊急內視鏡檢査를 施行하여 다음과 같은 成績을 얻었다. 對象은 男子가 86.2%, 女子가 13.8% 이었으며 50代가 35.8%로 가장 많았다. 出血部位는 胃가 가장 많았고 病別로는 胃潰瘍이 43.1%, 食道靜脈瘤 19.5%, 다음이 Mallory-Weiss 裂傷, 十二指腸潰瘍의 順이었다. 과거의 出血病歷이 없었던 예가 81.3%로 가장 많았고 3번이상 經驗한 例가 5.5% 이었으며 出血후 6時間 이내에 內視鏡檢査를 施行하 예는 23.1% 이었는데 87.9%가 24時間 이내에 檢査를 받았다. 輸血을 받지 않는 경우가 25.6% 이었으며 5단위 이상받은 예는 38.9%이었다. 胃出血患者中 誘發因子로 推定되는 것으로는 알콜, 副腎皮質홀몬제, 감기약, 鎭痛劑등이 있었다. Urgent endoscopy was performed for one hundred twenty three patients who were admitted to emergency room due to hematemesis and/or melena by upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The ratio of men to women was approximately 6:1 and peak incidence was in the 6th decade. The sources of bleeding were in the order of gastric ulcer(43.1%), esophageal varices(19.5%), Mallory-Weiss tear(10.6%) and duodenal ulcer(9.8%) etc. No previous history of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage was noted in 81.3% of the patients and also more than 3 times of that was noted in 5.5% of the patients. Urgent endoscopy was performed within 6 hours after bleeding episode in 23.1% of the patients but within 24 hours it was 87.9%. 25.6% of the patients required no transfusion and 38.9% of the patients required mord than 5 units of blood. The possible causative agents of gastric bleeding in these cases included alcohol, steroids, drugs for the cold, analgesics, and herb drugs.

      • KCI등재후보

        각종 간질환에서의 혈중 IgM anti-HBc 의 임상적 의의

        정준모,최용환,황장룡,김재왕,김교선 대한내과학회 1986 대한내과학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        In 130 patients of various liver diseases, in order to assess the clinical significance of serum IgM anti-HBc, we studied the prevalence, serum level and duration of positivity of IgM anti-HBc and its usefulness in diagnosing acute hepatitis B which was negative for HBsAg. The result obtained was as follows, In 23 cases of acute hepatitis B, we found positive reaction of serum IgM anti-HBc in all patients until about 40 days after the onset of the disease, In one patient with acute hepatitis who was Positive for HBsAg, IgM anti-HHc was negative but IgM anti-HA was positive. So we diagnosed this case as HBsAg carrier with acute hepatitis A. IgM anti-HBc was useful to differentiate acute hepatitis R from a HBsAg carriers with acute hepatitis of other causes. The healthy HBsAg carriers and the patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma-all of them were negative for IgM anti-HBc. In a while, 1 out of 35 patients (3%) with chronic hepatitis B and 3 out of 30 patients (10%) with liver cirrhosis were positive for IgM anti-HBc. In the initial stage of acute hepatitis, B, the titers of serum IgM anti-HBc were higher than those of chronic hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis who were positive for IgM anti-HBc. So the titer of serum IgM anti-HBc was helpful for differentiating acute hepatitis from chronic one. 6 out of 23 patients with acute hepatitis B were aegative for HBsAg but positive for IgM anti-HBc.

      • KCI등재후보

        결핵 및 만성폐새성폐질환에 의한 폐성심의 환기력학의 차이

        이원식,박희명,정태훈,김교선,유덕종,손명원 대한내과학회 1986 대한내과학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Ventilatory dynamics were studied in R2 cases of cor pulmonale caused by either chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) or far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, with particular reference to differences in airways dysfunction between two groups. Ventilatory functions tested in this study were analyses of forced expiratory volume curves, maximal expiratory flow volume curves and determinations of closing volume with its ratio to vital capacity. The degree of airways obstruction as determined by the parameters derived from forced expiratory and maximal expiratory flow volume curves, observed and volume-adjusted, showed no significant difference between two groups, except for fast vital capacity which was significantly larger in the latter. The closing volume was significantly larger in patients with cor pulmonale due to COPD than in the other, hut its ratio to vital capacity showed no significant difference between two groups. Comparison of vital capacity and fast vital capacity in patients with COPD with and without cor pulmonale were insignificant. In contrast, these two parameters in patients with far advanced pulmonary tuberculasis with cor pulmonale were significantly smaller than in those without, and the degree of reduction in vital capacity in those with cor pulmonale was as much as 50 percent on the average. This suggests that in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis advanced to the extent to cause cor pulmonale is associated with destruction of approximately half of the lung tissues as reflected by vital capacity. The findings also suggest that in patients with cor pulmonale due to pulmonary tuberculosis, there is definite and considerable large and small airways obstruction similar to that in the other group, as well as restrictive ventilatory impairment.

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