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      • 군집 별 표준곡선 매개변수를 이용한 치밀오일 생산성 예측 순환신경망 모델

        한동권(Dong-kwon Han),김민수(Min-soo Kim),권순일(Sun-il Kwon) 한국정보통신학회 2021 한국정보통신학회 종합학술대회 논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        치밀오일 미래 생산성 예측은 잔류오일 회수량 및 저류층 거동 분석을 위해 중요한 작업이다. 일반적으로 석유공학적 관점에서 감퇴곡선법을 이용하여 생산성 예측이 이루어지는데, 최근에는 데이터기반의 머신러닝 기법을 이용한 연구도 수행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 딥러닝 기반 순환신경망과 LSTM, GRU 알고리즘을 이용하여 미래 생산량 예측을 위한 효과적인 모델을 제안하고자 한다. 입력변수로는 치밀오일 생산 시 산출되는 오일, 가스, 물과 이와 더불어 다양한 군집분석을 통해 산출된 표준곡선이 주요 매개변수이고, 출력변수는 월별 오일 생산량이다. 기존의 경험적 모델인 감퇴곡선법과 순환신경망 모델들을 비교하였으며, 모델의 예측성능을 향상시키기 위해 하이퍼파라미터 튜닝을 통해 최적 모델을 도출하였다. Predicting future productivity of tight oil is an important task for analyzing residual oil recovery and reservoir behavior. In general, productivity prediction is made using the decline curve analysis(DCA). In this study, we intend to propose an effective model for predicting future production using deep learning-based recurrent neural networks(RNN). LSTM, and GRU algorithms. As input variables, the main parameters are oil, gas, water, which are calculated during the production of tight oil, and the type curve calculated through various cluster analyzes. the output variable is the monthly oil production. Existing empirical models, the DCA and RNN models, were compared, and an optimal model was derived through hyperparameter tuning to improve the predictive performance of the model.

      • KCI등재
      • 종양표지자 발굴의 동향과 기대

        권순일 ( Sun-il Kwon ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2013 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        Tumor markers are the biological substances produced by cancer cells or by other types of cells of the body due to cancer with high specificity. Tumor markers can be detected with the blood, tumor tissue, stool, urine or other bodily fluids of cancer patients. The usage of tumor markers may be diagnosis of cancer, prediction of a patient’s therapeutic response to certain drugs, determination of cancer recurrence, and so on. Discovery and development of new tumor marker is of much concern because of its great potential in cancer management as well as its application in target therapy. The candidates for tumor markers could be obtained from DNA, RNA, hormones, glycoproteins, metabolites, tumor-associated antigens, enzymes, or oncogene products. To discover new tumor markers, a holistic and systematic high-throughput process called omics technology is commonly adopted. Among the omics like genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, the proteomic approach is most widely used due to the diversity and dynamism of proteins in relation to cancer biology. In this short review, the latest research trend and prospective in the discovery and development of new tumor markers was discussed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 진단과 치료에 사용되는 압타머 -연구동향과 전망-

        권순일 ( Sun-il Kwon ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2010 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.11 No.4

        Aptamers are drawing much attention due to their great potential as molecular devices for varies applications. The aptamer is oligonucleic acid that binds tightly to a specific molecular target mimicking antibody, and is challenging antibodies which have occupied unparalleled position in the molecular sensing tool area for last four decades. In this short review the latest trend in aptamer research and the prospect of aptamer applications were discussed. Since the advent of SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) process a variety of modified SELEX methods have been developed such as Counter-SELEX, Cell SELEX and CE-SELEX. With these methods, aptamers could be obtained for a wide array of molecular targets, including virtually any class of protein, macromolecules, whole cells, and environmental molecules. Molecular traits of aptamers were considered in comparison with antibodies, and the advantage of RNA aptamers and their stabilization issue were talked. Aptamers can be used for a variety of purpose such as research, industrial and clinical applications. The potential use of aptamers in target therapy was studied with one successful example, Macugen®. The latest research trends in other promising area like cancer treatment, drug delivery, drug screening, disease diagnosis and sensor were discussed.

      • 새로운 유전체 편집용 유전자 가위, 크리스퍼 (CRISPR/Cas9 system) - 분자생물학의 새 기원을 연다? -

        권순일 ( Sun-il Kwon ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2015 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        The emergence of a new genome-editing tool called CRISPR/Cas9 system which makes accurate and targeted modification to the genome of living organisms has drawn keen interest from world biomedical researchers. The CRISPR/Cas9 system is based on a prokaryotic immune system which gives acquired immunity to invading exogenous genetic elements by recognizing the memorized DNA sequences. The previous versions of genome-editing tools, zinc finger nucleases and TALENs, are costly and time-consuming to prepare, because they rely on protein engineering to target specific sites in the genome. However, the CRISPR/Cas9 system can recognize target sites on the basis of nucleotide base pairing with a short sequence of guide RNA. thus make it easier and flexible to implement. The CRISPR/Cas9 system could be used for editing/modifying the endogenous genome, disrupting the gene of interest, activating or repressing gene expression and labeling a regions of genomic DNA for imaging in a wide variety of biomedically important cell types and organisms. Due to these abilities, CRISPR/Cas9 system will transform genomic research and will spur the opening of a new era of molecular biomedicine and agricultural breeding. In this article, the latest research trend and applications of CRISPR/Cas9 system were studied. The ethical concern of CRISPR/Cas9 on human therapeutic use were also discussed.

      • 바이오의약품 연구개발의 최근 동향 - 바이오시밀러가 열어주는 기회와 가능성 -

        권순일 ( Sun-il Kwon ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2015 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        The biologics(biologic medical products) is the term used by the regulatory agencies to mention for a group of therapeutic macromolecular products engineered by biological processes including recombinant DNA technology like human insulin and monoclonal antibody-based medicines. These biologics are getting more important as they could be targeted to treat a variety of difficult medical conditions for which no other treatments are available such as autoimmune diseases and cancers. In addition the biologics showed improved efficacy with less side effects in comparison to chemically synthesized small molecule drugs. The biologics have changed the paradigm of pharmaceutical development last 20 years. The biologics have rapidly outridden the chemically synthesized drugs, and occupy 7 out of world top 10 pharmaceuticals in 2014. As the patents for the various major blockbuster biologics are being expired to 2019, the biosimilar products, namely follow-on biologics, have drawn significant interest. This situation provides a great opportunity for Korean biopharmaceutical entites to play a key role in the world biopharmaceutical arena. Last several years many of domestic biopharmaceutical industry put their resources heavily to develop promising biosimilars, and have obtained tangible results with the governmental approvals from various countries like the EU, the US and Japan. They are expected to grow as a world leaders in biologic area in the near future.

      • 암의 진단과 연구에 사용되는 분자생물학적인 기법

        권순일 ( Sun-il Kwon ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2008 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.9 No.3

        We live in the post genome era experiencing a fundamental shift in the way to approach the characterization of cancer. Thanks to molecular biological technologies, molecular finger printing is now undertaken to characterize expression of all known or unknown genes in regard to tumor cells. Novel therapies that exploit molecular biological findings were developed, and now are being offered to patients with a great success as is the case of GlivecTM(imatinib) for CML. In this short review, the latest trend in molecular biological approach for the diagnosis and therapeutic research of the cancer, especially the genetic analysis on the cancer related genes, is briefly discussed. Biochips and high throughput technology may play a significant role in solving overwhelmingly complex biological puzzle of cancer, and will open a new horizon of personalized medicine in cancer treatment.

      • 과피색이 붉은 만생종 사과 ‘컬러플’ 육성

        권순일(Soon-Il Kwon),권영순(Young-Sun Kwon),박종택(Jong-Taek Park),박무용(Moo-Yong Park) 한국원예학회 2021 한국원예학회 학술발표요지 Vol.2021 No.10

        우리나라에서 재배되는 사과 품종 수는 서구권 나라에서 재배되는 품종 수 보다 매우 적다. 시기별 주요 품종인 만생종 ‘후지’, 중생종 ‘홍로’, 조생종 ‘쓰가루’의 재배 비율의 합은 92%에 이른다. 특히, 10월 하순에 출하되는 만생종 ‘후지’와 후지 착색계통 품종의 우리나라 사과 재배면적 비율은 70%에 달할 정도로 절대 다수를 차지하고 있다. 10월에 수확되는 품종에는 ‘감홍’, ‘양광’ 등이 있으나 품종 다양성을 확보하기 위해서는 더 많은 품종이 출하될 필요가 있다. 이에 성숙기가 10월이어서 만생종이면서 ‘후지’에 비해 착색이 잘 되는 신품종 ‘컬러플’을 개발하였다. ‘컬러플’의 육성내력은 다음과 같다. 1994년 ‘양광’에 ‘천추’를 교배하였고 1995년 파종 및 육묘를 하였으며 1996년 M.26 왜성대목에 접목하여 묘목을 만들었다. 이듬해, 교배실생 묘목을 정식하여 1997~2011년까지 생육특성, 과실특성을 조사하였고, 붉은색이 잘 들고 품질이 우수하여 지역적응시험에 공시하였다. 2011~2016년까지 전국 4개 지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 품질이 우수하고 균일하여 최종 선발하였다. 2017년 ‘컬러플’로 명명하여 국립종자원에 품종보호출원하였다. ‘컬러플’ 품종의 특성은 다음과 같다. 수자는 직립성이고, 수세는 강하다. 경북 군위지역에서 만개기는 4월 23일 전후, 성숙기는 10월 13일 전후이다. 과중은 328g이며, 과피색은 적색이며 당도 15.2°Bx, 산도 0.55%로 대과이면서 당산미가 좋다. 과육이 치밀하고 경도가 높아 저장성이 우수하다. 자가불화합성 인자형은 S₁S9로 ‘후지’, ‘감홍’과는 꽃가루친화성이 없으며, ‘홍로’, ‘쓰가루’와는 꽃가루 친화성이 있다. 과실의 주요 병해인 탄저병에 강하다.

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