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      • KCI등재

        탈식민주의 문화전략과 패러디의 상관성 연구

        고현철(Ko Hyun-Chul) 한국문학회 2004 韓國文學論叢 Vol.36 No.-

        This thesis aims to investigate the interrerationship between cultural strategies of postcolonialism and the forms of parody by combining its theoretical criticism and practical criticism. The results of this study are summarized in the following: First, this thesis investigates not only the common point between postcolonialism and poststructuralism but also that between postcolonialism and postmodernism. Second, it investigates the types of interreration between cultural strategies of postcolonialism and the forms of parody. The types are summarized in the following: 1) Decolonization and homology as a form of parody; trasformation as a form of parody with counter-identifition discourse 2) Appropriation and trasformation as a form of parody with disidentifition discourse 3) Write Back and counter form as a form of parody with counter- identifition discourse 4) Abrogation and no parody with counter-identifition discourse In conclusion, it is claimed that cultural strategies rerated with parody are more effective than cultural strategies not rerated with parody.

      • KCI등재

        남성인물의 필터화와 전이된 욕망의 영화 -홍상수 영화의 서술학적 유형 2

        고현철 ( Hyun Chul Ko ) 국제비교한국학회 2014 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.22 No.1

        This paper aims to investigate the type 2 in the types of ‘narration-focalization’ that is, ‘extradiegetic narrator-zero focalization’ in Hong Sang-soo’ films. The results of the investigate are summarized as the following. First, the paper investigates that On the Occasion of Remembering The Turning Gate, Woman is the Future of Man, Woman on the Beach are related with the type 2 in the types of ‘narration-focalization’ that is, ‘extradiegetic narrator-zero focalization’. Second, it investigates that On the Occasion of Remembering The Turning Gate is made up a man’s love travel story in narrative-structure. He`s desire is realized in superior position through he`s gaze to two women and transference of desire between he and two women. Third, it investigates that Woman is the Future of Man is made up a man’ sexual desire story in narrative-structure. He`s desire is realized in superior position through he`s gaze to two women and transference of desire between he and two women. Fourth, the paper argues that Woman on the Beach is made up a man`s repetition love story in narrative-structure. He`s desire is realized in superior position through he`s gaze to two women and transference of desire between he and two women. Fifth, it argues that the difference of between the three films that is, On the Occasion of Remembering The Turning Gate, Woman is the Future of Man, Woman on the Beach are suited to the difference of narrative-structure and time-structure. Finally, it is claimed that On the Occasion of Remembering The Turning Gate, Woman is the Future of Man, Woman on the Beach are open to criticism in feminism.

      • 현대문학 : 비평과 정당한 소통의 문제

        고현철 ( Hyun Chul Ko ) 문창어문학회 1999 문창어문논집 Vol.36 No.-

        The Criticism is a way of writing. Thus, it involves a communication between writers and readers. This paper investigates several problems of the criticism on the base of the concept of ``proper communication``. The results of this study are summarized in the followings: 1) The sectional criticism has a difficulty in a proper communication, and it indicates the strategy and the intention for catching a critical hegemony. 2) The advertising criticism doesn`t estimate the value of literature works properly, and prevents the readers from having a proper communication. 3) The criticism wihtout a right critique doesn`t play its role properly, threatens a critical writing itself. 4) The combination of a theoretical criticism and a practical criticism enables the readers to have a proper communication. 5) For a proper communication, the criticism can give a pleasure of reading to the readers, by means of taking the merits of a creative criticism.

      • KCI등재

        한국시의 극적 재현과 탈식민주의

        고현철 ( Hyun Chul Ko ) 한국문학연구학회 2013 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.50

        본 논문은 한국시에서 극적 재현의 구체적인 양상을 탈식민주의 전략과 연관되는 재현 방식과 상호관련지어 연구한 것이다. 이 경우 재현은, 저항성이 드러나는 ``대변``에 강조점을 둔 것이다. 현재까지 이런 연구는 전혀 없으므로 본 연구는 선도적인 것으로, 한국시에서 재현과 탈식민주의 문제를 심층적이고 구체적으로 살펴본 의의를 지니고 있다. 이를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국시에서 ``극적 독백``으로 탈식민주의를 드러내고 있는 대표적인 고정희의 〈호세 리잘이 다시 쓰는 시〉를, 박진성의 시적 전유인 사실적 재현에다가 탈식민화와 폐기의 탈식민주의 전략이 결합한 것으로 분석 및 해석을 하였다. 둘째, 한국시에서 ``극적 배역``으로 탈식민주의를 드러내고 있는 대표적인 김승희의 〈사랑8-프라이데이가 로빈손 크루소를 만난 날〉을, 패러디인 ``재현의 재현``에다가 되받아쓰기와 전유의 탈식민주의 전략이 결합한 것으로 분석 및 해석을 하였다. 셋째, 한국시에서 ``극적 인용``으로 탈식민주의를 드러내고 있는 대표적인 이하석의 〈아메리카〉를, 내면 재현에다가 이에 상응하는 내적 되받아쓰기의 탈식민주의 전략이 결합한 것으로 분석 및 해석을 하였다. 넷째, 한국시에서 ``극적 대화``로 탈식민주의를 드러내고 있는 대표적인 문병란의 〈미국개와 조선똥개의 대화〉를, 박진성의 시적 전유인 사실적 재현에다가 전유와 되받아쓰기의 탈식민주의 전략이 결합한 것으로 분석 및 해석을 하였다. 한국시에서 재현과 탈식민주의의 문제는 본 연구에서 확장될 수 있다. 보다 확장된 재현 개념과 다양한 방식을 탈식민주의 전략과 연관시키면서 체계화하는 문제가 제기된다. This paper aims to explore the interrelationship between dramatic representation and cultural strategies of postcolonialism in the Korean poetry theoretically and practically, The results of the investigation are summarized as the following. First, the paper investigates that Ko Cheong-Hee`s poem 〈A poem rewritten by Jose Rizal〉based on the \dramatic monologue` rerated with ``mimetic-representation`` among dramatic representation, ``decolonization`` and ``abrogation`` among cultural strategies of postcolonialism. Second it investigates that Kim Sung-Hee` poem 〈Love 8-the day Friday met Robison Crusoe〉based on the ``dramatic character`` rerated with ``representation of representation(parody)`` among dramatic representation, ``write back`` and ``appropriation`` among cultural strategies of postcolonialism. Third, it investigates that Lee Ha-Seok` poem 〈America〉based on the ``dramatic quotation`` rerated with ``inward-representation`` among dramatic representation, ``inward-write back`` among cultural strategies of postcolonialism. Fourth, the paper argues that Moon Byeong-Lan`` poem 〈A dialogue with American dog and Korean dog〉based on the ``dramatic dialogue`` rerated with ``mimeric-reoresentation`` among dramatic representation, ``appropriation`` and ``mimeric-representation`` among dramatic representation, appropriation and ``write back`` among cultural strategies of postcolonialism. In conclusion, it is claimed that the interrerationship between the forms of dramatic representation rerated with types of representation and cultural strategies of postcolonialism in the Korean poetry theoretically and practically.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김수영과 김지하 시의 탈식민주의 전략 비교 연구

        고현철(Ko Hyun-Chul) 한국시학회 2009 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.25

        This thesis aims to develop the comparative study on the postcolonial strategies in the Kim Su-Young’s and Kim Ji-Ha’s poems. The results of the investigation are summarized as the following: First, this thesis investigates differences between Kim Su-Young’ poems and Kim Ji-Ha’s poems on cultural strategies of postcolonialism. Second, it investigates that Kim Su-Young’ poems aim to discriminate themselves against the culture of Western imperialism and colonialism through ‘appropriation’ among cultural strategies of postcolonialism. Third, it investigates that Kim Ji-Ha’s poems aim to discriminate themselves against the culture of Japanese imperialism and colonialism through ‘decolonization’ among cultural strategies of postcolonialism. Fourth, the paper also argues that the ‘appropriation’ among cultural strategies of postcolonialism is based on ‘cultural hybridity’ be connected with disidentification discourse. Fifth, the paper also argues that ‘decolonization’ among cultural strategies of postcolonialism is based on ‘genre-parody’ be connected with counter-identification discourse. Finally, it is clamed that Pansori-poem(판소리시) is a peculiar literature genre through a combination of modern poetry and Pansori(판소리) among Korean modern literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        홍상수 <우리 선희>의 영화서술학적 연구

        고현철 ( Hyun Chul Ko ) 부산대학교 영화연구소 2014 아시아영화연구 Vol.7 No.1

        이 논문은 영화서술학의 방법론을 통하여 홍상수의 영화 <우리 선희>에 대해 구체적이고 심층적인 분석과 해석을 수행한 것이다. <우리선희>는 낯익음과 낯설음이 섞여있는 영화이다. <우리 선희>의 주요인물이 영화와 관련된 인물이란 점에서 홍상수의 그전 영화와 연속선상에 있어 낯익지만, 이 영화를 영화나 영화인에 대한 자기반영성을 띤 영화로 보기 어렵다는 점에서 낯설다. <우리 선희>가 디에제즈 외적 서술자와 영상주에 의한 관찰 형식으로 되어 있는 것도 이와 연관된다. <우리 선희>는 선희를 중심으로 하여 문수, 동현, 재학이 각자 선희 가까이에서 서성거리는 내용의 영화이다. 이 영화의 뒷 장면에서 문수, 동현, 재학은 서로 창경궁에서 만난다. 하지만, 그 자리에 더 이상 선희는 없다. <우리 선희>에서 선희가 누구인지 하는 문제는 주목해야 할 사항이다. 기표는 주체와 연관되어, <우리 선희>에서 ‘선희’라는 기표는 끊임없는 기표의 연결고리 속에서 결핍만을 드러내고 있다. 결핍과 차이에 의해 기의가 끊임없이 지연되는 ‘선희’의 기표는 결핍과 차이에 의해 그 욕망이 끊임없이 지연되는 문수, 동현, 재학의 욕망구조와 상동관계에 있게 된다. This paper aims to investigate the study of cinematic narratology on Hong Sang-soo`s film <Our Sunhi> in terms of the concepts of cinematic narratology including “narration”, “focalization”, “extradiegetic narrator”, “narrative-structure”. The results of the investigation are summarized as the following. First, the paper investigates that <Our Sunhi> is ralated with ‘extradiegetic-zero focalization’. Second, it investigates that <Our Sunhi> is made up the related story between one woman and three men in narrative-structure. Third, the paper argues that <Our Sunhi> reveals very low self-reflection correspond with ‘extradiegetic-zero focalization’ and it`s narrative-structure. Fourth, it is claimed that the metonymy structure of the signifiant ‘Sunhi’ correspond with the metonymy structure of three men`s desire to Sunhi.

      • KCI등재

        신경림 시의 장르 패러디 연구

        고현철(Ko Hyun-Chul) 한국문학회 2006 韓國文學論叢 Vol.44 No.-

          This thesis aims to investigate the genre parody in the Sin Gyung-Lim"s poems. The results of this thesis are summarized as the following:<BR>  First, This thesis investigates that Sin Gyung-Lim"s poems consist of two types of genre parody, that is, genre parody of Ballad and genre parody of Muga.<BR>  Second, it investigates that Sin Gyung-Lim"s long-poems are show genre parody of Ballad and genre parody of Muga on the fragment of each texts.<BR>  Third, it investigates that Sin Gyung-Lim"s lyric poems are show genre parody of Ballad and genre parody of Muga on the whole of each texts.<BR>  Finally, it is claimed that genre parodies of Ballad and Muga in the Sin Gyung-Lim"s lyric poems are expose democratic emtions in the 1980s.

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