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        Menetrier`s Diseases 1예 보고

        김선민,이재동,권용만,박경식,마상인,이중건 대한소화기내시경학회 1990 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.11 No.1

        Menetriers disease is a rare disease, characterized by a marked hypertrophy of the mucosa of the fundus and corpus of the stomach and gastrointestinal loss af protein often causing transient edema. The 16-Year-old female patient was admitted to the Seoul Adventist Hospital and she complained epigastric pain & discomfort for 20 days. Under the UGI & endoscoyy, pathologic examination was done. The diagnosis was estabilished. She wes treated medically.

      • KCI등재후보

        만성 신부전이 동반된 Lowe 증후군 환자의 마취 관리 -증례 보고-

        김선민,이준호,조성환,김상현,채원석,진희철 대한마취통증의학회 2012 Anesthesia and pain medicine Vol.7 No.2

        Lowe syndrome is a rare genetic condition that involves three major organs: eyes, brain, and kidney. Anesthetic management can be challenged by problems associated with high ocular pressure,mental retardation, and renal tubular dysfunction. We report a case of a 17 year-old boy with Lowe syndrome accompanied by end-stage renal disease who underwent general anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula formation. The Anesthetic implications of this syndrome are also described.

      • KCI등재

        프로젝트 수행 경험이 있는 유아교사의 교수창의성: 일반 유아교사와의 비교 및 프로젝트 운영실태에 따른 차이

        김선민,김지현 한국생태유아교육학회 2020 생태유아교육연구 Vol.19 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to determine whether the level of instructional creativity of project-experienced early childhood teachers(PT) is different from that of the general early childhood teachers(GT), and whether the difference, if any, is in accordance with the early childhood teachers project approcah practices. A questionnaire-based research was conducted on 101 PT and 130 GT working at kindergartens and childcare centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The results revealed the following : (1) There is an important difference between the level of instructional creativity of PT and GT. (2) PT who do not have a particular project activity time possess more instructional creativity than PT who have a particular project activity time. (3) PT who have difficulty determining the duration of the project possess greater instructional creativity than PT who complete the project in less than a month. (4) PT who do not decide the number of persons-exhibit higher instructional creativity than PT who operate with a specific number of persons. This study proposes to deal with the project approach as a content of pre-service and in-service teacher education programs to improve teachers’ instructional creativity. 본 연구의 목적은 프로젝트 유아교사의 교수창의성이 일반 유아교사와 비교했을 때 차이가 있는지 알아보고, 프로젝트 유아교사의 프로젝트 접근법 운영 실태에 따라 교수창의성에 차이가 있는지 살펴보는 것이다. 본 연구는 질문지를 통해 서울과 경기도에 위치한 유치원과 어린이집에서 근무하는 101명의 프로젝트 유아교사와 130명의 일반 유아교사를 대상으로 실시되었다. 첫째, 프로젝트 유아교사와 일반 유아교사의 교수창의성 사이에는 차이가 있다. 둘째, 특별한 프로젝트 활동 시간이 없는 유아교사가 특정 프로젝트 활동 시간이 있는 유아교사보다, 프로젝트 기간을 단정하기 어려운 유아교사가 한 달 미만 동안 프로젝트를 수행하는 유아교사보다, 참여 인원수를 정하지 않는 유아교사가 특정 인원수로 운영하는 유아교사보다 더 높은 교수창의성을 보여주었다. 본 연구는 교수창의성을 향상시키기 위한 예비 및 현직 교사 교육 프로그램의 내용으로서 프로젝트 접근법을 다룰 것을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        근세이벤트에서 현대 미디어 이벤트로서의 조선통신사 연구

        김선민,김문자,간자키 노리다케 단국대학교 일본연구소 2006 일본학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        近世イベントから現代メデイアイベントとしての朝鮮通信使硏究 - 岡山縣を中心に- ‐ 本論文では、日本における朝鮮通信使の問題を<メデイアイベント>と<地域の振興>という側面から考察した。具体的な方法としては朝鮮通信使がメデイアイベント化された時代的な背景と、朝鮮通信使の硏究が近世イベントから現代イベントとして変化していくなかで日本人が通信使の問題を自らの伝統文化ないし地域文化とどのように折衝しながら現在まで変化・發展してきたのかについて檢討した。特に岡山縣の牛窓町に伝われている唐子踊りと唐人行列、唐人人形を中心に、朝鮮通信使が近世イベントから現代イベントへ変化していく過程で現れた日本文化の一面を探ってみた。 その結果、朝鮮通信使の問題がメデイアイベント化された背景を三つあげることができた。つまり、歷史博物館・美術館と地域社會との係わりや、生涯學習と自治体講座の影響、そして1980年代から日本でおきた<地方化>・<町づくり>運動と關連した<朝鮮通信使緣地連絡協議會>の發足である。 また、唐子踊りと唐人行列は現在も日本の各地域で行われているが、これらは各地域の祭りや神社の祭礼形式に導入され神を喜ばせる機能と災害と病魔を追い出して平和に暮らそうとする民間信仰と融合しながら今まで演出・持續しているのである。つまり、他文化を自らの地域社會や神社を通じて民間信仰と關連させながら<異國文化>を日本の伝統文化の中に吸收し現在まで継承しているのである。 さて、近世日本における朝鮮通信使の行列は幕府と將軍の權威や武威を見せるため演出されたものであったが、一般の人々の間ではこの行列に中國風や南蛮風をまじえながら<異國的><異質的>なことをより强調し、自らの祭りをはるかに<民衆的><祝祭的>に<異化>しようとしたことが分かった。それが現代になって朝鮮通信使のイベント化問題は地域の文化事業と關連して、地域の文化遺跡地と關連した文化商品の開發や觀光開發を通じて地域の活性化や地方の開發化に利用されている。特に大都市より通信使が長期間に滯在していた對馬島・牛窓・室津のような地域にこのような現象は著しく、こうした地域に對するメデイアの好意的な報道も朝鮮通信使のイベント化を盛上げ地域の開發及び振興に共助している。 以上のように日本における朝鮮通信使の問題を現代のメデイアイベントという側面がら考察すると、これは韓日兩國民の民間交流がより深く活性化される触れ合いの場であり、東アジア全域の平和と安全を願う人々に示唆する点は多いと思う。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        훈춘, 청과 조선의 변경

        김선민 만주학회 2015 만주연구 Vol.- No.19

        This paper explores the history of Hunchun, a remote corner of the Manchurian frontier where the Jurchen-cum-Manchus shared with their Chinese and Korean neighbors. Constant movements, warfare, and trade that took place around Hunchun show that the history of this frontier location cannot be explained in such conventional perspectives as lineal, territory-based, and nation-state centered accounts. During the late fourteenth to early fifteenth centuries, a variety of Jurchen tribal groups, such as Odori, Uriyangkad, and Udike, lived together near Hunchun. It was also the place where the early, ambitious Chosǒn state sought to reach and incorporate into the Korean realm. By the late sixteenth to early seventeenth centuries, the early Manchu leaders, Nurhaci and Hong Taiji, continued to dispatch military forces to the Hunchun region in order to mobilize manpower of tribal groups and strengthen the young Aisin Gurun’s banner system. After the military subjugation of Korea, the Qing and Chosǒn relations were resettled on the ground of the tributary hierarchy, a political setting that led to the development of regular commercial exchanges in the form of frontier market in Hunchun. In 1714 when a regiment colonel (xieling) was appointed in Hunchun, the Qing rule in the northeastern corner was further consolidated. By the late nineteenth century, the Qing government decided to lift the restriction on entry into Manchuria for the purpose of defending its northeastern boundary from increasing threats from Russia, an action that eventually brought a massive wave of Han Chinese immigration in the Hunchun area. At the same period, Chosǒn immigrants also began to cross the Tumen River and settled in this frontier region, and this Korean diaspora led to the formation of Korean Chinese (Chaoxianzu). Hunchun provides an interesting case to demonstrate the ways in which China and Korea have entangled in their frontiers throughout their long history. 오늘날 중국과 북한의 접경지역에 위치한 훈춘 일대에는 역사적으로 다양한 여러 부족민이 거주하면서 만주지역․중원․한반도의 주변 세력과 접촉하고 교류해왔다. 명대와 조선 전기에 이곳에 주로 거주했던 여진인들은 단일하고 통일적인 집단을 유지한 것이 아니라 세력이 분산된 채 거주지를 계속 옮겨가며 살았다. 명말에 이르러 건주여진이 흥기하여 여진부족을 통합하고 인근의 다른 부족민들을 복속시킬 때까지, 동해 연안에서 흑룡강에 이르는 광범위한 지역의 거주민들은 명․조선․몽골 그리고 북방의 다양한 부족들과 정치적․문화적․사회적으로 교류하면서 계속 변화해갔다. 훈춘을 둘러싸고 전개된 여진-만주인의 역사, 나아가 청과 조선의 역사는 변경이란 근본적으로 유동적이고 가변적인 것이며 따라서 변경을 둘러싼 여러 주체들의 관계가 달라지면 변경의 의미도 함께 변화했음을 보여준다. 중원과 한반도의 정치세력에게 변경이 지닌 정치적․역사적 의미는 시대에 따라 계속 변화했던 것이다. 본고는 훈춘의 지리적 특징, 거주민의 변화, 그리고 주변 세력과의 관계를 통시적으로 검토함으로써 만주와 한반도의 밀접한 관계에 주목하는 새로운 한중관계사의 가능성을 모색한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Successful Endovascular Aneurysm Repair for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in a Patient with Severe Coronary Artery Disease Undergoing Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

        김선민,조재영,김주한,Keun Ho Park,심두선,홍영준,정명호,안영근 전남대학교 의과학연구소 2014 전남의대학술지 Vol.50 No.1

        It is well known that patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) often have concomitantcoronary artery disease (CAD). In cases of AAA with severe CAD requiringcoronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), two therapeutic strategies regarding the timingof CABG can be considered: staged or simultaneous operations. However, the idealtreatment of patients with large AAA and critical CAD remains controversial. We experienceda case of successful endovascular aneurysm repair after off-pump CABG in a70-year-old patient who had a huge AAA and critical CAD.

      • KCI등재

        滿鮮史, 滿學, 그리고 滿洲學

        김선민 명청사학회 2012 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.38

        This paper traces the history of Manchu Studies as an academic discipline in Japan and China respectively, addressing that the development of Manchu Studies in East Asia shared a common background in strong nationalism. The field of Manchu Studies in Japan was arguably developed along with “East Asian History” (Toyoshi), a modern scholarly discipline that emerged under the influence of European thoughts and education system introduced to Japan since the late nineteenth century. This paper explains that Japanese scholars invented such new concepts as “East Asia” (Toyo) and East Asian History (Toyoshi) as part of their efforts in search for modern Japan, and later expanded their scholarly inquiries into Korea and Manchuria and eventually established the so-called “History of Manchuria and Korea” (Mansenshi), which contributed to justify the Japanese imperialist policy in Korea, Manchuria and China. By this time, the Chinese were also struggling with their mission of searching for modern China. But they faced more arduous task than their Japanese counterparts, because they had to destroy the Qing Manchus, but simultaneously succeeding the Qing legacy, most notably, its vast territory. This paper explores the history of Manchu Studies in China in the context of nationalism, which required separating China from the Qing and the Manchus in the late nineteenth century, while now encouraging the contemporary Chinese scholars to identify the Great Qing empire with the People’s Republic of China in the early twentieth century. By juxtaposing the two different regional terms, “Manchuria-Korea” (Mansen) in Japan and the “Northeast” (Dongbei) in China, we can be sure that both Japan and China have developed their territorial interests in Manchuria and scholarly questions for Manchu Studies from the same ideology, namely nationalism, an idea that newly emerged in East Asia in the early twentieth century. As a new agenda for Manchu Studies in Korea, this paper suggests a perspective from borders, an alternative critique to nationalism in which Manchu Studies in Japan and China has been embedded for a century long. After a brief review of Korean historiography of the Qing-Choson relations in general and Kim Hangyu’s arguments for “History of Liaodong” (Yodong sa) in particular, it discusses the ways in which a perspective focusing on borders where contacts and conflicts between different groups took place will be able to contribute to expand Manchu Studies.

      • KCI등재

        CORI(Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction)가 내용영역의 교수·학습 성취에 미치는 효과

        김선민 한국초등국어교육학회 2008 한국초등국어교육 Vol.37 No.-

        이 연구는 내용영역의 교수·학습 성취에 효과적인 영향을 미치는 CORI에 대한 연구이다. CORI 모형은 메릴랜드 주립대학의 Guthrie가 구안하여 실행 연구하였다. 초등학교 2학년과 5학년을 대상을 과학 과목과 언어 과목의 통합 수업을 통하여 내용영역의 학습에 효과적인 영향을 주는 읽기 모형을 구안한 것이다. CORI 모형은 주로 내용영역 학습 태도와 동기 그리고 몰입에 관한 연구 이다. 태도와 동기 그리고 몰입은 주관적이며, 변인이 다양하기 때문에 객관적 측정에 어려움이 많다. 특히 우리나라의 교육여건에 비추어 CORI 모형을 그대로 적용하는 것은 어려움이 있다. 따라서 여기서는 Guthrie의 CORI 모형이 갖고 있는 장점 중에서 우리나라의 교육 여건에 적용이 가능한 부분을 선택적으로 수업에 투입하여 그 효과를 검증하였다. 일반적인 과학 수업에 기존의 읽기 수업을 추가한 집단과, CORI 모형을 추가로 처치한 집단을 비교하여 세 집단 간의 성취도 검사 결과를 분석하였다. 그 결과 CORI 모형을 추가로 처치한 집단의 성취도 평균 점수가 유의미한 상승을 보였다는 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 초등학교 5학년의 과학 영역을 대상으로 한 실험이지만 수학이나,사회 등의 다른 영역을 대상으로 실험하였을 경우에도 유의미한 효과가 나올 수 있을 것이라는 추론이 가능하다. This study is the effect of Content Area Learning Achievement through CORI(Concept−Oriented Reading Instruction). The concept oriented reading process model is based on Guthrie's CORI (concept−oriented reading instruction) but some of Guthrie's CORI process, strategies and method are not suitable for the Korean educational context or real activities. Therefore the concept oriented reading process model is constructed for content area learning through Korean language education. The concept oriented reading instruction is constructed four stages. The four stages are constructed “Question”, “Search”, “Apply”, “Communicate”.Relationship between reading skills and concept oriented reading instruction has been examined by diagnosis evaluation in March, 2007. The content area reading for content area learning is influenced by the concept oriented reading instruction. The basic conclusion from this study is that the content area learning ability of fifth graders increased during their experience in the CORI reading process. Not only did teachers observe these increases in content area learning abilities through student assessments of learning achievement and classroom performance, but content area learning achievement test also documented statistically significant increases. Student's enhanced content areas learning abilities were evident in their work on tasks that reflected the merger of cognitive strategies−SQ3R, MIE, K−W−L, R−S−W, COLD− an effective method during CORI. This study documented the effect of content area learning abilities during CORI.

      • KCI등재

        Korean National Health Insurance Value Incentive Program: Achievements and Future Directions

        김선민,장원모,안현아,박향정,안혜숙 대한예방의학회 2012 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.45 No.3

        Since the reformation of the National Health Insurance Act in 2000, the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) in the Republic of Korea has performed quality assessments for healthcare providers. The HIRA Value Incentive Program (VIP), established in July 2007, provides incentives for excellent-quality institutions and disincentives for poorquality ones. The program is implemented based on data collected between July 2007 and December 2009. The goal of the VIP is to improve the overall quality of care and decrease the quality gaps among healthcare institutions. Thus far, the VIP has targeted acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and Caesarian section (C-section) care. The incentives and disincentives awarded to the hospitals by their composite quality scores of the AMI and C-section scores. The results of the VIP showed continuous and marked improvement in the composite quality scores of the AMI and C-section measures between 2007 and 2010. With the demonstrated success of the VIP project, the Ministry of Health and Welfare expanded the program in 2011 to include general hospitals. The HIRA VIP was deemed applicable to the Korean healthcare system,but before it can be expanded further, the program must overcome several major concerns, as follows: inclusion of resource use measures, rigorous evaluation of impact, application of the VIP to the changing payment system, and expansion of the VIP to primary care clinics.

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