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      • Commemoration Issue for Professor Il Byong Yoon's 60th Birthday Anniversary : Keys for Korean Bumble bees(Hymenoptera : Bombidae)

        김창환,김미량 고려대학교 한국곤충연구소 1994 昆蟲硏究誌 Vol.20 No.1

        한국산 뒤영벌 속의 검색표 및 진단형질. 김미량. 김창환(고대 부설, 한국곤충연구소) 留蟲硏究誌, 20: 69~77, 1994. 한국산 뒤영벌 속은 김과 이토(1987)에 의해 남북을 통틀어 총 7아속 20종이 발표되었으나 막상 뒤영벌 속을 동정코져 할 때 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 검색, 진단형질의 필요성을 느껴 이들 중 남한에서 채집되는 뒤영벌속 12종에 대한 검색표를 암, 수 각각 작성하고 진단형질을 실었다. On the bumble bees from Korean Penninsula were studied by Kim and Ito(1987), And we reexamined them, one subspecies was added(1993), But keys for identification were absent. In this paper, keys and diagnosis of bumble bees in Korea was prepared for clarity at a glance.

      • KCI등재

        顔面神經麻痺에 대한 臨床 治驗例 보고

        김창환,김현기,Kim, Chang-Hwan,Kim, Hyun-Gi 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2001 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        1. Five Clinical tests and case studies show that facial palsy can be improved under the treatment of Acupuncture, Infrared, Electroacupuncture. Herbal medicine and Herbal acupuncture. 2. The most common prodrome appears to be postauricular pain. including headache and dizziness. 3. As the more serious the paralysis becomes. the prodrome gets worse, and the treatment term extends. It also gets harder to perform prognosis 4. We confirm that either physical or mental overwork and stress can be the most likely cause of facial palsy.

      • KCI등재

        배추흰나비(Pieris rapae L.)의 위심세포(圍心細胞)에 관한 연구

        김창환,김우갑,이근옥,Kim, Chang-Whan,Kim, Woo-Kap,Lee, Keun-Ok 한국현미경학회 1989 Applied microscopy Vol.19 No.1

        The oval shaped pericardial cells are clustered along the lateral sides of the heart and irregularly connected with the heart. The cells are bounded by a basement membrane. The basement membranes of the connected two peicardial cells are irregularly linked each other there-fore funnels are formed. The multiple invaginations of the cell membrane are observed and septate junctions develope at the part of enterance of the cell membrane. The coated pits are appeared in the inner side of the invaginated cell membrane. The coated vesicles, tubular and spherical shaped vesicle, Golgi complex containing high electron densed material in the cisternae and mitochondria are observed in the cytoplasm and lysosomes are remarkably well developed. The whirled membrane structures in the multiformed complex bounded by single membrane are linked with low electron densed granules and spherical shaped small granules having high electron density with $0.03{\mu}m$ in diameter are located between the whirled membrane in a row and gradually secretes the granules and then they produced the multilamellar body. The lysosomal regions of cytoplasm of pericardial cell are appeared negative reaction to the acid phosphatase and according to the results of the electrophoresis, lipoproteins having acid phosphatase activity are contained. The axon is contacted with the pericardial cells.

      • 몇가지 菌類에 대한 Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi의 寄生選好性과 生長에 대한 人蔘成分의 영향에 관하여

        金昌煥 동국대학교 대학원 1978 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.8 No.-

        The author investigated the host suitability and reproduction of Aphelencchoides ritzemabosi, plant endoparasite, not only on several fungi, which are the speices of phytoparasitic fungi;F. oxysporium, F. solami, Verticillium sp, and Cladosporium sp., but also on the influence of nutrient, compenent of ginseng, which causes the morphometric variation of A. ritzemabosi. The results obtained from the investigation are as follows; (1) Longest bud and leaf nematode, A. ritzemabosi can be artificially cultured on fungi;F.oxysporium, F.solani, Verticillium sp, and Cladosporium sp. (2) The ratio of reproduction and growth of nematode vary with the different fungi and the nematodes, A. ritzemabosi can be better reproduced on F. solani than any other fungi. (3) These studies indicated that the sex ratio ranging is from female per male 2 : 1 to female per male 9,6:1. with a mean of 3.7:1. (4) De Man's value of A.ritzemabosi is variable with the nutrition, component of ginseng, and different fungi. In spite of their changing environments "V" value (V%) and "T" value (T%) have the most stable characteristics. (5) Component of ginseng has an influence upon the growth of the nematode, A, ritzemabosi, especially on his body length and gential organ.

      • Mesoame´rica '켓짤' 조룡과 신라 '계룡'의 신화예술적 상징 연구 : Quetzalco´atl de Mesoame´rica y Guieriong de Sinra

        김창환 울산대학교 인문과학연구소 2001 人文論叢 Vol.20 No.-

        Quetzalco´atl y Guieriong pertenecen a la misma especie de ima´genes dragontinas, pues ambos nacieron sintetizados entre el arquetipo serpentino y el avl´cola, a base de la misma mitologema: el ave o gallo y˙ la serpiente. Si hubiera alguna minuciosa diferencia entre ambos dragones podl´a ser el hecho de que Quetzalco´atl era ciertamente un rey, mientras que Guieriong era la madre de la Reina o la Reina misma. De todos modos, ambos arquetipos dragontinos contribuyeron del mismo modo a edificar la soberanl´a real de su pal´s. Si bien la imagen de la serpiente dotada del fatal veneno es agresiva, vengativa y dominativa, la imagen del quetzal o del gallo con plumas es acomodaticia, generosa, llegar a la conclusio´n de que la imagen arquetl´pica de ambos dragones, Quetzalco´atl y Guieriong, se relaciona directamente con la edificacio´n de la suma potencia del soberano y al mismo timpo con la ma´s activa capacidad nacional de las razas originarias de la Mesoamevrica y de la Corea Antigua (la de Sinra). Con este trasfondo mitolo´gico, los Imperios toloteca, azteca, maya y quiche´, entre otros, pudieron absorber y unkificar respectivamente bajo su poder a todos los pequen~os Estados del Valle del Me´xico y de la Penl´nsula yucateca y de Guatemala. Tal potencialidad ya contendrl´a quiza´s desde el principio la imagen arquetl´pica del Quetzalco´atl. Ahora bien, al leer la Historia de Corea, tambie´n llegamos a conocer co´mo el Reino de Sinra, a su vez, logro´ con su iniciativa la unificacio´n de los Tres Reinos: Sinra, Bekdche y Kokuryo. Esto nos infunde la suposicio´n de que la imagen arquetl´pica de Guieriong podl´a tener alguna relacio´n(o el presagio) con la fuerte voluntad y la capacidad nacional del pueblo sinraense que cumplirl´a la unificacio´n territorial de los tres reinos y este hecho histo´rico tampoco serl´a eventual.

      • KCI등재

        배추흰나비 (Pieris rapae L.)의 미세구조에 관한 연구 II. 난소(卵巢)의 발생(發生)과 난성숙(卵成熟)

        김창환,김우갑,김지현,Kim, C.W.,Kim, W.K.,Kim, J.H. 한국현미경학회 1985 Applied microscopy Vol.15 No.1

        A observation of the ovarian development and oogenesis of Pieris rapae Linne has been carried out during metamorphosis using stereo-microscope, light microscope and electron microscope. The results obtained through this experiment are as follows: 1. The ovarian development and vitellogenesis begin at the 3-day old pupa and the 6-day old pupa respectively, and the adult ovary right after their emergence contains a few mature eggs. 2. The species described above are further observed at six different stages in oogenesis, and the results are summarized as follows. 1) Pieris rapae has polytrophic ovarioles. The cell organelles of the nurse cells are transfered to the oocyte through the ring canal at the early oogenesis. 2) At stage 2, the nuclear envelope of oocyte nucleus is less infolding than that of nurse cell nucleus. In the oocyte cytoplasm a large number of ribosomes are observed. 3) At stage 3 and 4, many micropinocytotic vesicles are observed in the oocyte cytoplasm. These vesicles are fused together to form large proteid yolks. 4) At stage 5, the vitelline membrane is laid down in the intercellular space between the follicle cells and oocyte. 5) At stage 6, the chorion is formed by the follicle cells. 6) A micropyle and a number of aeropyle are observed on the surface of a mature egg.

      • KCI등재

        언의지변(言意之辯)과 중국문학(中國文學)

        김창환 한국중국어문학회 2002 中國文學 Vol.37 No.-

        至于 `言`(言語、文字) 與`意`(意義、意味)的關系, 早在先秦時代諸子就注意到了, 因此, 這是個古老的硏究課題。本文針對言意之關系的爭辯, 從爭論之源卽先秦諸子們的最初觀點開始到魏晉時期的有關情況、?與文學的關系、?發展成爲文學理論的過程等都進行了認眞地考察。 道家認識到言語的局限性, 强調通過無言得體會掌握眞意的道理, 與此相反, 儒家却對語言的表現能力持非常肯定的態度。孔子曰, “志有之, 言以足志, 文以足言. 不言, 誰知其志”, 認爲語言能勾充分表達心志。 到了魏晉時期, 因受玄學的影響, `言意之辯`的爭論更爲激烈了。主要論點有三, `言不盡意`論、`得意忘言`論、`言盡意`論等。在這三種論點中, 王弼的`得意忘言`論對當時的思潮和文藝的影響最大。後來, `言意之辯`與文學中的創作及鑑賞成了共同課題, 尤其在劉?的《文心雕龍》的〈隱秀〉、〈物色〉、〈神思〉等文章里, 集中論述了言意之關系。從`言意之辯`中産生出來的`言外之意`, 則與含蓄的表現技巧密切相關。 硏究言意之辦對中國文學的影響有如下意義。第一, 通過考察魏晉時期激烈的言意之辯, 可以正確理解以玄言詩、田園詩、山水詩等爲主的魏晉時期的文學。第二, 硏究言意之辯, 可以正確理解與言外之意相關的文學理論發展過程以及含蓄的表現技巧。第三, 在文學領域通過對言意之辯的考察, 可使作家在創?注意表現言外之意, 使讀者在欣賞作品時理解言外之意。對語言、文字與作家的“意”之關系、作品中言外之意的形象化及含蓄的表現技巧等的爭論, 今天仍具有?重要的意義。

      • Bayes 정리에 기반한 개선된 동형이의어 분별 모텔

        김창환,이왕우 한국컴퓨터산업학회 2001 컴퓨터産業敎育學會論文誌 Vol.2 No.12

        본 연구에서는 동형이의어 분별을 위하여 허정(2000)이 제시한 "사전 뜻풀이말에서 추출한 의미정보에 기반한 동형이의어 중의성 해결 시스템"이 가지는 문제점과 향후 연구과제로 제시한 문제들을 개선하기 위하여 Bayes 정리에 기반한 동형이의어 분별 모델을 제안한다. 의미 분별된 사전 뜻풀이말 코퍼스에서 동형이의어를 포함하고 있는 뜻풀이말을 구성하는 체언류(보통 명사), 용언류(형용사, 동사) 및 부사류(부사)를 의미 정보로 추출한다. 동형이의어의 의미별 사전 출현 빈도수가 비교적 균등한 기존 9개의 동형이의어 명사를 대상으로 실험하여 비교하였고, 새로 7개의 동형이의어 용언(형용사, 동사)을 추가하여 실험하였다. 9개의 동형이의어 명사를 대상으로 한 내부 실험에서 평균 99.37% 정확률을 보였으며 7개의 동형이의어 용언을 대상으로 한 내부 실험에서 평균 99.53% 정확률을 보였다. 외부 실험은 국어 정보베이스와 ETRI 코퍼스를 이용하여 9개의 동형이의어 명사를 대상으로 평균 84.42% 정확률과 세종계획의 350만 어절 규모의 외부 코퍼스를 이용하여 7개의 동형이의 어 용언을 대상으로 평균 70.81%의 정확률을 보였다. 정확률을 보였다. This paper asserted more developmental model of WSD(word sense disambiguation) than J. Hur(2000)'s WSD model. This model suggested an improved statistical homonym disambiguation Model based on Bayes Theory. This paper using semantic information(co-occurrence data) obtained from definitions of part of speech(POS) tagged UMRD-S(Ulsan university Machine Readable Dictionary(Semantic Tagged)). we extracted semantic features in the context as nouns, predicates and adverbs from the definitions in the korean dictionary. In this research, we make an experiment with the accuracy of WSD system about major nine homonym nouns and new seven homonym predicates supplementary. The inner experimental result showed average accuracy of 98.32% with regard to the most Nine homonym nouns and 99.53% for the Seven homonym predicates. An Addition, we save test on Korean Information Base and ETRI's POS tagged corpus. This external experimental result showed average accuracy of 84.42% with regard to the most Nine nouns over unsupervised learning sentences from Korean Information Base and ETRI Corpus, 70.81 % accuracy rate for the Seven predicates from Sejong Project phrase part tagging corpus (3.5 million phrases) too.

      • DCCA와 Polar Ordination에 依한 無等山의 森林 群落 分析

        金昌煥,吉奉燮 원광대학교기초자연과학연구소 1992 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.11 No.3

        光州直轄市, 全南和順郡, 潭陽郡에 위치하고 있는 無等山(1,187m)의 森林植生과 立地와의 관계를 분석하기 위하여 TWINSPAN(two-way indicator species analysis), DCCA(detrended canonical correspondenec analysis) 그리고 polar ordination을 이용하였다. 植生調査는 1990年 4月부터 1991年 8月까지 1:25,000의 지형도를 參考하여 41개소의 方形區를 設置하여 분석한 結果는 다음과 같다. 無等山의 森林群落은 TWINSPAN에 의하여 상수리나무군락(Quercus acutissima community), 들메나무군락(Fraxinus mandshurica community), 신갈나무군락(Quercus mongolica community), 졸참나무군락(Quercus serrata community), 떡갈나무군락(Quercus dentata community), 굴참나무군락(Quercus variabilis community), 소나무군락(Pinus densiflora community) 등으로 분류되었으며, 이는 polar ordination 결과와 거의 비슷한 樣相을 보였다. DCCA분석에 의하면 소나무(Pinus densiflora)는 건조하고 고도가 낮은 지대에 군락을 형성하고 있으며, 다른 군락에 비해 土壞養料가 적은 곳에 분포하고 있다. 굴참나무(Quercus vaeiabilis)와 상수리나무(Quercus acutissima)는 낮은 고도와 유기물함량이 비교적 적은 지역에 주로 분포하고 있으나, 굴참나무(Quercus variabilis)는 건조한 지역에, 상수리나무(Quercus acutissima)는 습한 지역에 군락을 형성하고 있다. 신갈나무(Quercus momgolica)와 들메나무(Fraxinus mamdshurica)는 고도가 높은 지역에서 군락을 형성하고 있으며, 습도가 높고, Kaolin, C.E.C 등이 많은 溪谷에 분포하고 있었다. Polar ordination분석에 의하면 주로 습도구배에 따라 7개군으로 분류되어지며, 유기물함량, pH, 온도, C.E.C와 P₂O_(5) 등의 환경요인들에 의하여 서로 다른 군락을 형성하고 있다. TWINSPAN(two-way indicator species analysis), DCCA(detrended canonical correspondence analysis) and polar ordination method were used so as to analyze the relation between forest vegetation and habitat of Mudu˘ngsan(1,187m) located in Kwangju area. Vegetation survey consulted 1:25,000 topographical map, set up 41 quadrats and analyzed from April, 1990 to August, 1991. Forest vegetation of Mudu˘ngsan was classified to Quercus acutissima community, Fraxinus mandshurica community, Quercus mongolica community, Quercus serrata community, Quercus dentata community, Quercus variabilis community, and Pinus densiflora community by TWINSPAN method, and this almost coincide with the result of polar ordination. According to DCCA analysis, P. densiflora community was formed in xeric and low altitude region which soil nutrient was poor, compared with other communities. Q. variabilis and Q. acutissima community were distributed in the region that low altitude and organic matter content was comparatively low, but Q. acutissima community was formed in a damp region while Q. variabilis community in a xeric region. Q. mongolica and F. mandshurica formed the communities in a high altitude region, especially F. mandshurica community was distributed in a high humidity region. According to polar ordination analysis, the forest vegetation was classified to 7 communities by means of environmental gradient such as humidity, organic matter, pH, temperature, C.E.C and P₂O_(5).

      • 육상 도약선수와 비훈련자들에게 400,800 및 1,500M 최대질주가 혈액세포, 젖산 및 혈장 글루코스 농도에 미치는 영향

        김창환 한국체육대학교 부속 체육연구소 1992 체육연구소논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes of blood cell counter, lactate and Plasma glucose concentration to rest, 400, 800, and 1500m maximal running. Elite field athlete(n=6) and Physical education students(n=6) was participated as subjects of this research. Blood sampling during 400, 800, and 1500m maximal running was collected rest and in after 400, 800, 1500m maximal running. Blood cell was measured the Mean corpuscular volume(MCV), Red blood cell(RBC), Hematocrit(Hct), White blood cell(WBC) and Hemoglobin concentration(Hb), also lactate and plasma glucose concentration was measured by enzymatic method using spectrophotometer. The results and conclusion of this study was as follows: 1. Mean corpuscular volume(MCV) in both group was expressed decrease levels to 400, 800 and 1500m maximal running, with compared rest state, also field athlete was display high levels, with compared physical education sutdents 2. Red blood cell(RBC) of field athlete was shown significantly increased levels to compared rest state, Whearease untrained men was display increased levels in 400 and 1500m maximal running, but not in 800m maximal running, compared to rest state. Also, in comparison of both group, rest state of RBC was shown lower levels to field athletes, with compared untrained men. 3. White blood cell(WBC) of both group was shown significantly increased levels, also in comparison of both group, WBC was display the high levels in field athletes. 4. Lactate concentration of both group was shown significantly increased levels in field athletes, with compared untrained man. Lactate concentartion was expressed the high levels in field athletes. 5. Plasma glucose concentration of both group was observed significantly increased levels in field athletes, with compared untrained men. Plasma glucose concentration was display the high levels in field athletes.

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