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        해방 60년 국문학 연구의 성과와 과제 - 고전시가 분야를 중심으로 하여 -

        성호경(Seong Ho-gyong) 우리말글학회 2005 우리말 글 Vol.34 No.-

        This paper looks into the achievements of the study of Korean literature for the past 60 years since the Liberation of Korea in 1945 and its future tasks to do, focused on the field of classical Korean poetry.<br/> There has been a lot of research done by many scholars, who contributed to the correct understanding of Korean literature by improving new research and exploration methods. The study of Korean literature has made much progress by expanding its various aspects and making changes in its research trends.<br/> However, both corrections and enhancements are needed in the advanced study of Korean literature. Some important tasks among them are the followings:<br/> First, for the development of the study of Korean literature, it is necessary to have a serious test of the adequacy of the earlier research.<br/> Second, for the correct understanding and objective evaluation of Korean literature, it is necessary to avoid a nationalistic attitude in the research and correct its residual problems.<br/> Third, for the correct understanding of literary works, which is the basis of literary study and research methods, it is necessary to have a refined and analytic approach to the interpretation.<br/> Fourth, as for the study of classical Korean poetry, it is necessary to develop the study about the emotion and tone in poems.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        〈제망매가(祭亡妹歌)〉의 시세계

        성호경(Seong Ho-Gyong) 국어국문학회 2006 국어국문학 Vol.- No.143

        This study finds out the poetic meaning of Jemangmaega, a mastery poem of the Shilla period, and looks into the characteristics in the composition and expression of the work. The findings of the study are as follows: This work consists of three strophes. The first strophe expresses the speaker’s decision and emotional experience, with its main topic; his sister’s attitude towards her own death. The middle strophe expresses the speaker’s realization and emotional experience of the transience of human life or human relationship, extending the separation of sister and brother. The last strophe expresses the speaker’s conviction of the sister’s rebirth in the Amitabha’s paradise and the expectation of the reunion of sister and brother there. As for the composition of the work, the coherence between the middle and the last strophe is lacking. However, the poetic image of the middle strophe induces that of the last strophe, following a Buddhistic view on transience, which in turn contributes a little to its completion. This work has an organization with unity as a whole, even though its structure of development shows a lot of change. For the expression, the tropes of the work is composed in the appropriate way to express the author’s view of world and life effectively, and the vehicles of the tropes contain Buddhistic meanings in depth.

      • KCI등재

        <관동별곡(關東別曲)>의 형상화와 정철(鄭澈)의 신선의식

        성호경 ( Ho Gyong Seong ) 한국고전문학회 2010 古典文學硏究 Vol.37 No.-

        정철 작 가사 작품 <관동별곡>은 작자가 자신을 仙人으로 여기는 신선의식의 실현을 주제로 하며, 구성과 표현도 이를 구현함에 초점 맞추어져 있다. <관동별곡>의 구성은 신선의식을 도출하여 실현하는 과정(新羅四仙을 찾아 그들의 옛 행적을 따름)과 결과(사선과의 만남, 謫仙으로서의 자아정체성 확인, 그리고 확인 이후의 신선의 경지)의 구현을 중심축으로 하고, 금강산과 망양정 등의 뛰어난 경치들에 대한 기술을 부차적인 요소로 하면서, 간간이 牧民官으로서의 자세?의식과 임금에 대한 마음 등에 관한 삽화들을 주변적인 모티프로서 끼워 넣었다. 작자는 다양한 표현법들을 구사하여 그의 신선의식 실현을 성공적으로 구현하였는데, 특히 결말부에서 신선의식 실현의 결과들을 절묘한 방식으로 구체화했다. 이 작품은 작자의 신선의식 실현을 주제로 하고, 이를 통일성?긴밀성?강조성을 갖추며 예술적?정서적 효과를 기한 구성과 매우 인상적이고도 효과적인 표현을 통하여 훌륭하게 구현하였다. In Gwandong-byeolgok, a literary work of gasa, the writer Jeong, Cheol regards himself as a hermit, which is the core of the theme. And the composition and expression of the work is focused on the figuration of the theme. The central axis of the work`s composition is the realization of the concept of himself as a hermit. And it shows two aspects. One is the process in which the writer deducts and realizes the concept-that is, pursuing the four hermits in the Shilla period and going after their whereabouts. The other is the materialization of the result of the process-that is, the meeting of the four hermits, the confirmation of his identity as an exiled hermit from the heaven, and the new stage after this confirmation. The secondary element of the work`s composition is the description of beautiful sceneries such as Mt. Geumgang(金剛山), Pavillion Mangyang(望洋亭) and so on. In addition, the writer occasionally uses as peripheral motifs the episodes such as the position and consciousness of a governor and thanks to and longing for the King. The writer successfully materialize the realization of the concept of himself as a hermit, the theme of the work, by employing various ways of expression. Especially at the ending part of the work the writer expresses excellently the results of the realization of the concept.

      • KCI등재

        박인노(朴仁老)의 <노계가(蘆溪歌)> 창작 배경 탐색 - 경주시(慶州市) 산내면(山內面) 대현리(大賢里)의 `대현동구(大賢洞口)` 일대

        성호경 ( Seong Ho-gyong ) 한국고전문학회 2017 古典文學硏究 Vol.51 No.-

        이 글은 박인로 작 가사 <노계가>의 창작 배경(작중 공간)을 탐색한 것이다. 박인로의 생애는 불분명한 점이 적지 않은데, 경북 경주시 산내면 대현리의 동창천 일대인 `노계`에 두 차례 가서 살았다고 판단된다. 제1차는 1619년(59세)경부터 1628년(68세)경까지의 약 10년간이었을 가능성이 크다. 그는 횟골마을 맞은편 동쪽 골짜기의 산중턱에서 幽居하며 황무지를 일구어 밭 수백 무를 경작하다가, 남에게 侵耕당해서 밭과 집을 다 넘겨준 뒤에 향리인 영천의 도천리로 귀환하였다. 제2차는 1636년(76세) 봄부터의 얼마간이었는데, 처음 살았던 곳에서 남쪽으로 냇가 길로 약 3.3km(직선거리는 2~2.2km) 떨어진 `대현동구` 일대에 집과 정자를 짓고 지냈을 것이다. 집터는 굽이쳐 꺾여 흐르는 냇물(동창천의 본류인 소호천)의 북쪽 절벽 위였을 것이고, 정자 자리는 그 맞은 편 언덕 위의 한 곳이었을 가능성이 적지 않다. 풍광이 빼어난 그 일대에서 지내면서 박인로는 가사 <노계가>를 지었을 것이고, 그 작품 속에는 이 일대의 지형들이 나타나 있다. This paper explores the creation background of Bak In-ro(朴仁老)`s gasa poem Nogyega. Although Bak In-ro`s career is uncertain, he might have lived twice at `Nogye`, the Dongchangcheon area of Daehyeon-ri, Sannae-myeon, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. His first living at `Nogye` might be for about ten years from around 1619 to around 1628. He lived in seclusion at a mountainside amid the east valley of Hoetgol village, plowing the extensive field cultivated from wasteland. After other`s invasion to his field, yielding his field and house, he returned to his hometown Docheon-ri, Yeongcheon-gun. His second living at `Nogye` was quite a while since the spring of 1636 in the area of the entrance to Daehyeon village that is apart about two kilometers to the south from the first residence. The house might be built on the north cliff of the stream`s turning round, and the pavilion was possible built on the hill across the stream. Bak In-ro created Nogyega during his living at the scenic area, and the geographical features of the area appear in the gasa poem.

      • KCI등재

        한국 고전시가 학문후속세대 양성 방안

        성호경 ( Ho Gyong Seong ) 한국시가학회 2012 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        This paper suggests some concrete ways for the training of the follow-up generation in the field of Korean classical poetry. Focused on medium and long term plans, measures to be taken are listed such as attraction and education of the follow-up generation, nurture of Ph.D. degree holders, and procurement of permanent teaching and research positions for them. It is emphasized here that both professors and the follow-up generation need to think highly of the basic purpose or goal of education, learning and research and do their best in each step of their endeavor to prepare a proper way of fulfilling the goal set in the beginning and that they need to consider in advance prudent measures for the future step or process.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국시가사 시대구분 시안(試案)

        성호경 ( Ho Gyong Seong ) 한국시가학회 2015 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.38 No.-

        This paper presents a draft plan of periodization, which can be used as a foundation for systematic and fruitful description of history of Korean poetry. Proper periodization should realize the significance of periodization, while coinciding with facts in the history of poetry. Therefore, I began by setting the scope of history of Korean poetry to cover the whole poetry―including poetry in archaic Chinese and modern free verse―produced by Korean people, and then looked into principles and methods of periodization. After that, I examined the major problems in existing periodizations. Finally, I sought a concrete plan of periodization that could encompass overall progress and changes in historical development of Korean poetry, taking the followings into consideration: development of poetic genres, its political- cultural environment, and time of important changes.

      • KCI등재

        <쌍화점(雙花店)>의 시어와 특성

        성호경 ( Seong Ho-gyong ) 한국시가학회 2016 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        Some poetic words in Ssanghwajeom, which shows a composition of mechanical repetition, might be interpreted newly: especially the words `hoehoe-abi`, `saju` and so on. They were widely regarded as the men having a strong sexual ability. The theme of Ssanghwajeom is that `the men who were regarded as having a strong sexual ability have turned out terrible in reality.` The characteristics in the poetic world of the work might be `the downfall of the excellent in sexual ability to the terrible and becoming the mockery`. And the characteristics in the purpose of composition and the aesthetic consciousness of the work lies in `the laughter of reversal`. In this respect, Ssanghwajeom was a `light verse` poem for amusement.

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