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        기획논문 : 호서선비문화가 가진 교육콘텐츠로서의 의미와 가능성

        김세정 ( Sea Jeong Kim ),양선진 ( Seon Jin Yang ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2015 儒學硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        지금 21세기 사회는 인문학, 과학기술, 사회과학, 예술학 영역을 포함하는 ‘통섭적 융합문화시대’라고 평가된다. 유학(儒學)에 대한 연구도 근대적인 분과학적 입장에서 벗어나 다른 학문.문화.사유 등과 통섭적으로 융합시킬 수 있는 연결지점을 찾는 일이 필요하다. 다시 말해, 유학의 콘텐츠를 현재의 삶과 문화 등과 연결시킬 수 있는 그 무언가를 찾는 일이 요구되는 것이다. 21세기에도 유효한 유학의 사상을 발굴하여 이를 새롭게 조명하여 ‘교육적 가치를 지닌 콘텐츠’로 되살려야 할 것이다. 그 점에서 이 논문의 주제인 ‘호서선비문화가 가진 교육콘텐츠로의 의미와 가능성’을 찾는 일은 이러한 시대적 요구와 맞닿아 있다. 콘텐츠는 산업적.경제적 측면의 상품뿐만 아니라 교육적 측면에서 의미를 지닌 내용물(content)이다. 곧 교육콘텐츠는 ‘교육적 가치를 지닌 내용물’이라고 정의할 수 있다. 교육콘텐츠로서 ‘선비정신’은 유학에 대한 부정적 인식을 넘어서 이 시대에 유학의 가치를 새롭게 되살릴 수 있는 장점이 있다. 특히 선비정신은 인성교육진흥법 시행과 관련하여 그 필요성이 더욱 요청되며, ‘세방화’하는 세계적 추세와 ‘교육과정 지역화’에 들어맞는 교육콘텐츠로서 의미와 가치를 지니고 있다. 이에 충청지역의 학생들을 교육하기 위해 ‘호서선비문화의 정신’이 교육콘텐츠로서의 가능성을 탐색하는 일은 너무도 당연한 것이라 할 수 있다. 이와 같은 문제의식을 바탕으로 이 논문은 다음의 세 과정을 거쳤다. 먼저 유학의 역사와 사상을 통해 선비 정신에 대해 정리하였다. 더불어 그것이 현대적으로 어떠한 시사점을 주는지에 대해서도 논의하였다. 다음으로, 오늘날의 호서 지역에서 형성된 선비정신을 호서유학의 흐름과 사상적 특성을 통해 살펴보았다. 물론 이 두 과정을 거치면서, 선비정신과 호서의 선비문화가 교육콘텐츠로서 어떠한 의미와 가능성을 지녔는지도 검토하였다. 마지막 결론에서는 지금까지의 논의를 간략하게 정리하고 남은 문제를 짚어보았다. The current 21st century society is considered ‘the era of convergence culture’ in which different fields such as the humanities, the technology, social sciences, and science of arts etc go on reciprocal exchanges. In this context, the research on Confucianism (儒學) must liberate itself from the modern standpoint of disciplinary division and seek for points of connection on which it can combine with other disciplines, cultures, and thoughts. Thus it is necessary to carry out the search for what can connect Confucian contents with the present-day life and culture. In this 21st century, the rediscovery and consideration of useful Confucian thoughts and the revival of them as ‘contents filled with educational values’ is regarded as very important. From this point of view, the authors think that the search for ‘the significance and possibilities of educational contents in Ho-seo’s Seon-bi culture’ as the subject of this paper can meet those demands of the era. The term ‘contents’ refers not only to the goods in economics and industry, but also to the valuable things contained in the education. From this aspect, it can be said that educational contents are ‘things filled with educational values’. The Seon-bi spirit (the intellectuals’ spirit) thus can start from the point of overcoming misunderstandings of the Confucianism and reviving Confucian values. Especially, the Seon-bi spirit becomes more important in the context of the enforcement of the Law for Stimulation of Humanity Education, and can be seen as valuable educational contents appropriate to ‘the curriculum localization’. It is regarded as reasonable to investigate the significance and possibilities of constructing the ‘spirit of the Seon-bi culture in the Ho-seo area’ as educational contents to cultivate students in the Chung-cheong area. Based on that standpoint, the paper is developed into three processes as follows. Firstly, the authors try to re-define the term ‘seon-bi spirit’ by considering the Confucian history and thoughts. Together with it, the authors discuss what suggestion this spirit can give from the modern aspect. Secondly, the authors examine the Seon-bi spirit rising in the Ho-seo area nowadays, based on the theoretical characteristics of the Ho-seo Confucianism. After those considerations, the authors try to find out the significance and possibilities of the Seon-bi spirit and the Seon-bi culture in Ho-seo as the educational contents. In the conclusion, the authors summarize the above contents and point out some outstanding questions.

      • KCI등재후보

        모녀 간 친밀성 서사의 젠더 정치 - 오정희와 백수린의 사례를 중심으로

        정미선(Jeong, Mi-seon) 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 2019 전남대학교 한국어문학연구소 학술지 어문논총 Vol.- No.35

        여성 간 친밀성의 서사화 유형과 그 담론적 양상에 대해 물을 때, 모녀 관계는 친족의 경계 내부에서 가장 빈번하게 호출되는 문제적 유형이다. 본고는 모녀 관계의 특수성에 대한 젠더 심리학과 페미니스트 사회학의 젠더화된 삶과 동일시 역학에 대한 성찰을 경유하여, 모녀 간 친밀성을 모의하는 오정희와 백수린의 서사적 사례들이 보여주는 젠더 정치적 면모와 차이 지점들을 분석했다. 여기에서 모녀 간 친밀성의 양식은 어머니와 딸 사이의 상상적 동일시의 구도로 표출되며, 주로 오정희의 사례에서 전경화되는 이러한 병리적 동일시는 ‘여성’과 ‘모성’에 대한 문화적 기대에 깃든 젠더화된 담론적 저변을 드러내는 마스터플롯으로서 형상화된다. 또한 백수린의 사례는 이러한 기존의 플롯들에 기반한 모녀 간 친밀성의 전략이 끝내 실패하게 되는 서사적 귀결을 보여줌과 동시에, 동일시의 역학으로 수렴되지 않는 친애의 친밀성 양식을 새롭게 제시함으로써 모녀 간 친밀성의 플롯들을 정치적 계쟁에 부친다. 이는 젠더 정치의 오랜 화두이자 동시대적인 의제로 자리하는 모녀 관계에 있어서, 여성 간 친밀성이 어떻게 새롭게 상상될 수 있는가에 대한 질문과 함께 대안적 친밀성의 가능성 지대에 대한 탐색을 요청한다. This paper focuses on the very problematic type of ‘mother-daughter relationship’ in terms of ‘female-female kinship’s narrative‘. Psychological and psychological perspectives on gender provide insights into the mother-daughter relationship through studies of gendered lives and identification dynamics―and mechanisms and differentiation patterns such as incorporation, projection, introjection, sympathy, empathy, etc―. This paper analyzes two narrative cases of Oh Jeong-hee and Baek Su-rin through the perspective of ‘kinship"s narrative’ considering the specificity of mother-daughter relationship. The key point of this paper is to discuss the differences in gender and narrative aspects that can be observed in these two cases. According to the results, the pattern of mother-daughter kinship is expressed in the ‘imaginary identification’ composition between mother and daughter. This pathological identification, foregrounded in first novels, is described as a master-plot of the discourse underlying the cultural expectations of the gendered female subject. On the other hand, second novel shows the ending that the strategy of making the kinship of mother-daughter relations based on these plots will eventually fail, and also presents a new form of kinship that does not converge or reduce with the dynamics of identification. Through this the plots of kinship between mothers and daughters are in political litige. This paper reemphasizes gender politics and contemporary aspects of the mother-daughter relationship, and asks how ‘female-female kinship’ can be reimagined. And a search for the spatial possibilities of alternative intimacy is called for.

      • 혈액 투석 환자에서 중심정맥 협착에 대한 스텐트 삽입술 : Wallstent Placement

        임대승,노상필,이유선,정승현,김보영,이정우,강정아,김정희,이민수,정준용,최시완,정진옥,성인환,이강욱,신영태 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2002 충남의대잡지 Vol.29 No.1

        Stenosis of central vein is a common complication arising after percutaneous subclavian vein catheter insertion performed for temporary vascular access in chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. There are several treatment methods for the condition like percutaneous angioplasty(PTA), stent insertion, and surgery, but recent trend is toward PTA and stents. Among the patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure from March 1993 to May 2002 and undergoing hemodialysis through AV fistula, the 14 Patients in whom central vein stenosis arose were selected for the study. A total of 28 percutaneous interventions(5 PTA and 23 stent placement) were performed, and restenosis rate and the time taken till the restenosis in de novo lesions and instant lesions were compared. All 28 cases were operated successfully. The 14 cases that received both anigioplasty and stent placement initially. (de novo lesion : 14 cases), Among the 10 cases with de novo lesion that followed up more than 1 year, 3 cases are currently undergoing hemodialysis without restenosis, and the remaining 7 cases have recurred stenosis with the mean time to restenosis of 10.9 months. In the 7 cases in whom stenosis recurred, 11 interventions were done(instent lesion: 11 cases). 4 of these were using only ballon angioplasty with 100% restenosis rate and the mean time of 3 months until restenosis. The remaining 7 cases were using both balloon angioplasty and stent placement, also with 100% restenosis rate but with the mean time of 12 months until restenosis, which was later than the group receiving only balloon angioplasty. In treating the patients with central vein stenosis, stent placement seems to be more advantageous over PTA in terms of restenosis rate and the mean duration of patency. In the case of instent lesion, inserting the stent for the second time after stenosis recurred lengthened the duration of patency compared to performing balloon angioplasty alone.

      • KCI등재

        응급실에 내원한 환자에서 어지럼증의 원인과 임상양상의 분석

        문원식,정경운,위준선,문정미,전병조,김용권,소정일,류진호,허탁,민용일 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        Background: Recently, The number of patients who have been complaining of the vertigo or dizziness has been increasing due to rapid growth of elderly population and senile disease. The differentiation of dizzy patients is not familiar to most emergency physicians. This study was designed to differentiate true vertigo and to investigate the clinical difference among central vertigo, peripheral vertigo, and other causes of dizziness. Methods: The authors analyzed the cases of 237 dizzy patients who visited the emergency department of Chonnam University Hospital during the recent 2 years. For the base of dizziness, associated past illnesses, severity, nystagmus type, and the causes of central and peripheral vertigo. Results: Female patients were 142(59.9%) and male patients were 95(40.1%). The most common age group was the 6th decade. The origin of dizziness was classified as peripheral cause(25.3%), central cause(32.9%), and others(41.8%). As to nature of the dizziness, the rotatory sense was dominant in peripheral vertigo and the floating sense and blurred vision in central vertigo. Peripheral vertigo was triggered by position change of head and body, and central vertigo by the eye movement. Audiograms I showed that most patients with central vertigo had normal hearing, but 46.7% of thoswith peripheral vertigo had an abnormal hearing disturbance. Nystagmus was more prevalent in peripheral vertigo Conclusion: History taking and physical examination played an important role in the diagnosis of dizzy patients. An important part of the diagnosis of a dizzy patient could be to evaluate the peripheral origin, the central origin and others causes. Because central vertigo may be associated with a significant neurological pathology, spectral radiological studies, including MRI and CT, are mandatory to rule out a devastating brain lesion.

      • KCI등재

        언어,교육 : 한국어에 나타나는 "진실" 표현 어휘의 담화표지 기능 연구

        김태호 ( Tae Ho Kim ),정선영 ( Seon Yeong Jeong ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2012 비교문화연구 Vol.29 No.-

        A Corpus-based Study of the Truth-related Words in Korean Used as Discourse Markers. Kim, Taeho & Jeong, Seon-yeong . 2012. Studies in Cross-cultural studies. This study investigates how the truth-related words in Korean, which were originally noun or adverb with ``truth`` related meaning, can be used as discourse markers with the functions such as ``emphatic marker``, ``attention getter``, or ``hesitation marker``, and it argues that such functions of the discourse markers are the result of grammaticalization process. That is to say that the truth-related words have acquired new functions as discourse markers from their corresponding lexical items as a noun or an adverb through grammaticalization process. In this study, we demonstrate that the truth-related words tend to appear sentence-initially or sentence-medially when they are used as discourse markers. We also show that they are most likely to be used as emphatic marker because of the lexical meaning of the truth-related words. Finally, we state that truth-related words differ from one another in where they appear and what function they are used with.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        정선진,홍순기 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2000 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.30 No.3

        Cleidocranial dysplasia (previously known as cleidocranial dysostosis) is a well-known, rare and hereditary skeletal disorder characterized by a variety of dental abnormalities and as its name implies, striking involvement of the cra-nial vaults and clavicles. A 17-year-old female who presented with short stature and prolonged retention of decid-uous teeth, subsequent delay in eruption of permanent teeth is described, She could touch her shoulders together at the midline anteriorly. Diagnostic procedures showed hypoplasia of the maxillary and zygomatic bones, open fontanelles and sutures, and aphasia of the clavicles. The paranasal sinuses were absent or underdeveloped. Characteristically, she had near parallel-sided borders in the ascending ramus of the mandible and abnormal-shaped, the slender pointed coronoid process. The zygomatic arches had a downward bend and discontinuity at the zygomaticotemporal suture area. Radiographic and clinical investigations of her cranial and skeletal abnormalities revealed features of cleidocranial dysplasia.(Korean J Oral maxilloface Radiol 2000; 30: 229-234)

      • 농구선수들의 스트레스 요인과 그 대처방식에 관한 연구

        정선태,임철진 慶尙大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.34 No.1

        The vpurpose of this study was to inveestigate the high school basketball platters'perception of control, and ways of coping as related to the types of stressful events(competitional, interpesonal,and physical event)and sill levels.The subjects were 30 main players and 30 substitute playere that 16∼ 19 years old enrolled in National Representatives. The strategy of coping with stress inventory that for children and adolescents were used wasa little arranged with one item for goals of this study. Statistical methods adopted for data analysis were t-test, one-way ANOVA,and post-hoc test by Tukey. As a result, basketball atheletes perception of control was low but,mainly dealed with the problemfocused coping strategy. Teh substitute players dealed with more ways of coping than main players. In other words,substitute players had the highest Psychological-inadequacy in atheletes life.

      • Computer Simulation을 이용한 Skier의 滑降 模形開發에 관한 力學的 考察

        鄭成浩,鄭善太,金龍男 公州大學校스포츠科學硏究所 1989 스포츠科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.3

        As result of computing the speed just before jump, it was 22.6 m/s in the vacuum, 21.6 m/s in the groundfriction, 20.2 m/s in the air resistance and ground friction, in application of the dynamic theory. The difference of the speed, if little, was 1.0-2.4 m/s and the frying distance was 6.6-30 m through compuer simulation. In the step of jump, the vertical speed of jumper was found to be "V_t = 2h/t" by using the model of spring, the frying distance, in the case of "t = 0.12s" (i. e. the flying elevation of 5), was 25m longer, than in 't = 0.21s', and in order to increase the effect of jump. The result of simulation on four kinds of model poses in Fig-5 proved that the pose of d type is the most efficient.

      • 中都市 大學生들의 健康追求行態에 關한 硏究 : 吸煙 및 飮酒實態를 中心으로 With the Viewpoint of Smoking and Drinking Status

        鄭善太,權判根,鄭成浩,洪大容 慶尙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        The survey was conducted on health persuit behavioral patern of 1227 university students in medium city with the viewpoint of smoking and drinking status during the months of April and May, 1985. The main findings were as follows: 1. 40.3%of the male students surveyed were smoking cigarettes. 2. Smoking rates were significantly different by sex, grade, age, specialty and residence, respectively (P<0.01). 3. 84.1 % of smokers were smoking below 1 pack of cigarettes per day and smoking amounts were not significantly different by grade, sex, age, special ty and residence. 4. The duration of smoking were significantly different by grade and sex. 5. The amounts of drinking were significantly different by sex, age, specialty and residence, respectively (P<0.01). 6. The favorite kinds of liquor were significantly different by grade and sex (F<0.01), age and specialty (P<0.05), respectively. 7. "Optimistic prone students" were revealed to be heavy drinker. 8. Students who have high self-esteem scale were revealed to be heavy drinker. 9. The knowledge of health effects of smoking was significantly different between smoker and non-smoke. 10. Smokers were drinking more than non-smokers. 11. The rates of smoking were higher in "pessimistic prone students" than in "optimistic prone students." 12. According to the multiple classification analysis, non variables selected affected on amounts of smoking. 13. According to the multiple classification analysis, amounts of drinking were significantly affected by smoking-or-not, the knowledge of health effects of alcohol, personality and self-esteem variables.

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