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      • 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동이 유아의 수학능력에 미치는 영향

        이혜경 ( Lee Hye-kyoung ) 숭실대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 인문학연구 Vol.43 No.-

        본 연구는 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동이 유아의 수학능력에 미치는 영향을 확인하는데 목적이 있다. 따라서 다음과 같은 연구문제를 설정하였다. 1) 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동이 유아의 수학능력에 어떠한 영향을 미 치는가? 2) 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동이 유아의 수학능력 하위요소(대수, 수와 연산, 기하, 측정)에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? 본 연구는 경기도 시흥시에 위치한 K유치원에서 무선 표집한 만5세 유아 총 40명을 대상으로 하였으며, 사전검사를 통해 동질성을 확인한 후 실험을 적용하고 사후검사를 실시하였다. 검사도구로는 황해익, 최혜진(2007)의 ‘유아그림수학능력검사’를 사용하였으며, 실험도구로는 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동 프로그램을 사용하였다. 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동은 실험집단을 대상으로 9주간 총 14회 이루어졌다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 18.0 프로그램으로 t-test를 실시하여 집단 간 차이 검증을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동을 실시한 실험집단이 통제집단보다 수학능력향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 타나났다. 둘째, 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동은 유아수학능력의 하위요소인 수와 연산에서 유의미한 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났으나, 대수, 기하, 측정능력 향상에는 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과, 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동은 유아의 수학능력향상에 도움이 되는 효과적인 프로그램인 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서 좀 더 장기적인 기간을 두고 수학능력의 요소가 적절히 배치된 숲 체험에서의 수학탐구활동프로그램을 적용해 본다면, 본 실험에서 평균점수는 향상되었으나 통계적으로 유의미한 결과를 얻지 못한 수와 연산에서도 긍정적인 결과를 얻어 유아의 수학능력 향상에 더욱 효과적인 수업전략이 될 것이다. The purpose of this study was to confirm the effects of mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience on young children's mathematical ability. Accordingly, the following research problems were established. First, Which influence does mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience have on young children's mathematical ability? Second, Which influence does mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience have on sub-elements(algebra, number and operation, geometry, measurement) in young children's mathematical ability? The participants of this study were 40 5years old children who were selected randomly at K kindergarten where is located in Siheung-si, Gyeonggi Province. Post-test was carried out by applying it to experiment after confirming homogeneity through pre-test. A test tool was used ‘Pictorial Math Ability Test for Young Children’ by Hwang Hae-ik and Choe Hye-jin(2007). Experimental tool was used a program of mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience. The mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience was composed of totally 14 times for 9 weeks targeting the experimental group. The collected data were carried out t-test with SPSS 18.0 program and were verified group-based difference. The results of this study, they are as follows. First, compared to the control group, the experimental group with execution of mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience was indicated to have positive influence upon improvement in mathematical ability. Second, the mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience was indicated to fail to have significant influence upon number and operation, which is sub-element of young children's mathematical ability, but was shown to have positive influence upon improvement in ability of algebra, geometry, measurement. As a result of this study, the mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience was confirmed to be effective program of being conducive to improvement in young children's mathematical ability. Accordingly, given trying to apply the program of mathematical inquiry activity in forest experience, which is suitably distributed the elements of mathematical ability, with having a little longer term, a positive outcome will be obtained even in number and operation that failed to obtain statistically signifiant result even if the mean score was enhanced in this study, resulting in being more effective teaching strategy for improving young children's mathematical ability.

      • 중국 경제 개혁·개방정책의 고찰

        이혜경 기전여자대학 1995 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        China is rapidly developing as a strong, economic power in today's time of the emerging power of the nation in the pacific rim. Her GDP is already the third highest within the world, being only behind the United State and Japan. A study was undertaken to understand the economic structure of china, in hope that such a knowledge would contribute toward a preparation for the fast changing scene of the international trade. The communist party of China declared the economic Refome Plan at the 11th Center Electic Community in 1979. The reformation had as it purpose the maximum revival of the commericial industry as the basis of the overall economic development. According to this scheme, this market oriented economy of a socialist system continues the following elements; 1) The build up of a modern industry infrastucture specifically designed for a market economy. 2) The build up of a market structure in keeping with a socialist system. 3) The marking of a system of control and regulation consistent with the market structure of a socialist socity, and finally, 4) the marketing of a system of wealth distribution and social welfare, again in keeping with the demands of the market structure of a socialistic society. However, it appear that there would be many difficulties in such a market and industry infrastructure as outlined by the plan.

      • KCI등재후보

        영화적 '소설', 그 이야기다움의 위기와 전이

        이혜경 현대문학이론학회 2003 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.19

        As far as we know, the languages of the film and novel can relate to things beyond the real world things somewhere else or at some other time. The composition of the film is not different with the composition of the novel. The languages of the film and novel are much more complex: The communicate ideas more extensively, in much greater detail and with much finer shades of meaning. Often a novelist is strongly committed to a certain story of causerie in the novel. The crazy marriage written by Lee Man-gyo and The memory of Mano Cavina written by Ha Il-ji provide an opportunity to examine the pluralities of style. In one, relied for speed, malapropisms and youthful languages. This wit, every line of it delivered with split-second timing in film; in the other, is highly similar in content to scenario. How can we deal with these narrative problems in the science and information age of today? Of course, the answer is not so simple and the answer dose not lie at the door of the films nor of the novels. Obviously, in a structure where every answer is made on the theories of tradition alone, progress may be difficult to achieve. As long as there exists narrative of screen there will exist novel and film and there will be filmic novel. Two novels are good samples.

      • KCI등재

        소설과 영화의 이야기 소통

        이혜경 현대문학이론학회 2004 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.22

        The film is introducing a new story. In order to view all the perspectives of the story, we should open to other people's points of view, and be willing to listen and exchange ideas. This process is called a communication. From the viewing standpoint, an alternative reading of the film and novel. Although novelists are still trying to learn exactly why novels need a story, film studies show that a story is necessary for reciprocal cooperation of novel and film. Without a story, novels may become restricted to a subject matter. In a theory, there is a difference between the story of film and the story of novel, but practically both are one and the same. Film, 「The Chukje(축제)」 and Lee, Cheongjun's 「The Chukje」 accept each other. A person views a film and a novel with knowledge of the world and a narrative of personal experiences. In the film, to attract and impress spectators, directors use techniques to enhance their credibility, coming across as more susceptive of than they really are and making their stories seen comprehensive and complete. In the novel, all stories must be a certain the original form. 「The Chukje」 and 「The Chukje」have made almost simultaneously. The with each other story is mixed consequently and naturally, with each other it means that has become the cause which is important provides the subject matter of story. The communication of two people became accomplished continuously. Recently Korean films have been international as well as domestic interest. In the light of this fact, stories of films and novels are everywhere.

      • John Fowles의 The Collector 연구

        이혜경 한국강원영어영문학회 1994 영어영문학 Vol.- No.13

        The Collector is John Fowles' specific investigation into physical aspects of captivity and freedom. The theme of the persecuted maiden. as we see in The Beauty and the Beast, is a stock property of gothic romance. Fowles takes this romance subject and updates it, infusing it with psychological and moral dimensions. The structure of the novel is the juxtaposition of two orders of mind: the captor Clegg's pathetic but terrifying self-enclosure and deadness, and the captive Miranda's imaginatively transformed self-awareness and vital love of life. While the first part is Clegg's account of his obsession and his forced imprisonment of Miranda, the second part consists of Miranda's secret diary written during her incarceration. And the third and fourth parts are Clegg's again as the two parts' coda. Clegg's style is the image of his dull, chiche-ridden, and impervious mind, as contrasted to Miranda's diary which is the breath of life in the suffocating atmosphere of Clegg's claustrophobic mind. The Collector is, in a sense, the world of Shakespeare's The Tempest debased and inverted, with no Prospero God-like figure, no 'brave New World,' and no freedom but only death of beauty and life. Fowles' Miranda is almost characterized like a prototype, beautiful, artistic, and bright. Though Clegg is a potential lover as Ferdinand, however, he is actually a murder as well as a monster, destroying beauty and life as Caliban. Clegg's collection of butterflies and his 'collection' of Miranda as one of his victims denotes his so-called 'collector-mentality,' which is Fowles' consistant target. But Miranda, as an intellectual snob, is ironically another collector who collects her spiritual mentor's mind. Clegg's sub-human nature reminds us of a kind of 'underground man' in our time, for he is lonely, withdrawn, and anti-social. According to the fact that the emphasis on personal choice is central to Fowles's philosophy of artisitc creation, Clegg's irresponsibility demonstrates that he is an 'unauthentic man' with self-deception in traditional existential terminology. Even if Miranda's struggle for freedom and her self-awareness of beauty and existence is familiar with Existentialism and its jargon, she finally no exit in the existential labyrinth, where she only finds herself playing the absurd role in Twentieth-Century parable.

      • KCI등재후보

        감마선 조사 육류, 가금류에서 저장전과 후의 조사선량에 따른 DNA fragmentation의 변화

        이혜진,김상미,박유경,양재승,강명희 한국식생활문화학회 2004 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.19 No.2

        The changes in DNA damage were investigated during storage after irradiation. Beef, pork and chicken were irradiated at 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0 kGy and stored for 6 months at 20℃. The comet assay was applied to the sample muscles at the beginning of irradiation and at the end of storage. Muscles were isolated, sliced, and the suspended cells were embedded in an agarose layer. After lysis of the cells, they were electrophoresed for 2 min. and then stained. DNA fragmentation in tissues caused by irradiition was quantified as tail length and taii moment (tail length x % DNA in tail) by comet image analyzing system. Right after irradiation, the differences in tail length between unirradiated and irradiated muscles were significant(p<0.05) in beef, pork and chicken. With increasing the irradiation doses, statistically significant longer extension of the DNA from the nucleus toward anode was observed. Similarly even 6 months after irradiation, all the irradiated muscles significantly showed longer taii length than the unirradiated controls. The results represented as tail moment showed similar tendency to those of tail length, but the latter parameter was more sensitive than the former. These results indicate that the comet assay could be one of the simple methods of detecting irradiated muscles. Moreover, this method suggest that using comet assay, we were able to detect DNA damage differences even after 6 months after irradiation.


        상악 6전치부의 후방견인시 저항중심의 수직적 위치에 관한 3차원 유한요소법적 연구

        이혜경,정규림 대한치과교정학회 2001 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        이 연구는 3차원 유한요소법을 이용하여 상악 6전치부에 피질골 절단술을 시행한 경우와 시행하지 않은 경우에서 상악 6전치부를 하나의 단위로 하여 다양한 후방견인력을 가하였을 때 상악 6전치의 초기 치아이동을 통하여 저항중심의 수직적 위치를 계측, 비교하고 저항중심의 변화양상을 관찰하며, 힘의 크기변화에 따른 저항중심의 위치변화양상을 분석하기 위하여 시행되었다. 상악 6전치와 치주인대 및 치조골의 3차원 유한요소모델을 제작한 후, 상악 6전치부에 부착된 설측장치와 이 장치가 부착된 치아군을 한 개의 견고한 연결체로 가정하였다. 유한요소모델에서 사용된 전체요소의 수는 14,584개, 전체 절점의 수는 17,292 개였고, 힘 체계의 분석을 위해 미국 Swanson Analysis System사의 범용 유한요소 프로그램인 AN-SYS(Ver. 5.5A)를 사용하였다 저항중심은 힘이 가해질 때 치아가 평행 이동될 수 있는 힘의 적용부위라 정의하고, 설측 장치에서 연장된 Extension arm의 7개의 Level에 편측당 각각 200 gm, 250 gm, 300 gm, 350 gm의 설측 후방견인력을 가하였을 때 치아의 절단연과 치근첨에서의 변위를 읽어 평행이동이 일어나는 위치를 복원법으로 계산하여 저항중심의 위치를 계측, 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1.상악 6전치부의 초기치아이동에서 저항중심의 수직적 위치는 Level 4와 Level 5사이, 즉 치경부에서 치근단 쪽으로 6.76 mm, 44.32% 떨어진 거리에 위치하였다. 2.피질골 절단술 시행후, 상악 6전치부의 후방 견인시 저항중심의 수직적위치는 Level 4와 Level 5사이, 즉 치경부에서 치근단 쪽으로 7.09 mm, 46.38%떨어진 거리에 위치하였다. 3.후방견인력의 크기가 커짐에 따라 치아의 변위량은 커졌으나, 피질골 절단술 시행 유무에 관계없이 후방견인력의 크기변화는 저항중심의 수직적 위치에 별다른 영향을 미치지 않았다. 4.피질골 절단술 시행시에 저항 중심의 수직적 위치는 치근단 쪽으로 이동하였고, 그 변위량은 피질골 절단술 시행시가 컸다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 상악 6전치부 후방견인시 저항중심의 수직적 위치는 치경부에서 치근단 쪽으로 치근길이의 44.32%떨어진 거리에 위치하였고, 피질골 절단술 시행시에 저항중심의 수직적 위치는 치경부에서 치근단 쪽으로 치근길이의 46.38% 떨어진 거리에 위치하여 피질골 절단술 시행하지 않은 경우보다 치근단 쪽으로 이동되었으며, 후방견인력의 크기 변화에 따라 저항 중심의 수직적 위치는 변하지 않았다. (주요 단어 : 저항 중심, 상악 6전치부 후방견인, 3차원 유한요소법, 피질골 절단술) The delivery of optimal orthodontic treatment is greatly influenced by clinician's ability to predict and control tooth movement by applying well-known force system to dentition. It is very important to determine the location of the centers of resistance of a tooth or teeth in order to have better understanding the nature of displacement characteristics under various force levels. In this study, three dimensional finite element analysis was used to measure the initial displacement of the consolidated teeth under loading. The purpose of this study was to define the location of the centers of resistance at the upper six anterior segment. To observe the changes of six anterior segment, 200gm, 250gm, 300gm, and 350gm forces at right and left hand side each were imposed toward lingual direction. For this study, two cases, six anterior teeth and six anterior teeth after corticotomy, were reviewed. In addition, it was reviewed the effects of changes on the location of the center of resistance in both cases based on different degree of forces aforementioned. The results were that : 1.The Instantaneous center of resistance for the six anterior teeth was vertically located between level 4 and level 5, which is, at 6.76mm, 44.32 % apical to the cementoenamel junction revel. 2.The instantaneous center of resistance for the six anterior teeth after corticotomy was located vertically between level 4 and level 5, that is, at 7.09mm, 46.38% apical to the cementoenamel junction level. 3.Changes of force showed little effect on the location of the center of resistance in each case. 4.It was observed that the location of the instantaneous center of resistance for the six anterior teeth after corticotomy was changed more than the six anterior teeth without corticotomy to the apical part, and the displacement of the consolidated anterior teeth moved further in case of the consolidated teeth after corticotomy. ※Key words : Center of resistance, Maxillary six anterior teeth retraction, Three dimensional finite element analysis, Corticotomy.

      • 『억척어멈과 그녀의 자식들』에 나타난 자식을 잃은 어머니의 탈신화화

        이혜경 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 人文學論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        Even though Bertolt Brecht have been aware of a dynamic women's movement and tradition, the role of woman in his plays is restricted to the female gender. In his most successful plays, the female subject is identified as an asexual mother, or as a sexual being who willingly abandons her sexuality. Mothers are central to plays in which they are no longer sexual objects but become objects of political demonstration with suppressed emotional lives. Brecht's depiction of female characters discredits the mythical status of woman. Among the single mothers in Brecht's dramatic creation, Mutter Courage is a complex character who has vitality, shrewdness, wit, and boldness. There are two dominant traits in her character; as a cold-blooded trades-woman and a nurturing mother. Despite the title itself, the combination of 'mother' and 'courage,' Mutter Courage does not conjure up the emotional dream of the maternal, courageously fighting for or defending her children. With grimly constricted motive-'My aim in life is to get through, me and my children and my wagon,' the title character expresses her resignation to a life of mere survival, nothing more. She pulls her wagon through the Hundred Year's War, changing sides indiscriminately whenever sales drop, because she, as a war profiteer, lives and acts as if the condition of war is both natural and inevitable. And she curses the war, or the peace, without taking a moral stand for or against either state. Mute Catherine's successful move to save the children of Halle supplies a sharply contrasting counterpoint to Mutter Courages's bootless attempts to shield her offspring from the maw of war. Courageous action of Catherine provides the only sovereign act of altruism in the entire play. Having lost her three children one by one, Mutter Courage ends up the only survivor of her family. But she fails to arrive at the ultimate 'anagrorosis,' for she has learned nothing from the disasters that befall her. Mutter Courage herself, who is ironically involved in a business deal each time one of her children is killed, turns out to be the principal representative of self-defeating recessive functions. Brecht wanted to direct attention to the 'mercantile nature of war' and to show the foolishness of the clever tradeswoman-mother, a self-centered schemer who remains driven by her survival instinct but loses her three children in the process. The figure of Mutter Courage, however, has aroused attraction instead of repulsion, sympathy rather than antipathy, and pity instead of condemnation, although Brecht didn't want the audience to sympathize with Mother Courage. Audiences have seen her as the symbol of 'warm-blooded mother animal,' battered by the forces of war and big business, who gets up from near-death to keep going. While Mutter Courage firmly believes her survival to be dependent upon the continuance of her vacillating stance towards war and business, her conflict always turns around the axle of a cowardly and hopeless outlook on life. Through the characterization of Mutter Courage, whose motherhood is ironically established, Brecht wanted to reveal the structure that could bring out the true nature of things; the war is meaningless and people learn nothing from catastrophes.

      • KCI등재

        『햄릿』에 나타난 지연의 리듬

        이혜경 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2003 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.13

        The purpose of this study is to widen the interest from Hamlet's delay and its cause to the whole work, whose arrested actions and speeches set the main rhythm of the play. Extraordinarily strong and even vowed purposes of the major characters reach the point of a kind of frustration or standstill, and numerous actions are not generally brought to their decisive fulfillment until the finale. The accusation of delay or the popular reputation for indecisiveness stems are mostly from Hamlet himself. The central instance of the rhythm of Hamlet's own actions are brought out when he is about to stab Claudius when Praying but yet, made a halt. But Hamlet is the only character in the play who delays his accomplishment of what he sets out to do. Fortinbras's plan for military action and Laertes's attack on Hamlet in the graveyard are halted and deferred. Claudius also seems to postpone the killing of Hamlet, though he sends Hamlet to England. Within the rhythm of delay, the effect of many delay exits and dynamic pauses in the play have distinctively and variously achieved in the theatre. Although the play seems soliloquies, with long speeches, digressions, and self-conscious comment on the diction, most of the narration in this play are distressed or restrained. For all more than 3700 lines, the loquaciousness of the play postpones what was needed to be spoken. Many of the characters, however, have an extended and extravagant utterances, like Laertes's 'Speech of fire' and Ophelia's bawdy songs. Shakespeare's dramaturgy of delay contributes our sense of a world in which direct action and communication are extremely difficult, while drawing attention to 'a passionate speech' and performance. Interrupted purpose of the strongest characters remains suspended in our minds until it is carried out abrupt, almost inadvertent completion that seems to come out from itself. Yet Hamlet's last explanatory public oration, which he most wants to say, is captured in the final stage. It was left to Horatio to report him and his non-deterred acts, but Horatio's own report to unknowing world should, however, be promised but deferred. A basic rhythm of delay share the dominant characters in their primary conflicts. The rhythms of action and speech re-enforce one another and interwork with the atmosphere of prolonged aftermath The play practices economies based on parallelism among characters, recurring situations, reflexivity, and thrifty structure, while also pursuing a deliberately dilatory style. Dilatory rhythm in Hamlet multiplies and varies our perspectives on it.

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