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      • 제초제(propanil. butachlor) 저항성 잡초 선발 방법에 관한 연구

        정성엽,김영미,박재현,이재현,김학윤,이인중,신동현,김길웅 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1999 慶北大農學誌 Vol.17 No.-

        This study was conducted to develop a simple selection method for herbicide-resistance weeds. Two methods, designated "seedling method" and "stem node method" were employed for screening of barnyardgrass against propanil and butachlor. In the seedling method, shoot and root growth of barnyardgrass were significantly inhibited at quarter of the recommended herbicide rate, while in the stem node method, the similar inhibition was obtained at half of the recommended rate. Thus, it was concluded that the seedling method is more simple and quick method to evaluate response of barnyardgrass to propanil and butachlor compared to stem node method.

      • KCI등재

        부산항 신항 배후단지 입주업체 특성별 생산성 비교연구

        김양욱(Yang-Wook Kim),차재웅(Jae-Ung Cha),김율성(Yul-Seong Kim) 한국항해항만학회 2020 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        우리나라는 항만의 기능 다각화 및 부가가치 창출을 목표로 국내 주요 무역항에 항만배후단지를 단계적으로 개발해왔다. 그러나 이러한 목표를 달성하기 위한 배후단지 입주업체 선정기준에 관한 연구는 아직 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 부산항 신항 배후단지를 대상으로 입주업체 특성별 생산성을 비교분석하여 입주업체 선정기준 마련에 기여하고자 하였다. 분석을 위해 67개 업체들의 최근 3년(2017-2019)간 운영실적 자료를 수집하여 단일요소생산성을 측정하였다. 그 결과, 물류업은 물동량, 제조업은 매출액 측면의 생산성에 강점이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 상대적으로 개장시기가 빨랐던 북컨테이너 배후단지가 웅동 배후단지에 비해 전반적인 생산성이 높았다. 마지막으로 외국인과 시설·설비 투자규모에 따른 생산성의 경우 전반적으로 투자규모가 평균 미만인 업체들이 평균 이상인 업체들보다 생산성이 높은 것으로 분석되어 부정적인 상관관계를 보였다. 따라서 항만배후단지의 생산성 및 경쟁력을 강화하기 위해서는 입주업체들의 고용 및 화물 창출 능력을 제고할 수 있는 제도적·법률적 보완과 신규 입주업체 선정기준의 재확립이 필요하다고 판단된다. Korea has gradually been developing port distriparks in major domestic trade ports to diversify their function and create added-value. New tenant companies are needed to help achieve these goals, but no research has been done on selection criteria. To provide such criteria, this study conducted a comparative analysis of the productivity of tenant companies in Busan New Port Distripark based on their characteristics. SFP (single-factor productivity) was measured using the operational data of 67 companies in the distripark over the past - three years (2017-2019). The results indicate that the logistics business and the manufacturing business have strengths in cargo volume productivity and in sales productivity respectively. Also, Northern distripark, a relatively older facility, was found to be more productive than Ung-dong distripark. Finally, the effect of investment—both foreign and in FAC/EQ (facility and equipment)—on productivity showed an inverse relationship with productivity, with the companies with under-average investments being more productive than those whose investments were above average. Therefore, to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of port distriparks, tenant companies must be subject to supplemented system and law for increasing employment and cargo volume, and reestablished selection criteria.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 원림 석파정(石坡亭)의 공간변화양상에 관한 고찰

        이원호 ( Won Ho Lee ),김동현 ( Dong Hyun Kim ),김재웅 ( Jae Ung Kim ),최종희 ( Jong Hee Choi ) 한국전통조경학회 2015 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구는 석파정의 공간변화양상을 파악하기 위해 원림의 소유권 이전에 따른 공간의 특성을 시기별로 분류하고 관련 문헌 및 도상자료, 기사, 사진 등의 분석을 통해 각 시기별 변화양상을 살펴본 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 석파정의 조영실제 및 소유주의 변화를 살펴보고 이에 따른 공간특성을 시기별로 구분한 결과 3시기로 분류되었다. 1기는 김흥근 소유의 삼계동 정사가 이에 해당하며, 2기는 대원군이 석파정을 소유하였던 시기를 들 수 있다. 3기는 석파정의 원형이 변질되는 시기로 한국전쟁 이후부터 현재에 이르기까지의 시기로 구분하였다. 둘째, 김흥근 소유의 삼계동 정사를 살펴본 결과 계류 중심의 공간구성 및 다수의 건조물을 경영하는 특성을 지니며 중국풍 정자 및 별당채의 도입 등 외래문물의 수용양상과 함께 기화요초를 다수 식재하였다. 셋째, 석파정도병풍을 소재로 확인되는 흥선대원군 소유의 석파정은 기존 삼계동 정사의 공간구성을 대부분 수용한 것으로 보이나 공간의장이 집중되는 사랑채 위치의 상이함은 석파정도병풍의 제작 이후 현재의 위치로 이전되었을 가능성 또한 고려해야할 사항으로 중국식 정자의 표현위치와 함께 이에 따른 추가적인 문헌의 고증이 진행되어야 할 것이다. 넷째, 근대의 석파정은 잦은 소유주의 변경에 따라 이전시기에 비해 상당부분 원형에 훼손되었고 지형이나 수계의 변형뿐만 아니라 건조물 또한 사랑채나 안채, 후면의 별원만이 남아있으며, 오늘날 원림유적이라기보다는 서울미술관의 부대시설로 전락하여 이에 대한 환원과 함께 원형복원이 시급한 실정이다. This study aims to comprehend that Seokpajeong garden for aspect of space change. Spatial characteristics according to the transfer of ownership are classified as period. And investigate the aspect of space change in Seokpajeong garden based on literature and painting, newspaper, photo. The results were as follows. First, Investigate the construction and change of Seokpajeong garden. Accordingly, spatial characteristics of Seokpajeong garden are classified into three period. 1st period is Kim-Heung Keun owned Samgyedong-jungsa garden. 2nd period is Daewongun hold Seokpajeong garden. 3rd period is damaged original form of Seokpajeong garden from Korean War to current time inclusive. Secondly, Kim-Heung Keun owned Samgyedong-jungsa garden has characteristics of water system centric space and many buildings. In addition accept foreign culture like chinese pavilion and Byeoldang Villa. and plant unique flower and leaf in garden. Thirdly, According to Seokpajeong garden folding screen, Daewongun owned Seokpajeong garden accept organization of space in Samgyedong garden. But different locations of Sarangchae in folding screen means possibility of move building to current position. So, additional historical research is required with representation of chinese pavilion location. Fourthly, Seokpajeong garden was damaged from original form to frequent changes of ownership. Transform of geographical features and water system as well as Anchae and Sarangchae, back side of a outbuilding are only the remained among many buildings. Also, Seokpajeong garden is more fell to the subsidiary facility of Seoul Museum than Wonrim. Therefore restoration and recovery of original form are urgent.4)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 構造物의 振動調節을 위한 效果的인 TMD

        金在雄 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1988 硏究報告 Vol.12 No.2

        The response of a building to dynamic excitation depends on the intensity of the excitation, building size, shape, mass, stiffness and the ability of the structural system to dissipate energy. TMD(tuned mass damper) have recently been incorporated in the design of tall buildings to reduce the dynamic response. However TMD studies have mainly been concerned about structure's displacement to ensure the safety of the structure, disregarding the satisfaction of human comfort. Accordingly, in this paper, optimal TMD specifications is to be sought to secure the human comfort as well as the structure's safety.

      • 휨모멘트와 軸方向力을 받는 鐵筋콘크리트 部村設計의 自動化

        金在雄 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1985 硏究報告 Vol.9 No.1

        Sometimes, design of the reinforced concrete member subjected to combined bending and axial load by working stress method is attended with difficulties in its computation mainly due to the basic assumption that concrete does not take tension. Although some graphs are available as design aids for simple sections such as rectangular, circular sections which satisfy few precedent conditions e.g. the predeterminded ratio of concrete cover thickness to the depth of the section etc., generally design of many other various sections which do not have such design aids still require a lot of efforts to get over difficulties in calculations. So the purpose of this paper is to pursue a simple method for the practical use with the help of usual personal computer.

      • 構造物의 能動的 振動調節을 위한 效果的인 Tendon構造

        金在雄 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1987 硏究報告 Vol.11 No.2

        Vibrations of a high rise building resulting from strong wind lodas can cause safety problem of the building and discomfort to its occupant. To alleviate the undesirable building motion, passive or active control mechanism can be used. A passive control mechanism operates without using an external energy supply. Therefore, it is inexpensive but it is only able to control the response up to a certain limit. An active control mechanism operates if and only if external energy is continuously supplied. Therefore, it is expensive, but it is able to control the response as desired. However, up to the present, most of the investigations on the active control of buildings have been centered around simply reducing the response rather than supperessing it within certain allowable limits with minimum energy requirement. This paper presents some results on the effective control scheme for the limited response, taking a tall building with tendon system subjected to a deterministic wind load as an example. The effectiveness is measured in terms of the control energy consumed in order to provide the desirable response.

      • 면진구조의 동적특성에 따른 구조물의 진동거동에 관한 연구

        김용주,강병두,전대한,김재웅 동아대학교 건설기술연구소 2001 硏究報告 Vol.25 No.1

        Base isolation systems consists essentially of the installation of mechanisms which decouple the structure, and/or its contents, from potentially damaging earthquake-induced ground, or supports, motions. This decoupling is achieved by increasing the flexibility of the system, together with providing appropriate damping. In this paper, the effectiveness of base isolated structures under a variety conditions are evaluated and compared. The results of this study are as follow; Increasing the natural period and the damping capacity of the base isolated structures decreases structure's response to earthquake load. Base isolation can enhance the seismic performance of structures by increasing the fundamental period of the structure to beyond the energy-containing periods of earthquake motion, and by providing additional damping to dissipate motions that do develop. If period of base structure is longer than that of main structure, the natural period of combined structure approaches to that of base structure.

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