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      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1994)

        김재홍,안진균,정성재,김영태,김중환,김시영,이석종,이홍렬,서호석,김경훈,권혁진,정우권,고우석,이용석,안필수,오준규,오용섭 대한화학요법학회 1996 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Background : In recent years gonorrhoea has been panendemic and remains one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Method : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae(PPNG), Ive have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1994, 168 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 109 (64,9% ) were PPNG. Conclustion : Our results suggests that the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is still increasing.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 食用油脂類에 對한 免疫生物學的 硏究

        朴炳哲,文宰奎,朴榮吉,金杏順,安年衡,金度勳,金正勳,安榮根,李相根,鮮于演 圓光大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        食用油脂는 健康維持에 必須的인 營養素이다. 그러나 食用油脂는 脂肪을 構成하는 脂肪酸의 種類와 攝取하는 量에 따라 健康을 保衛하는 必須的인 食品의 成分이 되기도 하고 有害한 影響을 끼칠 수도 있어서 脂質代謝와 關連된 疾病 뿐만아니라 老化를 促進하고, 乳房癌, 大腸癌等의 癌發生과도 關連된 것으로 밝혀져 있다. 本 硏究는 우리生活環境에서 食用으로 接할 수 있는 10種의 油脂에 對한 免疫生物學的인 活性에서 究明한 結果 對照群인 참기름食餌群에 比해 올리브유食用群은 全般的으로 體液性 및 細胞性免疫을 有意性있게 增加시켰으나, 大食細胞의 活性과 末梢循環白血球數는 有意性없는 減少를 보였고, 動物性 油脂인 牛脂食餌群과 植物性 油脂인 옥수수기름食餌群, 들기름食餌群, 米糠油食餌群, 大豆油食餌群, 菜種油食餌群 및 고추씨기름食餌群에서는 全般的으로 體液性 및 細胞性免疫, 大食細胞의 活性 및 末梢循環白血球數를 有意性있게 減少시켰다. This study was performed to investigate the effects of edible oils and fats on the immunobiological responses in ICR male mice. Ten groups of experimental diets, such as sesame oil diet, beef tallow diet, lard oil diet, olive oil diet, corn oil diet, perilla oil diet, rice polishing oil diet, soybeen oil diet, rape seed oil diet, and red pepper seed oil diet were fed adlibitum to the ICR male mice for 27 days. The results of this study were summarized as followings. 1. Both humoral and cellular immune responses, phagocyte activity, and number of leukocytes in sesame oil group were increased. However, the increasing rate of body weight and the weight retios of spleen and thymus to body were generally decreased. 2. Hemagglutination titer(HA) and rosette forming cell(RFC) of the beef tallow group and the lard group were significantly lower than the sesame oil group(P<0.01), but the lard group significantly increased Arthus reaction and delayed type hypersensitivity(DTH)(P<0.01). 3. Arthus reaction, DTH, and RFC of the olive oil group were significantly higher than the sesame oil group(P<0.01). 4. DTH of the corn oil group was significantly higher than the sesame oil group(P<0.01) whereas phagochyte activity was significantly lower(P<0.01). But no statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in the humoral immune response. 5. HA, PFC, DTH, RFC, phagocyte activity, and number of leukocytes of the perilla oil group and the rice polishing oil group were significantly lower than the sesame oil group(P<0.01). 6. Both humoral and cellular immune responses, phagocyte activity, and number of leukocytes of the soybeen oil group, the rape seed oil group, and the red pepper oil group were significantly lower than the sesame oil group(P<0.01).

      • KCI등재

        열공형과 비열공형 피질하 혈관성 치매에서 위험인자의 차이에 관한 비교 연구

        배희준,정지향,유경호,나덕렬,김상윤,최경규,양동원,손의주,이상도,김재우,박경원,김응규,이재홍,박미영,한일우,함동석,최문성,하충건,최성혜,이애영,이병철,한설희 대한치매학회 2003 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.2 No.2

        Backgrounds and Objectives: Vascular dementia is a group of dementing disoders arising from various stroke syndrome. Among these. subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (SIVD) is regarded as a relatively distinct clinical entity. However, MRI patterns of SIVD are not homogenous. In some patients, lacunes are dominant, and in others, subcortical white matter changes are. This study was designed to compare risk factor profiles between SIVD with and without multiple lacunes. Methods: We divided 47 subjects (22 males, mean age. 68 years) recruited from VADAPET (Multicenter Trial For Evaluation Of The Changes In the PET Images Of Subcortical Vascular Dementia Patient) study into two groups one with more than 5 lacunes in deep gray matter (lacune group) and the other with 5 or less(non-lacune group) Clinical characteristics and laboratory findings of two groups were compared. Results: Nineteen of 47 patients (40%) belonged to the lacune group. The lacune and non-lacune groups d d not differ in the following variables: age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia heart disease, history of stroke or TIA, history of trauma or major surgery, family history of hypertension stroke, or dementia, age at diagnosis of dementia, body mass index, white blood cell count, ESR, CRP, fibrinogen, hemoglobin A1C, total cholesterol. LDL cholesterol creatinine, proteinuria, glucosuria, and microhematuria. However, male sex, smoking alcohol. hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol were possibly associated more with lacune group SIVD than with non-lacune group (p<0 1) Multivariate analyses revealed that smoking, hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol were independent predictors of SIVD with multiple lacunes Conclusion: Our study suggests that SIVD with multiple lacunes may be significantly different in smoking habits hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol from SIVD without multiple lacunes.

      • 학교스키수업 사고시 교원의 법적 책임과 대응에 관한 고찰

        김현덕,신현규,백재화 한국학교체육학회 2004 한국학교 체육학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        학교스키수업 사고에 대한 대책은 기본적으로 피해자의 구제라는 측면에서 생각해 볼 수 있으며 대부분의 피해자는 학생이지만 본 연구에서의 초점은 학교스키수업 사고 발생시 교원은 사고책임자로서 사고에 대한 법적 책임을 질 수 있는데 그 책임에 대한 피해를 최소화하고 효과적인 학교스키수업을 할 수 있도록 학교스키 수업시 사고에 대한 대처와 구제로서 교원의 법적 책임과 대응 문제를 살펴보고자 하였다. 그래서 학교스키수업 사고시 교원의 법적 책임을 형사, 민사, 행정책임으로 구분하여 그 대응책을 고찰한 결과 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교스키수업에서 사망이나 중상과 같은 중대사고가 교원의 과실에 의해서 발생한 경우에 있어서 형법 제26장의 과실치사상의 죄에 적용되어 교원은 위험예견의무와 위험회피의무의 태만으로서의 주의의무위반에 의해 형법 제268조 업무상 과실·중과실 치사상죄로서 금고 5년 이하, 벌금 2천만원 이하의 형사책임을 받게 된다. 그러나 학교스키수업시 중대사고로 인한 형사사건으로 기소된 교원은 교원과 학생간의 스키수업에 대한 형법상 허용된 위험의 법리가 적용되는 신뢰의 원칙과 스포츠의 특수성으로서 위험수인설, 자기과실설, 그리고 불가항력설을 근거로 법적 대응을 할 수 있다고 사료된다. 둘째, 학교스키수업 사고시 교원의 민사책임, 즉 민법상 손해배상의 의무를 발생시키는 원인으로서 위법행위는 채무불이행과 불법행위가 있는데 적용 민법으로는 지도·감독의 과실에 적용되며 법조항은 불법행위에 의한 책임(민법 제750조)과 책임무능력자의 감독자 책임(민법 제755조) 그리고 피용자의 선임 및 사무, 감독의 과실(민법 제756조)을 들 수 있다 그러나 학교스키수업중 사고가 발생하였더라도 교원들의 민사책임에 대한 법적 구제로는 국공립학교의 경우에는 국가배상법과 사립학교 교원의 경우에는 민법 제756조에 의한 사용자책임으로 구제받을 수 있고, 그 외에 스키장의 채무불이행책임과 공작물책임, 그리고 교원지위향상을위한특별법에 의해 민법상 손해배상책임을 구제 받을 수 있다. 셋째, 형사사건으로 기소되면 국·공립학교의 교원은 공무원법에 의해 직위해제되고 행정상책임으로서 징계처분이 내려진다. 사립학교의 교원 또한 사립학교법상의 직무위반으로서 직위해제 및 징계 등의 조치를 받을 수 있다. 즉, 학교스키수업 사고시 형사나 민사책임을 발생시킨 교원은 파면, 해임, 정직, 감봉, 견책, 그리고 직위해제 등의 행정책임을 지게 된다. 그러나 부당하고 불공정한 행정책임시에는 최소소송, 무효 등 확인소송, 그리고 부작위 위법 확인소송 등의 상소를 하여 행정책임에 대하여 구제를 받을 수 있다. 그러므로 학교스키수업시 교원은 이러한 법적책임을 질 수 있기 때문에 형사책임을 지는 위법적인 과실이나 민사책임을 지는 지도·감독의 과실을 범하지 않도록 각별히 주의를 기울여야 한다. This study was to consider about criminal, civil , and administrative liability and confrontation of the teaching staff on accident case of snow skiing instruction of school and university. Therefore, We could find out conclusion following; First, the teaching staff on accident case of snow skiing instruction of school and university be assume criminal liability of professional negligence by criminal law article 268. Therefore, the teaching staff on occasion of snow skiing instruction of school and university be act according to reason and rationality on any case, and they could be cope with criminal liability as basis of principle of trust about skiing instruction between teacher and student because skiing equal dangerous activity on criminal law, and speciall caracteristics of sports. Second, the teaching staff on accident case of snow skiing instruction of school and university be assume civil liability of fault of guidance and inspector by civil law article 750·755·756. Therefore, legal relief of the teaching staff about compensation for damage of civil liability on accident case of snow skiing instruction of school and university is national reparation law, employer responsibility by civil law article 756, liability of default on financial obligations and structure, and special law for rise in position of teacher. Third, the occurring teaching staff that criminal liability or civil liability on accident case of snow skiing instruction of school and university be assume administrative liability of dismissal, release from office, suspension from office, pay cut, reprimand, and revocation of position etc. In Conclusion, the teaching staff on occasion of snow skiing instruction of school and university cannot act acording to illegal professional negligence assumed criminal liability and fault of guidance and inspector assumed civil liability.

      • KCI등재

        출력귀환과 스카이 훅 제어 방식에 의한 차량 현가 장치의 성능에 관한 연구

        김재열,이규태,송찬일,정동화,서윤종,유신 한국공작기계학회 1996 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.5 No.4

        The dynamic model of the suspension system is developed by using both sky-hook control and output feedback control techniques, based on the performance sensitivity index. Many vehicles use sky-hook control theory operated with only one sensor, due to relatively low cost and easy implementation. On the other hand, output feedback control implemented with state variables has difficulties in measuring such as tire deflection, etc.

      • 제품보호용 포장재 개발

        김정필,강재현,박대연,유성구,서길수 영남대학교 공업기술연구소 2000 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.28 No.1

        The environment to which a packaged-product is exposed, during handling and transportation, very often includes temporary storage. In the interest of conserving warehouse cube, packaged-products are stacked upon one another to a height which far exceeds that possible in a railcar, truck-trailer, aircraft or other conveyance. the hight to which the height to which a packaged-product may be stacked will vary depending upon the warehouse ceiling height-seldom over twenty feet. This procedure for expirimental covers testing of packaged-products weighing under 100 pounds when prepared for shipment. The BASIC requirements of this procedure consist of vibration and drop tests-which must be performed in that sequence.

      • KCI등재

        CCA 처리재로부터 방부제 유효성분의 용제추출

        김규혁,공일곤,나종범,조재성,김재진 한국목재공학회 2003 목재공학 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 CCA 처리재로부터 방부제 유효성분을 추출하기 위한 적정 용제를 선정하고, 선정된 용제의 최적추출조건을 평가하기 위 해 수행되었다. 추출수율과 용제의 사용 및 환경 안전성을 고려할 때, 과산화수소가 CCA유효성분을 추출하는 데 가장 적절한 용제로 선정되었다. 과산화수소를 이용한 추출 결과. 추출온도, 추출용제농도, 추출시간 간에 상호작용이 존재하였으나 추출온도와 추출용제의 농도가 높을수록, 그리고 추출시간이 연장될수록 CCA유효성분의 추출수율은 증가되었다. 경제적인 측면을 고려할 때 가능하면 낮은 농도의 추출용제를 사용하여 저온에서 추출하여야 하나, 이 경우에는 필요한 추출수율을 달성하기 위한 추출시간이 상당히 길어지기 때문에 40℃ 이상의 온도에서 추출이 바람직하며 사용할 추출용제의 농도는 추출시간을 고려하여 최종적으로 결정하여야 된다고 사료된다. This research was performed to select an appropriate agent to extract preservative components from CCA-treated wood, and then to evaluate the effect of reagent concentration, extracting temperature, and CCA-treated wood, and then to evaluate the effect of reagent concentration, extracting temperature, and extracting time on the removal of chrome, copper, and arsenic from treated wood. Hydrogen peroxide was selected as the best extracting agent when considered extraction yield as well as use and environmental safety. Its extraction yield was dependent on extracting variables (temperature, concentration, and time), and a highly significant interaction existed among variables. It should be possible to optimize extraction by manipulating these extracting variables. The results may suggest that the required temperature conditions for the reasonable removal of CCA components are at least above 40℃ because extracting time is too long at low temperature (20℃). Reagent concentrations for extracting at above 40℃ should be decided by considering the extracting time.

      • 초기재령에 있어서 고강도콘크리트의 내동해성 평가에 관한 실험적 연구

        김무한,이상수,박선규,최성우,주지현,심재형 충남대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        Recently, the structure are more higher and larger, so that the application of high-strength concrete is increased. And as the development of construction skills, it is possible to place during the winter. Concrete work during winter is indispensable to shorten time of completion and cut costs. When Concrete work during winter is placed, it has anxiety that concrete freeze at low temperature. As repetition of concrete's freezing cause reduction of durability, it is necessary for mixing to pay attention to Air contents and W/C ratios. Accordingly, in this study, we estimate the Frost Resistance by Air contents and W/C ratios, and development of strength after Early-Frost Damage in the High-Strength Concrete during the cold weather. In this study, it could be confirmed that factors which were Air contents, W/C ratios and early curing period, affected on the Frost Resistance.

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