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        타이포그래피의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션에 관한 연구

        任憲赫,李香淑 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 1999 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.2 No.1

        The present periods distinct qualities are it's acknowledgment of anxiety, the difference and uncertainty between notion or truth, and the pluralism and philosophical relevance. Information of the time quickly spread from an inferior relationship to horizontal one. The method of design communication has been rapidly changed so it's not what it used to be. This study approaches the researcher's dismantling of the basis of absolute meaning and the assumption of hasty conclusive reservations. Exposed of existing geometrically metal limits, Western reason has started to be dismantled by the name of post modernity and in need of organization and consideration. Accordingly through the standardization and promotion of absolutism, there has been denial of irrationalitic phenomenon and rationalization of art, criticism of dismantling, and emphasis on unity rather than distinction. The start of a revolution on typography design that took a piece of grid from editorial design, nondescriptive structure choice and application of font, and the center of visual images design are actively in progress. This study analyzes a tendency of the present typography's nonlinguistic communication and estimates the occurrence of a background and design of the 21st century. Today high tech computers have a big influence on typography's operation. The important factor is the understanding of limits and the feeling for computer operation. Before venturing into the experimental unknown, study should be done on normative editorial design. Esteem and understanding of normative design is experimental when trying to extend the design domain and double pleasure when reading. The present period's typography has nonlinguistic form and diversity that is very necessary and can not be criticized. Designers that the culture produces based on creativity find out an existence for new environment and will adaptively lead the philosophical way of future design.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 성교육을 위한 가정통신문 성교육 방법과 성교육 프로그램 적용 방법의 효과 비교

        임지현 ( Ji Hyun Im ),이향련 ( Hyang Yeon Lee ) 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2007 동서간호학연구지 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구에서는 중학생의 성교육을 위한 가정통신문 적용과 성교육 프로그램의 효과를 비교해 보고자 하 였다. 본 연구에서 나타난 결과를 중심으로 논의하면 다음과 같다. 성교육이 성에 대한 지식을 변화시키는데 효과가 있는지를 확인한 결과, 가정통신문 적용 성교육을 실시한 실험 1군과 성교육 프로그램을 적용한 실험 2 군, 그리고 성교육을 실시하지 않았던 대조군의 실험 전후 성지식 점수를 비교한 결과 세 집단간 성지식 점수는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 이는 가정통신문 적용성교육에 대한 성지식의 효 과에 대한 선행연구가 적어 본 연구결과와 직접 비교 하기는 어렵지만 초등학교 5학년 8l명을 대상으로 가 정통신문, 가정과제, 부모님께 편지쓰기 등을 이용하여 8회의 가정연계 성교육을 실시한 결과 성지식이 유의하게 증가한 결과 (oh, 2002)와 유사하였다. 성교육 프로그램을 실시한 실험 2군은 가정통신문 적용 성교육을 실시한 실험 1군보다 성지식 점수가 높았으며, 가정통신문 적용 성교육을 실시한 실험, 군은 성교육을 실시하지 않은 대조군 보다 성지식 점수가 높았다. 이러한 결과는 성교육 프로그램 실시 후에 성지식이 향상되었다는 여러 선행연구 결과들 (Kim, 2003`` Park, 2004, Lee, 2002, ``Lee, 2004; Lee, 2002; Jung, 2000; choe, 2002; Han, 1997)과 일치하였고, Parcel, Luttman과 Luttman (l979)의 연구에 의하면, 8학년 55명의 학생에게 토론과 소그룹 활동을 통한 성교육을 실시한 결과, 성지식이 유의미하게 증가하였다는 보고와도 일치한다. 위의 연구들에서 사용된 성교육 프로그램의 교육방법은 강의, 토의,VTR 시청, CD, TP자료, 학생용 수업자료 유인물, 소그룹 활동 등을 사용하여 본 연구 방법과 일치하였다. 또한 교육횟수의 대한 성에 대한 지식은 Park (10회/10주), Jung10회 25시간 19일) Lee (9회/4주) choe(6회/12일) Ha(5회) Han(3회) Lee(8회/8주) Kim(6회/12일)으로 성교육 프로그램 횟수에 관계없이 성지식은 향상되어 성교육 프로그램은 성지식 향상에 매우 효과 적인 것으로 나타났다. 이상 종합한 결과 본 연구에서 시행한 성교육 프로 그램은 중학생의 성지식을 증진시키는데 적합한 프로 그램으로서 성지식 변에서 가정통신문보다 효과가 높다고 사료되며, 가정통신문 적용 성교육은 수업시간을 할애하지 않는다는 장점을 갖고 있기 때문에 성교육 프로그램의 실시가 어려운 실정일 경우 학년 초부터 계획하여 지속적인 교육을 한다면 성에 대한 지식 증가를 위한 효율적인 성교육이 될 수 있다고 생각한다. 성교육이 성에 대한 태도를 변화시키는데 효과가 있는지를 확인하기 위해 가정통신문 적용성교육을 실시한 실험 l군, 성교육 프로그램을 적용한 실험 2 군과 성교육을 실시하지 않았던 대조군의 실험 전후 성태도 점수를 비교한 걸과 세 집단간 성태도 점수는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 이는 성교육 프로그램을 적용한 성교육 후 성태도가 향상되었다는 아런 선행 연구결과들(Kim, 2003; Park, 2004; Lee, 2002; Lee, 2004; Jung, 2000; Chu, 2002; choe, 2002; Han, 1997)과 일치하며, Parcel, Luttman과 Luttman(l979)의 연구에서 8학년 55명의 학생에게 토론과 소그룹 활동을 통한 성교육을 실시한 결과 성태도가 향상되었다는 보고와도 일치한다. 그러나 가정통신문을 적용한 실험 l군의 태도 변화는 그룹간에는 거의 차이가 없었으나 시점간과 상호작용효과를 검정한 결과 가정통신문을 적용한 실험 l군의 태도 역시 대조군과의 차이를 보여 가정통신문 작용도 아무’런 성교육을 시행하지 않는 것보다 태도의 변화를 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 초등학교 5학년 8l명을 대상으로 가정통신문, 가정과제, 부모님께 편지쓰기 등을 이용하여 8회의 가정연계 성교육을 실시한 결과 성태도가 유의하게 증가하였다. (oh, 2002). 본 연구에서 사용된 가정통신문에서 부모님과 생각해보기’ 란을 두어 부모님과 함께 하’는 과제를 부과하였으므로 비슷한 내용이지만, 부모님이 자녀에게 편지를 쓰고 자녀가 부모님에게 쓰는 편지를 쓰는 등 부모 자녀간의 상호작용을 촉친하는 작업이 본 연구 보다 많았고 실험군에게 가정통신문과 더불어 성교육 프로그램을 병행하였기 때문에 성태도가 더욱 유의하게 증가하였을 것으로 사료된다. 또한 교육횟수의 대한 성에 대한 태도는 l0회/ 10주 (Park, 2004), l0회 25시간’ 19일 (Jung, 2000), 9회/ 4주 (Lee, 2002), 6회l2일(Choe, 2002), 5회 (Ha, 1998), 3회(Han, 1997)의 연구에서는 성태도에 향상이 있었으나 8회/8주(Lee, 2003), 6회 12시간/일 (Kim, 1999)의 연구에서는 성태도에 변화가 없어 성교육 프로그램의 횟수가 성태도에 반드시 영향을 미치는 요소는 아닌 것으로 사료된다. 또한 가정통신문 적용 성교육에서 성지식은 유의한 차이가 있었으나 성태도는 미미한 증가가 있었다. 본 연구에서는 현재 시행되고 있는 성교육을 위한 가정 통신문 적용의 효과를 측정하기 위해 4회를 적용하였으나 이는 학교 수업시간이 필요한 것이 아니므로 보건교사가 관심을 갖는다면 성교육 프로그램을 위한 수업 시간을 확보하는 것보다 수월하게 횟수를 늘려 성교육을 진행 할 수 있을 것이다. 이상의 내용을 종합해 볼 때 올바른 성 지식의 증가 뿐 아니라 성에 대한 긍정적인 태도의 변화가 이루어 져야 성교육의 진정한 의미가 있으므로 가정통신문의 내용을 부모님에게 자녀 지도시 필요한 내용을 안내 하고 자녀와 부모님이 긍정적인 상호작용을 할수 있는 과제로 부과하여 이것을 성교육 프로그램에 적용 한다면 짧은 수업시간으로. 성지식 및 성태도에 긍정 적인 변화를 가져올 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. The purpose of this study was to examine how effective the existing sex education programs and letter to parents from school were for their knowledge and attitudes towards sex of the middle school students. Methods: Subjects were selected from first grade students in a middle school from May 30 through July 19, 2005. The subjects were divided into three groups of 70 students each, two experiment groups and one control group. The study was conducted by nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The information letter from school to parents was made into four editions on double-sided A4 size paper and was handed out to students during weekly meeting. Both the students and their parents were required to read it and the parents were told to sign the papers. The sex education program applied in this study was recomposed based on the programs which were previously made by Sun Hee Park(2004) and Eun Ja Jung(2000). Content provided in the sex education program is identical to the one``s in the information letter to parents. Experimental group 1 was required to read the four information letters to parents for two weeks, together with their parents. Group 2 experienced the sex education program four times in two weeks of time. The above two experimental groups and the control group were assessed on their knowledge and attitude towards sex twice, before and after the experiment. Results: There were significant differences in sexual knowledge about sex between the three subject groups and such data supports the first hypothesis. There was significant difference in attitude towards sex between the three subject groups and such data support the second hypothesis. Conclusion: According to the experiment results, both the information letter to parents and programs about sex education were effective for the middle school students. Yet, teaching students with the program format was more successful than handout formats. However, using information letters to parents to educate students does not waste any school hours, so if school nurses can provide the students more papers, the educational effect will be greater.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Induction of Potent Antigen-specific Cytotoxic T Cell Response by PLGA-nanoparticles Containing Antigen and TLR Agonist

        Lee, Young-Ran,Lee, Young-Hee,Kim, Ki-Hyang,Im, Sun-A,Lee, Chong-Kil The Korean Association of Immunobiologists 2013 Immune Network Vol.13 No.1

        Previously we showed that biodegradable nanoparticles containing poly-IC or CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) together with ovalbumin (OVA) were efficient at inducing MHC-restricted presentation of OVA peptides in dendritic cells. The CTL-inducing activities of the nanoparticles were examined in the present study. Nanoparticles containing poly-IC or CpG ODN together with OVA were prepared using biodegradable polymer poly(D,L-lactic acid-co-glycolic acid), and then were opsonized with mouse IgG. The nanoparticles were injected into the tail vein of mice, and 7 days later the OVA-specific CTL activities were measured using an in vivo CTL assay. Immunization of mice with the nanoparticles containing poly-IC or CpG ODN together with OVA elicited potent OVA-specific CTL activity compared to those containing OVA only. In accordance with these results, nanoparticles containing poly-IC or CpG ODN together with OVA exerted potent antitumor activity in mice that were subcutaneously implanted with EG7.OVA tumor cells. These results show that encapsulation of poly-IC or CpG ODN together with antigen in biodegradable nanoparticles is an effective approach for the induction of potent antigen-specific CTL responses in vivo.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        자발적 복강내 출혈로 사망한 P-ANCA 양성 소혈관염

        임성호 ( Im Seong Ho ),이규백 ( Lee Gyu Baeg ),박범준 ( Park Beom Jun ),김현승 ( Kim Hyeon Seung ),박은미 ( Park Eun Mi ),김지연 ( Kim Ji Yeon ),김향 ( Kim Hyang ),임시영 ( Im Si Yeong ),정은철 ( Jeong Eun Cheol ),이영래 ( Lee Ye 대한신장학회 2001 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.20 No.6

        P-ANCA small vessel vasculitis is multisystemic disease, especially frequently involving the kidney. Diagnosis is delayed because it`s non-specific clinical manifestation. Recently ANCA becomes available tools for diagnosis of vasculitis. Infection and gastrointestinal complications are relatively common in vasculitis. But spontaneous rupture of gastrointestinal artery is a rare complication. A 61-year-old housewife was admitted due to poor oral intake, weight loss and microscopic hematuria. Renal biopsy showed an extensive necrotizing glomerulonephritis, consistent with Wegener`s granulomatosis or microscopic polyangitis. Serum test showed positive for P-ANCA. Despite steroid therapy, she expired due to spontaneous rupture of right gastroepiploic artery.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        현미와 흑미의 발아과정 중 amylolytic activity

        이향미(Hyang-Mi Lee),임지순(Ji-Soon Im),박종대(Jong-Dae Park),금준석(Jun-Seok Kum),이현유(Hyun-Yu Lee),이영택(Young-Tack Lee) 한국식품과학회 2013 한국식품과학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        Enzymatic activity in germinated cereal grains is important for the saccharification of starch materials. This study was conducted to investigate the amylolytic activities of germinating brown rice and black rice that have different amylose contents. Brown rice and black rice were steeped at room temperature for 24 h and germinated at 20 and 30℃ for 1, 2, and 3 days. α- and β-Amylase activities in normal brown rice increased very slightly during the 3-day germination period, but the enzymatic activities were slightly higher in low-amylose (waxy type) brown rice. Diastatic power (DP), a measure of starch-saccharifying enzyme, was higher in the germinating brown rice with low amylose than in those with normal amylose content. α- and β-Amylase activities in black rice increased gradually during germination, and DP of low-amylose black rice appeared to be higher than that of normal brown rice. Amylase activities in brown rice and black rice germinated at 30oC were higher than those germinated at 20℃. Compared to brown rice, the overall amylolytic activity of germinated black rice was observed to be higher than that of brown rice.

      • KCI등재
      • Long‐term therapy with clevudine for chronic hepatitis B can be associated with myopathy characterized by depletion of mitochondrial DNA

        Seok, Jung Im,Lee, Dong Kuck,Lee, Chang Hyeong,Park, Min Su,Kim, Sun Young,Kim, Hyang,Sook,Jo, Hee‐,Young,Lee, Chang Hun,Kim, Dae‐,Seong Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company 2009 Hepatology Vol.49 No.6

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Clevudine (Revovir), a pyrimidine nucleoside analogue, is a recently introduced antiviral drug. Clinical trials have demonstrated potent, sustained antiviral activity against hepatitis B virus without specific adverse events. The lack of cytotoxicity and absence of an effect on mitochondrial function have been considered the reasons for the fewer adverse events. However, it came to our attention that several hepatitis B patients developed myopathy during clevudine therapy. Our study was aimed to analyze the clinical and pathological features of patients with clevudine‐induced myopathy with some consideration of its pathogenetic mechanism. Seven hepatitis B patients who developed severe skeletal myopathy during clevudine therapy were examined in this study. The demographic data, clinical features, pathological findings, and molecular studies of these patients were analyzed with speculation about the underlying pathogenic mechanisms. All seven patients were treated with clevudine for more than 8 months (8‐13 months). In all, the main symptom was slowly progressive proximal muscular weakness over several months. A markedly elevated creatine kinase level and myopathic patterns on electromyography were found. Muscle biopsies revealed severe myonecrosis associated with numerous ragged red fibers, cytochrome c oxidase–negative fibers, and predominant type II fiber atrophy. Molecular studies using quantitative polymerase chain reaction showed a depletion of the mitochondrial DNA in the patients' skeletal muscle. <I>Conclusion:</I> To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of myopathy associated with clevudine therapy. This study has clearly shown that long‐term clevudine therapy can induce the depletion of mitochondrial DNA and lead to mitochondrial myopathy associated with myonecrosis. Careful clinical and laboratory attention should be paid to patients on long‐term clevudine therapy for this skeletal muscle dysfunction. (H<SMALL>EPATOLOGY</SMALL> 2009.)</P>

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