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      • KCI등재

        충남지방(忠南地方)의 농업기계(農業機械) 훈련실태(訓練實態)에 관(關)한 조사(調査)

        김성래,이상우,김만수,Kim, Soung-Rai,Lee, Sang-Woo,Kim, Man-Su 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1977 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.4 No.1

        This survey was conducted to secure a basic data for the effective training programs that might be an essential part of any successful mechanization of agriculture in Korea. Chung Nam provincial training center and 17 guidance offices with farm machinery training centers which were thought to be a medium level on their scale in whole country were selected in the survey on its training accomplishments, stafts, facilities, schedule and number of trainees at one time or in a class. The results and recommendations from this survey were as follows; To enhance the effect of farm machinery training, it was absolutely necessary for city or county training center to complement its facilities and equipments. It might be desirable that instructors of each training center should be the one educated or highly trained in the institution of farm machinery, and that the number of technical assistants should be increased and their present part time working condition should be changed to full-time status. It was recommended that training for farmers should be scheduled during off-season so that farmers could participate in the training couses, and that the number of trainees in a class should be reduced to about 10 trainees, which was approximately a fourth of the present situation. 농업기계(農業機械) 훈련업무(訓練業務)의 능률화(能率化)를 위(爲)한 기본자료(基本資料)를 얻기 위하여 충남지방(忠南地方)의 농업기계(農業機械) 훈련기간(訓練機間)인 도(道) 농민교육원(農民敎育院)과 17개(個) 시(市) 군(郡) 훈련소(訓練所)를 대상(對象)으로 훈련실태(訓練實態) 및 훈련기간(訓練機間)의 실태(實態) 등(等)을 분석(分析)했던 바 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. 농업기계(農業機械) 훈련(訓練)의 효과(效果)를 높이기 위(爲)해서는 시(市) 군(郡) 농업기계(農業機械) 훈련소(訓練所)의 타설(拖設) 및 장비(裝備)의 보완(補完)이 절실히 필요(必要)하며 2. 각급(各級) 농업기계(農業機械) 훈련소(訓練所)의 교관(敎官)은 농업기계(農業機械)의 전문교육(專門敎育)을 이수(履修)한 자(者)로 보완(補完)하는 것이 바람직하며 기술요원(技術要員)의 수적(數的) 안배(按配)와 이들의 직급(職級)올 정규화(定規化)하는 것이 요망(要望)된다. 3. 효과적(效果的)인 훈련(訓練)을 진행(進行)키 위(爲)해서는 훈련시기(訓練時期)를 농한기(農閑期)로 하여야 할 것이며 1개(個) 반(班)의 인원(人員)도 현재(現在)의 약(約) 1/4인 10명(名) 내외(內外)로 편성하는 것이 바람직하다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國)에 있어서의 식물보호(植物保護) 연구사(硏究史) -1900년대(年代)를 중심(中心)으로-

        박종성,Park, Jong-Seong 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1979 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.6 No.1

        The study was conducted to search developmental process of plant protection science from review of forty-three hundreds literatures presented since 1900 in Korea and to forecast future statues of the science to be done. About 80 percent of literatures related to plant protection science such as plant pathology, applied entomology, weed science and agricultural pharmacology were collected from publications of agricultural and forestry reseach organizations attached to Office of Rural Development and Office of Forestry. The rest of literatures were mainly collected from Korean Journal of Plant Protection Society and small number of literatures were also collected from publications of the other journals of crop science and thesis collection of agricultural colleges. In Korea, research organizations of plant protection science are divided into two main groups such as exclusive agricultural research organizations and agricultural colleges. It is pointed out that the former contributions to plant protection science are very great compared to those of the latter since 1900. From periodical consideration of developmental process of the science since 1900, the history or the science are divided into three eras such as introduction and sprout of modern plant protection science during the first forty years, distress of the science during the following twenty years including the Second World War and the Korean War and rapid growth of the science after 1961. In spite of long time distress of the science during the Second World War and the Korean War, the researches on plant protection science in post-war have been done twice as many as pre-war. From consideration of the subject plants in researches of plant protection, it is shown that a great many researches on protection of rice plant have been done and occupy 37 percent of plant protection researches since 1900. And also researches on protection of fruit-trees and cash-crops are not so many as those of rice plant but have been done in noticeable numbers. In fact, researches on protection of fruit-trees and cashcrops were the most important subjects of plant protection researches in pre-war while those of rice plant were the most important subjects after 1930, particulary in post-war. From consideration of contents of plant protection researches, it is said that more fundamental researches than applied ones such as practical control methods of diseases, insect pests and weeds were done in pre-war while more applied researches than fundamental ones were done in post-war, Among applied researches, those of chemical control were the most important subjects. Researches on disease and insect-pest resistance have been done in both pre-war and post-war while researches on forecasting of disease and insect-pest and race of plant pathogens have been done in post-war. And also researches on weed control mainly have been done after 1960. Researches on agricultural chemicals for control of diseases, insect pests and weeds still belong to a new field which must be expected in future, and there is nothing to notice with the exception of practical application of agricultural chemicals introduced from foreign countries. Some of important researches on diseases and insect pests were discussed in relation to developmental process of plant protection science in Korea since 1900. In future, researches on plant protection will be develop to the direction supporting importance of integrated control for plant protection. Therefore, it is pointed out that security of highly educated and trained scientists with enlargement of reseach fields of plant protection science are necessary and role of agricultural colleges for future development of the science must be emphasized. 우리나라에 있어서 과학적(科學的)인 식물보호연구(植物保護硏究)가 시작된 1900년대초기(年代初期)부터 1975년(年)까지 약(約)70여년간(餘年間)에 이루어진 4,300여건(餘件)의 연구(硏究)를 정리분석(整理分析)하여 식물보호학(植物保護學)의 발달과정(發達過程)을 역사적(歷史的)으로 고찰(考察)하고 장래(將來) 어떠한 방향(方向)으로 발전(發展)해 나아갈 것인가를 예측(豫測)하기 위하여 이 연구(硏究)에 착수(着手)하였다. 이 연구(硏究)를 위하여 수집(蒐集)한 문헌(文獻)의 약(約)80%가 농림업관계(農林業關係) 연구전담기관(硏究專擔機關)인 농촌진흥청(農村振興廳), 각도농촌진흥원(各道農村振興院), 산림청임업시험장(山林廳林業試驗場) 등의 간행물(刊行物)에 수록(收錄)되어 있고 그 다음으로 전후(戰後)에 간행(刊行)되고 있는 한국식물보호학회지(韓國植物保護學會誌)에 상당히 많이 수록(收錄)되어 있으며 이 밖에 국내외(國內外)의 농림관계학술지(農林關係學術誌)나 대학논문집(大學論文集)에도 소수(少數)이기는 하나 수록(收錄)되어 있다. 우리나라 식물보호연구기관(植物保護硏究機關)으로는 농림업관계연구전담기관(農林業關係硏究專擔機關)(농촌진흥청(農村振興廳), 산림청(山林廳), 각도농촌진흥원(各道農村振興院) 등)과 대학(大學)으로 크게 나눌 수 있는데 그 동안의 연구건수(硏究件數)에서 보면 전자(前者)의 기여도(寄與度)는 약(約)80%이고 대학(大學)의 기여도(寄與度)는 약(約)20%로서 대학(大學)의 기여도(寄與度)가 훨씬 낮다. 우리나라 식물보호연구(植物保護硏究)를 시대별(時代別)로 보면 1900년대초기(年代初期)부터 1940년(年)까지 약(約) 40년간(年間)의 현대식물보호학(現代植物保護學)의 도입(導入), 정초기(定礎期)에 이어 1941년(年)부터 1960년(年)까지 약(約)20년간(年間)의 수난기(受難期)를 거쳐 1962년이후(年以後)의 발전기(發展期)에 들어서 있다. 오랜 수난기(受難期)를 거쳤지만 전후(戰後)의 연구(硏究)는 전전(戰前)의 약(約) 2배(倍)나 되며 분야별(分野別)로는 식물병(植物病)에 관한 것 약(約)2.5배(倍), 해충(害蟲)에 관한 것 약(約)1.2배(倍), 잡초(雜草)에 관한 것 약(約)43.8배(倍), 농약(農藥)에 관한 것 약(約)1.5배(倍)로 늘어나 있다. 우리나라 식물보호연구(植物保護硏究)를 작물별(作物別)로 보면 수도(水稻)에 관한 것이 약(約)37%로서 가장 많고 그 다음이 과수(果樹)(13.8%), 특용작물(特用作物)(7.9%), 채소(菜蔬)(6.2%), 수목(樹木)(6%) 기타작물(其他作物)의 순(順)으로 줄어들고 있다. 시대별(時代別)로 볼 때 1930년경(年傾)까지는 과수(果樹)나 특용작물(特用作物)의 보호연구(保護硏究)가 수도(水稻)의 그것보다 많은 과수(果樹) 및 특용작물보호연구시대(特用作物保護硏究時代)라고 할 수 있고 그 후 현재(現在)까지는 수도(水稻)의 보호연구(保護硏究)가 과수(果樹)나 특용작물(特用作物)의 그것보다 훨씬 많은 전전(戰前) 및 전후(戰後) 수도보호시대(水稻保護時代)라고 할 수 있다. 우리나라 식물보호연구(植物保護硏究)를 내용별(內容別)로 살펴보면 전전(戰前)에는 기초연구(基礎硏究)가 방제연구(防除硏究)보다 많았으나 전후(戰後)에는 이와 반대(反對)로 방제연구(防除硏究)가 기초연구(基礎硏究)보다 훨씬 많으며 방제연구(防除硏究)중에서도 약제방제(藥劑防除)에 관한 것이 식물병(植物病) 81%, 해충(害蟲) 77%, 잡초(雜草) 89%로서 특히 전후(戰後) 식물보호연구(植物保護硏究)의 주축

      • KCI등재후보

        충남지역 토마토 재배온실의 구조와 환경조절설비 실태분석

        남상운(Sang-Woon Nam),김영식(Young-Shik Kim) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2009 농업과학연구 Vol.36 No.1

        충남지역 토마토 재배온실의 구조적 안정성 확보와 체계적 환경관리를 위한 기초자료를 제공할 목적으로 구조 및 환경조절설비 실태를 조사 분석하였으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 조사대상 충남지역의 토마토 재배온실은 호당 평균면적 0.45㏊, 플라스틱 단동온실의 형태가 대부분이며 10년 이상 시설을 사용하고 있는 농가가 많고, 설치방향은 단?연동 구분 없이 대부분 남북동으로 설치되어 있으며 토양재배가 수경재배에 비해 훨씬 많다. 온실의 폭은 7~8m(평균 7.6m), 길이는 80~100m(평균 89.7m)인 농가가 대부분이었으며, 단동온실의 평균 높이는 측고 1.6m, 동고 3.2m, 연동온실의 평균높이는 측고 2.9m, 동고 4.8m로 농촌진흥청의 보급형 온실에 비하여는 약간 높게 나타나고 있지만 토마토 재배에 적합한 환경관리를 위해서는 온실의 측고를 좀 더 높여야 할 것으로 사료된다. 단동온실의 서까래 규격은 양호하나 설치간격이 대체로 넓고, 도리의 설치 개수가 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 연동온실의 경우 서까래, 도리, 중방의 규격과 설치간격은 대체로 양호하나 기둥의 설치간격이 대체로 넓은 편이어서 구조적인 안전성 검토가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 단동 서까래 매설부위 및 연동 기둥의 기초부위는 침하나 인발에 충분히 저항 할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 피복재는 대부분 PE필름을 사용하고 에너지절감을 위해 내부에 고정터널을 설치하는 농가가 많으며 내피도 대부분 PE필름을 사용하고 있다. 단동온실에서는 보온커튼을 사용하는 농가가 많지 않고, 연동에서는 대부분 부직포 또는 알루미늄스크린 등의 다층 보온커튼을 사용하고 있다. 관수장치는 점적호스를 가장 많이 사용하고 다음으로 분수호스를 사용하고 있으며, 관수제어는 수동이 가장 많고 다음으로 타이머를 이용하고있다. 토양수분 계측에 의한 자동제어는 7.5%에 불과해 관수자동화의 필요성이 높은 것으로 판단된다. 난방은 대부분 온풍 난방기를 이용하고 있으며 적정 난방기 용량을 확보하고 있지 못한 농가도 많아 저온기 생육적온 유지에 어려움이 있을 것으로 판단된다. 난방비는 10a당 평균 6백만 원정도가 연간 소요되는 것으로 조사되어 난방비 절감 대책이 절실한 것으로 사료된다. 대부분 권취식 천측창을 설치하고 있으나 단동의 경우 천창을 설치한 온실은 17.5%에 불과하며, 환기창 개폐장치는 대부분 자동으로 이루어져 있다. 강제 환기팬이나 공기 유동팬을 설치한 온실은 25.8%에 불과하며 설치대수가 매우 부족하고 정확한 설치기준이 마련되어 있지 못하다. 별도의 구조물에 토마토 유인줄을 설치하지 않고 중방이나 서까래에 설치하는 농가가 많아 구조물에 미치는 작물하중의 영향을 검토할 필요가 있는 것으로 판단된다. 기타 탄산가스 시비, 광환경 제어, 지중가온이나 방충망설치, 하절기 온실냉방 등 고도의 환경조절을 실시하는 농가는 거의 없는 것으로 나타났다. An investigation was conducted to get the basic data for establishing structural safety and environmental management of tomato greenhouses in Chungnam region. The contents of the investigation consisted of actual state of greenhouse structures and environmental control facilities. Most of greenhouses were arch type single-span plastic houses and they had too low height for growing tomatoes. Frameworks of multi-span greenhouses were suitable, but those of single-span were mostly insufficient. Every greenhouse had thermal curtain movable or covering fixed inside the greenhouse for energy saving, and heating facilities were mostly warm air heater. Irrigation facilities were mostly drip tube and controlled by manual operation or timer. Almost all of the greenhouses didn't install high level of environmental control facilities such as ventilator, air circulation fan, CO₂ fertilizer, insect screen, supplemental light, and cooling device.

      • KCI등재

        Prospects of Triticale as Fodder and Feed in Farming of Bangladesh

        나지아 타바섬,로미즈 우딘,김은순 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2008 농업과학연구 Vol.35 No.1

        This paper reviews the present situation of Triticale cultivation and examines the potentiality of contribution to livestock as well as poultry sector in Bangladesh Agriculture. Triticale is a human-made cross between rye and durum wheat that has the ability to produce quality green fodder, and then re-grow after first and second cutting to produce grain. In Bangladesh, it is a non-traditional cereal that grows well during the cool and dry Rabi season (November-March) when fodder and feed scarcity is a major limiting factor for ruminant livestock. In Bangladesh Triticale was started to grow in the late Ninety's. The scientists of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) were first introduced triticale in Bangladesh. Still now the situation of Triticale is grown as fooder and feed in Bangladesh within the scientists under trial. High quality grass fodder was obtained by cutting green triticale plants twice, at 35 and 50 days after seeding, while later the ratooning tillers produced grain to a yield of 1.1-2.4 t/㏊ of grain for poultry feed or human food. Triticale straw was twice as nutritious as rice or wheat straw and its grain contained more protein than other cereals. Researchers and farmers have also successfully made triticale hay and silage from a mixture of triticale green cuttings, rice straw and molasses. A feeding trial at Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute(BLRI), Savar station showed a large(46%) increase in cow live weight gain and a 36% increase in milk yield (but no change in milk quality or dry matter intake) in cows fed triticale silage compared with those fed rice straw over a period of nine weeks. In another feeding trial, it was found that triticale grain was a good replacement for wheat in the feed blend for chickens in Bangladesh. So it will be a good chance to alive our livestock as well as poultry sector if triticale enters to our existing cropping system as fodder cum grain. The challenge in Bangladesh is to identify fodder technologies that match existing small-scale farmer cropping patterns without needing major inputs or increasing risks. Preliminary field experiments revealed that triticale is a crop with good potential to produce quality fodder and grain for small scale farmers in Bangladesh. 트리티케일은 호밀과 밀의 교잡에 의한 작물로서, 방글라데시에서 조사료 및 곡물로 재배가능하나 농가재배는 아직 시범단계에 있는 상태이다. 본 논문은 방글라데시농업에 있어서 비전통적인 작물로서 트리티케일의 재배 현황을 검토하고 최근 몇 년간의 시험연구 자료에 의거하여 트리티케일이 축산조사료와 곡물사료로 사용됨에 따르는 경제성을 비교하였다. 트리티케일과 밀 옥수수 재배의 수익성을 비교한 결과 트리티케일이 가장 높고 다음은 옥수수, 밀의 순으로 나타났다. 트리티케일의 재배대안별 수익성은 파종후 2회(파종후 35일째와 50일째 절단) 조사료로 절단 재배(4.9∼20.2 t/㏊)하고 이어서 곡물(1.1∼2.4 t/㏊)로서 재배하는 경우가 가장 높게 나타났으며, 이때 B/C ratio는 1.62로 나타나서 경제성이 있다는 것을 입증했다. 한편 시범농가재배결과에 의하면 트리티케일을 젖소의 조사료로서 사용한 경우가 볏짚을 사용한 경우보다 젖소의 우유생산량과 젖소의 체중을 36∼46% 포인트 증가시키는 결과를 가져왔다. 아울러 트리티케일은 방글라데시 양계사육에 있어서 밀을 대체할 수 있는 좋은 곡물사료로 나타났다. 시험연구결과와 시범농가재배결과에 의하면 트리티케일을 조사료와 동시에 곡물로 이중목적으로 재배하는 것이 방글라데시 축산업에서 만성화 되어있는 조사료부족(특히 건기)현상을 경감할 뿐 아니라 소규모 방글라데시 농가의 소득에도 기여할 수 있는 잠재성이 있다고 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        大豆에 對한 製紙 Sludge의 營養學的 硏究

        金文圭,張基運,崔宇永,咸宣圭,南潤逵,李昌峻 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1990 농업과학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        The paper board sludge(PBS) itself and compost sludge manure(CSM) mixed with sawdust, fowl droppings and urea to the PBS were treated to soybean plants to find the effects of growing characters, yield components, and nutritional compounds in the plant tissues. 1. Percentages of missing plants were 5-9% and 3.6-4.1% in the treatments of PBS and CSM, respectively. After that, the plants were restored to normal conditions. Anyway it is not desirable to use the paper board sludge and immature compost sludge manure in seeding time or to young seedlings. 2. Growth of the plant height was retarded in early growing phase, but it was normal in later stages. And the width and length of the largest leaf, numbers of main stem nodes and pods were not significant among the treatments. 3. The yield intends to increase through the treatments of 1,200, 1,600, and 2,000㎏ PBS per 10a. In the CSM treatments with high rate of sawdust, fowl droppings and urea, the numbers of pods and grains were higher than the treatment of high content of PBS. 100-grain and one liter weights were opposite intention. It was suggested that the excess nitrogen amounts from the compost sludge manure than conventional fertilization affected to the yield components. 4. The contents of the main chemical compounds such as N, P₂O_5, K₂O, Ca, Mg were determined. The concentrations of nitrogen were higher in the treatment of PBS and CSM than none and control. 5. In conclusion, the nutritional effects of PBS were in evidence. To use the sludges, it should be fermented with adequate additives to improve the aeration, C/N. ratio, activity of microbial, and other conditions. The sludges could be used to crops as a fertilizers effectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        농업조사 통계의 작성 실태 분석 및 평가

        김성훈(Soung-Hun Kim),구승모(Seung-Mo Koo),손창수(Chang-Soo Son),이계오(Kye-Oh Lee),한석호(Suk-Ho Han) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2012 농업과학연구 Vol.39 No.1

        The 2009 Agricultural Survey is one of the most important official statistics about agricultural sector, which is mostly used by experts. However users have kept claiming about the problems of the 2009 Agricultural Survey, which need to be discussed in the academic area. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the 2009 Agricultural Survey and the level of satisfaction of users and to evaluate the 2009 Agricultural Survey. Then, the paper presents some suggestions to upgrade the 2009 Agricultural Survey. The results of studies present a few findings: First, the 2009 Agricultural Survey shows overall excellence but should focus on adding more various topics in agricultural sector, Second, the 2009 Agricultural Survey need to consider offering micro level data for experts such as data in the city or county level, Third, the 2009 Agricultural Survey had better to offer more specific examination and guide line for general users.

      • KCI등재

        農業用水와 農業生産基盤造成事業投資의 米穀生産寄與度 分析

        林栽煥 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2004 농업과학연구 Vol.31 No.2

        Rice is not only main food but also key farm income source of Korean farmers. In spite of the above facts, rice productivity was decreased an account of drought in every 2 or 3 years interval owing to the vulnerability of irrigation facilities throughout Korea in the past decades. As an context of the first five year economic development plan, all weather farming programme including 4 big river basin comprehensive development projects and large and medium sized irrigation water development projects were carried out successfully. Therefore the area of irrigated paddy were increased from 58% in 1970 to 76.2% in 1999. In the past decades, the Government had invested heavy financial funds to develop irrigation water but as an factor share analysis, the contribution rates of irrigation water and investment for farmland base development project have not been identified yet in national agricultural economic level. It is very scarce to find out the papers concerned to macro-economic factor share analysis or contribution rates of water and investment cost to rice production value in Korea considering the production function of the quantity of irrigation water and investment cost as independent variables. Accordingly this paper covered and aimed at identifying (1) derivation of rice production function with the time serial data from 1965 to 1999 and the contribution rates of irrigation water and total investment cost for farmland base development project. The analytical model of the contribution rates was adapted the famous Cobb-Douglass production function. According to the model analysis, the contribution rate of irrigation water to rice production in Korea was shown 37.8% which was equivalent to 0.28 of the production elasticity of water. The contribution rate of farmland base development project cost was revealed 22% and direct production cost of rice was contributed 60% in the growth of rice production and farm mechanization costs contributed to 18% of it respectively. The two contribution rates comparing with the direct production cost were small but without irrigation water and farmland base development, application of high-pay off inputs and farm mechanization might be impossible. Considering the food security and to cope with the frequent drought, rice farming and investment for the irrigation water development should be continued even in WTO system.

      • KCI등재

        Microcomputer를 이용(利用)한 농업기계요소(農業機械要素)의 Strain 측정(測定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        김기대,김태균,김성래,Kim, Kee Dae,Kim, Tae Kyun,Kim, Soung Rai 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1981 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.8 No.1

        농업기계(農業機械)의 개량(改良) 및 개발(改發)의 새로운 설계(設計)를 위(爲)하여는 기계요소(機械要素)의 strain의 정밀측정(精密測定)이 중요(重要)하다. 각종(各種) 농업기계요소(農業機械要素)의 strain 측정(測定)을 위(爲)하여 현재(現在) 널리 사용(使用)하고 있는 strain 계측장치(計測裝置)의 Recorder는 1,000m/s 이하(以上)의 고속측정(高速測定)에는 이용(利用)하기 어려울뿐아니라 포장(圃場)에서 실험(實驗)할 경우는 매우 불편(不便)하고 또한 Recording paper에 나타난 Analog Data를 인력(人力)에 의(依)해 Digital로 변환(變換)해야 하므로 이때의 분석소요시간(分析所要時間)이 많이 소요(所要)될 뿐 아니라 오차(誤差)의 발생요인(發生要因)도 많이 내포(內包)하고 있다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 Amplifier에서 출력(出力)되는 Analog Signal을 A/D 변환기(變換器)를 갖춘 마이크로 콤퓨터에서 실시간(實時間)으로 측정(測定)하고, 이를 보통의 카세트녹음기(錄音器)에 수록(收錄)하였다가 실험후(實驗後) 콤퓨터에 보내 처리(處理)하는 방안(方案)에 관(關)해 연구(硏究)를 실시(實施)한 바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 측정시간간격(測定時間間隔), 사용(使用) channel수(數) 및 data수(數)를 자유(自由)로 조정(調整)할 수 있는 측정(測定) program을 개발(開發)하였으며 특(特)히 측정시간(測定時間) 간격(間隔)은 고속측정(高速測定)이 최소(最少) $62{\mu}s$까지 가능(可能)하였다. 2. Calibration은 funcfion generator와 Oscilloscope를 이용(利用)하여 삼각파(三角波)를 넣어 측정(測定)한 결과(決果)를 콤퓨터에서 plotling한 결과(結果) 정확(正確)한 삼각파(三角波)를 얻을 수 있어 phase distorsion, amplitude distorsion의 문제(問題)가 전혀 없는 것이 인정(認定)되었다. 3. 진동주기(振動週期)가 0.019초(秒)인 Cantilever beam vibrafor의 strain 변화(變化)를 이 실험장치(實驗裝置)로 측정시간(測定時間) 간격(間隔) 1.0ms로 측정(測定)하여 콤퓨터에서 plotting한 결과(結果) 이론치(理論値)와 잘 일치(一致)하는 진동곡선(振動曲線)을 얻었다. 4. 마이크로 콤퓨터는 농업기계요소(農業機械要素)의 strain 측정(測定)에 이용(利用)하면 분석시간(分析時間)이 절약(節約)되고 기록용지(記錄用紙)를 사용(使用)치 않아 경제적(經濟的)일 뿐 아니라 포장실험(圃場實驗) 적응성(適應性)이 우수(優秀)하고 정밀고속측정등(精密高速測定等) 우수(優秀)한 성능(性能)을 갖춘 것으로 인정(認定)된다. To design more efficient agricultural machinery, the accurately measuring system among many other factors is essential. A light-beam oscillographic recorder is generally used in measuring dynamic strain but it is not compatible with the extremely high speed measuring system such as 1,000 m/s, also is susceptable to damage due to vibration while using the system in field. The recorder used light sensitive paper for strip chart recording. The reading and analysis of data from the strip charts is very cumbersome, errorneous and time consuming. A microcomputer was interfaced with A/D converter, microcomputer program was developed for measuring, system calibration was done and the strain generated from a cantilever beam vibrator was measured. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Microcomputer program was developed to perform strain measuring of agricultural machine elements and could be controled freely the measuring intervals, no. of channels and no. of data. The maximum measuring speed was $62{\mu}s$. 2. Calibration the system was performed with triangle wave generated from a function generator and checked by an oscilloscope. The sampled data were processed using HP 3000 minicomputer of Chungnam National University computer center the graphical results were triangle same as input wave and so the system have been out of phase distorsion and amplitude distorsion. 3. The strain generated from a cantilever beam vibrator which has free vibration period of 0.019 second were measured by the system controlled to have l.0 ms of time interval and its computer output showing vibration curve which is well filted to theoretical value. 4. Using microcomputer on measuring the strain of agricultural machine elements could not only save analyzing time and recording papers but also get excellent adaptation to field experiment, especially in measurement requiring high speed and good precision.

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