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      • 성별에 따른 커피소비자의 인지도 및 식행동 비교 : 대구와 경북지역을 중심으로

        김상미 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        This study has been done to find out about recognition and taste of coffee and to find out about recognition of caffeine. This research was done with 341people, 169 men and 172 women. Then, with the result, I tried to investigate if there were not only the harmfulness of caffeine but also if there is positive side of the caffeine with their habit of drinking coffee. Here are the results; For the preference of coffee shop, they preferred domestic coffee brand and the reason was because of the service, characteristic brand menu, and the interior. For their recognition about the coffee menu, they knew cafe-latte, cafe-mocha, cappuccino, and caramel macchiato irrespective of their age or their sex and the women knew these better than the men. For their preference of coffee menu, they liked coffee menu they already have known before. When they, both the women and men, are drinking coffee, they looked for better aroma and flavors of coffee for the important factors than the acidity and the body. For the preferred location, they chose coffee speciality store. For the price, men answered that 1,000~1,500won and women answered 2,100~2,500won is the proper price for a cup of coffee. For the amount, men said 100cc and women said 200cc is the preferred amount. According to the study, they went to the coffee shop with their friends or colleague after lunch as some kind of habit. One of the reason they don't go to shop was because of variety of the menu and complicated method or procedure of ordering. For recognition about the caffeine, they answered it is existing in coffee and they think it is somewhat harmfulness for the human body. However, it appears most of them didn't have the side effect or the adverse effect. I recognized that it would be good if label on the coffee products shows the amount of caffeine in them. To chose which coffee to drink, they chose the coffee with their preferred taste and it wasn't sensitive with the flow of trend. Men gathered the information about coffee with ads on TV or radio, women gathered them at the store by watching the displayed products.

      • 몬테소리 유치원 교사 직무만족도와 교사-유아간 상호작용과의 관계

        김경옥 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        본 연구를 통하여 얻은 결론을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 1. 몬테소리 유치원 교사의 직무만족도는 교사의 일반적 배경에 따라 차이가 있을 것이다. 몬테소리 유치원 교사의 직무만족도는 대체로 인간관계에서는 만족한 편이고, 경력은 5년 정도부터 직무만족도가 높은 교사가 대체로 많이 있음으로 나타났다. 이는 교사들이 몬테소리 유치원의 적응기간이 지나 교사 갱신기, 성숙기로 들어가면서 정체감이 확립되어 보다 현실적인 보수 및 원만하고 치밀한 인간관계 수립에 대한 욕구가 높아져 만족도가 낮아지는 것으로 해석된다. 이는 김명자(1991)의 연구 유치원 교사의 직무만족도는 유아교육기관의 질과는 별로 상관이 없다는 것과는 대조적인 결과이다. 조사된 몬테소리 유치원 교사들의 교육경력이 대체로 1-3년 미만으로 나타났다. 교사의 근무주기가 짧은 요인으로는 근무여건이 설립 형태마다 다르고, 주관적이기 때문에 몬테소리 교육 경험이 풍부한 교사가 현장에서 남아서 질적으로 우수한 교사-유아 상호작용이 바람직한 방향을 제시할 수 있도록 교사의 전문성 신장을 도모하여야 할 것이다. 우리나라 유치원의 조직적 특성은 유치원 교사들의 직무에 대한 불만족과 만족의 요소가 깔려있다. 이러한 특성은 몬테소리 유치원들도 배제할 수 없는 사항들이다. 교사의 교직 주기가 짧은 사유로 인하여 교사로서의 충분한 능력을 신장시키기 어려우며, 결혼을 하거나 오래 근무를 하게 되면 무언의 압력을 받기 때문에 유아교사의 이직률이 높은 점(박은혜, 2003)은 앞으로 후속연구가 이루어져서 교사들의 자질함양에 도움이 되어야 할 것이다. 2. 몬테소리 유치원 교사의 직무만족도와 교사-유아간의 상호작용과 유의한 차이가 있을 것이다. 본 연구의 결과에 의하면 교사-유아간의 상호작용 관계에서 직무만족도가 대체적으로 높은 교사들은 유아들의 발달과 문제해결능력을 길러주는 상호작용을 더 중점적으로 하는 것으로 나타났다. 몬테소리 유치원 교사 직무만족도의 하위 요인 가운데 교사와 유아의 상호작용에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 ‘유치원에 대한 느낌’ 이였다. 중다회귀분석 결과 나타난 직무만족도의 유치원에 대한 느낌은 교사가 직무에 대해 만족과 보람을 느끼며 작업을 가치 있게 느낄수록 교사의 정서적 안정감을 갖게 되고 직무수행에 있어 능동적이고 의욕적인 자세가 되어 효과적인 교사-유아 상호작용에 영향을 미친다는 정다워(2007)의 연구와 일치되는 결과이다. 또한 이진화(2007)의 유아교사의 정서지능과 직무만족도, 소진과의 관계에서는 유아교사의 정서지능이 직무만족도와 소진에 유의미한 영향을 미치므로 정서지능을 함양하고 개발할 수 있는 다양한 지원 방안에 대한 탐색이 필요하다는 결론을 보였다. 본 연구에서는 일반 유치원의 교사-유아간의 상호작용의 제 변인에 관한 연구를 하였던 최미애(2000)가 사용한 측정도구를 몬테소리 유치원 교사로 수정하여, 교사자기 평가방법으로 측정하였으므로 연구의 결과는 일반화가 어렵고 한계점이 있다고 보겠다. 본 연구에서는 직접관찰로 이루어지지 않았으므로, 교사-유아간의 상호작용에 대하여 객관성을 갖기가 어렵다. 따라서 후속연구에서는 직접관찰, 면접과 같은 객관적인 평정을 할 수 있는 연구와 몬테소리 유치원 교사 직무만족도에 또 다른 변인들에 대한 연구가 이루어져서 몬테소리 유치원 교사의 근무개선에 기초자료가 되기를 기대하여 본다. 앞으로 시대적 배경과 요구에 따라서 다양하고 체계적인 몬테소리 교육에 대한 전반적인 국내연구들이 몬테소리 교육현장에서 충분히 논의되어지고, 재정비가 이루어져 우리나라 유아들의 발달에 질적인 영향을 미치는 우수한 유아교육 프로그램으로 거듭나도록 방안을 모색하여야 할 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to show how teacher's satisfaction and interaction of teachers and children are related through standardized self-assessments of working teachers. It also will show correlation between the job satisfaction of kindergarten teachers and the amount of persons being educated in their field. This study dealt with Montessori teachers and how their job satisfaction affected their interaction with students. This paper looks to highlight any inconsistencies in how instructors interact to improve overall teaching and the environment for both teachers and children. In this paper we will be dealing with two main questions: 1. How much does the degree of teachers' satisfaction affect their overall quality of teaching? (teaching career, the number of being educated as teachers) 1-1 Do teachers' careers affect their degree of job satisfaction? 1-2 Does the number being educated in their field affect job satisfaction? 2. Does job satisfaction affect the interaction between teachers and children? The subjects for this research were 237 working teachers across the country who are employed as Montessori Kindergarten teachers. The tool, created by Jorde-Bloom (1989) and translated by Lee Bun Ryuo (1998), was used to recognize the degree of satisfaction of kindergarten teachers in Montessori. Originally, a tool was used to research the relationship between teachers and children. The tool was modified into the Early Child Observation Instrument developed by Bredeamp and ECOI was created by Hollow and Reichart-Erikson (1998). Choi Mi Suk(1992) modified questions from these tools and Choi Mi Ae(2000) used the supplied questions from all these tools. So the questionnaire developed for this paper took consolidated questions from these into 8 base questions for the subjects. The questions were given to the subjects to fill out and their answers were entered and ranked using SPSS 14 .OK for Windows with a degree of error of 0.05. First, all date used technical statistics like percentage, means and discrepancy. Second, MONOVA was used to tabulate the degree of job satisfaction in educational backgrounds. Third, multifaceted analysis of the questions was used to verify the corelations between teachers and children and help to show how much job satisfaction affects this relationship. The outcome is as follows: First, job satisfaction of Montessori teachers differs depending on the teacher's qualifications. In terms of the degree of job satisfaction, teaching careers have with a lot more to do with' the relationships between colleagues', 'relationships between principals and teacher's feeling towards kindergarten'. On the contrary, 'payment and promotion', and working environment' don't seem to be factors in job satisfaction. Plus, usually teachers with high level of career success in Montessori Kindergarten show higher satisfaction in their job. Secondly, how much sub-categorized factors affected 'teachers' job satisfaction' and could afftect 'the interaction between teachers and children was investigated. From the multifaceted analysis, it was found that a teacher's feeling towards kindergarten dramatically affected their perception of job satisfaction. This was seen in the sub-categories dealing with 'teacher-children relationships', 'job satisfaction', 'groups satisfied with their roles as teachers', 'positive interactions', 'the promotion of socially acceptable behavior', and 'interaction promoting proper behavior according to the students' development level'. A group of teachers who felt a connection with their career felt they were more successful with regard to 'verbal interaction with their students' and 'in the promotion of socially accepted behavior' as well. Also, they had more success in controlling their classroom environment. Teachers who had god feelings about their job responded positively to questions dealing with affectionate behavior, student / teacher response, positive interaction, organization, developmental interaction and problem solving in the classroom. That is, the more satisfied the teachers are in their work while placing a high value and interest on their job, the more energetic and active they will be, to accomplish their work in that field, which coincidently was the same as the results of Jung Da Wao's(2007). This study was not done through direct observation and it could not be done objectively. Therefore, a more objective approach like direct observation and interviews will be required in any subsequent research. To cultivate more competent teachers in Montessori Kindergarten, the study of a teacher's qualification and other variables should be considered.

      • 안동 하회탈의 이미지를 응용한 도자 조형 연구

        김경민 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        This paper researched on porcelain formative art applying images with focus on formativeness of Andong Hahoe mask. As for research methods, the researcher studied the origin and construction of Hahoe mask by consulting the reference documents and theses to propose theoretic basis, and examined the kinds and roles of Hahoe mask by understanding the intrinsic characteristics and meanings. The researcher intended to produce formative art works with an ultimate visual effects by understanding the shapes, colors, and lines, learning the morphological, abstract, and intrinsic meaning through the aesthetic rituals of Hahoe mask, and grafting the the inner mind image of the wearer onto a porcelain formation based on theoretic examination and various formations, etc of the works applying Hahoe mask. The researcher sought for new approaches and potentials for traditional image porcelain forms have, modern formative beauty, and the dynamic character of mask, and examined various possibilities of expression of objet through objective approach towards works. By examining theoretic researches on porcelain forms to which Andong Hahoe masks are applied and the characteristics of 9 images of Hahoe masks, re-discovering the formative characteristics, applying their characteristics, and expressing them as formative art works, the following conclusions were obtained. The examination of the 9 images of Andong Hahoe masks and the formative characteristics have shown the possibilities of unlimited applications of images, sublimation of masks comprehending dual meanings up to an art work, and various approaches to porcelain forms through art work examples to which Hahoe mask is applied. Based on this research, by producing porcelain forms comprehending image applied intrinsic mind of the wearer to an art work in which formative characteristics of a material was highlighted, the following conclusions were obtained. In applying the images of Hahoe masks, it was shown that the strong image of pottery adds uniqueness, and is helpful in comprehending morphological, abstract, and intrinsic meaning that may be felt in the innermost consciousness of the beauty of Hahoe mask. It was also concluded that Hahoe mask images can be creatively re-interpreted in personal expression depending on the subject of the research. It was concluded that Andong Hahoe masks have values as art works with artistic formativeness, raise the value by grafting with various works, and by surpassing the limitation of the works, can afford free expressions. In addition, it was also concluded that it does not necessarily stick only to one unified Korean style, but can be approached as unlimited types of art works and porcelain forms through efforts to maximally enhance its excellent formativeness and sense of beauty. This research was limited to reproducing only the motif of masks with emphasis on objet in understanding the entire aspect of an art work. Therefore, it is predicted that the formativeness and the aesthetic consciousness of Andong Hahoe mask will be shared even widely in our lives and culture if researches are constantly conducted by approaching more of the various materials around us.

      • 保育施設 財務·會計 制度 運營의 效率性과 活用性 提高 方案

        김태성 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        The empirical framework of this research is to examine and analyze the current finance and accounting system in child care center and to search for the maximization of efficiency and utilization in finance and accounting systems. The current regulations of finance and accounting for child care center implemented in 2007 apear to be very complicated to understand by industry stakeholder. For this reason, this paper suggests that the current regulations of finance and accounting for child care center need to be improved for easy access and simple system for the benefit of stakeholder in child care industry. Furthermore, the improvement suggested by this paper can provide a great quality of child nursery services by efficient execution of finance and accounting in the future. In 2007, the finance and accounting regulation for the child care center were introduced and they have been implemented in all child care center nationwide. Thus, the paper proposes to examine and analyze systematically the child care center's finance and accounting systems and the current regulation of it. Further, it is proposed to create empirical framework for the purpose of improving the child care center’s finance and accounting systems. This thesis is based on the finance and accounting regulation of the child care center and materials of questionnaire related to finance and accounting in all child care center nationwide. This thesis is organized in the following fashion. The introduction to the thesis is given in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 focuses on the basic theories and the background of the finance and accounting of the child care center. Chapter 3 examines the generic problems encountered in finance and accounting regulation of the child care centers. Then, various alternative solutions to the problems identified in chapter 3 are discussed in Chapter 4 and chapter 4 leads to the actual conditions of the analysis which emerges the issues of efficiency and utilization in the finance and accounting systems of the child care centre. Lastly, Chapter 5 summarizes the findings of this thesis. This research using analytical framework, found out the following problems in relation to the finance and accounting systems of the child care centre and a number of the current problems to resolve for achieving the best and maximum efficiency in the finance and accounting systems. Ⅰ. At present, unprecedented number of private child care centers have been caught in financial difficulties. In relevant law, institutional changes can be made to improve and resolve these financial problems and the government subsidy has been drastically increased for private child care center in the future. Ⅱ. There are a diverse group of stakeholder in each child care center. In relation to the group of stakeholder, financial statements are extracted for their rational decision-making and financial reporting. Each child care center's financial reporting distress stemmed from a lack of rational decision-making. In the process, the importance of financial reporting should be aware of each child care centre through the influence of the government. Ⅲ. Many child care centers have a lack of understanding of the Regulations of finance and accounting(2007) of child care center and this leads non-compliance that some child care centers do not use a government's administrative system. This issue in complying the Regulations of finance and accounting (2007) apears that the child care center's autonomy is frequently distressed in the finance and accounting system operation. Government's administrative system should be made much more easily to be used for the child care centre's autonomy. Ⅳ. Some accounting books which are not important in operation, are to be taken out, the stipulation accounting books are to be simplified and the obligation of submitting many documents is to be alleviated, all which are measured in the pursuit of management rationality on the basis of experts' consultations. Ⅴ. “The finance and accounting regulation of the child care center(2007)” announced by Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, includes many point of defects. They are necessary to give a suplementary policy to them. In addition, the policy will be aligned with the majority of opinions made in the child care center sites in the future.

      • 원예치료가 일반노인과 치매노인의 손기능과 인지능력에 미치는 영향

        이현주 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        (Abstract) This research was performed to investigate the effects of Horticultural Therapy to the hand functions and cognitive abilities of 'Old Adults' group and 'Demented Adults' group individually. We divided the adults in two groups, the old adults who live in nursing home or dementia center, and demented old adults and performed this program from 19 Feb 2007 to 28 Sep 2007, 24 times in total. We let them use tools and trim plants by themselves to improve hand functions and carry out color recognition and simple works repeatedly to improve their cognitive abilities as a part of Horticultural Therapy program. Their hand functions were evaluated by measuring their pinch, grip and tapping abilities. Their cognitive abilities were measured by using selective response indicator three times : one-week before, right after and five-week later (for monitoring the continuance of the effects) the HTP. Memory tests were done everytime. In pinch test on the old adults, there were statistical significance for the right hand: p<0.01 before and after HTP, and p<0.05 five weeks after HTP respectively. However, for the left hand, the results showed some improvements but neither the significance nor the continuance of the therapy effects. On the demented old adults, the results of right hand showed a little improvements right after HTP but no significance. For the left hands, the pinch abilities increased showing significance p<0.05. The abilities of both hands made some progress and lasted even five weeks after HTP but there were no significance. The grips of right hand were 15.3kg and increased to 15.8kg after doing HTP. These effects were continued until five weeks after HTP. For the left hand, the results showed some progresses, but they didn't continued. There were similar results in old adults group and demented old adults group. In tapping tests, both hands of old adults showed good results continuously right after HTP and also five-week after HTP, but there were no significance. Same tests were performed to demented old adults, and the results show some improvements in the right hand after HTP and the statistical significance was p<0.01, but these effects were decreased a little five weeks after HTP. In visual choice reaction time, on the old adults, there were statistical significance: p<0.01 five weeks after HTP., For the demented old adults there were statistical significance: p<0.01 right after HTP and p<0.05 five weeks after HTP respectively. In memory test, the abilities of old adults in color memory, working and finishing increased showing statistical significance p<0.01. In the case of demented old adults, there were a little improvements in memory abilities without significance, but meaningful improvements in the abilities of working and finishing with significance p<0.01.

      • 원예치료가 지적장애 청소년의 자기표현력과 창의성에 미치는 영향

        조인영 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        (Abstract) The aim of this study was to examine the effect of horticultural therapy on self-expression and creativity of the mentally challenged adolescents. The mentally challenged adolescents are those whose intellectual ability is not properly developed and it affects their academic performance and social capability. They also have limited communication capacity and show various defects in social skills. Moreover people who have accumulated experiences of failure tend to set lower demands and goals to avoid another failure, raising high failure probability. Such problem affects the mentally challenged adolescents negatively on the development of their self-expression and creativity. Thus a horticultural therapy is applied in this study to examine its effect on self-expression and creativity of the mentally challenged adolescents. As for the research methods, a horticultural therapy was designed for and conducted with the mentally challenged adolescents to improve their self-expression and creativity in the course of September 2nd to December 30th in 2009. The assessment results of the horticultural therapy on the self-expression of the mentally challenged adolescents are as follows. The test scores of the control group after the horticultural therapy were higher than those before the therapy, however, the former were lower in sub-category areas. No significant change was identified in the linguistic and non-linguistic areas. As for the experiment group, post-test scores increased to 68.33 compared with the pre-test scores of 65.00. Among sub-category areas, non-linguistic area showed a significant increase by 1.16 from 12.17 to 13.33(p<0.05). The content and voice areas also improved, however, the change remained insignificant. Self-expression is made by the medium of language in general. Here, the mentally challenged people have difficulty expressing their emotion through language, thus horticultural activities provide them an opportunity for self-expression. The following is the assessment result of the horticultural therapy for the mentally challenged adolescents on their creativity. There was no significant difference in the control group in general except for flexibility in a sub-category which significantly decreased from 7.20 to 5.20. It testifies that creativity decreased after the horticultural therapy. As for the experiment group, the creativity test score significantly increased by 14.50 from 51.00 to 65.50(p<0.05). The scores in each sub-category increased in general, however, the difference remained insignificant. As a result of this study, the horticultural therapy was proven to be effective on the development of the self-expression and creativity of the mentally challenged adolescents. Accordingly it is suggested to use horticultural therapy as a therapeutic educational approach for the mentally challenged adolescents.

      • Morton Feldman의 작곡양식에 대한 소고

        김미현 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Morton Feldman is an America composer who was born in New York on January, 12 in 1926. His music can divide into the first, the second, the third to the times of each year. It used graphic techniques during the first period in 1960 and reported on the heads of notes such as traditional musical notation without tunes during the second periods in 1960 and we can distribute traditional musical notation to the third periods appearing after 1970 years. He used graphic techniques on his musical composition in the early periods. Graphic techniques means it will record a musical notation after using mark, chart and graph instead of using a traditional musical notation. So he will give the freedom of much choice to performance people instead of explaining in detail in the note of his music. It will get tensions through a delicate nuance to contrast tone colors and compass in dynamic extents which keeps his music fully. Feldman made an effort to increase and pursues notation of definite factors instead of using musical notation of graphic in the second periods and one of his famous works are Duration(1960-1962). This music is compose of the instrumental music of five and he is making a different type of echo phase creating in playing each musical instrument. He also make an effort to pursue a simple music through his music in the extremity. And he gave American music lots of influence on the point of repetition practice in 1970. He comes back again with traditional music notation in the third period. He comes to know how to disappear all indefinite aspects in the works after The Viola in my life(1970). He was a musical composer which make with players and audiences and take a serious view of the process with J. Cage. He became the representative player of a accidental music in modern music of American with J. Cage.

      • 인지행동치료 집단프로그램이 비행청소년의 충동성 및 공감능력에 미치는 효과

        이정선 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        본 연구에서는 인지행동치료 집단프로그램이 비행청소년의 충동성 및 공감능력에 미치는 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 이 연구의 대상은 보호처분을 받은 비행청소년 중 피험자24명을 선발하여, 집단프로그램을 실시하는 실험집단과 아무 처치도 하지 않는 통제집단에 각각 12명씩 무선 배정하였다. 실험집단에는 주 2회씩 5주간에 걸쳐 10회기의 인지행동치료 집단프로그램을 실시하였다. 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위해 피험자를 대상으로 사전과 사후검사에 사용된 검사 도구로는 충동성 검사, 공감능력 검사를 실시하였으며 모두 자기 보고식 설문이었다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 자료의 처리는 집단간 동질성 검사를 위해 독립표본 t-검증을 하였으며, 프로그램 실시 전과실시 후의 변화와 집단간의 차이를 알아보기 위해서 2원 변량분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 밝혀진 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인지행동치료 집단프로그램에 참여한 비행청소년집단이 치료를 받지 않은 통제집단의 비행청소년보다 충동성이 유의미하게 감소되었다. 둘째, 인지행동치료 집단프로그램에 참여한 비행청소년집단이 치료를 받지 않는 통제집단의 비행청소년보다 공감능력이 향상되었다. 본 연구의 의의는 비행과 직접적인 관련이 있는 청소년들을 대상으로 전문적인 중재 프로그램을 제시하였다는 것과 그에 대한 적용 가능성과 유용성을 다시 한번 확인하였다는데 있다. 그리고 프로그램에서 훈련된 효과를 현실적 생활과 접목시키기 위해 실생활의 문제상황을 프로그램 과정 중에 풀어봄으로써 직접적이고 현실적인 문제해결을 시도해보았으며, 인지행동치료 집단프로그램이 공감능력의 향상에도 기여할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 다양한 유형의 비행청소년들이 인지행동치료 집단프로그램에 참여하여 충동성 감소와 공감능력의 향상에 효과를 보았으며, 실천적인 측면에서 비행 청소년의 문제를 보다 효과적이고 실질적으로 다룰 수 있는 대안을 제시했다는 점을 들 수 있다. The current research aimed to test the effect of the group program of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the impulsivity and empathy of juvenile delinquents. The subjects of this research were selected as 24 people out of juvenile delinquents, who were submitted to the disciplinary measure of protection, and 12 adolescents were randomly assigned respectively to the experimental group with which the group program was conducted and the control group without any treatment. For the experimental group, the group program of cognitive-behavioral therapy of 10 sessions was conducted two times a week for 5 weeks. In order to verify the effect of the program, Impulsiveness test and empathy test were conducted with the subjects as test tools used in the pre-post test and all of them were questionnaires of the self-report type. In order to achieve the purpose of the current study, data processing passed through independent sample t-test so as to verify homogeneity between groups, and Two-way ANOVA was conducted within each treatment conditions, in order to examine the difference between the previous and the following condition of this program. In addition, to investigate the variation in the results between the experimental group and the control group. Main findings elucidated in the present study are as follows. First, the impulsivity of juvenile delinquents who joined the group program of cognitive-behavioral therapy decreased more significantly than that of the control group who did not receive the therapy. Secondly, the empathy of juvenile delinquents who joined the group program of cognitive-behavioral therapy decreased more significantly than that of the control group who did not receive the therapy. That is to say, the meaning of this research lie in the facts that it proposed the specialized mediation program to adolescents directly associated with delinquency and confirmed the applicability and the usefulness once more. And in order to integrate the effect trained in the program with real life, we tried to solve direct and realistic problems by figuring out problematic situations of real life in the course of the program, and we verified that it could contribute to the enhancement effect of the group program of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the empathy. Besides, they experienced the effect of the decrease in impulsivity and the improvement of the empathy as juvenile delinquents of diverse types participated in the group program of cognitive-behavioral therapy, and from the practical aspect, we could suggest the alternative to address the issues of juvenile delinquents effectively and practically.

      • 민들레 원예 작물화에 관한 연구

        홍지한 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 원예학과 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        (Abstract) This study was conducted to investigate the basic siology of dandelions such as germination, storage, growth, wering etc. And this study was also conducted to investigate the ct of chitosan to germination, storage and growth of dandelion. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The germination-optimum temperature of Taraxacum officinale and T. laevigatum for germination was 20℃, and the germination rate was higher in light condition than in dark condition. 2. The germination rate of T. officinale and T. laevigatum kept high at 4℃ for 90days after storage. T. laevigatum has high germination rate till 60days after storage at -20℃. 3. The growth of both dandelions was increased with increasing pot diameter. 4. Fresh weight of T. officinale and T. laevigatum was increased under long-day length condition in heated greenhouse. The shoot growth was effected by day length rather than temperature, and growth of root vice versa. Water content of both dandelion was decreased under short-day length in unheated greenhouse. 5. Without cold treatment, the flowering of both dandelions was de under long-day length in heated greenhouse, while after cold treatment, the flowering was accelerated under long-day length in unheated greenhouse. 6. T. officinale tended to be high in germinating rate and low in contamination rate when the seed was coated by 0.1% solution of oligosaccharide molecule weight chitosan after seed disinfection. 7. The seed of T. officinale coated 0.5% by low molecule weight chitosan stored at 4℃ had good germination rate after disinfection. 8. The seeds coated by 1.0% of high molecule weight chitosan stored at 4℃ had high germination rate. 9. Folian spray of chitosan increased the growth of T. officinal and the 0.1% of oligosaccharide molecule weight of chitosan was most effective among various chitosan treatments.

      • 李箱 詩와 과학적 함의 : 「線에關한覺書 • 1~7」을 중심으로

        제이슨로저스 대구가톨릭대학교 일반대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        This paper attempts to show how Yi Sang’s “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” can be interpreted mathematically and scientifically, thereby giving those seven poems a complete interpretation, which has been sorely lacking in the Korean criticism sector. Many Korean literary scholars, including experts on Yi Sang’s poetry, have tried in vain to interpret “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” without mentioning the science and mathematics clearly present in the those poems. Those literary scholars (Kim Myung-Hwang, Yi Seung-Hoong, Kim Young-Yoong, and Oh Jung-Lan) have repeatedly picked and chose only small sections of “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” and interpreted those sections without trying to give a complete translation of “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7.” The research of this paper covers an individual interpretation of each “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7.” Yi Sang was obviously affected by Einstein and his Theory of Relativity, which is clear with just a basic reading of “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7.” Einstein was very famous at the time Yi Sang was writing “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7,” and Yi Sang makes repeated references and allusions of the Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. “A Memorandum On A Line 1” focuses on the flow of time (the fourth dimension) and how people are affected by this flow of time. Time, according to Einstein, is relative and it has a connection with light (especially when light speed is involved). “A Memorandum On A Line 2” talks about light and how it can be controlled with lenses. And, Yi Sang makes special reference to Euclid and his Two Dimensional Geometry, which became obsolete with the advent of The Theory of Relativity and the so-called New Sciences. “A Memorandum On A Line 3” is the most mathematical of all the “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” because there is actually a math equation in the poem itself. “A Memorandum On A Line 3” focuses on rotation of an object in three dimensions. In “A Memorandum On A Line 4,” Yi Sang artistically tries to express the scientific representations of the second dimension, the third dimension, and the fourth dimension by metaphorically comparing them to real world objects. This is done to help the reader imagine concepts that are already difficult to express. “A Memorandum On A Line 5” focuses on time travel. To Yi Sang, time travel is a way to go back in time and correct one’s past mistakes. Yi Sang talks about time travel very scientifically and repeatedly uses ideas brought up by Einstein in his Theory of Relativity. “A Memorandum On A Line 6” focuses on Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics and how it deals with time has become an almost surreal idea to many people. In “A Memorandum On A Line 7,” Yi Sang talks about how people perceive objects with their eyes when light bounces off an object and our eyes catch that light and interpret it. Therefore, when “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” are put into the context of mathematics and science, the meaning becomes very clear and brings the poems into a coherent flow that has been lacking in Yi Sang criticism since Yi Sang wrote “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” in the 1930’s. However, doing a scientific/mathematical interpretation of “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” yields more of a science/mathematical thesis than a literary thesis, but that fact is unavoidable, because Yi Sang obviously intended to write “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” about science and mathematics. Therefore, the science and math cannot be separated from “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7,” and a completely literary interpretation (minus the science and math) is impossible if a clear meaning “A Memorandum On A Line 1~7” is to arise.

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