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구기자의 항우울효과 및 indoleamine에 미치는 영향
이덕기,곽동걸,박선동,Lee Duk-Ki,Gwak Dong-Gul,Park Sun-Dong 대한한의학방제학회 2003 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.11 No.2
Depression is very common mental disorder, so many people suffer from it, which makes the treatment of depression important. Many drugs to treat depression were developed and being prescripted. But they have a lot of side effects, so it needs to develop drugs without side effects or with less side effects. Herbal medicines have been used to treat not only physical disorder but also mental disorder and it has been reported that they have less side effects. Therefore, there is the need to discover and use herbal medicine with antidepressant effect. The purpose of this study was to reseach Antidepressant effect of Licium chinense Mill. and its influence on serotonin and its metabolite of depression model rats. We used 'forced swimming test(FST)' to know antidepressant effect of Licium chinense Mill. and HPLC to check the influence on serotonin and its metabolite(5-HIAA) of Licium chinense Mill. after rats' brains were divided into cerebral cortex, striatum, hypothalamus and hippocampus. The results were obtained as follows : In the study of antidepressant effect by 'forced swimming test(FST)' method, Licium chinense Mill. had a significant antidepressant effect. In the study of influence on serotonin and 5-HIAA by HPLC, Licium chinense Mill. mainly increased serotonin and 5-HlAA of cerebral cortex and striatum signigficantly among 4 parts of rat's brain above-mentioned. These results suggest that Licium chinense Mill. has antidepressant effect that may be related with the increase of serotonin and its metabolite as its mechanism, but more precise experiments will be need to prove their relation.
제국의 호명, 빗나간 응답 -영화 <지원병>과 ‘내선일체’의 문제-
이덕기 한국극예술학회 2010 한국극예술연구 Vol.0 No.31
Following the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, imperial Japan tried to prepare a full wartime mobilization with their 'Naeson Ilchae' propaganda, meaning Japan and Joseon should be one, undoubtedly under Japan's domination. In 1938, the Japanese Empire promulgated an imperial order to draft enough volunteer soldiers, which got Japan itself in high gear to gather 'volunteer' soldiers from Joseon. The film Jiwonbyoung was made as an immediate and strong response to these wartime calls from the Japanese Empire. The protagonist, Chunho hopes to erase everything he has gotten from his father in order to acquire qualifications to become a complete Japanese. The movie, at the same time, uses another main character, Bunok, to naturalize Joseon. This traditional female character provokes a sense of nostalgia for the dominated homeland, idealizing Joseon's traditional virtues such as devotion, chastity, and faithfulness. This duplicity in the film was why it could not get permission to be screened; that is, Jiwonbyoung was aiming for 'Naeson Ilchae' propaganda, whereas reminding audiences of the nation, Joseon. Another movie, which led up to Jiwonbyoung, Kimitoboku, the title of which means 'you and I both' in Japanese, also failed to get approval from the empire because of its frequent use of Korean language, although far more active in supporting the propaganda in it. The Japanese Empire, actually, was not to approve any Joseon-made movies. In this sense, Jiwonbyoung can be shown as one of the most realistic examples that had shown Joseon movies' contradiction during Japanese wartimes. 중일 전쟁이 발발하자 일제는 ‘내선일체’를 내세워 조선에 ‘육군특별지원병령’을 공포하였다. 영화 <지원병>은 제국의 부름에 대한 즉각적이고도 적극적인 응답으로서 제작되었다. 지원병이 되어 ‘국민의 자격’을 얻고자 하는 주인공 ‘춘호’는 ‘아비 지우기’를 통해 철저한 일본인이 되고자 소망한다. 이처럼 ‘내선일체’를 적극적으로 선전한 이 영화는 정작 제국으로부터 그다지 환영받지 못하였다. 1940년 3월 무렵 후시녹음을 완료하였음에도 불구하고 이 영화는 이듬해 3월에야 개봉되었다. 특히 일본 평단은 이 영화에 대하여 가혹한 평가로 일관하였다. <지원병>은 ‘내선일체’를 내세우면서도 ‘조선’을 강하게 환기시키는 영화이다. 이 글은 기획 단계에서 공개된 시놉시스와 제작 직후 공개된 시나리오, 그리고 완성필름을 각각 비교 검토한 결과 <지원병>은 조선의 무기력하고 부정적인 아비를 통해 조선을 부정하는 한편, 전형적인 조선의 여인으로서 ‘분옥’을 통해 조선의 옛 가치를 구현하고, 그로써 조선을 긍정하고자 함을 확인하였다. ‘야마가와’와 ‘덕삼’의 대비는 이 영화가 얼마나 조선의 부정에 적극적인가를 보여주는 한편, 아비의 부재를 확인시키는 모친의 존재와 춘호에 대한 일방적인 헌신과 정결을 바치는 분옥의 존재는 이 영화가 또한 얼마나 ‘조선’을 욕망하는가를 잘 보여준다. 이는 ‘내선일체’ 담론이 지닌 차이의 흔적으로서, 일제 권력의 공식적인 담론과 달리 ‘내선일체’를 기회이자 자격의 담론으로 전유하고자 한 식민지 지식인들의 욕망을 고스란히 담고 있다. 내선일체에의 불철저함은 <지원병>의 총체적 실패로 이어졌고 이로써 <지원병>은 ‘내선일체’ 담론의 균열과 모순을 드러내는 동시에 그 불가능성을 적나라하게 드러내었다. 이러한 실패는 <지원병>의 뒤를 이어 보다 강화된 프로파간다로서 ‘내선일체’를 선전한 <그대와 나>에서도 그대로 이어졌다.
남한 중부지역의 지각특성 구명을 위한 토모그라피 역산에 의한 예비적 연구
이덕기,경재복,정태웅,Lee, Duk-Kee,Kyung, Jai-Bok,Chung, Tae-Woong 한국지구과학회 2001 한국지구과학회지 Vol.22 No.1
남한 중남부에 위치하는 한국교원대학교 단주기 지진 관측망에 1997${\sim}$1998년 사이 포착된 원거리 지진들의 종파 초동 시간의 상대적 도달시간차를 분석하고 향후 있을 한반도 전체규모의 종파속도구조대비의 연구를 위하여 예비적인 토모그라피(tomography) 역산을 실시하였다. 각 지진 관측점에서 측정된 종파의 상대적 도달시간차들은 최대 0.7초로 측정되었다. 경기육괴와 옥천대의 경계 근처의 관측점들에서 계산된 종파의 상대적 도달시간차들은 역방위각의 변화에 따라 비교적 큰 값의 변화를 나타내며 그 지역 지각 하부에 속도구조 이상체가 존재할 수 있음을 지시한다. 조사지역 상부 맨틀이 수평적으로 균질하다는 가정하에 지각 전체에 대한 토모그라피 역산 결과는 조사지역 북서쪽에 북동-남서 방향으로 상대적으로 낮은 종파 속도를 가지는 구조가 나타난다. 역산된 예비적 성격의 상대적 속도 구조이상체는 경기육괴와 옥천대의 경계를 따라 대비되는 듯한 경향을 나타낸다. 이번 연구에 사용된 블록의 크기나 위치 등에대한 입력 파라메터는 차후 자료가 충분히 집적될 경우 정밀분석을 위한 입력 파라메터로서 이용될 것이다. P wave traveltime delays has been measured and a preliminary tomouaphic inversion has been performed using the data collected from the network deployed by Korea National University of Education in the southcentral part Korea. The maximum variation in relative traveltime residuals is almost 0.7 seconds. A large azimuthal variation in traveltime residuals is observed at the stations in the northwestern part of the study area. This might indicate the existence of lateral velocity heterogeneity beneath the study area. Although, the inverted tomographic image seems to be correlated with the tectonic boundary between Kyunggi Massif and Okcheon Belt, the confidence level is presently low. We should place on the importance of this study for finding preferable inversion parameters and predicting probable result. Better tomographic image of the study area can be obtained in the near future when the data are accumulated.
STS 학습 지도 자료의 개발과 현장 적용에 관한 연구
이덕기,장남기 韓國生物敎育學會 1996 생물교육 Vol.24 No.2
The purpose of this study is to develop STS instructional materials for respiration and excretion as an alternative to solve the problem which lies in the textbooks and to testify their applicatory effects to high school students in the: biology doss. Though about half of the goals in the 6th National Science Education Curriculum, Biology I and Biology II is for STS instruction, there are little contents containing scientific literacy in the chapters for respiration and excretion in the high school textbooks Science I (biology), Biology I and Biology II. In this study two STS insructional materials for respiration and excretion were developed and their instructional strategy was designed. These were applied to the experimental groups composed of high school 1st grade boys and girls in Seoul, Korea. There were also control groups composed of another high school 1st grade boys and girls who had been instructed with traditional instruction method. To elucidate the effects of STS instruction pre and post test for inquiry skills and scientific attitudes were applied to the control groups and the experimental groups. Much enhancing between pre and post tests in the inquiry skills was found in the experimental groups but little in the control groups. These results of inquiry skills show that the class using STS instructional materials is more effective than the one using the traditional instruction method. A little enhancing between pre and post test in the scientific attitudes was found in the experimental groups and so was in the control groups. But there is a little difference between the experimental groups and the control groups. These results of scientific attitudes suggest that scientific attitude is not improved much in a short time and can be improved by traditional instruction method as well. As conclusions, to realize the goals of 6th National Science Education Curriculum, STS instructional materials related to the biology textbooks which will be instructed in 199. must be developed and used as an instructional aids, and their application methods, too. And in the next 7th National Science Education Curriculum it is desirable to insert more STS insructional materials in the biology textbooks than nowadays.