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Purinergic receptor Y2 expression in chronic obstructive sialadenitis
Objectives: We studied the expression of P2Y2 mRNA in human submandibular gland and compared that between normal tissues and chronic obstructive sialadenitis’s tissues. Materials and Methods: As a study group, 10 human submandibular glands with chronic obstructive sialadenitis and as a control group, 10 normal submandibular glands were collected. Using real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, P2Y2 receptor mRNA extracted from submandibular glands and analyzed semiquantitatively. Expression level of P2Y2 receptor was compared between 2 groups through western blot and immunohistochemical stain. Results: The mRNAs for P2Y2 receptor were identified in human submandibular gland tissues through the real time RT-PCR. The P2Y2/GAPDH mRNA ratios in chronic obstructive sialadenitis were significantly low compare with those in normal tissues. The P2Y2 protein was expressed acinar cells and ductal cells in the normal submandibular gland tissues but especially ductal cells in chronic obstructive sialadenitis. Conclusions: P2Y2 receptor is expressed in human submandibular gland and the expression is decreased in chronic sialadenitis.
황선진 단국대학교 교육대학원 2012 국내석사
When we get introduced to the world as we are born, we get naturally exposed to various musical experiences. These musical experiences get systemized by music education first provided in kindergarten or childcare centers in Korea. Musical environments and experiences in childhood have a great influence on children as growing up. Moreover, the very first experience of music education can lead children to have a different preference and attitude towards music. Therefore, it is obvious that music education in kindergarten is vital as well as valuable in our musical growth, and it leaves us to consider a good way of providing music education. The purpose of this study is to design an effective curriculum for children in kindergarten to be interested in music and have various musical experiences. Based on eurhythmics, the Dalcroze Method, the curriculum has been designed focusing on play since play takes up a majority of the day for children and they can associate themselves the most with music class through play. After literature researches and reviews on children, music education, and the Dalcroze Method, the teaching plan has been established to be used in a real kindergarten classroom based on my previous field work experience of six years. The content of the teaching plan is musical storytelling consisting of beats, sound exploration, and ‘Le Carnaval des Animaux’ by Saint Saens. As a result of practicing the teaching plan in a real kindergarten classroom, it was found that children learned the beats not only by understanding them mentally but also by enjoying them with their bodies moving to music. Moreover, they could have various experiences on music tone through the sound exploration resulting them to have greater interest in music. Some may say that the musical storytelling based on ‘Le Carnaval des Animaux’ by Saint Saens is not much different from a typical classical music listening class. However, it is not just a listening class but a fun and unique class which helps children to listen carefully with movements and activities relative to each piece of the song. After the class, children got familiar with all 14 pieces of ‘Le Carnaval des Animaux’ by Saint Saens, and learned many factors of music enjoying the class. Play-based music education has already existed in our classroom; however, this study is more practical and it can be applied in the real kindergarten classroom immediately. I hope this study can help both educational institutions for children and kindergarten teacher to have more interest in music education and also help them to provide music education which is truly beneficial for children. Moreover, kindergarten teachers should study and put in continual efforts in providing good music education in which children can have diverse musical experiences. 음악적 경험은 태어나면서부터 시작되며, 한국에서의 음악교육은 보통 유치원이나 어린이집에서 시작된다. 유아기의 음악적 환경과 경험은 유아가 성장함에 있어서 많은 영향을 준다. 또한 음악교육의 첫 경험을 통해서 음악에 대한 선입견과 선호도가 달라질 수 있다. 이렇듯 유치원에서의 음악교육은 한 개인의 음악적 성장에 그만큼 중요하며 가치가 있다. 따라서 좋은 음악교육을 위해서는 어떻게 해야 하는지 생각해볼 필요가 있다. 이 연구의 목적은 유치원 유아들을 대상으로 음악에 흥미를 유발시키고 다양한 음악적 경험을 할 수 있는 효율적인 수업방법을 고안하는데 있다. 수업방법은 달크로즈 교수법 중 유리드믹스의 개념을 토대로 하여 놀이에 초점을 두어 작성하였다. 놀이는 유아들에게 생활의 전부라고 할 수 있으며, 놀이를 통한 음악수업이 가장 친숙하다고 생각하기 때문이다. 우선 문헌을 통해서 유아와 음악교육, 달크로즈 교수법과 놀이에 대해서 알아보고 그 후에 6년 동안의 실제 교육경험을 참고로 하여 실제로 유치원 수업에 활용할 수 있는 지도안을 작성 하였다. 지도안의 내용은 박과 소리탐구, 생상의 ‘동물의 사육제’의 내용으로 구성된 음악동화이다. 이 지도방법으로 유치원에서 지도 실습한 결과, 유아들은 박을 앉아서 머리로만 익히는 것이 아니라 몸으로 익혔으며, 소리탐구 활동을 통해서 음색에 대한 다양한 경험을 했으며 호기심과 흥미를 가지게 되었다. 음악동화로 구성한 ‘동물의 사육제’는 평범한 클래식 감상수업이라고 생각할 수도 있을 것이다. 하지만 이야기와 함께 각각의 곡에 어울리는 움직임과 활동을 하며, 음악을 주의 깊게 듣게 되는 평범하지 않은 즐거운 감상수업이다. 수업 후에 유아들은 ‘동물의 사육제’ 14곡을 모두 알 수 있게 되었고 지루하지 않으며 즐겁게 음악의 여러 요소들을 몸으로 익히게 되었다. 놀이를 적용한 음악수업은 기존에도 많이 있었다. 하지만 이 연구는 좀 더 실질적이고 유치원 수업현장에서 바로 적용될 수 있는 내용이다. 이 연구를 통하여 유아교육기관, 유아교사 모두 유아의 음악교육에 더욱더 많은 관심을 가지며 유아를 위한 음악교육을 실천했으면 한다. 또한 교사는 유아가 음악적 경험을 많이 할 수 있도록 끊임없이 연구하고, 노력하길 바란다.
이미지 Localization과 딥러닝 분류 기법을 활용한 스마트 컨트랙트 재진입 공격 취약점 위치 탐지 방법
블록체인과 스마트 컨트랙트 기술의 등장이후, 이를 활용하기 위한 학계와 산업계의 연구가 이어지고 있다. 블록체인 위에서 동작하는 스마트 컨트랙트는 자동화된 계약을 제 3자 없이 제공해줄 수 있다는 점에서 많은 주목을 받고 있지만, 기존의 프로그래밍 언어에서 존재하지 않았던 새로운 보안 공격의 등장으로 사용자들은 자산의 위협을 받고 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서 스마트 컨트랙트 개발자들은 취약점 탐지 도구들을 활용하여 사전에 보안 취약점을 점검하고 이를 제거하는 것이 요구되며, 사용자들 또한 자신이 사용하려는 스마트 컨트랙트를 사전에 점검해보고 사용할 것이 요구된다. 하지만 기존의 취약점 탐지 도구들은 대부분 기호 실행 기반으로, 코드 길이에 따라 취약점 점검에 많은 시간이 소요된다는 단점이 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해, 빠르고 일정한 시간의 탐지 속도를 제공해주는 머신러닝 기반의 취약점 탐지 기법들이 제안되고 있으나, 머신러닝 기법을 사용 시에 취약점의 위치를 알기 어렵다는 단점이 존재한다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 딥러닝 및 이미지 Localization 기반의 재진입 공격 탐지 기법을 제안한다. 제안 기법은 딥러닝을 통해 빠르고 일정한 시간 내에 재진입 공격 취약점을 식별하고, 비지도 학습 기반의 이미지 Localization을 사용하여 재진입 공격 취약점이 있는 코드의 위치를 제안해준다. 제안하는 기법은 각 실험에서 93%와 95%의 정확도를 보이며, 각 도구들과 비교해 최소 20배에서 최대 721배 빠른 속도인 0.4초와 0.38초의 평균 탐지 속도를 보인다.
Time resolved spectroscopic technique has been applied for study of photo physical properties and photo dynamics of transient species. This technique has its own distinct advantage which enables us to study transient species including excited states, intermediates and transition state. The focus of this work has been probed in charge transfer dynamics and carrier relaxation of QDs and semiconductor by time resolved spectroscopic techniques which are fully employed to study and understand excited state dynamics and their novel chemical properties. Quantum dots are tiny particles, or “nanoparticles”, of a semiconductor material, traditionally chalcogenides (selenides or sulfides) of metals like cadmium or zinc (CdSe or ZnS, for example), which range from 2 to 10 nanometers in diameter. Because of their small size, quantum dots display unique optical and electrical properties that are different in character to those of the corresponding bulk material. Moreover, the wavelength of emissions depends not on the composition of the quantum dot, but its size. Quantum dots can therefore be “tuned” during production to emit any color of light desired by changing its size. We synthesized a new highly QDs using multi shell structures and investigated its stability and photo properties. Passivation of QDs such as InP is reported to increase the quantum efficiency and stabilize its structure by protecting the core from external environments. We verified the charge transfer dynamics of InP QDs passivated with GaP and ZnS shell by using time-correlated single photon counting spectroscopy. Semiconductor and metal nanoparticles display unique size dependent photo physical, electrochemical, photo catalytic and optical properties. The presence of metal facilitates electron transfer from photo excited semiconductor to the surroundings and decreases recombination rate between the electrons-holes in the semiconductor. The focus of this work provides mechanistic explanation for the size-dependent charge recombination rate of TiO2 and Au rod/TiO2 composite in UV region. We have found that the TiO2 shell thickness and Au rod have influenced the charge recombination of TiO2 by transient absorption spectroscopy.
여성혐오 사회현상과 여성정책과의 관계에 관한 사회학적 연구
황선진 대구가톨릭대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사
This thesis takes misogyny which is a social phenomena as a study object and focuses on the relationship between misogyny and the policies for women. After classifying 4 types of policies for women (that is, Gender Equality, Preference Policies for Women, Care, Sex), it was tried to evaluate the legitimacy for each type and to analyze a level of actual misogyny and the cause of each misogyny. In addition, since many counter-discourses have been formed against ‘Kimchi Women’ even though any counter-discourses are not formed against the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) and the policies for women, those discourses were compared and analyzed. 3kinds of analytical methods, the review on literature & quantitative studies, qualitative interviews and an analysis of discourses were used. As the results from the analysis, first, it was found that the government policies for women make the people confused since various policies are mixed because those policies are mainly based on multi-dimensional concepts. It was found that the preference policies for women among such 4 types were one cause of misogyny. And also, there was lack of understanding of the government policies for women since the people do not know what is a reason why a policy for women is established or whether a policy for women exists or not and so forth. Second, it was found that many variables for misogyny in the existing theses are not related to an misogyny. The correlation between experience of the relationship with the opposite gender and an intention to get married is very low. The lower the intention to get married, the higher misogyny. And as the opposite conclusion compared to the existing studied on the experiences of the relationship with the opposite gender, it was found, the more the experiences of the relationship, the higher misogyny. Moreover, as a cause of misogyny, unlike many of the existing studies that pointed out the masculinity in crisis, the first top reason was a personal trait which is easily instigated and the second top reason was the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) and the government policies for women. Third, it was found that the reasons why there are not raised any counter-discourses against the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) are a late response to rumors and a man’s disability which cannot persuade a rumor producer. In addition, due to the ceaseless discussions on the merge of MOGEF within the government cabinet, the MOGEF has been undervalued and the necessity of a women’s policy agency has not felt by the people.
The purpose of this study was to show that the architectural photograph plays a role as a architectural criticism. the architectural photograph provided 'the new architectural sense of sight' as a diversity of a view point that can't see with the naked eye. the architectural photograph present what language can't present with created image. It is a process that search for 'new architectural sense of sight' through a new cognition method to be based on 'Niche's Dionysian reason'. Therefore the architectural photograph was a architectural criticism with process to interpret architecture as new and creative sense of sight.
수입 여성화장품 브랜드 포지셔닝 전략과 패키지 디자인 프로필에 관한 연구 : 3대 수입 여성화장품 브랜드 중심으로
황선진 漢陽大學校 産業經營大學院 2002 국내석사
자본주의의 발달은 소비지에게 부(富)의 축척과 욕구의 다양화를 가져왔고, 정보(情報), 통신(通信)기술의 발달은 기업 경영환경의 급속한 변화(變化)를 가져오고 있다. 변화의 속도는 점점 빨라지고 있으며 폭(幅) 또한 넓어지고 있다. 이렇듯 심화(深化)되는 경쟁상황 속에서 기업은 제품을 차별화(差別化)하고 특성화(特性化)하여 소비지들에게 신뢰감을 주는 마케팅전략을 수립하여야만 생존(生存)할 수 있는 것이다. 이를 위해 기업들은 타사와 구분되는 브랜드를 사용하고 있으며 브랜드전략은 기업의 핵심 경영전략으로 지리를 잡고 있다. "브랜드 포지셔닝"은 자사브랜드의 목표이미지를 고객들이 쉽고 분명하게 이해할수 있는 형태로 전환하여 잠재고객들에게 자사 상품의 위치를 결정지어주는 역할을 하며 이는 브랜드 아이덴티티의 실행이라고 말할 수 있다. 특히 개법상의 브랜드를 시각적으로 가시화(可視化)시켜주는 패키지 디자인은 브랜드의 시각적 특징을 제공하여 브랜드 이미지 형성에 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 소비자에게 직접 노출되어 있고 구매(購買)시 선택의 직접적 대상이 되는 패키지 디자인의 오류(誤謬)로 인해 소비지에게 브랜드 이미지를 흐려 놓게 되거나 전체적인 브랜드자산의 하락에 영향을 끼친다면 기업으로서는 상당한 타격을 받게 되는 것이다. 반면 디자인이 우수한 제품은 브랜드의 가치를 높이는데 기여하고, 브랜드인지도와 브랜드 연상도(聯想渡)를 높여주며 궁극적으로는 브랜드 아이덴티티를 창출하는데 도움을 준다. 따라서 기업은 소비지에게 호감을 줄 수 있는 브랜드를 개발함은 물론 그 브랜드에 대한 일관된 브랜드 포지셔닝 전략과 디자인 전략을 전개하여 브랜드의 가치를 높이는데 최선을 다해야 한다. 이에 본 논문은 여성화장품의 브랜드 포지셔닝 전략과 패키지 디자인 전락의 상관성을 연구하고자 한다. 구체적으로 수입화장품 브랜드의 목표이미지와 패키지 디자인을 통한 브랜드 이미지와의 비교분석을 통하여 브랜드 포지셔닝의 수행에 있어 패키지 디자인의 역할을 분석하고, 패키지 디자인을 통한 브랜드 포지셔닝의 방향을 제시함으로써 수입브랜드에 잠식되어 가고 있는 국내 화장품업계의 활로를 찾아보는데 그 목적이 있다. As the capitalism has flourished, consumers have got richer and their needs have diversified. The development of information and communication technology has brought rapid changes in the business environment. The speed and depth of changes have become more intense than ever. In such a competitive environment, companies can survive only when they establish marketing strategies that differentiate their products from others, giving a sense of trust to consumers. Companies use brand names to differentiate their products. Brand strategies are one of the core business strategies. "Positioning" helps customers to clearly and easily understand the desired brand image of products and to map the position of products in their minds. Thus, positioning is an execution of a brand identity. A package design, that visualizes the brand concept and that visually provides the characteristics of the brand, plays an important role in forming a brand image. A package is exposed to consumers and is the direct object of purchase. Thus a poor package design will have adverse effects on the brand image, thereby decreasing its brand value and seriously damaging the company. On the other hand, a good package design will contribute to the increase in brand value. Also, it enhances brand awareness and association and plays an important role in developing brand identity. Therefore, companies should not only develop brands that are favorable to consumers, but also do their best to increase the brand value of their products by using consistent brand and design strategies. In this thesis, the relationship between brand strategies and package design strategies of cosmetics is studied in depth. The intended image of each imported brand and its brand image through package design are compared. In addition, the role of package design in brand positioning is analyzed. This study is intended to discover how package design should evolve as a part of a brand identity strategy and to suggest a solution for domestic cosmetics brands that are losing market shares to foreign brands.