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      • 오피스 임대시장의 권역간 전세환산율 차이에 관한 연구 : 서울 및 분당권역을 중심으로

        홍순만 성균관대학교 행정대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the deposit-basis lease conversion rates of the rental offices in three major downtowns of Seoul and downtown Bundang and thereby, determine the differences of such rates among the downtowns as well as the primary factors affecting the rates, and therewith, define the characteristics of each rental office market to construct a precise information database about rental office markets and develop an office lease index, both of which would be useful to not only office building investors and developers but also existing building owners, tenants and other relevant people. Although the deposit-basis lease conversion rates tend to be determined through agreement between lessor and lessee, lessors apply their own common rates in some areas. Anyway, it is desirable to set the same deposit-basis lease conversion rates in the capital markets because they represent the opportunity costs of capital. Nevertheless, it was found that each of major downtowns in Seoul and Bundang downtown was applying its own rate to rental offices, which were different among areas. Such differences seemed to be attributable to various causes. The study reviewed such major causes as owners, scale of building, age of building, zoning and uses. The relations between such major variables and deposit-basis lease conversion rates can be summed up as follows; First, as a result of analyzing the relation between owners and conversion rates, it was found that the rates differed depending on owners across the sample downtowns. The ratio of corporate owners was higher in the conventional downtown of Seoul and Bundang downtown, while the ratio of individual owners was higher in the other two downtowns, Kangnam and Yeouido/Mapo. However, the public owners were distributed relatively evenly among the sample downtowns. The conversion rates were higher for individuals' buildings than for corporate buildings. Namely, it was found that the conversion rates were relatively higher in Kangnam where more buildings were owned by individuals. The reason why the conversion rates were not high in Yeouido/Mapo downtown despite more individual office buildings were distributed was that those individuals financially capable had invested much in the office buildings there by taking advantage of the lower interest rates. Second, as a consequence of analyzing the relation between building scale and conversion rates, it was found that the larger a building was, it was more likely to be owned by corporations. Namely, the building scale was correlated with 'who was the owner'. Thus, the larger the buildings were, their conversion rates were lower, and vice versa. Such correlations could explain the fact well that the conversion rates were lower for the office buildings in the conventional downtown of Seoul and Bundang downtown where more corporate buildings were than those in Kangnam. Merely, the reason why the conversion rates were low for the office buildings in Yeoui-do/Mapo where more buildings were owned by individuals was that the larger-scale buildings once owned by financial service companies mostly had been sold out to individuals due to their restructuring programs and therefore, that the same conversion rates as in the past were applied. Third, as a result of analyzing the relation between age of buildings and their deposit-basis lease conversion rates, it was disclosed that the buildings in the conventional downtown of Seoul were oldest, followed by those in Yeouido/Mapo, Kangnam and Bundang downtown in their order. Namely, the buildings in the conventional downtown of Seoul were older than those in Kangnam, and therefore, lower conversion rates were applied there. When office buildings were constructed, their developers had to borrow some of the cost from banks, and thus, banks had pressed the building owners to repay their loans earlier. After all, the older buildings were less burdened with the debt. In other words, the younger a building was, the opportunity cost of its capital was higher and therefore, the deposit-basis lease conversion rates were higher that much, and vice versa. Merely, the reason why lower conversion rates were applied to the younger buildings in Bundang downtown than Kangnam was that more buildings were owned by corporations as discussed before. Fourth, as a result of analyzing the relation between zoning and conversion rates, it was found that commercial zones accounted for 14.13%, semi-residental zones for 14.36% and residential zones accounted for 16.39%. Since the buildings in the commercial zones were more likely to be larger, being owned by corporations, the conversion rates were lower. Namely, there was a significant correlation between zoning and building scale/owner. Fifth, as a consequence of analyzing the relation between use of building and conversion rates, it was found that the buildings used for business headquarters applied lower conversion rates than the buildings used for business headquarters + rental or those pure rental buildings. It was also found that the conversion rates for rental buildings were lower than those for business headquarters + rental buildings, which does not agree to preceding studies. Such a disagreement seemed to be attributable to the facts that as the entire buildings were rental, the conversion rates were flexibly adjusted to reflect the rental building market conditions and that most of those buildings were medium or big buildings for investment, and therefore, that the leases for them were relatively higher than similar neighbor buildings but the deposit-basis lease conversion rates were set lower. As a result of analyzing the relations between conversion rates and 5 major variables based on the differences of conversion rates among downtowns, it was confirmed that building scale was correlated with owners and that the conversion rates differed depending on distributions of ownerships or zoning rather than age of buildings. What was peculiar, however, was that the conversion rates did not differ depending on zoning or ownerships as well as age of buildings in Kangnam downtown. On the other hand, the conversion rates were not different depending on age of buildings in Bundang downtown, as were in Kangnam, which seemed to be attributable to the fact that office buildings were supplied during similar periods in both downtowns. If the above results of analysis should be used to determine the characteristics of domestic office rental markets by downtown and construct a precise information database about office markets, and thereby, develop an office lease index and calculate profit ratios of office buildings, they would be useful to not only office building investors and developers but also existing buildings owners, tenants and other relevant people. 지난 사십여년간 우리나라는 “한강의 기적“을 반영하면서 괄목한 성장을 해왔고, 이에 발맞추어 산업구조도 다양화되어 60∼70년대 농업, 제조업 위주의 산업구조에서 서비스 산업으로 주력산업이 재편되어 가고 있다. 기업체의 본사나 은행, 보험회사 등 서비스업무시설이 대도시에 점유하는 비중이 크게 증가하고 있으며, 대도시의 도심에 주로 입지했던 고급업무시설들은 이제는 부도심을 넘어 외곽지역까지 확산되고 있다. 특히 우리나라 서울과 수도권(분당) 오피스시장은 1960년대 후반부터 현재까지 약 45년 동안 괄목할 만한 성장을 해 왔고, 특히 서울의 주요 3대 권역(도심권, 여의도ㆍ마포권, 강남권)과 분당권역 시장은 기타 권역의 임대료 및 공실률 등에 막대한 영향을 끼치고 있다. 오피스빌딩은 여타 부동산에 비하여 투자금액이 매우 크고, 지가가 높은 도시지역에 주로 위치하고 있으며, 대부분 임대용으로 사용된다. 여기에 임차인은 비즈니스 목적의 사무공간으로서 임대료와 관리비 등을 비용으로 지불한다. 우리나라는 1997년 말 IMF 외환위기 발생 이후 외환위기를 조기에 벗어나고 외국자본의 국내 유치를 위하여 1998년 5월 「외국인 토지법」을 전면 개정하였고, 이러한 영향으로 자산유동화증권제도(ABS), 주택저당증권제도(MBS), 부동산투자회사법(REITs, 2001년)등 선진 부동산 투자기법들이 국내에 도입되었다. 이에 따라 외국계 투자기관 및 개인이 국내 부동산을 소유할 수 있는 제도적 장치가 마련되었으며, 이들은 주로 오피스빌딩을 중심으로 그 규모를 꾸준히 늘려가고 있는 추세이다. 이처럼 오피스빌딩은 소유주, 임차인 뿐만 아니라 투자자(국내, 외국계)에게도 많은 관심의 대상이 되고 있는 실정이다. 부동산시장 개방은 외국인들로 하여금 우리나라 부동산을 구매하도록 하고 그 매각대금으로 기업부채와 금융기관의 부실여신을 축소하고자 하는 전략적인 조치였다. 그러나, 외국인 부동산투자의 주요 부문인 국내 오피스 시장은 투자 수익성에 대해 확신을 심어줄 수 있는 신뢰할 만한 자료의 부족으로 외국인 투자를 유치하는데 큰 성과를 거두지 못하고 있다. 국내 오피스 부동산 시장 분석에 있어 꼭 고려되어야 할 부분은 특수한 임대료 지불방식 구조이다. 특히, 국내 오피스 임대료 지불방식 구조를 살펴보면, 전세와 보증부월세가 통용되고 있다. 전월세가 혼용되는 경우에는 문제가 작지만 전세계약만이 가능한 오피스의 경우에는 임대료나 수익률 산정 시, 전세보증금을 월세 상당액으로 전환하는 것이 필요하다. 미국의 경우 임대료가 순수한 월세방식으로 이루어지기 때문에 전세금 또는 보증금전환 문제가 발생하지 않는다.

      • The development and application of analytical methods for evaluating circulator transit system alternatives within/around major activity center

        홍순만 University of Washington 1992 해외박사

        RANK : 1855

        본 연구의 주요목적은 지역간 간선대중교통체계와 연졔 또는순환대중교통체제를 설계하는대 도 움이 되는 대중교통체제 분석방법론의 개발하고실제와 유사한 표준화된 활동인구밀집지역을 대상발된 방법론을 적용다양한 대중교통체계를 분석평가 함으로써 활동인구밀집지역과 그 주변지역에대중교통체계를 제시하는데 있다. 이러한 대중교통시스템에 분석을 하기위하여 미국 교통부와 교템센타에서 개발한 모형을 토대로 그미비점을 대폭보완하여 활동인구밀집지역에 있어 대중교통시분석 평가할 수 있는 모형을개발하였다. 이 모형은 표준화된 도시를 설계하여 데이타베이스 구축시설계모형,토지이용 및 인구배치에 따른 교통량 발생모형,시간. 방향. 직업별O-D교통량 배분모형,교차로의 지체를 감안한 도로교통량예측모형,대중교통이용자의 도보. 차래. 대기시간등으로 세분화시간산출모형,정거장 최적입지 선정모형,주차장 선택모형,가용주차면수산출모형,보행거리 산출모가지 평가변수가 가미된 로짓타입의 수송수단선택모형,적정수준요금 결정모형등 여러가지 세분화들로 구성되어 있다. 이렇듯 복잡하게 구성된 모형들이 체계적이고 일관성있게 상호연관관계를 가중교통시스템을 폭넓게 분석평가할 수 있는 모형을 개발하는 것이 이번연구의 촛점이라고 하겠다연구에서는 여러가지 대중교통수단중 연계 및순환대중교통 시스템으로서의 버스와 개인용 교통수가지 노선형태를 가진간선대중교통수단을 중심으로 그효율성을 평가하였다. 분석결과중 중요한 것추려보면 대중교통이용확대를 위한 간선대중교통체계와 순환대중교통체계와의상호관계,적정요금셉ㅁ誰�대중교통수단에 대한 보조금 지급정책,주차요금및 주차장 공급정책,대중교통수단 노선구졺洲뵉凰쨉楮�대한 분석평가와함께 바람직한 도시교통 정책방향을 제시하고 있다. 아울러 미국과인구밀도가비교적 낮은 도시지역에서는 개인용 대중교통수단이 버스에 비해바람직한 순환대중교킹�분석평가하고 있다.

      • 지방의회 행정사무감사의 실태 및 개선방안 : 충청남도의회 행정사무감사를 중심으로

        홍순만 공주대학교 경영행정대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        본 논문은 지방의회의 핵심기능인 지방의원의 행정사무감사의 실태를 살펴보고, 지방분권이 국가 경쟁력을 높이고 세계화시대에 대응할 수 있는 지방을 건설하는 방안이기에 지방자치의 활성화와 지방의 역할증대는 지속될 것이고, 이에 따른 지방행정의 책임성과 투명성 확보는 더욱 중요한 과제가 될 것이다. 그렇다면 기존의 지방감사제도에 대한 논의와 그 논의의 결과 추진되고 있는 지방감사제도의 개선방안은 적절한가에 대한 검토가 필요하다. 이 논문은 기존 연구에서 지적되었던 지방행정사무감사의 문제점이 무엇이고 현재 추진되고 있는 개선방안의 적절성을 검토함으로써 좀 더 발전적인 지방감사제도의 방안을 모색하고자 한다. 지방의회의 행정사무감사의 기능을 강화시키기 위해 지방의원의 전문성 강화와 함께 지방감사제도의 지속적으로 제기되고 있는 중복감사의 문제, 독립성과 전문성이 부족한 지방정부의 자체감사와 의회의 행정사무감사 문제를 제기하고, 이러한 논의의 결과 중복감사의 문제를 완화할 수 있는 방안 및 독립성과 전문성을 강화할 수 있는 지방정부의 감사제도 추진에 대한 방안들을 모색하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 먼저 지방의회 행정사무감사와 관련된 선행연구와 문헌들을 고찰하여 행정사무감사의 개선 지표들을 밝혀내었다. 그리고 이러한 지표 및 요인을 활용하여 충청남도의회를 대상으로 행정사무감사 사례분석을 통해 충청남도의회 지방의원들의 행정사무감사의 개념과 역할을 정리하고 행정사무감사의 실태와 문제점을 분석함으로써 기존 지방감사제도의 문제점이 무엇이고 현재 추진되고 있는 개선방안의 적절성을 검토함으로써 좀 더 발전적인 지방감사제도의 방안을 모색하고자 한다. 특히 지방분권의 입장에서 충청남도 지방의회의 행정사무감사의 개선방안을 찾아보고자 한다. South Korea’s local government system, which has a presidential system but gives superior status to autonomous organizations at the same time, has introduced the administrative inspection & audit system as a device to put a restraint on the executive branch of a local council. The administrative inspection & audit system of local councils is responsible for correcting irrational practices in terms of the administrative execution, securing information and data required for lawmaking activities and budget deliberation, evaluating the policy implementation and offering alternatives, and satisfying the residents’ right to know. Especially, the administrative inspection & audit system for a local council plays an important role in promoting a fair and efficient execution of public services, uncovering corruption in the process of public affairs, improving business performance, and enhancing financial efficiency. The administrative inspection & audit system has served as an opportunity to build local residents’ trust in a transparent local administration and local city councilors. Despite that, there are strong criticisms that it has been repeatedly faced with similar problems and contradictions inherent in the system and methodology without a substantial development for the past 60 years since the administrative inspection & audit system was introduced. The administrative inspection & audit system has the following problems. First, there is a contradiction in that the head of a local government has an authority over personnel affairs including the appointment and dismissal of public officers who support local council activities. However, the head of a local government has the authority over personal affairs on those public officers who are responsible for analyzing the complex and complicated various local affairs of the executive branch and identifying problems to provide data for the audit, it is a mere perfunctory system. To address this problem, the authority over personnel affairs should be transferred to a local council to boost the capacity of a local council to carry out self-directed activities. Second, local city councilors lack in professionalism. Although they have highly educational backgrounds and great competency when they enter a local council, this does not translate into an effective implementation of the administrative inspection & audit system. They often fail to meet a high level of expertise required to deal with pending issues and resolving conflicts which can occur in a rapidly changing modern society, and to suggest a policy direction of the executive branch. And they just conduct passive council activities such as the issuance of correction orders to the executive branch. Local councilors should be guaranteed the right to do various activities including local council activities and on-site visits. There is a strong need to introduce outside experts and to secure support staff for a more efficient and effective implementation of the administrative inspection & audit system, through system improvement. Third, there are irrationalities in a local council and its secretariat. The activities of a local council are carried out by councilors, and the authority to supervise council activities is also given to them. However, due to a lax supervision over the members of the standing committee, the analysis of a vast amount of collected data and the identification of problems are not properly conducted, which diminishes the effectiveness of the administrative inspection & audit system. Through a rational redistribution of supervision authority between the council and the secretariat, the function of the administrative inspection & audit system should be reinforced. Lastly, it is the local council’s inefficient management of collected data. A vast amount of data is collected through written inquiries and questions about local government administration for the administrative inspection & audit system. However, the data is poorly managed, which causes an overlapping audit or a repeated request for the same data, and which undermines the efficiency of the administrative inspection & audit system. A more effective administrative inspection & audit system should be performed by establishing a database of the collected data, identifying problems through a thorough preparation and verification in advance, and with careful selection and concentration.

      • 映像音樂 作曲에 따른 映像과 效果音樂의 造化에 관한 硏究 : TV드라마를 中心으로

        홍순만 中央大學校 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        지난 1980년 KBS의 "TV문학관"으로부터 시작된 우리 나라 드라마 효과음악 작곡역사를 돌아볼 때 20여 년의 짧은 기간에도 불구하고 그 나름대로의 논리를 가지고 장족(長足)의 발전을 해왔다. 그러나 최근 몇 년을 전후하여 효과음악 작곡의 이론을 갖추지 못한 많은 신진 효과음악 작곡가들이 등장하면서, 우리민족 정서를 무시한 외국성향 일변도의 음악과 상업주의에 물든 음악들을 작곡함으로서 올바른 효과음악 작곡 활동에 많은 혼란을 야기 시키고 있다. 따라서 본 논자(論者)는 이 연구를 통하여 극히 일부분 이나마 효과음악 작곡의 올바른 방향을 제시하여 TV드라마의 효과음악 작곡체계를 올바르게 확립시키는데 그 목적 과 의의가 있다.

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