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        Research on the Restrictive Factors and Countermeasures for the Development of China-South Korea Trade in Tourism Service

        이동신,이상만 한중사회과학학회 2019 한중사회과학연구 Vol.17 No.2

        Since China joined the WTO in 2001, its scale of trade has expanded rapidly, and the tourism industry has entered a period of rapid development due to the injection of many foreign-funded enterprises. Since ancient times, China and South Korea have exchanged frequently, and now they are important components of the mainland’s economic pillar. Economic and trade exchanges are increasingly close. The signing and implementation of FTA between China and South Korea lay a solid foundation for China-South Korea friendly relations and economic boom. With the friendly political interactions between China and South Korea and the active guidance of economic policies, the traditional tourism service trade has entered a new period of rapid development, and the leap forward has been pushed into the historical process. In order to deeply understand the characteristics of the tourism development of the two countries from many aspects and make the cooperation in tourism service trade closer, in this paper it will elaborate the development status of the tourism service trade between China and South Korea from the historical development process, compare and analyze the potential of the two countries in the international tourism market, and put forward policy suggestions aiming at the constraints, hoping to provide referential suggestions for the future cooperation and common development in the tourism industry between the two countries.

      • KCI등재

        Henry James’s Botanical Marvel: A Mendelian Reading of The Awkward Age

        이동신 미국소설학회 2012 미국소설 Vol.19 No.3

        The Awkward Age might exemplify Henry James’s effort to present, to quote Amy King, “the final stage of the nineteenth-century bloom lineage,” which, by incorporating Linnaeus’s system of plants, used bloom “as a lexicon that combines sex, social position, bodily facts, and affective life into one word.” But as James’s novel also marks the beginning of his generic project to generate ‘the dramatic novel,’ a hybrid genre that would reverse the tendency of Victorian novels, due to its dependency on omniscient narrators, to become increasingly interiorized and unrealistic. Attempting to mix the two genres of novel and drama, his project is thus genetically oriented, and shares much of the then emerging scientific field of genetics, headed by the work of Gregor Mendel. Highlighting these generic/genetic backgrounds of the novel, and reading how James’s generic project is re-deployed as a marriage project in the novel, this paper aims to uncover the genetical underpinning of the novel. In particular, the paper focuses not so much on Nanda, the marriageable girl that has drawn a lot of scholarly attention, as on Mr. Longdon who is described as “a great gardner” and carries on his marriage project between Vanderbank and Nanda according to Mendel’s laws. Noting how closely Mendel’s laws are reenacted in the novel with no direct knowledge of them on the part of the author, the paper thus proposes The Awkward Age as James’s botanical marvel.

      • KCI등재

        Digital Field Cooperation among Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Firms amid Sino-US Rivalry

        이동신,소약란,이원,이상만 국제지역학회 2022 국제지역연구 Vol.26 No.2

        As strategic competition between the US and China getting intensified in recent years, cooperation in the field of digital communication has become more and more complicated for China, South Korea, and Japan. This study compares the international competitiveness of the representative enterprises in the digital sectors in China, theUS, South Korea, and Japan, and explored why South Korea and Japan resisted the pressure from the USto cooperate with Huawei. The paper argues that Huawei's superior development is a precondition for sustaining the cooperation. In addition, the inherent need of the digital industry chain and the mutual interests of the involved parties are the catalyst for promoting the cooperation.. The paper also offers policy suggestions on how South Korea and China can carry out better digital cooperation through the perspective of Chinese scholars.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Strategic Function of Culture and East Asian Regional Cultural Identity

        이동신 한중사회과학학회 2012 한중사회과학연구 Vol.10 No.4

        지속적인 세계경제의 통합과정에서 상이한 국가와 문화간에 상존하는갈등과 정체성 연구는 많은 학문적 관심을 불러 일으키고 있다. 21세기아시아 태평양지역이 세계경제의 중심이 됨에 따라 전지구적 차원은물론 동아시아 지역의 국가들은 자국의 경제발전을 추진하기 위한 사활이 걸린 경쟁을 하고 있으며, 이 가운데 특히 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 간에도 자유무역지대 형성하려는 노력을 하고 있다. 이런 지역통합과정에서 문화의 전략적 기능은 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 삼국의 자유무역지대 창출에 공헌함은물론 실질적인 국가이익증진에 크게 기여할 것이다. 즉 삼국간의 문화적 동질성이 증가하면 할수록 자유무역지대의 성공 가능성은 점점 커질 것이고, 장애물은 점점 더 줄어들 것이다. 본 논문에서는 구성주의적 철학 기초와 외교정책결정과정에서 문화적인식에 근거하여 한ㆍ중ㆍ일간 지역협력과정에서 공통인식을 창출하기위한 문화의 역할, 동북아지역정체성을 구축하기 위한 인식으로서 문화, 국가 이익을 창출하기 위한 문화, 그리고 정체성뿐만 아니라 국가정책ㆍ전략구축을 위한 인식으로서 문화를 재해석하는 것이다. 특히 최근 관심의 중심에 있는 동북아 지역의 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 3국을 선정하여 동아시아 문화권에서 유교적 문화의 전략적 가치를 탐색해봄과 동시 동지역내의 문화적 갈등과 문화의 근대적 진화를 분석하여 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 3국의 자유무역지대 형성을 위한 문화적 토대를 재해석하고 문화의 전략적 기능과 문화적 정체성을 연계하여 지역통합협상의 기초를 분석하는 것을 주된 목적으로 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Hosting Humans: A Theory of the Posthuman Bildungsroman

        이동신 미국소설학회 2013 미국소설 Vol.20 No.3

        Using as a template Octavia Butler’s story, “Bloodchild,” where aliens host a group of humans on the condition that the latter host their eggs, this essay attempts to develop a theory of the posthuman Bildungsroman, a proper literary genre that envisions, to borrow from Franco Moretti’s theory of the classical Bildungsroman, “a new realm of existence in which those abstract and deforming forces penetrates less violently, and can be reconstituted in syntony with the individual aspiration toward harmony.” In order to appreciate this “new realm” as genuinely new, the essay keeps distance from the analogical tradition of science fiction criticism and “the critical of the future” in utopian studies, with which Butler’s story is often associated, and focuses on the new living condition in which humans are in the story. That is, far from what is promised in the classical Bildungsroman, Butler’s story has humans in a place where they, no matter how well they compromise with the alien world, will never be hosts of that world. The best a human can be in the story is to become a legitimate guest by hosting the hosting aliens’ eggs. The theory of the posthuman Bildungsroman that this essay teases out by reading Butler’s story thus draws upon the ironic and complex relationship between humans and nonhumans, in which, to quote Jacques Derrida, “The guest becomes the host’s host.” Humans thus make the ethical gesture of hospitality toward nonhumans not as a generous expression of their power to dominate and control nonhumans but as a plea for nonhumans’ reciprocating hospitality that allows humans to survive and live in the alien world. Enacting this radical reshuffling of the relationship between humans and nonhumans, the posthuman Bildungsroman will narrate how humans grow up as legitimate guests in the posthuman world.

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