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        15세기 조선에서 바라 본 근대중국어 음운체계

        김태성 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2001 언어와 언어학 Vol.28 No.-

        在我國歷史上, 早刻就設立了專門的譯官機構, 負責培養擔當外交事務的飜譯人才. 由於和中國的特殊關係, 培養漢語飜譯人才受到格外重視. 因沈, 朝廷和譯官뗘作出了堅持不構的努力, 留下了 多寶貴的歷史經驗. 首先他例爲掌握實用的漢語口語, 編努了 (老信大) 』朴通事』等會話敎材, 同時也爲掌握當時的標準語音, 曾派朝臣赴華多次,一心觀奈當時的漢語音韻. 但在韓中外交關係上譯官所負的重要責任相比, 譯官培養事業其效果井不十分理想, 尤其譯官的漢語水平往往令朝廷 憂. 世宗大王創側了"訓民正音", 特別重視 的標音效能, 下令朝臣編努漢語韻書, 諸如 」洪武正韻譯訓> t四聲通考) 等, 以助司譯院的譯官쪘學習漢語語音. 申叔舟是當時負責此事業的, 他3己曾多次步踏中國燕京, 遼東各地,對當時的標準漢語非常地了解. 好在他留下了不少言論, 說明當時漢語的音韻特徵, 讀對我刊推論當時15世紀漢語的性質和音韻系練, 具有非常重要的參考意義. 本文就此等觀點, 特以討論他的 』洪武正韻譯訓 ·序) 和 (四聲通考 ·凡側』 兩篇文章中有關漢語音韻的幾條言論, 導出一트比較有質量的結論如下: 1.舌上音已正齒音化了, 2.敷母已歸倂于非母. 3.濁音聲母的淸音化尙未完成. 4.肯定入聲韻尾的存在.

      • 렉싱의 戱曲<賢者 나탄>에 있어서 반지 比喩

        金泰成 부산대학교 1981 論文集 Vol.31 No.1

        "Nathan der Weise" gilt als das am meisten gewu¨rdigte Werk Lessings. Die meisten Interpretationen haben sich auf die Forschung der Ringparabel konzentriert. Lessing selbst hat brieflich die Ringparabel sogar als "Schu¨ssel" zu seinem Drama bezeichnet. Ziel dieses Referats war zuerst die Bedeutung der Ringparabel fu¨r das Stueck zu beschreiben. Unsere naechste Leigrage heisst: Wie laesst sich die strukturelle Einordnung der Ringparabel in das Stueck beschreiben? Mit dieser Wendung des Problems ist ein Zusammenhang der Ringparabel mit der Handlung des Dramas entstanden. Parabel und dramatische Fabel steht in einer wechselbeziehung. In Nathans Erza¨hlung von den drei Ringen besitze der Stein des Ringes die magische Kraft, seine Besitzer vor Gott und den Menschen agnenehm zu machen. Die drei So¨hne streiten sich nach dem Tod des Vaters um die Echtheit ihres Erbes. Der echte Ring kann nicht mehr ermittelt werden. Bei Boccaccio bleibt die Frage nach der Wahrheit der Religionen bleibt unbeantwortet. Aber Lessing geht ueber Boccaccio hinaus. Er laesst die ratlosen Soehne einen Richter aufsuchen. Der Rat des Richters lautet: "Es eifre jeder seiner unbestochenen/Von Vorurteilen freien Liebe nach!" Wer diese Liebe hat, der hat Sanftmut und Ergebenheit in Gott. Jeder der Soehne sollte seinen Ring fuer den wahren erachten und diese Wahrheit in der Praxis sittlichen Handelns zu erweisen suchen. Die Ringe sind fuer Nathan zugleich echt und unecht. Sie sind echt, wenn sie die Echtheit in ihrer Wirkung erweisen. Die Echtheit des Ringes ist nur aus der sittlichen Bewaehrung seines Traegers zu erkennen. Von den Ringen deutet die Fabel auf die Religionen. Die Ring sind Sinnbilder fuer die drei geschichtlichen Offenbarungsreligionen. Die echte Religion ist an der sittlichen Tat iher Glaeubigen zu erkennen. In der Ringparabel eroertert Lessing das Verhaeltnis der drei positiven Religionen zueinander nicht auf dem Boden der theoretischen, sondern auf dem Boden der praktischen Vernunft. Lessing stellt das Suchen der Wahrheit hoeher als den Besitz der Wahrheit. Die Figuren dieses Dramas sind die Vertreter der drei Hauptreligionen (des Judentums, des Christentums und des Islams). In Nathan dem Weisen koennen wir die Gestalt der vollendeten Humanitaet sehen. So vermag er zum Lehrer und Erzieher fuer adnere werden. In dieser Hinsicht steht er an der Spitze der Figuren. Die Taetgkeit Nathans wird zum Symbol fuer das tolerante und humane Handeln. Erhat den goettlichen Willen in seinen eigenen Willen aufgenommen. Seine Verhaltenswise gruendet auf seiner Ansicht, dass die goettliche Vorsehung den Verlauf des menschlichen Schicksals lenke. Am Ende des "Nathan" wird sich die Familienbeziehung von Recha, Tempelherr und Saladin wiedererkannt. Dieser Gedanke von der utopischen Zukunft wird schon im Zentrum der Ringparabel sichtbar. Die Parabel ist nicht bloss die poetische Form, sondern ein notwendiges Bestandteil des dramatischen Vorgangs. Wir koennen bestaetigen, dass die Parabel entstehungsgeschichtlich als Keim, strukturell als Hoehepunkt, thematisch als Kern des Dramas anzusehen ist. Die dramatische Leistung in "Nathan" ist das Ergebnis der Integration von Fabel und Parabel.


        Commissural Myelotomy 1예 보고 : Case Report

        김태성,김예철,김국기,이영근 대한신경외과학회 1978 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.7 No.2

        The commissural myelotomy in the treatment of bilateral intractable pain was first reported by Armour in 1927. Used sparingly since its introduction it has recently met with renewed interest due to use of the operating microneurosurgical operating technique. We performed the commissural myelotomy in 40 years old male patient who complained of bilateral intractable pain in the lower extremities due to metastatic tumor. After total laminectomy from T_(10) to L₁, employing with magnifying glasses we performed commissural myelotomy about 70 mm in length (T_(10)-S₂ segment) and 5 mm in depth on June 26, 1978. After operation, we had good result.

      • 21세기를 지향한 수학교육의 방향탐색

        김태성 충북대학교 과학교육연구소 1995 과학교육연구논총 Vol.11 No.1

        In order to reach the desirable education in 21-st century, mathematics education will go toward the following three direction: 1. Mathematics curriculum should be composed to extend the linguistic functions of mathematics. 2. Mathematics should be taught that students will understand the beauty of mathematics 3. Mathematics education should be developed that students will find the creativity of mathematics

      • KCI등재후보

        마가복음의 이방성 ―이적 설화를 중심으로

        김태성 한국대학선교학회 2011 대학과 선교 Vol.20 No.-

        The miracle stories found in the Gospel of Mark are considered to be very important element in understanding the Mark Theology. Above all, Mark made the gentile mission to be his main concern of the gospel through the miracle stories. Mark always had a habit of adding a regional influence to introducing his miracle stories. The Miracle stories include places such as Galilee, Syro-Phoenicia, Decapolis, Gerasene. These geographical locations involved in the miracle stories are all located in gentile areas. Galilee played an important part in the gospel mission. Jesus made his missionary journeys into gentile territories,not including Judea. According to the miracles, all the miracles occurred in gentile territories and in many cases the people related to the miracles were considered gentile. It is notable in the miracle stories that Jesus fed four thousand gentile people. In the composition of those miracle stories, Mark used many special words and expressions strongly visualizing gentile elements,such as ‘four and seven,’ ‘baskets,’ ‘give thanks,’ ‘from afar,’ ‘'dogs’etc. It had become obvious that those words and expressions are closely related with gentile people and the gentile world. In such meanings, they are playing a great role for the gentile gospel mission. The importance placed by Mark upon the gentile mission of the gospel in his composing the miracle stories appears even more remarkable in the gentile mission of gospel. We can see this when Jesus ordered, “Go home to your friends and tell him how much the Lord has done for you”(5:19). This is found in the Exorcism Narrative of Gerasene. Mark on the contrary to the secrecy command at normal times, is obviously quoting Jesus as he is stating the gentile mission of the Gospel at in this miracle story. Even in the still of the storm we can find that Jesus traveled to the gentile world for the mission of gospel. In the story the “other side” through the theme of “crossing.”Seen from such viewpoints, Mark can been seen to have opened the door for the gentile mission of the gospel throughout all the miracle stories.


        Berke's Operation 1예 보고 : Case Report

        김태성,김승진,이봉암 대한신경외과학회 1980 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.9 No.2

        We experienced one case of lateral orbitotomy (Berke's operation) in intraorbital tumor. We performed, diagnostic studies for tumor location and vasculature in relation to eyeball and optic nerve, ie, orbital CT and orbital venogram. Tumor mass located in superior lateral region of orbit. Tumor mass was removed completely and succesfully through 35mm lateral skin incision.

      • KCI등재

        AHP를 이용한 정보보호인력 양성 정책 분석

        김태성,전효정,Kim Tae-Sung,Jun Hyo-Jung 한국통신학회 2006 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.31 No.5b

        정보시스템에 대한 위협이 확산되면서 정보보호에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있다. 정보보호 제품을 생산 설치하고, 정보보호 업무를 담당할 정보보호 인력의 중요성도 증가하고 있다. 그동안 정부에서는 정보보호 인력을 양성하기 위한 다양한 정책을 시행해왔다. 하지만 그동안 정부의 정책은 주로 인력이 부족한 정보보호 분야에 많은 인력을 공급하는데 많은 관심을 보여왔다. 정부의 정책은 단기간내에 많은 정보보호 인력을 양성하는 양적 공급확대 측면에서는 성공했지만, 인력수요의 특성에 적합한 인력의 공급이라는 다양한 수요를 만족시키는 측면에서는 이렇다할만한 성과를 보이지 못했다. 본 연구에서는 AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) 방법론을 이용하여 정보보호인력의 양성이 우선적으로 필요한 정보보호 세부 기술분야를 도출한다. 연구결과에 의하면, 시스템 네트워크 정보보호 기술 분야의 인력에 대한 양성이 가장 시급한 것으로 나타났다. As information threats to information systems diffuse, the information security becomes a major concern. Information security manpower who produce and implement information security products, and who are in charge of information security in organizations, has been important. Korean government has implemented various policies to promote the information security manpower. Those policies have been successful to supply enough number of information security manpower, but not successful to supply information security manpower to meet the various requirements of the manpower demand. In this study we adopt analytic hierarchy process(AHP) to analyze the priorities of information security technology categories to meet the demand. Results of the study suggest that the government should concentrate on promotion of manpower for the field of the 'System and Network Security Technology'.

      • 간접 혈구응집반응(IHA)을 이용한 간흡충증의 혈청학적 진단에 관한 연구

        김태성,주경환,임한종 고려대학교 의과대학 1987 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        Detection of infections with Clonorchis sinensis has been accomplished through various serodiagnostic procedure including complement fixation test, gel diffusion test, indirect fluorescent antibody test and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay etc. In 1960, Pacheco, et al. reported that indirect hemagglutination test showed relatively more sensitive reaction than CFT in experimentally infected animal and 3 human cases. However, more detailed studies on the use of IHA in serodiagnosis of clonorchiasis were not accomplished. Evaluation of an indirect hemagglutination test was made in 100 egg positive cases in comparison with 51 parasite infected cases other than C. sinensis and 58 parasite free control. Kagan's modification of Boyden technique was employed using ether treated borate buffer extract adult worm antigen with 0.5㎎/ml concentration by Chaffee's method. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Ether treated borate buffer extract adult worm antigen was more sensitive than that of veronal buffered salt extract. 2. Sensitivity of IHA test was 84.0%) among 100 Clonorchs egg positive cases when cut-off titer of 1:16 was applied. Only 1 control sera out of 58 cases(98.3%) specificity) showed positive reaction. 3. Sensitivity was only 80.0% in light infection, 87.1% in moderate infection. However, only 1 case showed false negative reaction among 14 cases in heavy and very heavy infection category. 4. ELISA was more sensitive than IHA test, showing 90.0% sensitivity and 98.3% specificity. 5. Only 2 cases infected with Paragonimus westermani showed positive cross reaction in either IHA test or ELISA. 6. A positive correlation was found between results of ELISA and IHA test of patients with clonorchiasis. And the results obtained in both techniques were same in 86% of positive sera and 100% of negative sera. In conclusion, it is suggested that in addition to ELISA, IHA is a relatively sensitive and reliable test for the sere-diagnosis and sero-epidemiological survey of C. sinensis infection.

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