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        초기부적응도식과 도박 심각도의 관계에서 금전 동기의 매개효과

        김영훈,김영훈 한국상담심리학회 2009 한국심리학회지 상담 및 심리치료 Vol.21 No.4

        This study explored the relationship between Gambling Severity(GS) and Early Maladaptive Schema(EMS), which is the principal concept in Young's schema-focused therapy (1990). It also examined the role played by Monetary Motive(MM), a factor known to massively influence Severity of Gambling (Lee, Hongpyo, 2002). A survey was conducted on 181 persons who were banned from entering casinos for three months due to their excessive gambling behavior. The data was analyzed to identify relationship between EMS, MM and the GS. The result showed that EMS had a significant positive relationship with the GS, and the MM also had a significant positive relationship with the GS. An examination of the mediating role of! MM between EMS and GS, revealed that the MM partially mediates the relationship between EMS and GS. 본 연구에서는 Young(1990)의 도식치료 이론을 바탕으로, 이 이론의 주요 개념인 초기부적응도식과 도박의 심각도의 관계를 살펴보고자 하였다. 또한 이 과정에서 도박 심각도에 영향력이 큰 것으로 알려져 있는 금전 동기(이흥표, 2002)가 어떤 역할을 하는 지를 알아보았다. 이를 위해 과도한 도박 행위로 인해 3개월간 카지노 출입이 제한된 181명의 자료를 분석하였다. 연구 대상자들의 초기부적응도식, 금전 동기, 도박 심각도의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 초기부적응도식은 도박 심각도와 유의미한 정적 상관을 나타냈고 금전 동기와도 유의미한 정적 상관을 보였고, 금전 동기는 도박 심각도와 유의미한 정적 상관을 나타냈다. 초기부적응도식이 도박 심각도에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 금전 동기가 매개효과를 나타내는 지 검증한 결과, 금전 동기는 초기부적응도식과 도박 심각도 사이를 부분 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 끝으로 이러한 연구결과에 대한 의의와 몇 가지 제한점을 덧붙였다.

      • KCI등재

        Factors Influencing Central Neck Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma

        김영훈,김유석,김권천 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2016 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.16 No.3

        Purpose: A papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) measures 1 cm or less in diameter. The diagnosis, and thus the apparent incidence, of PTMC has recently increased owing to an increase in the detection of subclinical small and low-risk carcinomas with ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration cytology. However, central neck lymph node metastasis (CLNM) can occur in patients with PTMC. We evaluated the factors influencing CLNM in patients with PTMC.Methods: We reviewed medical records including clinical information and pathologic reports, and analyzed 622 patients with PTMC who underwent thyroid surgery from January 2002 to December 2012.Results: CLNM was detected in 119 patients (19.1%) of the 622 with PTMC. Lymph node metastasis occurred more frequently in males (P=0.025), and those with bilateral tumors (P=0.016), more than two tumors (P=0.035), tumor size greater than 5 mm (P<0.001), and lymphovascular invasion (P=0.024). There were no statistically significant differences in age and capsular invasion. Multivariate analysis showed that significant factors affecting lymph node metastasis included age at operation (odds ratio [OR]=0.647, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.422∼0.990, P=0.045), sex (OR=0.489, 95% CI=0.268∼0.891, P=0.020), tumor size (OR=3.034, 95% CI=1.761∼5.224, P<0.001), and lymphovascular invasion (OR=15.036, 95% CI=1.450∼155.911, P=0.023).Conclusion: Age less than 45 years, male sex, tumor size greater than 5 mm, and lymphovascular invasion were risk factors associated with CLNM.

      • KCI등재

        빠른 골유착을 위한 다공성 티타늄 임플란트의 제조 및 이중 표면처리

        김영훈 한국생체재료학회 2011 생체재료학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        This study was performed to investigate the dual-surface treatments on the porous titanium(Ti) implant. Porous Ti implant samples were fabricated by sintering of spherical Ti powders in a vacuum furnace. To increase their surface area and bioactivity, anodic oxidation and a hydrothermal treatment were then applied. Electrolytes in a mixture of glycerophosphate and calcium acetate were used for the anodizing treatment. Formed oxide layers with micro pores,and their phase was found to be anatase TiO2. Additionally, hydrothermal treatment was consecutively performed to extract precipitate on the Ti oxide layers. The porous Ti implant can be modified via an anodic oxidation and a hydrothermal treatment for the enhancement of the bioactivity, and current dual-surface treatments can be applied for use in a dental implant system.

      • KCI등재

        약품역세를 적용한 하수재이용 막여과 시스템의 운전성능 평가

        김영훈,김형수,이창하,전민정,이용수,이의종,남종우 대한상하수도학회 2011 상하수도학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Secondary effluent contains particle compounds which are comprised of microorganisms that occurs membrane fouling when the water is reused. This study evaluates the characteristics of membrane fouling of secondary effluent reuse. Effects of chemical backwashing are analyzed to reduce membrane fouling by regular chemical backwashing. As the result, major membrane foulants are verified EPS materials which include protein and polysaccharide that cause biofilm cake layer on the membrane. Also, sodium hypochlorite is applied to chemical backwashing. The backwashing improves recover rate when injected chemical concentration is increased and chemical backwashing cycle is amplified. Chemical backwashing cycle affects more than injected chemical concentration yet idle time does not noticeably influence on reducing membrane fouling.

      • KCI등재

        Ultrasound Phantoms to Protect Patients from Novices

        김영훈 대한통증학회 2016 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.29 No.2

        With the growing use of ultrasound for pain management, we are interested in how to teach and practice ultrasound-guided procedures. Ethically, we should not insert a needle in a patient until after much practice on a phantom. Several types of phantoms have been introduced for ultrasound training, including water, agar/gelatin, elastomeric rubber, and meat phantoms and cadavers. The ideal phantom is similar to human tissue, is readily available and inexpensive, can be used repeatedly, provides tactile feedback, will hold a needle in place, does not generate needle tracks, and is not a health hazard. Several studies have shown the effectiveness of phantoms for improving the proficiency of novices. We hope that the application of phantoms in education leads to improved proficiency and increased patient safety. (Korean J Pain 2016; 29: 73-7)

      • KCI등재후보

        프렌드십 수준과 유형이 조직성과에 미치는 영향- 서울·경인권 상급종합병원을 중심으로

        김영훈,오수진,김한성,우정식 대한의료커뮤니케이션학회 2013 의료커뮤니케이션 Vol.8 No.2

        Purpose: In this study the level and type of friendship in a hospital was identified, and the influence of the level and type of friendship on the organizational performance was investigated, and then the role and direction of a hospital that can improve the organizational performance was searched. Methods: A structured survey tool suitable to achieve the study purpose was utilized, and surveys were made on the nurses, administrators and medical technicians that work at 24 tertiary hospitals in Seoul and Kyongin area,and the recovered 401 questionnaires were analysed by the methods such as frequency analysis, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Chi-square test, two-way ANOVA and hierarchical regression analysis. Results: As for the influences of friendship level and type on organizational performance as follows: in case of job satisfaction, the higher the friendship level with superiors and subordinates, the higher the job satisfaction and the type of heart is higher in job satisfaction than that of brain; in case of organizational commitment, the higher the friendship level with superiors, subordinates and fellows, the higher the organizational commitment but, there is no statistically significant difference in the friendship type; in case of job stress, the higher the friendship level with superiors and fellows, the lower job stress and the type of heart is lower in job stress than that of brain. Conclusion: Integrating above study result the friendship in an organization is thought to influence very much on the factors of achievement of an organization such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job stress.

      • KCI등재후보

        보험업법 제102조에 따른 손해배상책임의 한계

        金泳勳 민사판례연구회 2008 民事判例硏究 Vol.- No.30

        이글은 대법원 2006. 11. 23. 선고 2004다45356 판결을 비판적으로 평석한 것이다. 대상판결의 사실관계는 다음과 같다. 「원고는 스스로 아버지로부터 1억 원을 빌려 피고 소속 보험설계사로서 자신의 남편인 甲에게 보험에 가입하여 달라고 하면서 이를 지급하였다. 甲은 그 1억 원 중 4,000만 원을 보험료로 하여 보험에 가입하였으나, 나머지 6,000만 원을 횡령하였다. 한편, 원고는 甲에게 돈을 지급하면서 보험상품을 특정하지 않고, 보험청약서도 작성하지 않았으며, 甲으로부터 보험료 영수증을 받지도 않았다. 또한 甲이 원고에게 교부한 보험증권에는 보험료 및 보험가입금액 부분이 변조되어 있었다.」 대법원은 보험업법 제102조의 제1항의 ‘모집을 함에 있어서’라고 규정의 해석에 있어 사용자책임에서와 마찬가지로 외형이론이 적용됨을 명시적으로 인정하였다. 대법원은 이러한 전제에서 甲이 원고로부터 돈을 받은 행위는 외형상 甲의 보험모집과 상당한 관련성이 있는 것이므로 피고는 보험사업자로서 보험업법 제102조 제1항에 따라 원고의 손해를 배상하여야 한다고 판단하였다. 그러나 甲의 행위는 외형상 보험모집행위에 해당하지 않고, 만약 이에 해당한다고 하더라도 원고에게는 중과실이 인정되므로 보험회사의 책임이 인정되지 않는다고 생각한다. 먼저, 甲은 보험설계사로서 보험상품을 소개하거나 보험계약체결을 권유하는 등 최소한의 중개행위를 한 사실이 없다. 또한 甲은 원고로부터 보험계약체결을 위임받은 대리인의 지위에서 원고로부터 돈을 받았을 뿐 피고 소속의 보험설계사의 지위에서 돈을 받았다고 할 수 없다. 단지 당시 甲의 직업이 피고 소속의 보험설계사였을 뿐이다. 결국 원고와 甲의 관계, 보험계약을 체결하게 된 경위, 보험계약 체결의 방법, 보험계약 체결 전․후의 사정 등을 종합하여 볼 때 甲의 행위는 원고의 대리인으로서 행한 것일 뿐이므로 외형상 보험모집행위에 해당한다고 할 수 없다. 다음으로, 원고는 보험내용에 대한 아무런 확인 없이 돈을 빌려 甲에게 주었고, 보험청약서도 작성하지 않았으며, 변조된 보험증권을 제대로 살펴보지도 않았다. 원고는 보험설계사를 통하여 보험에 가입하려는 일반인의 기본적인 주의의무를 소홀히 하였고, 원고가 남편을 신뢰한 것으로 인한 책임을 보험회사에게 부담하게 함은 정의와 형평의 관점에서도 보험회사에 부당한 결과가 된다. 결국 원고에게는 중과실이 인정된다고 할 것이다. 보험업법 제102조의 적용범위를 확대할 경우 보험계약자 보호의 목적은 달성할 수 있으나, 그 보험계약자와 같은 위험단체를 구성하는 다른 보험계약자에게 그 비용이 전가되게 된다. 이러한 점에서 그 적용범위를 합리적으로 제한하여야 한다. 그러한 점에서 대상판결에서 대법원이 취한 결론은 부당하다고 생각한다. This article is a critical commentary on the judgment 2004da45356 of the supreme court on the 23rd of November in 2006. The actual relationship of the judgment for compensation in substitutes is as follows. 「The plaintiff borrowed 100mil. KRW from her father on her own and gave it to A who is both her husband and an insurance salesperson belonging to the defendant asking him to insure. A insured for 40mil. KRW out of 100mil. KRW but appropriated the rest 60mil. KRW for his own use. While giving the money to A, meanwhile, the plaintiff neither specified an insurance product, wrote an application form, nor received a premium receipt from A. In the insurance policy A gave to the plaintiff, the premium and the insurance admission fee were falsified.」 The supreme court explicitly acknowledged the application of an external form theory as in the user liability in the interpretation of the regulations such as 'when soliciting' in the clause 1 of Article 102 of the insurance regulations. The supreme court under this premise judged the defendant as an insurer should compensate for damages the plaintiff had pursuant to the clause 1 of Article 102 of the insurance regulations because the behavior of A receiving money from the plaintiff has considerable relation to A's insurance solicitation in its external form. A's behavior, however, is not included in insurance solicitation in its external form, and even if it is the defendant,s liability is not presumed because gross negligence of the plaintiff is accepted. First, A did not make any at least intermediate action as introducing an insurance product or proposing to conclude an insurance contract as an insurance salesperson. A also received the money only from the plaintiff as an authorized representative who was assigned the insurance contracting from the plaintiff and cannot be regarded to receive the money as an insurance salesperson belonging to the defendant. Just only A's occupation was an insurance salesperson belonging to the defendant at the time. As a result, considering all the relationship between the plaintiff and A, the process until signing the insurance contract, the method of insurance contracting, and the situation before and after insurance contracting, A's behavior cannot be taken as insurance solicitation in its external form because it was carried out only as the plaintiff's representative. Next, the plaintiff borrowed and gave the money to A without any confirmation of the insurance details, did not write an application form, and did not have a thorough examination on the falsified insurance policy. The plaintiff neglected her basic duty to be careful as someone to insure through an insurance salesperson, and to pass the liability of her own resulted from trusting her husband to the insurance company is unfair for the company in the aspect of justice and equality. Gross negligence shall be presumed to the plaintiff eventually. In case of extending the application range of the Article 102 of the insurance regulations, the purpose to protect the contractor can be accomplished but the cost will be passed to the other contractor who composes the same danger group as the contractor. Therefore, the application range must be limited reasonably. In this aspect, the conclusion the supreme court made in the judgment is improper.

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