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      • 지방공무원 교육훈련 효과성에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석-상시학습제도, 개인적 특성, 상황적 특성을 중심으로-

        김석호 충북대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The local administration has recently focused on strengthening the competitiveness to response localization and informationization. The competitiveness of the local government is required to attract excellent human resources and improve the quality of this local government officials which is responsible for the education and training. In order to enhance the competitiveness of the local government, it attract excellent human resources and improve the quality of this local government officials which is responsible for the education and training. Also, competitiveness improvement of the local government is directly or indirectly related to the strengthen of capability of government officials Competitiveness of the local government can be achieved through continuous a particular type of professionalism which can be obtained to train government officials. Therefore, the education and training may be necessary as a means of strengthening the local government. This paper shows training of the local officials. It consists of five chapters. In chapter 1, we describes this study objectives, scope, method, etc. In chapter 2, we describes the concept and necessity of the education and training systems, the effectiveness of Year-round learning system, and the technical review of previous research. In chapter 3, we describes previous research models and hypotheses in which the main parameters were derived. In chapter 4, we describes survey methods and the analysis of the collected data. In chapter 5, we explains a summary of research results with policy implications and limitations and suggest future research directions. This paper analyze the ways to increase the effectiveness of education and training in public officials. Especially, we deal with change of the education and training system such as the introduction of Year-round learning system. we study the main duties of the learning time, the department heads responsibility system, the expansion of the scope of training accreditation in Year-round learning system. Year-round learning system shows more improvement than the existing system of the education and training rating. In addition, it assists learning motivation of individuals and the formation of a learning culture. This paper shows that the training effectiveness was influenced by learning motivation, the team interest in education and training and organizational learning culture. In order to improve the effectiveness of organizational education and training, The local government is required to plan the education and training with considering situation of the local government to introduce the Year-round learning system. It is important to develop a program of considering personal characteristics. besides, it is necessary to find the ways to improve the organizational learning culture.

      • 북한의 비대칭 군사위협과 효과적인 대응방안 연구

        김석호 상지대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        세계는 정보통신체계, 전자무기체계 발전에 따른 군사력을 최첨단무기로 건설하고 있으나 북한은 핵무기, 화학무기, 생물무기, 탄도미사일 등 비대칭전력에 군사력을 증강시키고 있으며, 김정은 등 북한지도부의 예측 불허의 비대칭 도발이 오늘날 우리의 안보를 심각하게 위협하고 있다. 북한은 냉전종식 이후 양극체제의 붕괴와 공산권의 몰락 등 고립위기에 놓인 국제환경의 변화와 남북한 간의 국력격차 심화, 극심한 경제난으로 인하여 재래식 군비경쟁의 한계에 이르렀으며, 이에 대한 해결책으로 선군정치와 함께 저비용 고효율의 비대칭 전략 강화를 유일한 대안으로 판단하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 비대칭전략의 개념을 이해하고, 북한이 택하고 있는 비대칭 전략과 그 위협을 분석하여 그에 대한 우리의 효과적인 대응방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 구성은 제1장 서론으로 연구목적과 연구범위 및 방법을 제시하고, 제2장에서는 비대칭 군사전략을 이론적으로 고찰하여 비대칭 군사전략의 유형과 특징을 살펴본 후 사례를 분석하였다. 제3장에서는 우리에게 위협이 되는 북한의 비대칭 군사위협을 분석하였고, 제4장에서는 북한의 비대칭 군사전략의 추구배경과 북한의 비대칭 군사전략을 목표의 비대칭, 수단의 비대칭, 방법의 비대칭 측면으로 분석하고, 제5장에서는 이에 대한 국가차원의 전략적 대응과 군사적 대응방안을 제시하였다. 비대칭전의 정의는 “비대칭전이란 상대방과 같은 작전수행 방식으로 전투하는 것이 아니라 상대방과 상이한 방식으로 작전을 수행하는 것”라고 야전교범 3-0-1『군사용어사전』에는 기술하고 있다. 비대칭전은 상대국과 다른 목표와 수단, 방법으로 적의 약점을 공격하여 효과적으로 적을 지연, 억제, 대응하는 전쟁으로 설명하고, 비대칭전이 과거부터 적용되어온 개념이지만 미래 전쟁에 있어서 또 하나의 중요한 양상이 될 것이다. 비대칭 군사전략의 유형에는 일반적으로 목표, 수단, 방법의 비대칭으로 구분하고, 이 세 가지 유형으로 전쟁이 모든 비대칭성을 구분하여 설명할 수 있다. 북한의 비대칭 군사위협은 핵무기, 화학무기, 생물무기, 탄도미사일 등의 대량살상무기와 재래식 전력으로 장사정포병과 특수전부대 등이 있으며, 기타 전력으로 770만여 명의 예비전력과 사이버전 해커 부대 등이 있다. 북한의 대남정책과 군사전략은 그 기본적인 목표와 기조는 변함이 없으나, 대내외적 상황변화를 맞아 대칭적 접근으로는 승산이 없다고 판단하고 비대칭적 접근으로 대량살상무기를 비롯한 전략무기 위주로 군사력 건설을 추진하여 평시에는 협상의 수단으로 활용하고, 유사시에는 비대칭 전략을 활용하여 대남 및 대미 전면전 또는 국지전으로 승부를 내고자 하며, 아울러 체제유지와 경제회생의 부가적 목적까지 동시에 달성하려 하고 있는 것이다. 특히 최근에는 핵 개발 및 장거리 로켓발사 등 대량살상무기를 집요하게 활용하여 불리한 국면을 반전시키려 하고 있으며, 국제사회의 단호한 만류에도 불구하고 미사일 발사와 핵실험을 단행함으로써 한반도의 긴장을 조성하고 있다. 이러한 북한의 대남 비대칭 군사위협은 첨단 군을 지향하고 있는 우리군의 입장에서 볼 때 어떤 다른 전쟁 양상보다 매우 심각하고 중요하다. 북한은 경제난 심화가 가중되어 향후 대규모의 재래식 군사력의 유지는 매우 어려우며, 체제유지는 물론 생존차원에서 이와 같은 비대칭전력 증강에 전력을 기울일 수밖에 없다. 현 시점에서 우리는 북한의 비대칭 전력으로부터 국가와 국민을 안전하게 보존하기 위한 적극적인 대비책이 필요하며, 이것은 북한과 단순한 재래식 전력의 경쟁에서 벗어난 차별화된 것 이어야 할 것이며, 이는 국가차원의 전략과 군사적 대응 등 모든 방안이 강구되어야 할 것이다. 북한의 비대칭 군사위협에 대한 대응방안은 크게 두 가지로 준비를 해야 한다. 먼저 국가차원의 전략적 대응으로 첫째는 정부가 외교 및 동맹 역량을 이용하여 북한의 전쟁도발을 억제하고, 체제 이행을 유도하여야 한다. 둘째는 북한의 핵개발을 포기시키기 위해 외교적, 경제적 지렛대를 지속적으로 적극 활용해야하며. 셋째는 핵무기와 탄도미사일의 결합을 고려한 대응방안이 수립되어야 한다. 넷째는 한국의 발전된 정보능력 등을 기반으로 북한사회에 외부세계에 대한 정보를 지속 제공해야 하며, 다섯째는 한국의 우월한 사회적 복지수준 등을 이용하여 북한주민들에게 한국에 대한 적대감을 줄이고 동경심을 유발시킨다. 여섯째는 압도적인 경제력 및 산업능력을 기반으로 하여 북한의 대남 의존도를 심화시키고, 일곱째는 북한체제의 붕괴 가능성 등을 감안하여 이를 관리할 수 있는 국가 위기관리체계를 사전에 준비하고 국제적 협력에 의해 위기를 안정적으로 관리할 수 있는 방안을 발전시켜야 한다. 여덟째는 북한과 관련된 비정부조직 등을 활용하여 북한에 한국의 발전된 실상에 대한 정확한 정보를 전달하고 홍보하는 것이다. 또한 군사적 대응으로는 방어체계 및 방호능력 확보와 공세적 방위전략에 의한 주도권 장악, 한국군에 The world is constructing the military strength in ultramodern weapons according to developing the communication system and the system of electric weapons but North Korea is building up the military strength with deep concern in the asymmetrical military strength like nuclear, chemistry, biological weapons, ballistic missile. After cold war, the collapse of bipolar structure and ruin of communist camp and the environment of international surrounding, deeping the difference national strength between North and South Korea also because of extreme economy problem, North Korea are placed in the limitation of the old competition military armament. For this problem, they are judged the low cost and high effectiveness military strength reinforcement with the military ideology 'the army is the best' as the unique plan. Therefore, this report will make you help to understand the conception of asymmetrical military strength, also analyzing the asymmetrical military strategy and threat, this will be shown our effective correspondences. North Korea's Inter-Korean Policy and the military strategy was not changed its fundamental object and keynote, but they judged there is not a prospects of victory facing with situation changes inside and outside, in asymmetrical access push ahead to construct the military strength including WMD(Weapons of Mass Destruction) and the weapons aimed at tactics, and using the meaning of negotiation in normal times, using asymmetrical strategy it wants to make the war end to localized or general war against the united state of America or South Korea, also it wants to achieve maintaining the structure and additional purpose of economic restoration. Especially, in the most recent, North Korea wants to reverse a disadvantaged situation using stubbornly weapons of mass destruction like developing the nuclear weapons and long range missile. North Korea evenly is developing the weapons of mass destruction keeping with the ideal as 'army is the best' under the plan of communized against South Korea. Even though the international society is dissuading from fighting, they are leading the Korea peninsula to the threat of nuclear. North Korea is commanding the duplicated tactic like 'one-sided conversation and conflict' and displaying bravery. Furthermore when they are fall in emergency, North Korea wants to make the war short and keeping the initiative using the nuclear having destroyable nuclear, ballistic missile, chemical warfare, long range missile, special forces. In our views, North Korea's asymmetrical threats is serious and important comparing with another aspect of war. In the middle of weighting the economy problem, keeping the military strength is difficult also North Korea should do their best on building up the asymmetric military strength for maintaining the system. At this point, the government of Republic of Korea needs the positive plan for securing the nation safely and people, this should be different not only from the simple conventional type armament competition with North Korea but it must be studied all way in the military side. The plans of facing the North Korea's asymmetrical military threats were made in two ways widely to the future. The first national tactical method is that the government has to use diplomatic and alliance ability for decreasing war provocation of North Korea. Secondly, for making to abandon the nuclear development, government should apply economic capstan bar continuously. Third, countermeasure should be established combined with nuclear and ballistic missile. Fourth, based on South Korea's developed information ability, we have to support the outside informations. Fifth, using predominant welfare society, we should decrease hostility against South Korea and causing the adoration. Sixth, based on overwhelmed economic and industrial strength, we make the dependence on South Korea. Seventh, taking into consideration of the possibilities of North Korea's structure, we prepare for the national crisis managing systems in advance with international cooperation. Eighth, using the nongovernmental organization(NGO) connected with North Korea, we deliver and advertise the correct information about South Korea's developed circumstances. Also, We have the military confrontations is that securing the defending and guard ability, holding the leadership depending on the offensive defense strategy, building up the ultramodern operation ability suited to ROKA(Republic of Korea Army), embodying the decollation centered of effectiveness, showing the positive plan, supplementing the military strength. Those should be reflected as the most important general idea in rearing the future military strength and building up the method to managing battlefield. Especially the thing must be emphasized is the asymmetrical strategy should be embody and developed with symmetrical strategies also symmetric, asymmetric and reversed asymmetric are always changed as flowing the time, our focusing has to be fixed on the enemy. Furthermore, asymmetrical access needs to go beyond the wall of existing thought and ask the trust for realizing this matter, the argument and research about the asymmetric strategy must be go on, also the result should be applied fearlessly in policies and tactics.

      • 객체 검출 딥러닝 모델에서의 거리 추정 학습 방법

        김석호 경북대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this thesis, we propose a distance estimation learning method of the YOLOv4 model, which is an object detection deep learning model, in order to detect the vehicle ahead and estimate the distance from the monocular camera image. As a learning method of the proposed method, the distance value is learned by adding a filter and a distance loss function and adding a final output channel At this time, the existing object detection model training dataset does not provide the value of the object, so in order to build a dataset to be used for learning, the depth is estimated with the Monodepth2 model to obtain a disparity map, and the disparity value of the object area is obtained from the map. Finally, we also propose a method for generating learning annotations. As a result, the modified model dose not increase inference time even when distance estimation is additionally performed, and it showed good performance in accuracy and distance estimation error rate.


        김석호 明知大學校 大學院 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 Morales는 실함수에서의 고전적인 Bolzano의 정리를 Euclid 공간 또는 reflexive Banach 공간으로 화장하여 연구하였으며, compact 사상을 단조 사상으로 바꾸어서 비슷한 결과를 얻고, 이를 영역 불변 정리를 얻는데 활용하였다. Bolzano의 정리는 오늘날 알려진 중간값 정리의 한 종류이다. 즉, Bolzano의 정리 (1987) f : [-r, r] → R 가 연속함수이고, 다음의 경계조건 │x│= r 일 때 x·f(x)>0 을 만족한다고 하면, 방정식 f(x)=0은 적어도 하나의 해 x_(0)∈[-r, r]을 갖는다. 이 논문의 목적은 Morales의 결과들을 다가사상으로 확장하여 연구하는데 있다. Ⅰ장에서, 우리는 다음 장의 주요 결과를 얻는데 유용한 몇 가지 고정점 정리를 조사한다. Ⅱ장에서, 우리는 compact인 다가사상과 set-contraction인 다가사상에 대한 Bolzano의 정리를 연구한다. Ⅲ장에서, 우리는 단조 다가사상에 대한 Bolzano의 정리와 영역 불변 정리를 연구한다. Recently Morales established a close connection between a classical Bolzano's theorem from real analysis and recent works in monotone operator theory for reflexive Banach spaces. The Bolzano theorem is a kind of the intermediate value theorem stated as in Dauben [7]. Bolzano's Theorem (1817). Let f : [-r, r] → R be a continuous function satisfying the following boundary condition: x·f(x)>0 for│x│=r. Then there exists at least one solution x_(0)∈[-r, r] of the equation f(x) = 0. The purpose of this dissertation is to extend results of Morales to multivalued mappings. In Chapter Ⅰ, we survey some fixed point theorems which are useful to obtain our main results in the sequel chapters. In Chapter Ⅱ, we study multivalued versions of the Bolzano Theorem for compact multivalued mappings and set-contractions. In Chapter Ⅲ, we study multivalued versions of the Bolzano Theorem and domain invariance theorems for monotone mappings.

      • Design and synthesis of various perylene diimide (PDI)-based materials and the study of their photo- and electro-chemical properties

        김석호 서강대학교 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In this experiment, we found a new way to form PDI (perylene diimide) nano-wire. When a spin-coated PDI film on a glass substrate was immersed in co-solvent (CH3CN/H2O=13/1), PDI nano-wires with a dimension of ~100 nmⅹ200 nm were formed by dynamic solvation and self-assembly equilibrium. The solvent composition was chosen so that the films could not be dissolved away but be swollen for self-assembly of the molecules. The absorption intensity of PDI film after dipping for 12 h in the co-solvent was reduced than before dipping, which was ascribed to the partial dissolving of PDI molecules in the co-solvent. The increase of absorption spectrum at shorter wavelength was observed due to light scattering by the nanostructures. PDI derivatives having pendant pyrroles, PDI-2Py and PDI-4Py, were also subjected to the similar experimental conditions, but these derivatives did not form nano-wire. The reasons for the difference were deduced from DSC data. PDI-2Py and PDI-4Py exhibited much higher melting points compared to PDI and the phenomenon may be attributed to the interference of the intermolecular interaction between PDIs by pyrroles. The self-assembly of PDI was also dynamically observed by XRD as a function of solvent annealing time. A freshly spin casted PDI film showed a broad diffraction peak at 2θ = 5.3 ° was and it gradually disappeared after 1h of dipping in co-solvent and then two new sharp peaks at 2θ = 4.5 ° and 4.9 ° emerged. The results of this experiments implies that new lattice structures were formed through the self-assembly. Perylene diimide (PDI) having viologens at both ends (PDI-2V) was synthesized for using in an electrochromic device (ECD). It was not feasible to fabricate an ECD by conventional spin-coating or deposition method because PDI-2V was an ionic compound. Therefore, an ECD was fabricated by layer-by layer (LBL) type self-assembly of PDI-2V with PEDOT/PSS. The intensity of the spectra linearly increased as the number of bilayers increased, which implies that the LBL formation of the film was efficient. In the cyclic voltammograms of a 10 bilayer film fabricated on an ITO glass, the peak currents linearly increased as the scan rates were increased, which is the typical phenomenon appearing in an adsorbed system in the electrode and this proves that the bilayer has a good absorbent in the redox system. In a single type electrochromic experiment, the PDI-2V showed three stage color change, red, blue, and purple, under the reduction potential. In addition, a dual type electrochromic device was fabricated with P3HT spin-coated ITO as a counter electrode. When -2.2 V was applied to the electrochromic device, it turned from red to purple color due to the reduction state of PDI and viologen. PDI (perylene diimide) derivatives PDI-1, PDI-2, and PDI-3 having pyrroles at bay site 1, 6, 7, and 12 position of PDI were synthesized by condensation reaction of perylene dianhydride with aniline 6 or 10-nonadecanamine 7. The self-assembly of PDI-1, PDI-2, PDI-3 solutions in THF/H2O at various ratios were investigated. Their UV/vis spectra were red shifted and the intensity of PL spectra were decreased with decrease of THF content. Their phenomenon was due to the aggregation of each material. The shapes and sizes of PDI-1 in 5% THF were found to be spherical nano-particles with about 500 nm diameters through SEM or TEM. On the other hand, PDI-2 formed hallow vesicles with a diameter of ~180 nm under the same conditions which was due to amphiphilic structure of PDI-2. The PDI-2 particles in 2% THF were also investigated by dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements. The size distribution of the particles obtained by DLS measurement was consistent with the results from SEM and TEM analyses of PDI-2. PDI-3 having two hydrophilic substituents at imide position of PDI formed spherical particles with the diameter of about 100 nm. Patterning of PDI-2 hollow vesicles on a glass substrate was also demonstrated under visible light (> 600 nm) with a photo-mask. The PDI-2 vesicle patterned glass substrate was investigated by SEM and fluorescence microscopy.

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