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      • KCI등재

        신 이식후 거부반응을 보인 폐렴환자의 피하농양에서 분리된 Nocardia 1예

        권은희,이난영,송경은,서장수,이원길 대한진단검사의학회 2002 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.22 No.2

        Nocardiosis는 면역 기능이 저하된 환자에서 발생할 수 있는중요한 기회감염의 하나로 이러한 환자에서 호흡기 증상을 보이면서 폐렴이 발생하였을 경우에는 결핵균 또는 진균감염과 함께반드시 감별해야 할 질환이다. 저자들은 신 이식 후 폐렴증상을104 권은희이난영송경은 외 2인보인 환자에서 컴퓨터단층촬영하 조직생검를 위해 절개한 피부에발생한 농에서 N. asteroides를 분리하였기에 이를 문헌 고찰과함께 보고하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재

        Estrategias lectoras del traductor de microrrelatos

        권은희 한국스페인어문학회 2011 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.61

        El microrrelato se ha convertido en los últimos años en una de las manifestaciones literarias más populares, tal vez por el acelerado ritmo de la vida urbana, por los reducidos espacios otorgados a la literatura en las revistas y los suplementos culturales, por la misma naturaleza fragmentaria de la escritura en los medios electró́nicos o por la propia sensibilidad contemporá́́́nea hacia los detalles repentinos, la ironí́a y las pará́bolas, lo cierto es que el microrrelato se ha convertido hoy en dí́a en una de las modalidades principales de la literatura. Sin embargo, si toda obra literaria completa su cí́rculo cuando se produce la recepció́n, en el caso de este gé́nero, es condició́n imprescindible, ya que sin un lector capaz de desmenuzar su hipercodificació́n, el microrrelato no tendrí́a cabida dentro del á́mbito literario. Al lector de microrrelatos no le queda otro remedio que participar de forma activa en la creació́n de sentidos, lo mismo que su traductor, que debe concienciarse de que, antes de empezar a traducir, es preciso que entre, sacuda y rebusque para poder descodificar toda su plurisignificació́n semá́ntica: completar los vací́os, interpretar desde los intersticios, comprender los silencios e intertextualizar con otras lecturas, sean literarias o no, a fin de desautomatizar la lectura y extraer nuevos sentidos que, por la brevedad del gé́nero, suelen aparecer só́lo insinuados. El microrrelato es un gé́nero que debe seducir, no só́lo porque sea breve, sino por los factores que su brevedad determina, factores como las sugerencias y las condensaciones semá́nticas que lo convierten en el mejor paradigma de obra abierta, susceptible siempre a mú́ltiples lecturas, segú́n la capacidad interpretativa del lector-traductor.

      • 一部地域의 內國人, 外國人 相對 慰安婦 實態의 比較 硏究

        權恩嬉 中央醫學社 1977 中央醫學 Vol.32 No.3

        From 1, March, 1976 to 31, December 76, we investigated the 294 street -girls, if classify according to the area, who are inhabiting around Do Won bong, Junggu, Daegu City (191 women) meeting homeland men, and around Camp Henry, Camp Work (87 women) meeting foreigners, and around K2 Bangchondong Donggu (16 women) meeting foreigners. We analyzed their general characters, Knowledge about Venereal Diseases (V.D.), V. D. examinations and their future hope etc, and had following results. 1) If classify according to their native provinces, Kyung Nam, Buk were most(35.6%). Kyung Nam has as much as Kyung Buk whether their partners are foreigners or homeland men are. Among the woman who are native of the two provinces, those who are meeting foreigners(58.2%) are a little more than homeland men(30.8%). 2) The age: from the 20 year old to the 29 year old are most(80. 0%). Though these ages are highest both to foreigner and homeland, homeland (84.3%) is a little more than foreigner(71.9%). 3) The degree of education most are below elementary school (59.4%). Foreigner is a little higher than the homeland. 4) The rate of marriage is 33% and both are almost same rate in marriage. Among the marriage, 31% have one or more children. In the number of children, homeland (32.1%) is a little more than foreigner(27.9%). 5) 61.2% of the respondents have no jobs, homeland (68.6%) is a little more than foreigner(4 7. 5 %). 6) The latest job most were service trade. Among the foreigners, company employee (30.6%) was most and homeland answered restaurant (15%). 7) The career of present job; 52.4% answered less than 2 years. Among the women of long career of present job(more than 6 years), the foreigners(19.4%) are a little more than homeland (10.3%). 8) The Income; below 40, 000w is most(66. 4%). Among the women above 60, 000w, foreigner(19. 3%) are much more than homelands(5. 0%). 9) The Expenditure; The most is education fee of children or family(23.7%). To the women of homeland, the education fee(26.7%) and the fee of cosmetics, and luxury(26.2%) are most and to the foreigner the fee of clothes(33%) and. education of children or family (17.4%1) are most. 10) The rate of V.D. Examination test is 99%. The time of Exams is once or twice a week(80.6%). Among the foreigners twice is most. 11) The place of V.D. Examination; chiefly is V.D. Data Service (49.6,Ool) and Health Center(35.1%) (The women deal with) foreigner are chiefly V. D. Exam. Center(75%) (The women deal with). Homeland men are Health Center(42. 1%) or V.D. Exam. Center(-36.3%) 12) 72.7% answered they had the experience of VD. infection and the homelands(74.7%) are more than the foreigners(68%). 13) The Kind of V.D.; most is gonorrhoea(76.6%), about this disease, the foreigner (88.2%) are much more than the homeland(71. 1%). 14) Before Examinations, 39.3% answered they knew their V.D. infection and among these, 33.4% said they had intercourse after knowing this, and Homeland (40%) are much more than foreigner(21 g). The rate of recovery of V.D. after the knowing of infection is 12.1% and homeland(15.2%) is much more than the foreigner(5.7%). 15) About the continuance of present job, 60%0 answered they would change this job and homeland(63.7%) is much more affirmative than foreigner(40. 7%). 16) 68.4% answered that they would follow the job if it is prepared by the nation and the response of this was almost same between both and their wanting jobs were technical, like the barber's, the beauty's the manual arts, dressmaking etc. and the foreigners want social works(26. 1%).

      • 노인 우울에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        권은희 원광대학교 대학원 2008 論文集 Vol.41 No.-

        The primary purpose of this study are to find out a level of the old's depression and the affecting factors into depression. The summary of the result is as follows. First, in the case of depression level of the subject, the mean was 9.0396 point in low level. This result endorses that professional intervention should be done for the old's depression. Using the model of Group work, the social workers can provide the therapy of Music, Art, Gardening. Second, carrying out the correlation analysis for independent variables and depression, the result showed that self-esteem(r=-.199), family support(r=-.697), social support(r=-.764) correlated significantly with a dependent variable. According to this result, social workers should implement individual counseling for improving the old's self esteem and the point of the counseling is to acknowledge the old as a still worthy being by themselves. Third, the result of regression analysis of the old's depression showed that family support, social support were accepted as significant predictive variables explaining the depression. Therefore, it's very important that a family support and social circumstances are included in progress of the assessment and intervention. Also particular programs are carried out for strengthening family support and social support.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        非対面型接触場面における フォリナー・トークの使用様相に関する考察 ― 相手外国人の日本語レベルによる相違に注目して ―

        권은희 한국일어일문학회 2019 日語日文學硏究 Vol.110 No.-

        본 연구는 포리너 토크 연구에 있어서 지금까지 주로 연구되어 왔던 비일상적 상황에서의 대면형 접촉장면이 아닌, 일상적인 상황에서 발생하는 비대면형 접촉장면에 주목하여 그 양상을 기술하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 그를 위해 외국인 조사협력자를 통해 일상의 문의 전화를 수집하였고, 이를 바탕으로 여러 가지 각도에서 포리너 토크의 실태에 대해 분석하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 점들이 새로이 밝혀졌다. (1) 대면형 접촉장면에서는 ‘보통체의 사용’이 자주 발생하는 데 비해, 비대면형 접촉장면에서는 ‘보통체의 사용’이 극히 적다. (2) 외국인의 일본어 실력이 어떠하든 상관없이, 음성적 조정과 같이 정보를 재구성할 필요가 적은 포리너 토크가 많이 사용되는 경향이 있다. (3) 외국인의 일본어 실력이 낮을수록 정보의 재구성 정도가 높은 포리너 토크가 많이 사용되며, 복합적 사용도 증가한다. (4) 일본이 실력이 상급인 외국인과의 대화에서는 ‘상대방의 반응을 기다리는 침묵’이, 일본어 실력이 중급인 외국인과의 대화에서는 ‘정중도의 감소’가, 일본어 실력이 초급인 외국인과의 대화에서는 ‘천천히’가 가장 많이 사용된다. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of Japanese language in the context of ‘routine’ and ‘non-facing’ contact situations rather than ‘non-routine’ and ‘face to face’ situation that has been researched in the past. Based on the telephone conversations collected by a foreign research associate, it studied the actual condition of foreigner talk from various angles. As a result, it found the following facts. (1) When talking directly face to face, the plain style is often used, whereas in the telephone conversation, the plain style is rarely used. (2) Regardless of a foreigner’s Japanese proficiency or the occupation of a Japanese, there is a high rate of use of the foreigner talk in which it is not necessary to reconstitute the information such as the voice adjustment. (3) The lower a foreigner’s Japanese ability, the more the use of the foreigner’s talk that is high in information reconstruction, and the more complex use. (4) In the conversation with a foreigner who is in advanced level, ‘silence waiting for reaction’ is mostly used. In the conversation with a foreigner who is in intermediate level, ‘declining decency’ is mostly used. And In the conversation with a foreigner who is in beginner’s level ‘slowly speaking’ is mostly used.

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