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      • KCI등재

        전자자금이체상의 당사자의 권리와 의무상의 문제점 및 시사점 : UCC와 UNCITRAL Model Law 중심으로

        김종칠(Jong-chill Kim),이병렬(Byeong-ryul Lee) 한국통상정보학회 2004 통상정보연구 Vol.6 No.2

        This article discusses the critical issues on obligations and responsibilities in electronic funds transfer(EFT) between Article 4A of the UCC and the Model Law on International Credit Tranfers of UNCITRAL. The electronic fund transfers begin with the issue of the payment order by the originator to the receiving bank for the beneficiary. All obligations and responsibilities of parties concerned occur when the receiving bank accept the originator’s payment order to executes. So far, some the most compelling studies have focused on the legal obligations and responsibilities of electronic fund transfer in Korea. Therefore, In this paper, we would like to examine some problems of obligations and responsibilities in electronic fund transfer from Article 4A of UCC and the Model Law on International Credit Transfers of UNCITRAL. And also we present some Implications to reform EFT Law for the efficient application.

      • KCI우수등재

        국제 동향에 비추어 본 한국 동산채권담보법제

        권영준 법조협회 2020 法曹 Vol.69 No.5

        The「Act on Security over Movable and Receivable, etc」was enacted on 10 July 2010 and became effective on 11 June 2012. This legislative measure was obviously a landmark turning point in Korea’s secured transaction law. However, this new legislation was not welcomed and utilizied as much as it had been expected. Despite the government’s paternalistic intervention to boost secured transactions on movable and claims, it still account for insignificant portion of the whole secured transactions. It is not only governmental policy measures but also reshaping and improvement of the law itself that will motivate the market players to be more actively involved with the utilization of this new legal vehicle. Against this background, I evaulated and discussed the current legal regime in Korea in light of the international trend in the secured transactions law as well as fundamental principles enshrined therein. On this basis, I also presented some proposals for the improvement of the domestic legal regime. UCC Article 9 is considered a prototype of a modern secured transaction law. The UCC model did away with complex, fragmented and inconsistent legal regime and came up with a comprehensive framework encompassing all types of security interests without regard to its legal formality. Further, it separated the attachment and perfection of a security right, adopted a notification registration system, and allowed bigger room for private enforcement. This model has been extended to British Commonwealth countries such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand on the one hand, and on the other hand to continental law countries through various international model laws. As for international model law, UNCITRAL's legislative guidelines and model law are particularly noteworthy. The basic principles underlying this set of norms can be summed up as comprehensiveness, efficiency, and autonomy. In addition, these norms adopted creditor-friendly provisions to ultimately broaden the path for debtor's financing. Korea has adopted this international trend to a large extent, but it still has its own internal and external limitations. Bearing this in mind, the Korean government recently employed and implemented various policies for revitalization of secured transactions based on the new law. The Korean government even submitted, in March 2020, a revised bill of the law. Although the revision of the law did not take place due to the expiration of the term of office in the National Assembly, there remains a momentum for future legislative measures. In implementing these measures, ① expansion of the scope of the law so as to cover more debtors in more secured transactions on more assets, ② review of the possibility of adopting a notice registration system, albeit in a transformational form, ③ reinforcement of the preservation and monitoring of the assets (including the introduction of sanction provisions), ④ the vitalization of private enforcement, and ⑤ dealing with the issue of the transfer of ownership for security, which seems to be an obstacle in the utilization of the new law, are the topics to be addressed. 2010. 6. 10. 「동산 및 채권담보 등에 관한 법률」(이하 ‘동산채권담보법’)이 제정되어 2012. 6. 11.부터 시행되었다. 동산채권담보법의 시행은 우리나라 동산채권담보(이하 ‘동산담보’) 법제의 획기적 전환점이었다. 그러나 이 법의 시행 성과에 대한 평가는 그다지 후하지 않다. 정부의 후견적 관여에도 불구하고 동산담보가 전체 담보에서 차지하는 비중은 여전히 미미하다. 최근 정부의 적극적 노력으로 동산담보대출규모가 확장되고 있으나, 종국적으로는 법제 자체의 매력과 경쟁력을 끌어올려 시장이 스스로 동산담보를 활용하도록 해야 한다. 이러한 배경 하에 이 글에서는 동산담보법제에 관한 국제 동향의 흐름 및 여기에 내재한 현대적 동산담보법제의 기본 원리에 비추어 우리나라 동산담보법제를 평가하고 개선 방향을 논의하였다. 미국의 통일상법전(UCC) 제9편은 현대적 동산담보법제의 출발점이자 모범으로 평가된다. UCC 제9편은 담보의 실질을 가지는 모든 제도를 포괄하여 담보권으로 파악하고, 담보권의 성립과 제3자에 대한 대항력 취득을 구별하며, 담보권의 공시방법으로 통지등기제도를 채용하고, 사적 실행을 광범위하게 허용하는 특징을 지녔다. 이러한 UCC 모델은 한편으로는 캐나다, 호주, 뉴질랜드 등 영 연방 국가들로 확장되었고, 다른 한편으로는 각종 국제 모델법을 통하여 대륙법계 국가들로도 확장되었다. 국제 모델법으로서는 UNCITRAL의 입법지침과 모델법 등이 특히 주목할 만하다. 이러한 일련의 규범들에 내재한 기본 원리는 포괄성, 효율성, 자율성으로 요약할 수 있다. 아울러 이러한 규범들은 채무자의 자금 조달 길을 넓히기 위해 역설적으로 채권자 친화적 규정들을 채용하였다. 우리나라 동산담보법제는 이러한 국제 흐름을 상당 부분 채용하였으나 대내적으로는 실효성 있는 성과를 거두지 못하고 있고, 대외적으로도 충분히 좋은 평가를 받지 못하고 있다. 이러한 문제의식 아래 정부는 2018년부터 동산담보금융 활성화를 위한 각종 정책을 구현하고 있고, 2020년 3월에는 동산채권담보법 개정안을 제출하였다. 이 개정안은 국회 임기 만료로 폐기되었으나, 향후 입법적 개선의 동력은 여전히 남아 있다. 향후 입법적 개선 방향은 ① 법의 외연(인적 범위, 시적 범위, 물적 범위)의 확장, ② 통지등기제도의 변형적 채택 검토, ③ 담보목적물의 보존 장치 강화(형사처벌 조항 신설 포함), ④ 사적 실행 활성화, ⑤ 양도담보 제도와의 관계 정리 등으로 요약할 수 있다.

      • 전자자금이체상의 당사자의 권리와 의무상에 관한 비교법적 고찰

        김종칠,이병렬 중앙대학교 한국전자무역연구소 2005 전자무역연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 논문은 UNCITRAL의 국제자금이체에 관한 모델법과 통일상법전 4A에 의거한 전자자금이체에서의 의무와 책임에 관한 중요한 논점을 다루고 있다. 전자자금이체는 수익자를 위해 수신은행에게 원지시인에 의한 지급지시의 발행으로 시작된다. 관련 당사자의 모든 의무와 책임은 이행하여야 할 원지시인의 지급지시를 수신은행이 수락할 때 발생한다. 지금까지 어떤 연구들은 한국에서의 전자자금이체의 법적인 의무와 책임에 중점을 두었다. 그러므로 본 논문은 UNCITRAL의 국제자금이체에 관한 모델법과 통일상법전 4A에 의거한 전자자금이체에서의 의무와 책임에서의 약간의 문제점들을 다루고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Security Interests in Intellectual Property -Challenges and Opportunities-

        제인 윈 국제거래법학회 2010 國際去來法硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        미국은 1950년대부터 무형재화를 포함한 동산담보에 관한 법적 사항을 통일상법전(Uniform Commercial Code: UCC)(제9조)에서 규율하고 있다. 담보계약에 관한 사항은 주법이 관할하고 있지만 지적재산권은 연방법이 주로 관할하고 있으므로 지적재산권 담보와관련하여 주법과 연방법의 조화가 문제되어 왔다. 지적재산담보권은 개별 특별담보등록부에등록하였으며 동산 및 채권에 대한 담보권은 상업등록부에 등록하였다. 컴퓨터프로그램 저작권의 경우 업데이트 버전에 대한 담보효력이 문제되었는데, UCC 제9조를 개정하여 상업등록부 등록의 효력을 5년 동안 인정해 줌으로써 업데이트 버전 제작시마다 등록하는 번거로움을 해소하였다. 또한 담보권자가 채무자의 모든 종류의 자산에 대해 포괄적 근담보권(blanket lien)을 설정할 수 있도록 하여 담보 및 금융활성화를 도모하였다. 지적재산권 담보등록과 관련하여 일련의 판결이 있었는데, 1990년에 일부 법원은UCC 제9조가 저작권담보의 효력을 인정하지 않는다는 판결을 하여 산업계의 비판을 받기도 하였다. 그리고 저작권 담보 등록과 관련하여 주와 연방의 관할이 분명하지 않아 문제되고 있다. 반면 특허의 경우 법원은 주의 담보등록부 등록의 효력을 인정하고 있으며, 특히2007년에 일부 법원은 연방 특허청 등록부에 한 담보등록의 효력을 인정하지 않음으로써특허담보권의 등록 관할을 주정부에 있는 것으로 결정하기도 하였다. 이 논문은 미국의 지적재산권 담보 역사와 배경, 그리고 저작권법과 특허법 및 UCC상의 담보제도를 판례 등을통해 소개하고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        전자양도성기록(Electronic Transferable Record, ETR)의 ‘증권성’확보에 관한 연구 - 최근 UNCITRAL Working Group Ⅳ의 논의를 중심으로

        정경영 한국금융법학회 2014 金融法硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        Documentary Token including negotiable instrument, warehouse receipt, bill of lading reify the obligation they represent and physical delivery of the paper document itself (sometimes coupled with transferor's declaration of an intent to transfer, which means endorsement) to the transferee constitutes proof of the transferee's right to enforce the obligation. The legal construct of documentary token is both creating an efficient mechanism for transferring performance rights to third parties and granting the transferee possessing paper document special rights to enforce obligation represented in spite of defences the obligor may have against a prior transferor. The most significant challenge or hinderance faced by any scheme to replace writings with electronic records is that a unique electronic record can't be physically transferred through telecommunication. Any transmission of the record is not the physical transfer of the original and results in no certainty that the original has been destroyed. In fact, methods used to create and store electronic records render the concept of original irrelevant, therefore the assumption underlying existing rules for Documentary Tokens do not work well in electronic environment. Under such a circumstance as talked above, we need not search for the electronic token which can convey the right to enforce in vain but an electronic equivalent to documentary tokens. Not only the UETA, E-SIGN and revised Chapter 9 of UCC but also the draft of UNCITRAL Working Group Ⅳ focused on that concept - electronic equivalent of which the main concept is control of electronic transferable record. And instead of orignal, the authoritative copy meeting certain criteria (unique, identifiable, unalterable) provides a way to identify the person in control of the electronic transferable record. We already have some electronic transferable records in our legal system such as electronic promissory note, electronic bill of lading and electronic prepayment means. But from the prospective of UNCITRAL draft and UETA and E-SIGN, there are defects in those legislation concerning electronic transferable records in our legal system, therefore it's necessary to amend and improve such acts in reference to discussion and results of UNCITRAL and other legislations.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 전자양도성기록,Electronic Transferable Record, ETR의 "증권성"확보에 관한 연구 - 최근 UNCITRAL Working Group Ⅳ의 논의를 중심으로

        정경영 ( Gyung Young Jung ) 한국금융법학회 2014 金融法硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        Documentary Token including negotiable instrument, warehouse receipt, bill of lading reify the obligation they represent and physical delivery of the paper document itself (sometimes coupled with transferor`s declaration of an intent to transfer, which means endorsement) to the transferee constitutes proof of the transferee`s right to enforce the obligation. The legal construct of documentary token is both creating an efficient mechanism for transferring performance rights to third parties and granting the transferee possessing paper document special rights to enforce obligation represented in spite of defences the obligor may have against a prior transferor. The most significant challenge or hinderance faced by any scheme to replace writings with electronic records is that a unique electronic record can`t be physically transferred through telecommunication. Any transmission of the record is not the physical transfer of the original and results in no certainty that the original has been destroyed. In fact, methods used to create and store electronic records render the concept of original irrelevant, therefore the assumption underlying existing rules for Documentary Tokens do not work well in electronic environment. Under such a circumstance as talked above, we need not search for the electronic token which can convey the right to enforce in vain but an electronic equivalent to documentary tokens. Not only the UETA, E-SIGN and revised Chapter 9 of UCC but also the draft of UNCITRAL Working Group Ⅳ focused on that concept - electronic equivalent of which the main concept is control of electronic transferable record. And instead of orignal, the authoritative copy meeting certain criteria (unique, identifiable, unalterable) provides a way to identify the person in control of the electronic transferable record. We already have some electronic transferable records in our legal system such as electronic promissory note, electronic bill of lading and electronic prepayment means. But from the prospective of UNCITRAL draft and UETA and E-SIGN, there are defects in those legislation concerning electronic transferable records in our legal system, therefore it`s necessary to amend and improve such acts in reference to discussion and results of UNCITRAL and other legislations.

      • KCI등재

        유동집합동산 담보의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 - 새로운 공시인 등기제도 도입을 중심으로 -

        김인유 한국민사법학회 2009 民事法學 Vol.45 No.1

        Being a device to activate inventory security, this study is a thesis that suggests an enactment of Speical Law to improve notification method. The global trend today is promoting security rights on movables law following the unification of international trade law. Needless to say, the central axis is security system on movables of the Uniform Commercial Code of the United States of America( UCC). Looking at our country, as an improvement device for official method that was initiated as a problem for existing legislation for the security rights on movables and as a notification method for the security rights on movables, introducing registration system may be considered. If the essence of the right of pledge for the Movables, transfer of security, proprietary reservation and etc. is security, the basic consideration of security system as a matter of UCC that treats the type as one by understanding it functionally and integrating it as one security rights can be very simple and clear. Therefore, there is a security rights that is established realistically for a particular creditor concerning the property that is possessed by the debtor, considering the fact that it turns possession revision into notification method and solves the problem of existing system that does not notify it externally, it can be one practical legislative proposal. However, considering various circumstances, it easy too early to introduce legislation system of UCC to our legislation. Because the movables security system and legislative guide of United Nations Commission on International Trade Law(UNCITRAL), basically start from the principle of contract freedom, our security law of jus in rem adopts the principle of a real rights and strictly provides by law the kinds and contents of jus in rem. Due to these difference in thought between Anglo-American law and the continental law, the method for registration, enrollment is divided into the method for registering American transaction specifications that is based on the contract freedom and Japanese registration system that is based on enforce regulations in real rights. Thus, introducing filing system of UCC and filing system of UNCITRAL in full-scale is difficult without tearing down enforce regulations in real rights. that is the main principle for our the law of reality. This is also a reason why nations of the continental law are unified about movables security law and passive about standardized movables security system. In addition, if the filing system is taken, they have to deny an acquisition in good faith and this is considered a burden. Of course, just like concerning UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG), bonds have been unified quickly due to their characteristics of character of worldwide and universality. However, it is difficult to unify or simplify a real rights due to its characteristics of character of laws derived from the customs and traditions of a country and characteristic of closing. In our case at this moment, rather than the security rights on movables of UCC which is currently adopting registration system as a unified notification not only for movables, but also for obligation, I think it would be reasonable to introduce registration system that can harmonize with a system of our civil law limited to essential parts(for example, there exists Chattels mortgage through registration · filing for ships, air crafts, automobiles, construction machines). As a direction for legislation, rather than accepting it before the civil law, we need to give inventory security its location as special law of the civil law in restricted areas so that it will not shake our the civil law system. In this way, it will not cause any confusion to our civil law principle, and harmonize with existing principle. Japan did not adopt the security rights on movables in full-scale, but met the demands of companies by only establishing a special law restricted only to essenti...

      • KCI등재

        한국의 전자 선화증권 수용을 위한 비교법적 연구 -EU, 영국, 미국, 중국, 싱가포르 및 한국 상법을 중심으로-

        강다현,한재필 한국국제상학회 2022 國際商學 Vol.37 No.2

        종이서류의 많은 문제들, 기술의 발전, COVID-19라는 시대적 상황으로 인해 종이 선화증권을 국제 P&I 클럽 그룹(IG Club)이 승인한 분산원장 기술인 블록체인을 기반으로 한 Bolero 플랫폼, Corda 플랫폼, CargoX 플랫폼, TradeLens 플랫폼 등의 전자 선화증권 플랫폼을 활용하여 전자 선화증권으로 전환하려는 수요가 점점 확산되고 있다. 이에 이 플랫폼들에서 발행한 전자 선화증권을 비롯한 모든 전자 선화증권이 잘 활용될 수 있는지 확인하기 위해 EU, 영국, 미국, 중국, 싱가포르를 중심으로 세계 주요국들의 전자서류와 전자 선화증권에 대한 법률과 한국의 상법을 분석하였다. 이를 토대로 본 연구에서는 국제무역환경의 변화에 맞춘 해외 주요국들의 관련 법률과 한국 상법 개정에 대한 제언을 통해 전자 선화증권 활용을 촉진하는데 기여함을 목적으로 한다.

      • KCI등재

        신용장거래에 있어서 Fraud Rule의 적용범위에 관한 연구

        최해범,김종철 한국관세학회 2009 관세학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        The fraud rule in the law governing letters of credit is a developing area. Sztejn is the landmark case in the course of the development of the fraud rule in the law of letters of credit. It has not only been codified in the UCC but also has been cited with approval outside the United States throughout the common law world. Nowadays unlike the ICC rules, the UNCITRAL Convention have provided the fraud rule. A letter of credit transaction is a multi-transaction arrangement. So when a letter of credit fraud case comes before a court, this raises the question of where attention may be directed in determining whether or not fraud is involved. There are controversy in the application of fraud rule. The purpose of this paper is to analysis the scope of locus the fraud rule. At first the controversy in the United States came from the confusion caused by different interpretation of the previous version of UCC Article 5, s5-114(2). But this controversy was resolved by the revised UCC Article 5 which included fraud in the underlying transaction within the scope of fraud under fraud rule. The purpose of this paper is to study about the application scope of the fraud rule in international trade by letters credit.

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