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      • KCI등재

        기상자료를 이용한 우리나라 한중콘크리트 적용기간과 초기동해 위험일 산정

        한민철 ( Han Min-cheol ),이준석 ( Lee Jun-seok ) 한국건축시공학회 2017 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구는 기상자료를 토대로 우리나라 각 지역별 한중콘크리트 적용기간을 KCI 및 AIJ 규정에 의한 방법으로 각각 산정하고 초기동해 위험일을 각 지역 및 온도 단계별로 제안하고자 하였다. 한중 콘크리트 적용기간의 경우 최근 5년간의 기상자료를 토대로 조사한 결과와 종전의 연구결과를 비교하였다. 연구결과에 따르면 국내 91개 지역의 한중콘크리트 적용기간은 평균 98일로 조사되었고, 고위도 지역일수록, 산악 및 내륙지역일수록 적용기간은 증가되는 것으로 나타났으며, 종전 연구 대비 본 연구의 적용기간이 1∼2일 정도 감소되는 것으로 나타났다. 지구온난화, 도시화 등의 영향으로 판단된다. 초기동해 위험일의 경우 -5℃, -2℃ 및 0℃ 단계별로 시작일 및 종료일을 제시하였으며, 이를 토대로 0℃ 이하 출현일 수, 출현일 및 평균 추위도를 제시하였다. 본 연구 범위에서 제시된 초기동해 위험일은 KCI에 의한 한중콘크리트 적용기간보다 길게 나타난 지역이 다수 존재하여 한중콘크리트 적용기간 이외에도 초기동해 위험이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. In this paper, the periods of cold weather concrete and early frost damage depending on each region in South Korea were studied using the climate data from Korea meteorological administration. The specifications of Korea Concrete Institute(KCI) and Architectural Institute of Japan(AIJ) were applied to provide the periods of cold weather concrete. The periods of early frost damage risk(EFD) were calculated by Hasegawa`s suggestion depending on 91 cities in Korea. Climate data for 5 years (2008∼2012) were used to obtain both of the periods. Existing data from 1971 to 2000 were also used to compare differences in the periods between past and present study. The periods of cold weather concrete by KCI were calculated about 98 days on average. As the latitude goes up and close to mountain areas, the periods tend to be increased. The periods by present study was shown to be reduced compared to that of previous study by 1∼2days. The period of EFD was provided with the level of daily lowest temperature from -5℃, -2℃ and 0℃. The beginning day of the period of EFD was earlier than the period of cold weather concrete and the finishing day of the period of EFD was later than the period of cold weather concrete.

      • KCI등재

        韓國考古學에서 ‘初期鐵器時代’ 그리고 ‘古朝鮮時代’

        정인성 한국상고사학회 2019 한국상고사학보 Vol.106 No.106

        It is the early iron age and the Proto-Three Kingdoms Period that fill the gap between the bronze age and the three kingdom period in the period of Korean archaeological period. There has been a lot of controversy over the validity of the name of the division in the period, but the support is still high. There are many researchers who misunderstood that Kim Won Yong invented the early iron age and the Proto-Three Kingdoms Period through the ‘Korean archaeological theory’ but the actual situation is not so. The origin of the name of this period was actually the period of ‘aeneolithicl’ used during the Japanese colonial period, and Kim Won Yong played a role of changing its name. The aeneolithicl of the Japanese colonial period was a term describing the Korean peninsula at the same time as the Yayoi period of the Japanese archipelago. It is said that the Korean Peninsula was affected by Chinese culture a little while, and the latter was called ‘the time of full influx of China’. Electricity was believed to be due to the partial emergence of Cast iron in the Manchurian region and the northern part of the Korean peninsula, while the latter was due to the installation of Lelang County. It is an evaluation that reveals the essence of the gaze that Japanese researchers looked at our culture at that time. Until now, in the debate over the period between the early Iron Age and the First Three Kingdoms period, only the researchers after liberation were treated, and the flow since the Japanese colonial period was added, and there was no treatment. The time period divisions of these two periods became the reasons that the implications and the alternatives were not revealed. In the early days, Kim Won Yong expressed his limitations and sadness in the situation of lacking the data that we secured after liberation, and requested the followers to revise the contents after the data was increased. Numerous new data related to theearly Iron Age are now available. Furthermore, there is no reason for Japanese scholars of Japanese colonial period to adhere to the division of time on the Korean Peninsula, which was set in the process of explaining the cultural changes of the Japanese archipelago. It is time to seriously consider how to incorporate ‘Gojoseon’, which was also recorded in Chinese official history, including the Bronze Age, into the period of Korean archeology. 한국고고학의 시대구분에서 청동기시대와 삼국시대의 사이를 메우는 것은 초기철기시대와 원삼국시대이다. 고고학계의 지지도가 높은 이 시대명과 관련하여 많은 연구자들은 김원용이 『한국고고학개설』을 저술하면서 창안한 것으로 이해한다. 그런데 연구사를 따져보면 ‘초기철기시대’와 ‘원삼국시대’ 라는 시대구분명은 일제강점기에 구사된 ‘금석병용기’에서 분화된 용어이다. 일제강점기 일본고고학에서는 죠몬시대를 잇는 야요이시대를 ‘금석병용기’라고도 했는데 이 시대명을 한반도에도 그대로 적용시켰다. 아직 청동기시대를 인지하지 못했던 당시의 연구자들은 이 금석병용기를 전후기로 나누어 전기는 ‘한반도가 중국문화의 영향을 조금 받던 시기’라 설명하였고 후기는 ‘중국의 영향을 본격적으로 받는 시기’라고 하였다. 야만의 신석기시대가 중국문화의 전래로 인해 비로소 문명화의 길을 걷는다는 이해이다. 전기는 만주지역과 한반도북부에 주조철기 등이 부분적으로 출현하는 시기이고 후자는 낙랑군의 설치로 완전한 식민지배가 이루어지는 시대라고 하였다. 해방 후 김원용은 그 전기를 초기철기시대라 하였고 후기를 김해기로 고쳤다가 원삼국시대로 바꾸었다. 지금까지 초기철기시대와 원삼국시대의 시대구분명을 둘러싼 논쟁이 여러차례 있었지만 그 때마다 해방 이후의 연구사만을 취급하였기 때문에 이러한 근본적인 문제가 드러나지 않았다. 당연히 그 대안도 모색될 수 없었다. 일찍이 김원용은 해방 후 우리 스스로 확보한 자료가 부족한 상황에서 개설서를 쓰는 한계를 토로한 바 있다. 그리고 이후 자료가 늘어나면 그 내용을 합리적으로 수정하라고 후학들에게 요구하였다. 이제 초기철기시대와 관련하여 방대한 신자료가 확보되어 청동기시대와의 구분도 애매해진 실정이다. 더 이상 일본 관학자들이 일본열도의 문화변동을 설명하는 과정에 붙여서 고안한 초기철기시대와 그 연대에 집착할 이유가 없는 것이다. 해방 후 북한학계의 주도로 금석병용기에서 분리시킨 청동기시대를 포함하여 중국 정사(正史)에도 기록된 ‘고조선’을 한국고고학의 시대구분명으로 어떻게 산입할 지 진지하게 고민할 때가 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        전기오류수정손익과 시장반응의 관련성에 관한 연구

        송혁준 한국세무학회 2008 세무와 회계저널 Vol.9 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the market' response to the prior period error corrections, especially the change in earnings response coefficients with respect to the error corrections. Thus, it investigates the magnitude of the earnings response coefficient for the firms that announce prior period error corrections and those who do not. Unlike prior studies who focus on short window in which the prior period error corrections are announced, this study extends the research window to one-year fiscal year period including the announcement period and examining the relationship. The sample includes 1,920 firm-year observations collected from Korean listed firms over the period of 2001-2004. Major findings are summarized as follows. First, there is no evidence of the existence of the simple market reaction for the prior error corrections itself during the year. The analysis considering the direction of the error corrections do not make any differences in the results. In contrast, prior studies on prior period error corrections documented significant stork price response to the announcement of the error corrections in the short research window. Combined together, we interpret these results that stock market's response at the announcement period is the response to correct inappropriate stock price. For example, when a company commit accounting errors and thus report inflated (deflated) earnings, the stock is over-priced (under-priced) than intrinsic value of the firm. Subsequently, when firm announces prior error corrections and decreases (increases) reported earnings for the current period, the stock prices decreases (increases) at the moment of the announcement. As a result, the final stock price would be adjusted to the level which is equal to the intrinsic value of the firm. In summary, combined together, it looks like that there is no response to the prior error corrections announcements for the long-window research period. Second, the earnings response coefficient decreases significantly when firms report prior period error corrections and treat the corrections as an increase of net income for the current period. In contrast, there is no earnings response coefficient changes when prior error is corrected in a way to adjust retained earnings. When the error is corrected in a way to decrease the net income, there is no change of the coefficient either. These results can be the evidence of the effect of the market's perceived credibility on the valuation implication of the accounting information. When a firm reports prior period error corrections and increase net income to adjust the error, it seems that the market does not trust the company any more and decrease market response. 본 연구의 목적은 전기오류수정손익과 시장반응(market response)사이의 관련성을 이익반응계수를 통하여 실증적으로 검토하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 선행연구들과 달리, 연차이익이 공시되는 시점이 아니라 회계연도 전체의 기간 동안 누적된 비정상수익률을 사용하여 시장반응을 살펴보았다. 표본은 2001년부터 2004년 까지 주식시장에 상장된 1,920 기업-연도 이며, 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이익수정의 크기를 고려하지 않은 이익수정 여부만에 대해서는 유의적인 시장반응이 발견되지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 이익수정의 방향성 등을 고려한 추가적인 분석에서도 모두 일관적으로 나타났다. 둘째, 비기대이익과 오류수정사이의 상호작용 여부에 대한 분석의 경우 당기의 비기대이익(unexpected earnings)이 양(+)일 때 당기의 보고이익을 증가시키는 방향으로 오류수정을 한 경우에는 비기대이익에 대한 시장반응정도인 이익반응계수가 0과 유의적으로 다르지 않게 나타났다. 그러나 당기의 보고이익을 감소시키는 방향으로 오류수정을 하거나 오류를 이익잉여금 조정으로 처리한 경우는 (이익잉여금 증가 및 감소의 경우 모두) 시장반응정도인 이익반응계수에는 유의적인 변화가 관찰되지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과는 회계정보의 신뢰성이 상실되는 경우 자본시장이 오류수정손익정보에 어떻게 반응하는 가를 실증적으로 보여준다는 측면에서 매우 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구결과가 시사하는 점은 회계정보에 대한 시장의 신뢰성이 상실된다면 회계정보의 유용성이 감소하여, 시장은 회계정보에 거의 반응하지 않게 된다는 것이다

      • KCI등재

        Problems of Rewriting History of Hindi Literature in 21st Century

        Mahendra Pal Sharma 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2009 남아시아연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Hindi has a very long and rich tradition of writing the history of Hindi literature. The Hindi literature is generally divided into four periods namely Adikaal(the Early Period starts from the middle of 10th century), Bhaktikaal(the Devotional Period), RitiKaal(the Scholastic Period), Adhunik kaal(the Modern Period till today). Looking at the past attempts of writing of literary history we witness many books in the name of history of Hindi literature. One such book ‘Bhaktamaal’ was compiled by Sant Nabhadas in the medieval period. From ‘Bhaktamaal’ to the modern period of Hindi literature a number of books have been written. Some small collections were written too. The ‘Istavar Da La Literature Endui Ae Endustani’ in two parts(1839 and 1847) by French scholar Garsa Da Tasi, in which he collected more then 2000 poets of Hindi and Hidustani, ‘Shivasingh Saroj’(1878) by Shivsingh Sengar, ‘ The Modern Vernacular Literature of Northern Hindustan’(1889) by George Abraham Grierson, ‘Misrabandu Vinod ’ (1913) by Misrabandhu, ‘ Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihaas ’ (1928-29) of Acharya Ramchandra Shukla and ‘Hindi Sahitya Ki Bhoomika’(1940) and ‘Hindi Sahitya: Uska Udbhav aur Vikas’ (1952), and ‘ Hindi Sahitya Ka Adikal ’ (1952) of Acharya Hazariprasad Dwivedi and a few others are the books on the history of Hindi literature. Among all these the work of Ramchandra Shukla and Hazariprasad Dwivedi is still considered most authentic and reliable one. These two writers are still considered the founders of new trends in the modern literary history and Critism of Hindi. The first systematic book ‘Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas’ the history of Hindi literature was written by Acharya Ramchandra Shukla. He was the first Hindi critic and historian in the field of literary criticism of Hindi to evaluate Hindi literature firmly with a positive and realistic approach. We notice many books on the history of Hindi literature today but most of these have almost repeated the work done by other historians earlier. Writers like Shivadan Singh Chauhan, Ramvilas Sharma, Namwar Singh and a few others have discussed in detail and have pointed out various contradictions existed in these books and highlighted controversial issues related to the history of Hindi literature and criticism. They have also emphasized on the need of rewriting the history of Hindi literature from Marxist point of view. But no such book has been written till today which considered complete and uncontroversial. For instance the critical evaluation of Hindi 317 literature done by Ramchandra Shukla by systematically dividing the available material of Hindi literature of centuries into four Periods and naming them as Aadi kal, Bhakti kal, Riti kal and Adhunik kal has been considered the work of excellence by many writers and critics. Later many questions were raised regarding the evaluation of some of the poets and it was also termed controversial. But despite the opposition of some writers the work of Shukla is still considered satisfactory and his division of time done on the basis of different trends of Hindi literary traditions also existed till today. Today, some well known writers and critics of Hindi have criticized the approach adopted in available books. The evaluation of some of Hindi poets and writers done earlier by the famous historians and critics had been contradicted by many other writers from time to time. The evaluation of well known poet Kabir and likewise some other poets belonging to relatively weaker sections of Indian society has been the subject to of discussion on many occasions. The depiction of many Dalit characters of fiction writer Premchand and others had been challenged by some newly emerged writer and critics of that particular category. Therefore many critics feel for the need of re-writing history of Hindi literature in changed perspective of 21st century. In this pa... Hindi has a very long and rich tradition of writing the history of Hindi literature. The Hindi literature is generally divided into four periods namely Adikaal(the Early Period starts from the middle of 10th century), Bhaktikaal(the Devotional Period), RitiKaal(the Scholastic Period), Adhunik kaal(the Modern Period till today). Looking at the past attempts of writing of literary history we witness many books in the name of history of Hindi literature. One such book ‘Bhaktamaal’ was compiled by Sant Nabhadas in the medieval period. From ‘Bhaktamaal’ to the modern period of Hindi literature a number of books have been written. Some small collections were written too. The ‘Istavar Da La Literature Endui Ae Endustani’ in two parts(1839 and 1847) by French scholar Garsa Da Tasi, in which he collected more then 2000 poets of Hindi and Hidustani, ‘Shivasingh Saroj’(1878) by Shivsingh Sengar, ‘ The Modern Vernacular Literature of Northern Hindustan’(1889) by George Abraham Grierson, ‘Misrabandu Vinod ’ (1913) by Misrabandhu, ‘ Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihaas ’ (1928-29) of Acharya Ramchandra Shukla and ‘Hindi Sahitya Ki Bhoomika’(1940) and ‘Hindi Sahitya: Uska Udbhav aur Vikas’ (1952), and ‘ Hindi Sahitya Ka Adikal ’ (1952) of Acharya Hazariprasad Dwivedi and a few others are the books on the history of Hindi literature. Among all these the work of Ramchandra Shukla and Hazariprasad Dwivedi is still considered most authentic and reliable one. These two writers are still considered the founders of new trends in the modern literary history and Critism of Hindi. The first systematic book ‘Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas’ the history of Hindi literature was written by Acharya Ramchandra Shukla. He was the first Hindi critic and historian in the field of literary criticism of Hindi to evaluate Hindi literature firmly with a positive and realistic approach. We notice many books on the history of Hindi literature today but most of these have almost repeated the work done by other historians earlier. Writers like Shivadan Singh Chauhan, Ramvilas Sharma, Namwar Singh and a few others have discussed in detail and have pointed out various contradictions existed in these books and highlighted controversial issues related to the history of Hindi literature and criticism. They have also emphasized on the need of rewriting the history of Hindi literature from Marxist point of view. But no such book has been written till today which considered complete and uncontroversial. For instance the critical evaluation of Hindi 317 literature done by Ramchandra Shukla by systematically dividing the available material of Hindi literature of centuries into four Periods and naming them as Aadi kal, Bhakti kal, Riti kal and Adhunik kal has been considered the work of excellence by many writers and critics. Later many questions were raised regarding the evaluation of some of the poets and it was also termed controversial. But despite the opposition of some writers the work of Shukla is still considered satisfactory and his division of time done on the basis of different trends of Hindi literary traditions also existed till today. Today, some well known writers and critics of Hindi have criticized the approach adopted in available books. The evaluation of some of Hindi poets and writers done earlier by the famous historians and critics had been contradicted by many other writers from time to time. The evaluation of well known poet Kabir and likewise some other poets belonging to relatively weaker sections of Indian society has been the subject to of discussion on many occasions. The depiction of many Dalit characters of fiction writer Premchand and others had been challenged by some newly emerged writer and critics of that particular category. Therefore many critics feel for the need of re-writing history of Hindi literature in changed perspective of 21st century. In this paper while the role of historians of Hindi literature is bein...

      • KCI등재후보

        말기신부전 환자의 혈액투석에 있어서 혈관 성숙기간이 동정맥루 생존율에 미치는 영향

        박규용(Ky Yong Park),김근호(Guen Ho Kim),김형직(Hyung Jik Kim),채동완(Dong Wan Chae),노정우(Jung Woo Noh),구자룡(Ja Ryong Koo),조진원(Jin Won Cho),여미애(Mi Ae Yeo),양형원(Hyung Won Yang),김경희(Kyung Hee Kim),이기성(Ki Sung Lee),전로원 대한내과학회 1999 대한내과학회지 Vol.57 No.1

        N/A Arteriovenous fistula(AVF) has been the most important, primary mode of achieving vascular access for chronic hemodialysis by this time. In general, maturation period over 4 to 8 weeks after operation for the formation of AVF has been recommended for the long-term survival of AVF, and so insertion of central venous catheter without using AVF being matured has been primarily recommended whenever hemodialysis is needed. But not infrequently, serious complications have been reported in association with the insertion and the use of central venous catheter. So earlier use of AVF is regarded as a good method of avoiding serious complications with regard to the insertion and the use of central venous catheter. But early use of AVF has not been generally recommended, for early use of AVF has been regarded to be associated with early failure of AVF. But few studies have reported the correlation between maturation period and AVF survival. And in practice, early use of AVF has already been performed frequently by not a few nephrologists or nurses of dialysis units. So authors tried to examine the correlation between maturation period and AVF survival rate, and to find the validity of early use of AVF if it is regarded usable for the hemodialysis by experienced hemodialysis nurses and nephrologists. Methods : A retrospective analysis using 88 AVF cases which had been created in 85 patients from Oct. 1986 through June 1996, and from which authors could get enough information for this study was done. Authors compared one year survival rates of AVF according to the maturation period, the presence of DM, and condition of AVF assessed clinically by doctors and experienced nurses in hemodialysis units. Also from the cases with AVF obstruction, authors examined the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year survival rate of AVF according to the maturation period. Results : One year survival rate of AVF with maturation period less than 4 weeks was higher than that with maturation period more than 4 weeks, but there was no statistical significance. One year survival rate, irrespective of the length of maturation period for AVFs, of AVF regarded to be usable and good for hemodialysis was higher than that of AVF regarded to be usable but not good for hemodialysis. In the study with the AVF obstruction group only, one year survival rate of AVF with maturation period less than 4 weeks was higher than that of AVF with maturation period more than 4 weeks but there was no statistical significance. And one year AVF survival rate was higher in non DM group(94.1%) than DM group(60%) regardless of maturation period of AVF(P<0.05). Conclusion : On the contrary to the views that longer maturation period of more than 4 weeks will be necessary for the long-term survival of AVF, our results suggest that shorter maturation period for AVF less than 4 weeks does not necessarily mean early failure of AVF once AVF is regarded to be usable for hemodialysis. So it is suggested that early use of AVF instead of inserting central venous catheter is a reasonable approach for getting an adequate vascular access for hemodialysis in chronic renal failure patients who were subjected to receive hemodialysis on waiting peroid of AVF maturation.

      • KCI등재

        여말선초 홍패(紅牌),백패(白牌) 양식의 변화와 의의

        박성호 ( Sung Ho Park ) 한국고문서학회 2012 古文書硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        In Joseon period, there existed a system to issue the document, ``crimson certificate`` to the successful candidates of erudite examination and the document, ``white certificate`` to the successful candidates of licentiate examination. However, strictly speaking, this system was implemented after Complete Code of Law was designed. In this paper, I examined mainly with the issuance system and the changes of form of the documents issued in the late Goryeo period and the early Joseon period among ``crimson certificates`` and ``white certificates`` that have been handed down as ancient document so far until Complete Code of Law was completed. At the late Goryeo period, the ``crimson certificates`` starting with the phrase of ``Wang-Myeong-Joon-Sa`` were issued to the successful candidates of higher civil service examination. The ``crimson certificates`` was issued at government office stamping official seal following the royal command and the signatures of Jigonggeo and Dongjigonggeo who were in charge of the exam were written in the document. In contrast, at the early Joseon period, the ``crimson certificates`` starting with the phrase of ``Wang-Ji`` or ``Gyo-Ji`` were issued to the successful candidates of erudite examination, which the name of the king was directly written stamping the Royal seal unlike those in the late Goryeo period. The ``crimson certificates`` issued in the early Joseon period were upgraded comparing to those in the late Goryeo period in terms of the documentary form. The issuance system of ``white certificate`` was instituted in the early Joseon period. The licentiate examination was established since Joseon started and the debate that the document should be issued to the successful candidates of licentiate examination had been in earnest in 1438 (20th ruling year of King Sejong). It seems that the documentary form prepared at that time had been reflected to Complete Code of Law without any modification. The ``crimson certificates` and the ``white certificate`` in the late Goryeo period and the early Joseon period are important historical record to examine the systems and the political changes at that time as well as the changes of documentary form.

      • KCI등재

        백제 대형 저장용기의 변화와 의미

        이용욱 (사)한국문화유산협회 2022 야외고고학 Vol.- No.43

        In the Korean kingdom of Baekje (18BCE–660CE), storage containers larger than before appeared. This study examined large storage containers in Baekje over time using a histogram where the threshold for “large” containers was 65cm or higher. We classified large storage containers into five types according to their use and shape. We then further categorized them by temporality into four stages: the first half of the Hanseong period, the second half of the Hanseong period, the first half of Sabi period, and the second half of the Sabi period. The analysis revealed different preferences for the large containers’ impression patterns, hardness, and colors during the four periods. Throughout the first half of the Hanseong period, Type2 was most prevalent, followed by Type1. Both the types used lattice patterns. Their hardness varied, but none were soft. The most common color was gray. We identified other features, such as impression patterns on the shoulders or heels of the containers. In the second half of the Hanseong period, the prevalent forms were Types2, 3, and 4. Although many used latticepattern designs, line patterns also appeared. Variations in hardness continued. Although the most common color was gray, more containers appeared with a grayish-blue hue. There were almost no containers with impressions on the shoulders and heels. In the first half of the Sabi period, the prevalent forms were Types4 and 5 were prevalent, with a similar proportion of lattice and line patterns. All the containers were hard, and the grayish-blue color dominated. In the second half of the Sabi period, there were many more containers with line patterns. All the containers were hard, and nearly all were grayish-blue. For context, this study assumed that the transition was related to large jars in the Proto–Three Kingdom Period. We theorize that there were several production sources because of the variety of shapes and excavation sites for the large storage containers in the second half of the Hanseong period. The excavation volume of large storage containers decreased steeply during the Woongjin period, probably due to the politically unstable times. The number of large storage containers increased again in the Sabi period. Type5 was the standard in the second half of the Sabi period. This aligns with the era of unification in various fields at the time. We presumed that the central government mainly manufactured and managed the large storage containers. 백제는 전에 비하여 대형화된 저장용기가 등장하게 된다. 이에 따라 본고에서는 백제 대형 저장용기에 대하여 연구를 진행하였으며, 이때 히스토그램을 통하여 대형의 기준을 기고 65㎝ 이상으로 설정하였다. 선별한 대형 저장용기는 구연 및 동체형태에 따라 5개의 형식으로 구분하였으며, 각 형식은 주로 시간성과 관련이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 대형 저장용기를 크게 4단계(한성기 전반/한성기 후반/사비기 전반/사비기 후반)로 구분하여 변화 양상을 살펴보았다. 그리고 결과적으로 단계별 대형 저장용기는 성행하였던 형식의 차이가 존재하며, 이 밖에도 타날문·경도·색조 등에서 변화를 확인할 수 있었다. 한성기 전반에는 2형식이 성행하나 1형식도 확인된다. 또한 타날문은 모두 격자문으로확인된다. 경도는 경질이 많으나 연질도 적지 않게 확인되며, 색조는 회색을 띠는 것이 많다. 이외도 견부에 압인문이 시문되거나 저부에 굽이 달린 특징들도 확인된다. 한성기 후반에는 2·3·4형식 등 다양한 형식이 성행한다. 또한 타날문은 격자문이 다수이나 선문도 등장하게 된다. 경도는 아직까지 연질이 확인되며, 색조는 여전히 회색이 많으나 전보다 회청색의 비율이 증가하게 된다. 한편 견부에 압인문과 저부에 굽이 달린 특징은 거의 사라지게 된다. 사비기 전반에는 4형식과 5형식이 성행하며, 타날문은 격자문과 선문이 비슷한 비율로 확인된다. 경도는 모두 경질만 확인되며, 색조는 회색이 크게 줄어들며, 회청색이 주를 이루게 된다. 사비기 후반에는 5형식이 성행하며, 타날문은 선문의 비율이 더욱 높아진다. 경도는 모두 경질만 확인되며, 색조는 일부를 제외하면 대부분 회청색으로확인된다. 한편 이와 같은 변화에 대하여 미약하게나마 의미를 부여하고자 하였는데, 먼저 한성기 전반에는 원삼국시대 대옹과 연관성이 있는 것으로 추정된다. 그리고 한성기 후반에는 대형 저장용기의 형태와 출토지가 다양함에 따라 여러 제작집단이 있었을 것으로 판단된다. 이후 웅진기가 되면 대형 저장용기의 출토량이 급격하게 줄어드는데, 이는 정치적으로 불안정했던 시대상과 연관이 있으리라 판단된다. 또한 사비기가 되면 다시 대형 저장용기의 수량이 증가하게 되는데, 사비기 후반에는 5형식으로 정형화가 이루어지게 된다. 이는 당시 여러 분야에서 일원화가 진행되는 시대상과 궤를 같이 하는 것으로 판단되며, 주로 대형 저장용기는 중앙정부에서 제작 및 관리하였던 것으로 추정된다.

      • KCI등재

        호남지역 신석기시대 유적 동태와 의미

        천선행(Cheon seonhaeng),정다운(Jeong dawoon) 한국상고사학회 2017 한국상고사학보 Vol.96 No.-

        This paper examines the relationship between the spatial distribution, climate change, ecological environment, and excavated artifacts (stone composition), etc. of the Neolithic ruins in Honam area, and examines the movement and development process of the re¬mains of the Neolithic period in Honam area. As a result, the early remains of the Neolithic period in Honam area are confined within the southwestern coast. In addition to the formation of the same cultural area as the southern coastal area, the ruins have expanded to the middle southwest coastal re¬gion in the first half of the period. This re-confirmed that Yongson-dong’s earthenware culture spread to the southern coastal area. After the middle period, cultures of the south coast region, Geum River Basin, south¬ern inland area, and the southern coastal region are mixed at the same time in Honam area. Mainly, the two cultural paths that showed the ripple of dominance were [Southern inland area – Honam inland – middle southwest coastal region] and [South coast – Southwest coast]. On the other hand, the phenomenon of ruins rapidly declining in Honam area during the middle period was already seen as a result of mid-scale off-shore activities. The decline of the ruins is a result of a combination of factors such as cold weather, millet farming, and disconnection of information from the southern coast. In the process, the native Neolithic people were kept alive using shell mounds, or transferred to the inland. Though the southern inland culture was introduced, most of them were forced to leave the area of Honam. This complex pattern and selection of native Neolithic people is presumed to have created the middle period of the Honam area which differentiated Honam from other areas of the Korean peninsula. Finally, in the concluding late period, the ruins increased again, especially in the late period as the ruins of shell mounds in the southwest coastal area prominently in¬creased. This is seen as a result of the influx of late groups in the Neolithic era from areas such as the south coast region, southern inland region, and Chungcheong region. In addition, towards the late period, the ratio of excavated earthenware pottery from the middle southwest coast of and Honam inland was low, and the number of ruins be¬came stagnant or declining as farming, which was centered on the team leader, be¬came unstable after the middle period. In the westsouth coasts, the ruins of shell mounts increased. In contrast to the fact that the sites were used as an occupational base, middle stopover, and exchange base in the early/middle period, it was assumed that the sites were only occupied for a lim¬ited period of time as a place for living resource acquisition rather than for long-term residence at the end period. These changes in the way of life towards the end period were a result of the decline in agriculture and hunting and thus led the groups going back to their migratory way of life. Based on the examination above, it can be concluded that the Neolithic culture of Ho¬nam area was a dynamic culture that changed according to the cultures of the neigh¬boring areas, rather than being a unique culture that resulted from the long-term set¬tlement of the groups. 본고는 호남지역 신석기시대 유적의 공간적 분포와 기후변화, 생태환경, 출토유물(석기구성) 등과 의 관계를 검토하여 호남지역 신석기시대 유적 동태와 전개과정을 검토한 것이다. 그 결과, 호남지역 신석기시대 조기 유적은 서남해안지역에만 한정되고, 남해안지역과 동일문화권을 형성한 점, 전기에는 남해안지역 영선동식토기문화가 파급되어 중남서해안지역까지 유적이 확대 됨을 재확인하였다. 중기 이후 호남지역으로 중서해안•금강유역•남부내륙•남해안지역 문화가 동시 에 복합적으로 유입되는데, [남부내륙-호남내륙-중남서해안], [남해안-서남해안]으로의 두 문화파급 경로가 지배적이었다고 보았다. 한편, 중기에 호남지역 유적이 급감하는 현상은 [전기 말-중기]에 걸친 한랭화, 잡곡농경에 대한 정보인지, 남해안으로부터의 정보 단절이라는 복합적 요인에 따른 결과이며, 그 과정에서 토착 신석 기시대인들은 일부 패총으로 명맥을 유지하거나 내륙으로 진출하고, 남부내륙문화가 유입되기도 하지만, 대부분은 호남지역 이탈이라는 선택을 강행하였다고 보았다. 이러한 복잡한 양상과 토착 신석 기시대인들의 선택이 한반도 여타지역과 차별화된 호남지역의 중기 모습을 낳았다고 추정하였다. 마지막으로 후•말기에는 유적이 다시 증가하는데, 이는 남해안지역 및 남부내륙지역, 충 청지역으로부터 신석기시대 후기집단들이 유입된 결과로 보았다. 한편, 말기에 중남서해안 및 호남내륙지역에서 이중구연토기의 출토비율이 적고, 유적 수가 정체하거나 감소하고 있어 중기이후의 조•기장을 중심으로 한 농경이 불안정해지기 시작하였다고 보았다. 서남해 안지역에서는 패총유적이 두드러지게 증가하는데, 이 지역 조•전기에 생업 근거지•중간 기착지•교류 거점지가 확인되었던 데 비해, 말기에는 모두 장기거주라기보다 생계를 위해 한시적으로 점유되었다고 추정하였다. 말기의 생업방식 변화는 농경 및 수렵에 대한 비중 이 더욱 약화되면서 이동성이 강한 생활로 복귀하였다는 견해를 뒷받침한다. 이상의 검토를 통해 호남의 신석기시대문화는 신석기시대 각 집단들이 오랜 기간 정착하여 이룩한 독특한 호남만의 문화라기보다 주변지역 문화에 연동하여 변동하는 역동적인 문화였다고 평가하였다.

      • KCI우수등재

        Effects of dry period length on milk production and physiological responses of heat-stressed dairy cows during the transition period

        임동현,정다진솔,기광석,Dong-Hyeon Kim,한만희,김영훈 한국축산학회 2023 한국축산학회지 Vol.65 No.1

        The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of a traditional dry period (60 d) versus a no dry period (0 d) on the milk production, physiological response, and metabolic status of dairy cows exposed to heat stress during the transition period. Holstein dairy cows (n = 15) with similar expected calving dates were randomly assigned to two different dry period lengths: (1) no dry period (n = 7) and (2) a traditional dry period of 60 days (n = 8). All cows were studied from 8 weeks before expected calving to 10 weeks after calving and experienced heat stress during the transition period. The results showed that cows with no dry period decreased their milk yield in subsequent lactation, but compensated for the loss of milk yield accounted for by additional milk yield before calving. The energy balance at postpartum was improved in cows with no dry period compared to cows with a traditional dry period. There were no significant differences in the physiological response and blood metabolites at postpartum between the dry period lengths of dairy cows exposed to heat stress during the transition period. Taken together, our results showed that omitting the dry period improved the milk production and metabolic status of dairy cows exposed to heat stress during the transition period.

      • KCI등재

        북위 平城期 沙嶺벽화고분의 연구

        서윤경 한국미술사학회 2010 美術史學硏究 Vol.267 No.267

        During the Pingcheng Period (398-494), which designates the time period when the capital of the Northern Wei was located in Pingcheng, a unique type of artistic culture was developed thanks to the ethnic blending between northern nomadic peoples and the Han Chinese, which eventually became one of the main currents in the history of Chinese art. The Northern Wei funerary art in the Pingcheng Period is considered particularly important for understanding the origins of the artistic traditions and styles as well as the ideas and practices regarding funerals and rituals in the Southern and Northern Dynasties Period. Past scholarship on Northern Wei funerary art has focused mainly on tombs from the post-Pingcheng Period. In recent years, however, a series of new archaeological discoveries were made, casting new light on the tomb art of the Pincheng Period in Northern Wei and calling for its new assessment. The Shaling Mural Tomb in Shaling Village of Datong in Shanxi Province constructed in the 1st year of Taiyan era (435) is one of the most representative examples of this period. Mural paintings on richly-varied themes, found inside this tomb,bear great testimony to the art of Northern Wei during the Pingcheng Period. This paper examines the development of the art of the Pingcheng Period by comparing the murals of Shaling Tomb with other murals in contemporary tombs. During the earlier part of the Pingcheng Period, the Northern Wei tomb murals followed the tradition of the Han and Jin Dynasties both in terms of subject and composition. The Northern Wei was exposed to the influence of Han and Jin art as part of the process of integrating northeastern painting style during the Wei and Jin Period. The way people are portrayed and details of lifestyle and customs depicted in these murals echo certain aspects of the northern burial culture of the Xianbei. Meanwhile, among new influences, Buddhist themes and iconography were seamlessly blended into the native concept of afterlife and became recreated into something that is distinctively of the Northern Wei. The overall composition of paintings, compared to the Jin and Han Period, became freer and less stilted, and their visual style, bolder, livelier and more spirited. This tendency persisted until the mid-5th century,to become embodied in the art of the Pingcheng Period. Later with the coming of the age of Buddhist culture and an increased exchange with the Central Asian region and beyond,the Northern Wei developed a yet more open and diversified artistic culture. Once into the late Pingcheng Period, legendary or historical events with Confucian subtexts became the dominant subjects in paintings, while stylistically there was a shift toward Southern Dynasties style. The Northern Wei paintings in the late Pingcheng Period show overall a greater degree of maturity and refinement than in the early or mid-Pingcheng Period. These themes and expressive techniques were creatively inherited by the Northern Wei tomb art of the subsequent Luoyang Period, exerting an important influence on the art of the late Southern and Northern Dynasties Period. While the Northern Wei had its capital in Pingcheng, it gave birth to remarkably diversified and eclectic art forms with a strong northern undertone. This unique cultural vivaciousness of the Northern Wei was no doubt the result of this dynasty’s openness to cultures from the outside. Research on Northern Wei art of the Pingcheng Period could also shed light on the 5th-century tomb art and funeral customs of East Asia as a whole and provide an understanding of the underlying structure of burial-related art forms developed in this region. 북위 平城期(398-494)는 다양한 북방유목민족과 한족이 융합되면서 특수한 미술문화를 창출하였으며, 이는 중국 고대미술문화의 한 흐름을 형성하였다. 북위 평성기의 고분미술은 중국 남북조시대 미술의 연원및 화풍, 그리고 당시의 喪葬관념과 의례문화를 이해하는 데에 중요한 연구대상이다. 북위의 고분미술에관한 기존의 연구는 주로 평성기의 후기 고분에 집중되었는데, 최근 일련의 고고학적인 발굴과 자료가 축적되었기에, 이를 토대로 북위 평성기의 고분미술을 재논의해야할 것으로 보인다. 중국 山西省 大同 沙嶺村에서 발견된 북위 太延원년(435)의 사령벽화고분은 이러한 북위 평성기의 대표적인 벽화고분으로, 고분에서 발견된 다양한 제재의 회화자료는 당시의 미술상을 잘 반영하고 있다. 본고는 사령벽화고분과 동시기 출토된 기타 고분의 회화자료들을 비교·대조하여, 북위 평성기 고분미술의 전개양상을 살펴보았다. 평성 전기 고분회화의 제재와 구성은 漢晉시대 회화전통을 계승했으며, 이는 위진시기 중국 동북지역의 회화양식을 수용하는 과정에서 형성되었다. 각 인물의 형상과 복식 및 생활풍속의 장면에는 북방 선비족의 상장문화가 잔존한다. 한편 새로운 양식이 수용되는데, 그 가운데 불교적제재의 도상과 문양은 고분미술이 지니는 내세관과 융합되어 독자적인 차용이 이루어진다. 전체 화면은진한대와 비교하여 보다 자유로운 화면이 운용되며, 힘차고 활달한 화풍이 구사되어 생동감이 넘친다. 이러한 미술의 특징은 5세기 중엽까지 지속되어, 북위 평성기의 미술상으로 정착된다. 이후 불교문화가 성숙되고 서역과의 문물교류가 활발해지면서, 다양하고 개방적인 미술양식이 형성된다. 평성기 후기에 접어들면서, 회화제재는 유교적인 이념의 고사들로 채워지고, 남조의 화풍이 수용된다. 전체적인 화풍은 평성기전·중기의 양식과는 다르게 숙련되고 뛰어난 정제미를 보이는데, 이러한 회화제재와 표현법은 북위가 낙양으로 천도한 이후의 고분미술로 연결되어 남북조 후기 미술양식의 토대를 이룬다. 북위는 평성이라는 무대를 중심으로 강한 북방적 기질이 어우러진 다양하고 복잡한 미술문화를 배태시켰는데, 이는 외부문화를 긍정적으로 수용하는 과정에서 비롯된 북위의 독자적인 문화양상이었다고볼 수 있다. 이러한 북위 평성기의 고분미술에 관한 연구는 5세기 동아시아 고분미술과 예제문화의 실상을규명하고 구조적인 체제를 이해하는 데 일조하리라 본다.

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