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      • KCI등재

        21세기 한국의 동원사상(動員思想) 정립과 구현 방향 연구

        강용구 육군군사연구소 2021 군사연구 Vol.- No.151

        This paper is a study on the direction of establishment and implementation of mobilization thought in Korea in the 21st century. For this, major wars of the times, military systems, and mobilization systems were studied. Research shows that the Korean people have continued to develop the mobilization system to ensure the efficiency and reliability of wartime mobilization despite numerous foreign invasion and wars. However, history proves that if the individuals subject to mobilization do not establish a mental attitude and attitude voluntarily responding to mobilization in times of national crisis, this is useless. In order to establish the current and future of Korea's mobilization thought, raising awareness of mobilization should first be preceded. Based on this, it is necessary to establish our own spirit, will to struggle, and value standards to inherit. It emphasized that the succession of martialism and the patriotic spirit, the spirit of overcoming the national crisis of the militias, the spirit of the March 1st Movement, and the spirit of the student soldier during the Korean War was the basis of the establishment of mobilization. In order to implement of mobilization thought, legal and institutional supplementation related to mobilization, the development of compen–sation related laws, the promotion of the people's will for security and mental attitude, the practice of Noblesse oblige, and activities for people consensus and people relations were presented. 본 논문은 21세기 한국의 동원사상 정립과 구현 방향에 관한 연구이다. 이를 위해시대별 군사제도를 고찰하고 동원과 관련된 분석을 시도하였다. 연구를 통해 우리 민족은 수많은 외침과 전쟁을 겪으면서도 전시동원의 효율성과 신뢰성을 보장하기 위해동원제도를 지속해서 발전시켜 왔음을 알 수 있다. 그러나 동원의 대상이 되는 개체들이 국가가 위기 시에 자발적으로 동원에 응소하려는 정신자세와 태도를 확립하고 있지 않으면, 이는 무용지물에 불과한 것을 역사가 증명하고 있다. 이러한 정신자세와 태도를 동원사상으로 이해해도 무리가 없을 것이다. 현재와 미래 한국의 동원사상 정립을 위해서는 우선 동원에 대한 인식제고가 선행되어야 한다. 이를 바탕으로 우리 민족 고유의 정신과 투쟁의지, 계승해야 할 가치 기준정립이 필요하다. 여기에는 상무·호국정신, 민병들의 국난극복 정신, 3·1운동 정신, 6·25전쟁 시 학도병 정신 등이 포함되며, 이는 동원사상 정립의 근간임을 강조하였다. 그리고 동원사상 구현을 위한 방향으로 동원 관련 법적·제도적 보완, 예비군 동원시 보상관련 법규 발전, 국민의 안보의지와 정신자세 고양, 노블레스 오블리주 실천, 국민 공감대 형성과 홍보 활동 필요성 등을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 주제인 동원사상 정립과 구현은 넓은 의미에서 국가 총체전력의 일부라고할 수 있다. 따라서 앞으로 이를 위해 무엇을 어떻게 발전시킬 것인가에 관한 깊은 연구와 공론화가 이루어져야 한다. 국민적인 공감대가 형성된 가운데 논리적 뒷받침과시행 가능성을 함께 갖춘 동원사상이 정립될 수 있도록 관계 부처와 각계각층의 지속적인 노력이 따라야 할 것이다.

      • 예비전력 정예화 방안

        김재삼,Kim, Jae-Sam 대전대학교 군사연구원 2007 군사학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Reserved forces of ROKA are in charge of replacement of TOE in the wartime and mission of rear area operation. But there is institutional inertia in the law and organization oriented to fill human resources rather than take mission. We need to prepare for the investment and arrangement of reserved forces as military power that would be replaced standing forces. In this portion, to reinforce reserve forces elite, First, efficient mobilization regulations and systems are suggested. I covered a maintenance of relevant mobilization ordinances which need to legislated and approved by national assembly for wartime and development of mobilization system which might lose the appropriate time for mobilization due to complicated declaration procedures and measures to overcome the panic at the initial stage of the war and organization and employment of nationwide transportation system and mobilization center. To ensure efficient resource management and mobilization of reserve forces with a number of approximately 3 million, there's a necessity of organization for integration and conciliation. To make it real, I suggested establishing and employing the mobilization center, on first phase, employ the mobilization center focusing on homeland divisions, on second phase, it is advisable to convert to national level mobilization system and develop to central mobilization center focusing on national emergency planning committee. During peacetime, in conjunction with Mobilization Cell, mobilization center can conduct resource survey and integrate and manage mobilization resources and take charge of mobilization training of subordinate units, and during wartime, in conjunction with mobilization coordination team and Cell, can ensure the execution of mobilization. Second, Future oriented reserve forces management system such as service system of reserve forces and support system of homeland defense operations. Current service and trainings of reserve forces by the year have very low connection, as it is very complex to manage the resources and trainings, and service and training lack the equity, re-establishment of service system is required. Also in an aspect of CSS and cultivation support for reserve forces, as the scope and limitation of responsibility between the armed forces and autonomous organization is obscure, conditions to conduct actual-fighting exercises are limited. Concentrated budgetting is extremely difficult because reserve forces training fields are scattered nationwide, and facilities and equipments are rapidly getting older. To improve all these, I suggest the organization of homeland defense battalion with a unit of "City-Gun-District" and supporting the local reserve forces. Conduct unit replacement or personal replacement for those who have finished their 1 or 2 years and homeland defense operation duty for those with 3-5 years for consistency and simplification. Third, I suggest Future oriented Reserved Training(FRT) and Training Center oriented training management to establish a reliable reserve training. Reserves carry out expansion of unit, conventional combat mission, homeland defense and logistics support during wartime, and actual-fighting exercise, and disaster relief, peace keeping activities. Despite diverse activities and roles, their training condition still stays definitely poor. For these reasons, Modernization of weapons and facilities through gradual replacement and procurement is essential to enhance mobilization support system.

      • 신경가동기법이 뇌졸중 환자의 족관절 저측굴근 경직에 미치는 영향

        이창렬,손길수,이수연,박지원,Lee, Chang-Ryeol,Son, Gil-Soo,Lee, Soo-Yeon,Park, Ji-Won 대한물리치료학회 2007 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Purpose: We investigated how nerve mobilization influence ankle plantar flexor muscles of the affected lower extremity on the spasticity in stroke patients. Method: Total 12 patients were recruited, who had spasticity on ankle of the affected lower extremity, and applied nerve mobilization on the sciatic and tibial nerves in supine position. H-reflex was measured using EMG equipment, detected the ratio of maximum H/M and H-reflex latency, and compared the changes before, during, right after, 5 minutes after and 10 minutes after the application of nerve mobilization. The data were analyzed using repeated measure ANOVA to compare the changes in length of time. Results: In comparison with the ratio before nerve mobilization, the ratio of maximum H/M was significantly decreased during nerve mobilization(p<0.05), and it tended toward recovery right after, 5 minutes after and 10 minutes after applying nerve mobilization, there was no statistically significant difference(p>0.05). In comparison with the ratio before nerve mobilization, the ratio of maximum H/M was most significantly decreased during the first 10 seconds after nerve mobilization and it tended toward recovery gradually(p<0.05). In comparison with the H-reflex latency before nerve mobilization, it was significantly increased during nerve mobilization(p<0.05) and it was decreased right after nerve mobilization, After 5 and 10 minutes, it had a tendency toward recovery but it revealed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). Conclusion: It is considered that nerve mobilization could contribute to initial rehabilitation with stroke patients for relieving spasticity and nerve contracture.

      • KCI등재

        日帝末期 南洋拓殖株式會社의 朝鮮人 動員實態

        金明煥(Kim, Myung-Hwan) 한일민족문제학회 2010 한일민족문제연구 Vol.18 No.-

        この論文は、ドキュメントデータの分析を通じて、日帝末期の南洋拓殖株式会社の朝鮮人動員の実態を調べようとした。そのためには南洋拓殖の設立背景を概括し、朝鮮人の動員時期、動員地域、動員過程などを検討して見ようとした。南洋諸島を委任統治下に置くことになると、日本はこの地域に民間企業を進出させ、開発を図る一方、大規模の移民で不足労働者の問題を解決し、支配力を確立しようとしたのである。1920〜30年代の南洋諸島の経済に大きな比重を占めていたのは、南洋興発株式会社だった。しかし、製糖業に偏った成長と、その産業への特恵に対する地域有力者たちの反発、開発においての地域的偏差の発生、国際連盟の脱退に伴う情勢の変化等により、南洋諸島の方針の変更が要求された。南洋拓殖は、このような背景をもって設立された。国策会社である南洋拓殖は、設立以来、燐鉱の採掘や農場の開拓などに注力し、自社の営業活動のために、日本各地からの移民を推進するなど、労働力の動員にも深く関わっていた。南洋拓殖が朝鮮人を動員した目的は、燐鉱の採掘や軍需用野菜の生産に配置するためであった。労働者は、忠清地域から動員されて、アンガウル(Angaur)とファイス(Fais)の採掘所、バベルダオブ(Babeldaob)、チュ-ク(Chuuk)諸島、ポンペイ(Pohnpei)などの農場、ヤップ(Yap)事業所管轄下の土地などに配置された。一部の労働者は、ビスマルク(Bismarck)諸島のラバウル(Rabaul)に動員された。つまり、南洋拓殖は、南洋諸島各地に点在する自社の事業所にまんべんなく朝鮮人を配置したのである。資料によると、南洋拓殖の朝鮮人動員は、1940年5月にもあったが、本格的な動員は、1941年半ば以後のようだ。この時期において、南洋拓殖の朝鮮人の動員は、資料が発見されていないために、詳細については分からないが、太平洋戦争の勃発の前だったので、大体、1939年の半ばの南洋興発などの労働者動員のプロセスと類似したものと推定される。南洋拓殖の動員事例としては、1943年末と1944年初の労働者の動員過程が確認される。これによると、ほとんどの過程は、南洋興発の例と似ている。南洋興発の事例と異なる点では、まず、朝鮮総督府に労働者‘供出’の斡旋を申請することで、動員の性格をより顕著に露出したのである。次には、1939年とは異なり、募集員を朝鮮に直接派遣したことである。当時、ほとんどの朝鮮人の動員が募集員の派遣によって行われたという点で、南洋拓殖もその一般的な方法に沿って、朝鮮人を動員したと見ることができる。三番目には、朝鮮の各郡からの募集を完了した後、南洋庁側に、別途のお知らせをしないで、すぐに南洋諸島に労働者を搬送したという点である。その結果、労働者の動員は、短期間に終了された。南洋拓殖は、新規労働者の動員を推進しながら、既存の労働者の再契約にも力を注いだ。しかし、関連資料が、まだ発掘されていないため、実際の再契約がどのような過程を経て進行されたかを知ることはできない。 This paper, through the analysis of written documents, intends to review about how Nanyo Takushoku(南洋拓殖, South Seas Colonization) Company mobilized Koreans during the late colonial period through the analysis of written materials. For this, I looked into the background of Nanyo Takushoku's establishment, examining the time, regions, and processes of Korean mobilization. As Islands in the South Seas was put under the Japan's mandate, the Japanese government tried to exercise dominion over this area by delegating private businesses in the name of development and to resolve the shortage of labor force through large-scale emigration. In 1920~1930, it was Nanyo Kohatsu Company(南洋兴发, South Seas Development) that occupied a large proportion of the economy in South Seas Islands. However, as the local protested about the unreasonably biased economic growth lead by the favored sugar industry with an accordance with regional differences in the development and political changes cause by Japan's withdrawal from the International Federation, it was time for revising policies about the South Seas Islands. That was why Nanyo Takushoku was established. Nanyo Takushoku, as a state policy corporation, concentrating on mining and farm planting since its founding, was deeply involved in the mobilization of labor, promoting immigration from all over Japan for economic activities. The purpose of mobilization of Koreans was mining and vegetable production for munitions. Laborers were mobilized form Chungchung Province and placed in Angaur Mine, Fais Mine, many farms in Babeldaob, the Chuuk Archipelago, Pohnpei and other business areas controled by Yap division. There were also laborers placed in Rabaul of the Bismarck Archipelago. In a word, Nanyo Takushoku evenly placed Korean laborers throughout the South Seas Islands, where their business were concerned. According to documents, Nanyo Takushoku mobilized Koreans in May, 1940 but their the full-scale mobilization began in the mid 1941. The reality of mobilization is not well known because of lack of written documents but we can assume it was largely similar to that of Nanyou Kohatsu's in mid-1939 because it was before the outbreak of World War II too. As some examples of Nanyo Takushoku's Korean mobilization, we can confirm the mobilization process in late 1943 and early 1944. According to those, most of cases were similar to those of Nanyo Kouhatsu. However, what was different from Nanyou Kohatsu's mobilization is like these ; First, they requested the Government General of Japan in Korea to arrange requisition of laborers, speaking of more distinct characteristics of mobilization. Second, they sent recruiters directly to Korea, unlike 1939. At that time, most of Korean mobilization was conducted by recruiters so the way Nanyou Takushoku took was common. Third, the mobilization process finished in a brief period of time because they transferred Koreans to the South Sea Islands without informing the South Sea Islands Administration after mobilizing laborers from each Kun(smaller regions of Do, Province). Nanyo Takushoku promoted the mobilization of new laborers, making an effort about renewal of the existing laborers. But what the renewal process was like is unknown because of lack of documents.

      • KCI등재

        1939~1945년 경북 지역의노동력 강제동원

        이수환,이광우 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2014 민족문화논총 Vol.58 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to organize the development of compulsory labor mobilization in Chosun from 1939 till 1945 and the cases of it in Gyeongbuk area based on advanced research and also anticipate how follow-up research on compulsory labor mobilization in Gyeongbuk area will be going on. After the 1930’s, Japan’s imperialistic invasion started genuinely, and a lot of human and materialistic resources failed to avoid its mobilization. Only with the recourses located in its own land, Japan could not manage to carry out the extended battle. Under its National Mobilization Law institutionalized in 1938, Japan performed human and materialistic exploitation in colonized Chosun from 1939 till 1945. Up to 8 million Chosun people including laborers, soldiers, civilians attached to the military, and comfort women were mobilized compulsorily then, and among them, over 7 million fall under compulsory labor mobilization. After the institutionalization of its National Mobilization Law, Japan continued to add articles to it in order to conduct its compulsory labor mobilization more favorably. Based on that, Japan developed its compulsory labor mobilization on Chosun people in the forms of recruiting, public collection, and requisition. Particularly with the regulations of requisition added in 1944, Japan, in fact, included all Chosun adult males as the subjects of its compulsory mobilization, and the form of its mobilization became even more violent and coercive. At that time, Chosun people were compulsorily mobilized not just in Korea but in Japan, Sakhalin, or the South Sea Islands, too, and they had to go through the pain resulted from inhumane treatments such as labor management accompanied with poor labor environment and violence, wages lower than what was promised, and forced lengthening of the contract term. However, we still cannot figure out the scale or actual situation of the damage resulted from the compulsory mobilization clearly on account of the limited primary materials, Japanese government’s unwillingness to cooperate, lack of research manpower, and Korean government’s passive coping with it. Gyeongbuk area is regarded as one of the regions where compulsory labor mobilization was performed the most during the Japanese colonial era. Although there is a limitation in figuring out the native places of the victims accurately due to the shortage of materials, the lists of the victims and the dead reported by the Korean government and also Japanese government tell us that the most are reported in Gyeongbuk area. Research on compulsory labor mobilization in Gyeongbuk area has been conducted mainly with the oral reports of the victims alive or resistant cases against the compulsory mobilization up until now. Oral data show us the inhumane aspects of the compulsory labor mobilization vividly. Also, some of the resistant cases against the compulsory labor mobilization are noticeable as they opposed to it systematically in Gyeongsan and Andong. 본 논문은 기존의 연구 성과를 바탕으로 1939~1945년 사이 진행된 조선인 노동력 강제동원의 전개 양상과 경북 지역의 노동력 강제동원 사례를 정리하고, 향후 진행될 경북 지역 노동력 강제동원 연구·조사를 전망한 것이다. 1930년대 이후 일본의 제국주의 침략이 본격화되면서 많은 인적·물적 자원이 동원되었다. 그러나 일본 본토의 자원만으로는 확대된 전선을 감당할 수가 없었다. 이에 1938년 제정된 국가총동원법에 의거하여 1939년부터 1945년까지 인적·물적 수탈이 식민지 조선에서 이루어졌다. 8백만 명에 달하는 조선인이 노무자, 군인, 군속, 위안부 등으로 강제동원 되었는데, 그 중 노동력 강제동원 인원만 7백만 명을 초과한다. 일본은 국가총동원법 제정 이후 원활한 노동력 강제동원을 위해 추가로 각종 법적 조항을 제정해 나갔다. 이에 따라 조선인에 대한 노동력 강제동원은 모집, 관알선, 징용의 형태로 전개되었다. 특히 1944년 확대된 국민징용령은 사실상 모든 조선인 성인 남성을 강제동원의 대상으로 포함시키는 것으로, 동원의 형태도 한층 더 폭력적이고 강압적이었다. 이때 조선인들은 국내뿐만 아니라 일본, 사할린, 남양군도 등으로 강제동원 되었으며, 열악한 노동 환경, 폭력이 동반된 노무관리, 약속보다 적은 임금, 그리고 계약 기간 연장 강요 등 반인륜적 대우에 고통을 겪어야 했다. 하지만 1차 자료의 한계와 일본 정부의 비협조, 연구 인력의 부족, 그리고 우리 정부의 소극적인 대응으로 인해 강제동원의 피해 규모와 실상을 명확하게 파악하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 경북 지역은 일제강점기 가장 많은 노동력 강제동원이 이루어졌던 지역 중 하나로 판단된다. 자료의 한계 때문에 피해자의 출신지를 정확히 파악하는 데에는 한계가 있지만, 우리 정부와 일본 정부가 작성한 피해자 신고 명부, 사망자 명부 등을 살펴보면 대체로 경북 지역에서 가장 많은 피해자가 보고되었음이 나타난다. 그간 경북 지역의 노동력 강제동원에 대한 연구·조사는 생존 피해자들의 구술, 강제동원에 저항한 사례 등을 중심으로 이루어졌다. 구술 자료는 노동력 강제동원의 반인륜적 실상을 생생하게 보여주고 있다. 또한 노동력 강제동원에 대한 저항 사례 중에서는 경산과 안동에서 전개된 조직적인 대응이 주목된다.

      • KCI등재

        Quantification of Mobilization Grade for Mean Peak Force During Central Posteroanterior Mobilization of C3- C5 in Asymptomatic College Students

        ( Ho Jung An ),( Seo Yoon Heo ),( Jung Hyun Choi ),( Wan Suk Choi ) 국제물리치료연구학회 2017 Journal of International Academy of Physical Ther Vol.8 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to measure the mean peak mobilization forces to the cervical spine 3-5 with grade III and grade IV of posteroanterior (PA) mobilization. Asymptomatic 25 college subjects were participated in the trial and eligible physical therapists performed cervical mobilization. The mean peak mobilization force was measured during the PA mobilization with grade III and grade IV by attaching a flexible force transducer over the C3-C5 spinous process. Three cycles of PA mobilization were performed in each spine and the therapist took approximately 2.5s to complete mobilization. After applying the grade III mobilization to the C3-C5, 30 minutes later, the grade IV mobilization was applied to the same area again. There were no significant differences between C3, C4 and C5 during grade III as well as grade IV. Upon comparing the mean peak force of grade III with mean peak force of grade IV at the C3, C4 and C5 respectively, an insignificant difference was also observed. The mean peak mobilization force was 4.53±1.79 N at the C3, 5.10±1.91 N at the C4, and 5.17±2.63 N at the C5 during grade III force was applied. The mean peak mobilization force was 4.40±1.56 N at the C3, 5.53±2.01 N at the C4, and 5.38± 2.73 N at the C5 during grade IV force was applied. This study suggested that the mean peak force of the grade III and grade IV mobilization in the C3-C5 was similar each other, also there was no difference between mean peak force of grade III and grade IV on C3, C4 and C5.

      • KCI등재

        쟁점논단 : 일제말기 강제동원 기록의 수집과 활용을 위한 제언 -기록화 전략(Documentation Strategy)과 문화콘텐츠 구축 방법론-

        권미현 ( Mi Hyun Kwon ) 한일민족문제학회 2014 한일민족문제연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The Commission on Verification & Support for the Victims of Forced Mobilization under Japanese Colonialism in Korea, under the commission has carried out its activities for the fact finding on the victims of forced mobilization, disbursement of compensations, collection & compilation of materials, exhibition, etc. But, the commission is a temporal organization whose duration is set, and is set to transfer its public affairs to the National Archives of Korea when the duration is terminated. Though the commission has so far done various activities to guide the public to history of the forced mobilization with the inspection reports, publication of a single book, exhibitions, etc, it may be asked whether distinct affairs the commission promoted up to now can be continued if the affairs & the related records are transferred to the National Archives of Korea. It seems that history of the forced mobilization is composed of the hierarchy of various subjects who were attackers & victims, the third victims in the whole Koreans at that time and is a compositively textured structure with channels of the mobilization & the wide mobilization area. There are a variety of context and background in history of the forced mobilization, such as those who, subjects personally experienced such facts, records including all public and private spheres, spots where historical events took place, and recollection & oral statement of the experienced, etc. These various information is required to coordinate as a structure comprehensible to the context. The documentation strategy is to proceed a plan to secure adequate records including production of them by drawing domains to make the documentation and analyzing states of it for the records existing on ongoing issues, and to promote the plan by applying it to the multi-institutional approach that plural subjects cooperate one another. This is believed to be a methodology to collect records suitable for situations dependent on the recollection & the oral statement of the people involved or concerned as time, subjects, and places are definite like history of the forced mobilization, records related to it is dispersed and preserved in various institutions and individual places, and some records are hid or disappeared. Steps to realize general documentation strategy were thought to be composed of consultant groups, organization & integrated management of records, production of records for preliminary research & analysis, selection for documentation, networking of locations where records are placed & collection records, and complement of missing records. On the basis of this, it`s presented that the documentation of forced mobilization would consist in the step of entrance & target setting, preliminary research & analysis of the missing for records, category of documentation & determination of investigation method, production of records for complement of the missing, and organization of materials & construction of network. The ultimate purpose of the documentation of forced mobilization is a basic study not only to collect records for construction of culture contents but to concretely realize a series of researches history of the forced mobilization and the commission has so far promoted in a little bigger framework. The culture contents of history of the forced mobilization will be of help to restore & reproduce it many contemporary members of society have personally understood. It`s addressed, in the method to construct the culture contents, to limit to the place based on contents which can show web contents and event. time. space, etc available in the digital environment collectively. The step to construct general culture contents is made through procedures of contents target & determination of type, analysis of case & investigation of materials, utilization of materials, and design, development, reproduction & appraisal of contents. There are e-learning, digital museum, educational theme park and culture map of the museum & the park in the culture contents to construct through these procedures with the records of the forced mobilization.

      • KCI등재

        전국 소방력 동원령 운영 개선방안에 대한 연구

        이창목,이종호,지준근,Lee, Chang Mok,Lee, Jong Ho,Chi, Jun Keun 한국안전학회 2022 한국안전학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to improve the National Fire Mobilization Plan. This plan is a national-level comprehensive response system aimed to compensate for scarce firefighting resources and minimize damage from large-scale disasters that exceed the response limits of city and province firefighting forces. As such, relevant literature and domestic and foreign firefighting mobilization standards were reviewed, and simulations of firefighting mobilization were performed using the QGIS program to compare and analyze cases. Results showed that, as opposed to the current method of issuing mobilization orders by dividing resources according to city and province, recognizing the entire country as a single entity and prioritizing the mobilization of adjacent firefighting resources is more effective in terms of minimizing time and distance and more quickly securing resources. Regarding national firefighting mobilization, recognizing the country's firefighting resources as a whole will allow adjacent firefighting resources to be mobilized with priority. However, the mobilization-related limits of each region need to be set to respond to local disasters. Once the scale of mobilization is determined, a system that can quickly calculate how to mobilize firefighting resources based on location and distance can be established. Additionally, it is necessary to create an integrated management system so the central government can directly organize and mobilize local firefighting resources.

      • KCI등재

        태평양전쟁 시기 조선에서 금속회수운동의 전개와 실적

        김인호 한국민족운동사학회 2010 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.62

        이 연구는 태평양전쟁 시기(1940~1945) 조선에서 전개된 금속회수 운동을 (1) 금속회수의 시대적 배경, (2) 금속회수 정책의 추이, (3) 금속회수운동의 실태와 실적 등을 통하여 분석하고자 한다. 그것을 통하여 1940년 이후 전반적으로 자행된 조선에서의 물자수탈의 역사적 성격과 일제강점 종말기 조선경제의 파행 상황을 구체적으로 실증하고자 한다. 물자회수 정책은 1938년경 시작된 종이ㆍ섬유류 등 폐품회수에 이어 1940년대에는 미국의 선철금수를 주요 원인으로 한 금속회수가 국가권력의 개입 아래서 본격화되었다. 그럼에도 제정 ‘금속류회수령’(1941.9) 단계에는 생필품은 강제회수 보류, 공장 불용품의 특별회수가 강조되어 일반 조선인 삶을 구체적으로 옥죄지는 않았다. 그러나 1943년 개정령 이후에는 각종 관공서 등지의 유휴금속 회수를 강화하는 한편 민간시설조차 스크렙(파쇠)하여 회수하는 유휴설비회수 정책을 추진하였고, 1944년 이후 진행되던 기업정비와 연동하여 설비회수를 추진하였다. 이어서 1945년 ‘도시소개령’이후에는 건물이나 시설을 정리하는 기업소개 및 시설회수가 단행되었다. 또한 일반회수가 가혹하게 자행되면서 종래 가정용 폐품수집 수준의 회수정책이 강제적인 공출의무로 변화하였다. 일반 조선인의 삶 전체가 수탈에 신음하는 상황이 된 것이다. 이러한 설비 시설회수는 초중점주의 증산 정책과 연관되며 유휴 혹은 민수관련 산업 설비를 대거 정리하여 거기서 파생된 설비를 중요물자영단에서 구매하여 군이나 총독부가 지정하는 사업에 동원하려는 것이었다. 설비 전용은 육해군과 총독부간의 협의에 의해서 진행되었고, 배분비율은 대체로 50대 50이었다. 실행기관은 1942년경에는 조선자원회수(주)와 지방별 자원회수상업조합이었으나 1943년 12월부터는 중요물자영단이 설립되어 지방의 개별 지정상과 연계되어 주무기관이 되었다. 이는 금속회수를 넘어 시설과 설비회수 문제도 신속하게 해결해야 할 국가주도의 통제 기구가 필요했기 때문이었다. 외양상 민영의 모습을 한 중요물자영단이 사실상 국가기관이라는 것은 영단의 감리관이나 평위원ㆍ영단설립위원 등이 모두 총독부 관료가 맡았다는 점에서도 확인된다. 1944년 전반기까지 철의 경우 일반회수가 특별회수보다 많았다는 점에서 가정용 물자에 대한 가혹한 수탈을 추측할 수 있으며, 이후에는 특별회수가 많아 기업정비의 후폭풍을 증명하고 있다. 1943년 이후에는 구리 등 비철금속의 회수가 특별히 강조되었는데 전체적으로 구리 회수율은 떨어지고, 특별회수가 급증하는 형국이었다. 이러한 금속회수에는 불량배들의 이권이나 이들이 조직한 관변조직 등이 금속회수에 참가하였다. 예를 들어 종로 뒷골목의 불량배가 결성한 반도의용정신대 등이 총독부의 협조를 받아 금속회수에 참가하고 수집한 대금을 헌납하기도 했다. 그리고 금속회수의 결과 8ㆍ15까지 상당량의 물자가 조선 각지에 비축되었는데, 8ㆍ15직전 조선남부에 남아있던 재고품은 실로 막대하였지만 당시 축적된 금속자재가 도대체 어떻게 되었는지 현재로선 제대로 알려지지 않고 있다. It was very important for studying Korean life-style and economic trends in Pacific Wartime that analyzing about system of metal mobilization policy. This research was able to show the metal collection movement which is started with Pacific war in Korea. Concretely analyzes (1) periodic background of metal collection movement, (2) governor-general office’s metal collection policies, (3) the actual conditions of this movement. Usually, the collect concentrated more on rubber than Iron until 1940. Pacific War produced an unexpected result in Japanese economy. Now Japan met a new phase of the situation called international economic isolation. But this materials mobilization could not under the direct management of the government. They worried over the drop of Korean's spontaneity on collecting scrap metal. After metal general mobilization law(金屬類回收令) was promulgated, this donation monement changed gradually into mobilization of metals. In other words, The government-general directly intervened to metal extortion system. This system became means for infused patriotism into the colonial subject. Japanese regime urgently carryed forward a scheme of the use of Japan patriotic women’s association Korean branch office(愛國婦人會 朝鮮支部) and national mobilization League network(國民總力聯盟 組織) for promoted ‘the he luck of an Emperor’(皇運翊贊). National mobilization movement network actually substituted for Chosun governor-general office’s administrative line until 1943 or thereabouts. Also, All patriotic section leader(愛國班長) was responsibility for the fulfillment of village’s metal mobilization obligation in one time a month. Before revision metal general mobilization law(1943.9), compulsory metal mobilization policy was all talk and no action. Namely Special collection(特別回收) was especially emphasized on the thing which did not use in the factory. But from this time, compulsory collection policy started. Just now Japanese could scrap all of the thing which did not use at government, public offices and family. After city evacuation order(都市疏開令) in 1945, the building or a facility designated by governor-general office‘s in big city like seoul arranged on a large scale. Namely, the compulsory equipment mobilization. General mobilization(一般回收) started in 1944, collected the housewares, household commodities which did not use in the family. Just now the time of donation is disappeared. General mobilization of iron in the first half of 1944 were more special than Special mobilization from all aspects. After 1943, collection policy was emphasized especially on nonferrous metal like copper, nickel. Generally General mobilization of copper and nickel fell, Special mobilization increased rapidly in the defeated period(1944~1945). At the start time, the execution organization was Chosun resources collection control company and regional resources collection commercial union. But from 1943 December, key commodities management corporation(重要物資營團) was founded and kept this work. Also the hoodlums organ like as Chongno back street hoodlums participated in metal collection movement. These people aimed the economic social rights themselves. For example, The Korean Peninsula heroism Voluntary Service Corps(半島義勇挺身隊) received the cooperation of the government-general and participated in metal collection Movement. The collected metal was donated to the government-general.

      • KCI우수등재

        금조 동원체계의 시배열적 분석 ― 동원준비기간의 문제를 중심으로 ―

        박세완 동양사학회 2023 東洋史學硏究 Vol.164 No.-

        The Jin dynasty operated a mobilization system in which he prepared for small-scale conflicts with a few standing troops during peacetime and mobilized reserve troops to respond to emergencies such as the outbreak of large-scale war. Since the mobilization system was the system that the Jin dynasty requisitioned personnel engaged in production activities in peacetime as troops in emergencies, it is difficult to confirm its operation in the early and late period of the Jin Dynasty, which were always in the state of war. Therefore, the process of mobilization measures was analyzed through four cases: attack on the Southern Song in Zhenglong years(1160-1161), northern expedition in Mingchang(明昌)-Cheng'an(承安) Years (1195-1199), counter-attack against the Kaixi Northern Expedition (1204-1207), and the disputes with Western Xia, when the transition from peacetime to wartime occurred during the middle period of the Jin dynasty. Researching the historical materials related to the attack on the Southern Song in Zhenglong years, it is confirmed that the mobilization force was requisitioned in April of the 6th year of Jeongryong, and that the expeditionary force was launched in September of the same year and would invade the Southern Song in October. Surveying the circumstances surrounding the northern expedition between Mingchang-Cheng'an Years, it is confirmed that at the beginning of Zhangzong's reign, the number of standing troops on the northern border of the Jin dynasty fighting against the invasion of the northern nomadic tribes was not sufficient. therefore, it can be seen that the period during which the large expeditionary force was organized was from January to June in the 6th year of Mingchang. Because Southern Song started the Kaixi Northern Expedition without a declaration of war, the Jin dynasty had no choice but to issue a mobilization order only after the war started in earnest. So, until the mobilization order was given and the actual mobilization took place, it can be confirmed that the standing troops in the south of Jin were insufficient to fight the Southern Song's northern expedition army during peacetime. It is also confirmed that a mobilization order was issued in April of the 6th year of Taihe(泰和) for the counterattack against the Kaixi Northern Expedition, and the troops that were summoned as a result started counterattack from October of the same year. Examining the dispute between the Jin dynasty and Western Xia, despite frequent invasions by Western Xia , the Jin dynasty did not take clear military countermeasures, which is also presumed to be due to insufficient standing troops. After discussing punishment for Western Xia in May of the 3rd year of Zhenyou(貞祐), it is confirmed that it was after the battle of Keron fort(克戎寨) and Shuyang Fort(熟羊寨) in November of the 3rd year of Zhenyou that the Jin dynasty began an active offensive using mobilization forces. Through this, the following interpretation can be derived. First, the mobilization system required a mobilization preparation period before the requisitioned reserve forces were used as the military, and in the case of the Jin dynasty, this period was generally five to six months. Second, defense during the mobilization preparation period was carried out by a fewwstanding troops, who were in charge of delaying operations and blocked the enemy's advance in order to secure a preparation period for mobilization in emergencies such as large-scale wars. This defense system was able to successfully prevent the invasion of the Southern Song, because the Jin dynasty had a long-depth from the southern frontier to its capital. but the Southern Song had an infantry-oriented army. However, it was difficult to secure sufficient mobilization preparations from the northern nomadic tribes, beacaus the Jin dynasty had a short distance from the border to the capital and the northern nomadic tribes had great mobility. Therefore, in the 3rd y...

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