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      • KCI등재

        새로운 중국문학사를 위한 제언

        朴昭賢(Park, So-hyeon) 중국어문학연구회 2017 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.103

        This article theoretically explores a new possibility for rewriting history of Chinese literature. My attempt in this article should be distinguished from those made by the movement of rewriting Chinese literary history, which began in the 1980s in Chinese academia. The attempt I make here is closely linked to the recent trends that both Korean and Western literary scholars have exhibited: widespread criticisms on writing a history of national literature, in particular, based on the Eurocentric perception of literature, which formed in nineteenth-century Europe. On the basis of the critical reexaminations of Eurocentric literary history, a history of world literature as "universal literature" or a "transnational," "transcultural" history of literature has been proposed as an alternative literary history. Indeed, it is in the same context that a new possibility for history of East Asian literature has been discussed in the Korean academe. In this context I also try to rethink a new possibility for Chinese literary history in the comparative or global perspective. In particular, we should take into account the East Asian perspective in rewriting a new Chinese literary history in that it will provide us with a possibility to overcome both Eurocentrism and Sinocentrism that have been predominant views in Chinse literary history until now. History of East Asian literature should be "a history of text and context" to overcome the limitation of a national literary history and reconstruct a transcultural literary history. In this sense, rewriting Chinese literary history seems a task we must pursue and accomplish in the future.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷을 활용한 역사교육 : 대학에서의 서양사 교육을 중심으로

        朴淳準(Park Soon-Joon) 역사교육연구회 2003 역사교육 Vol.86 No.-

        In recent years, so many efforts are making to overcome the crisis of history education. But these efforts are not creating the expected effects. Most professors researching historical science in university, also are teaching history at their history classrooms of university. They are teaching history in traditional method, and not put some efforts in new media and tools of education. So students are losing their interests in history at classroom of university. History as a science is in crisis and history as an education is also in crisis. The Crisis of history education is not only at the history classroom of middle and high schools, but also in university. This article aims to show how to use the internet in history education and to revitalize the historical research in university. In the first part of this article, two points are suggested. One is how to use the multimedia resources in history classroom. History teachers must know to use slide tools, over-head projector (OHP), video tools, digital camera and digital camcoder, beam projector etc. Teachers must know what are the most effective tools in each part of their teachings. And they also need to prepare the multimedia teaching materials in advance. That preparation needs so much time, some technical knowledges and experts. That activity is not confined to teachers but also to professors who are teaching history at university. The other point is how to communicate each other. Internet is the best interactive tool to communicate among the students and between the professor and students. Java script online boards are needed to accept so many demands and opinions of students. Online discussion board are also needed. The second part of this article is to suggest the practical and applied research of history. To reactivate the history education and overcome the crisis of history and history education, we must study the practical area of historical research on the basis of the primary and original researches. And we need to make division of work in research field. The cooperated activities of researchers and technical experts are also needed. For example, we may research the revival of ancient remnants through the recent culture technologies. In educational area, we need to exploit the new teaching courses and practical programs. The practical exercise in history education will be needed. If those activities are revitalized in university, new area of historical research will have to be developed. In my opinion, that way is one of the solutions to revive the interest of history and overcome the crisis of history.

      • KCI등재

        포스트모던 역사이론을 중심으로 한 역사학습프로그램 개발

        김효철(Hyo Chol Kim) 제주학회 2010 濟州島硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        History education is an activity to teach kno1edge about the past of human beings and, based on the knowledge, to develop historical thinking power and insight and cultivate desirable a historical value system and attitude. To attain these goals, students should actively participate in the process of historical exploration rather than passively memorizing facts in the past. That is, by exploring history through critical and analytical thinking and historical imagination, they should practice historical thinking and acquire abilities to contribute to the development of the individual, the country, the society and all mankind. This is the objective of history education. Thus, in order to overcome the tendency of history education inclining to the memorization and transfer of historical knowledge and passive learning, the present study purposed to provide students with opportunities to experience the thinking process that historians use to understand history. As a specific method of applying such opportunities, we suggested a history learning program based on postmodern history theories. The objectives of the history learning program based on postmodern history theories are as follows. First, postmodern history theories refrain from typified historical evaluation of facts in the past. This feature can change the fixed idea that history is the permanent truth and make students see history as an object of questioning and, furthermore, provide them with opportunities to participate actively in historical study rather than learning passively. Second, postmodern history theories are focused on individuals and groups alienated by grand discourses in historical description. The history of individuals and groups alienated in historical description is mostly related to families, communities, etc. that students can experience easily around their everyday life. The use of such materials of history learning stimulates students interest and fosters their understanding and. ultimately, enhances the efficiency of history learning. Thus, we designed the method of disintegration of historical description for approach from various historical viewpoints, and that of reading through small things from the viewpoint of using historical learning materials available around the students. The disintegration of historical description considers existing historical description not to have as unchangeable firm objectivity as the rules of natural science but to be changeable and flexible. Thus, it disintegrates existing historical description and changes the view of past facts from a new angle. The disintegration of historical description is compatible with the goals of elementary history education, which are to develop abilities to find and explore the basic concepts and principles of social thoughts and, based on the abilities, to raise democratic citizens equipped with comprehensive and rational discernment. Reading through small things aims at history learning through the history of community that the students can contact easily, and excavating the history of people alienated from existing historical description. This helps students have learning based on their family and community to which they belong so that they can overcome the macroscopic view of the central government in the contents of existing social studies textbooks. Summing up, the application of postmodern history theories to history education is considered to stimulate students interest and various ways of thinking based on materials available to them and ultimately to make them active learners. 역사교육은 인간의 과거에 관한 지식을 가르치고 이를 기초로 역사적 사고력과 통찰력을 신장시키며, 바람직한 역사적 가치관과 태도를 함양하기 위한 교육활동이다. 이러한 목표를 달성하기 위하여 학생은 단순히 과거사실을 암기하는 수동적인 학습자가 아니라 역사적 탐구과정에 직접 참여하는 능동적인 학습자가 되어야 한다. 즉 학생 스스로 비판적·분석적 사고와 역사적 상상력을 사용하여 역사를 대함으로써 역사적 사고력을 신장하고 개인, 국가, 사회, 인류의 발전에 기여할 수 있는 민주시민의 자질을 기르는 것이 역사교육의 목표이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 역사교육이 역사지식의 암기와 지식의 전수로 흐르는 편향성과 수동적인 학습이 이루어지는 것을 극복하기 위하여 역사가가 역사를 인식하는 사고과정을 학생들로 하여금 경험하는 기회를 제공하고자 하였다. 이를 위한 구체적인 적용방안으로서 포스트모던 역사이론을 중심으로 한 역사학습프로그램을 제시하였다. 포스트모던 역사이론을 중심으로 역사학습프로그램을 구성한 목적은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 포스트모던 역사이론은 과거사실에 대한 정형화된 역사적 평가를 지양한다. 이는 역사가 영원불변한 진리라는 인식을 전환시키고 학생이 역사를 질문의 대상으로 삼고 역사학습의 수동적 존재에서 능동적 존재로의 전환을 모색하여 사고의 기회를 마련해 줄 수 있다, 둘째, 포스트모던 역사이론은 거대담론에 의해 역사서술에 있어서 소외된 개인과 집단에 관심을 갖는다. 역사서술에 있어서 소외된 개인이나 집단의 역사는 대부분 학생들 주변에서 쉽게 접할 수 있는 가족, 지역사회 등과 관련된 것이다. 이렇게 학생들이 접하기 쉬운 역사학습 자료들을 이용하여 흥미를 유발하고 이해를 도모함으로써 결과적으로 역사학습의 효율을 높일 수 있다. 이에 다양한 역사적 관점으로 접근할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 역사서술의 해체 , 학생을 주변의 역사학습 자료의 활용이라는 관점에서 작은 것을 통해 읽기 라는 방법을 구안하였다. 역사서술의 해체 는 기존의 역사서술이 자연과학의 법칙처럼 변하지 않는 확고한 객관성을 갖고 있는 것이 아니라 변할 수 있는 유동적인 것으로 인식한다. 그리하여 기존의 역사서술을 해체하여 새로운 각도에서 과거사 실을 바라볼 수 있는 인식의 전환을 이루도록 한다. 이러한 역사서술의 해체 는 초등학교 역사교육의 목표인 사회사상(社會事象)의 기본개념 및 원리를 발견하고 탐구하는 능력을 익혀 이를 토대로 종합적이고 합리적인 판단능력을 갖춘 민주시민의 양성이라는 취지에 부합한다. 작은 것을 통해 읽기 는 학생이 직접 접하기 쉬운 지역 단위의 역사를 통해 생생한 역사학습을 전개하고 종래의 역사서술에서 소외되었던 사람들의 역사발굴을 목표로 한다. 이는 현행 사회과 교과서의 내용들이 거시적이고 중앙정부의 시각으로 구성된 한계를 극복하기 위하여 학생이 쉽게 접할 수 있는 가정, 지역사회를 모태로 학습을 전개할 수 있도록 해준다. 요컨대 역사교육에 있어서 포스트모던 역사이론의 적용은 학생들이 쉽게 접할 수 있는 자료를 바탕으로 흥미를 유발하고 다양한 사고를 할 수 있는 계기를 마련함으로써 능동적인 학습자가 될 수 있는 계기를 마련해줄 수 있다고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        현장역사박물관의 서사 구조와 전시 스토리텔링의 방향에 관한 연구

        이서영 ( Seoyeong Lee ),최익서 ( Ikseo Choi ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.2

        (연구배경 및 목적) 현장역사박물관은 역사적으로 가치 있는 현장을 박물관화 한 곳으로, 역사적 사고를 더 능동적인 방법으로 기를 수 있는 교육·문화공간이다. 그러나 대부분의 현장박물관들은 역사적 현장이라는 특수성 때문에 당시의 모습을 그대로 재현하고 이에 대해 일방향적으로 내용전달을 하는 방식으로 구성되고 있다. 박물관이 능동적인 역사교육의 장으로 구성되기 위해서는 관람객 스스로 경험을 통해 역사에 대해 생각할 수 있는 상호작용적 형태로의 변화가 필요하다. 본 연구는 장소 정체성을 통한 현장역사박물관의 특성을 바탕으로 역사적 현장에 대한 서사구조 구성 및 스토리텔링 방법에 대하여 분석한다. 그리고 이를 통해 현장역사박물관의 전시 방법론에 대한 가이드라인을 제시함에 목적이 있다. (연구방법) 본 연구에서는 에드워드 렐프의 장소정체성을 중심으로 역사적 장소(물리적 환경)에서 관람객들이 전시를 통한 경험(인간의 활동)으로 역사를 이해(의미)할수 있는 현장역사박물관의 특성을 파악하고, 이를 바탕으로 더욱 효과적인 전시구성을 위해 시모어 채트먼의 서사구조를 통하여 현장역사박물관의 서사구조와 이를 표현할 수 있는 전시매체와 전시 스토리텔링의 특성을 알아보았다. 그리고 현장역사박물관의 서사구조와 스토리텔링의 특성을 분석하기 위해, 장소의 이전 용도가 현재 전시내용과 관련이 있으며 서사구조와 스토리텔링의 특성이 나타나는 국내·외 6 곳의 박물관을 분석을 하였다. (결과) 사례분석 결과, 현장역사박물관은 역사의 서사구조에 따라 재현 및 복원·체험, 전시의 성격으로 구성되고 있으나, 재현 및 복원과 유물전시 위주로 구성됨을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 스토리텔링에서는 재현과 복원위주의 공간이 중심인 현장역사 박물관의 특성에 따라 시공간성이 가장 많이 활용되었으며, 유물과 모형·패널 등 일방향적인 매체 위주로 연출되어 상호작용성은 많이 활용되지 않았음을 알 수 있었다. (결론) 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 전시 현장의 상황에 따라 적절한 서사구조의 구성이 필요하다. 둘째, 시각적인 재현 위주가 아닌 관람객과의 경계를 허물고, 사건을 연상할 수 있는 스토리텔링을 통해 그 당시 상황을 이해할 수 있도록 하는 것이 필요하다. 셋째, 전시의 메시지에 대하여 이해하고 생각할 수 있는 전시구성이 필요하다. 이상으로 사례분석을 통해 현장역사박물관의 서사구조와 전시스토리텔링에 대한 특성, 그리고 이를 통한 방향성을 알 수 있었다. 앞으로 현장역사박물관은 관람객을 중심으로 다양한 역사적 기억을 경험할 수 있는 새로운 형태로 변화해야 한다. 이에 서사구조를 기반으로 연출되는 스토리텔링은 필요한 요소이며, 이에 대해 지속적인 연구가 필요하다. (Background and Purpose) On-site history museums―historically valuable sites that have been turned into museums― are educational and cultural spaces where visitors can promote their historical understanding in more active ways. However, most on-site history museums reproduce the scenes of the time and present them in unidirectional ways owing to their distinct characteristic as historical sites. In order for museums to be turned into an arena for active historical education, it is necessary to transform them into an interactive form where visitors can think about history based on their own experiences. This study analyzed the organization of narrative structure and storytelling methods of historical sites based on the characteristics of on-site history museums through place identity. In addition, the study aimed to suggest guidelines regarding the exhibition methodology of on-site history museums based on the analysis. (Method) This study determined the characteristics of on-site history museums where visitors can understand (meaning) history through experiences (human activity) from exhibitions in a historical place (physical environment) centered on the place identity of Edward Relp. It also identified the characteristics of exhibition media and exhibition storytelling, which can express the narrative structure of on-site history museums, by using the narrative structure of Seymour Chatman for a more effective organization of exhibitions. In addition, to analyze the characteristics of the narrative structure and storytelling of on-site history museums, six museums in Korea and abroad were researched and analyzed. (Results) According to the case analysis, on-site history museums should be organized based on the traits of reproduction, restoration, experience, and exhibition according to the narrative structure of history. However, they have been organized based on the reproduction, restoration, and exhibition of relics. In addition, regarding storytelling, the greatest amount of time is spent on temporality and spatiality according to the characteristics of on-site history museums. In this regard, the spaces of reproduction and restoration are the focus, and interactivity is not utilized very much since the presentation uses unidirectional media, such as relics, models, and panels. (Conclusions) The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the narrative structure should be appropriately organized according to the situation of the exhibition site. Second, it is necessary to lead visitors to understand the situation of the time through storytelling that breaks down the boundary with visitors and reminds them of the events. Third, it is necessary to organize exhibitions through which visitors can understand and think about the message of exhibitions. Through the aforementioned case analysis, the characteristics of the narrative structure and storytelling of on-site history museums and the direction have been identified. From now on, such museums must turn into places where visitors can experience a variety of historical memories. It is necessary for the storytelling to be presented based on narrative structure, and corresponding future studies should be conducted.

      • KCI등재

        제국시기(1871-1914) 독일 교육사의 동향

        유진영 ( Jin Young Yu ) 한국교육사학회 2011 한국교육사학 Vol.33 No.1

        본고에서는 독일 역사의 시기 중에서 독일 제국시기(1871-1918)를 다룬 교육사의 동향을 알아보았다. 독일 제국 시기는 역사적으로 또한 교육사적으로 매우 중요한 의미를 가진다. 현재의 독일인의 정체성 형성과 교육제도의 근간을 제공하기 때문이다. II장과 III장에서 독일제국시기의 교육사를 다룬 교육사 학계의 관련 학술지와『독일교육사 교본 IV』를 살펴봄으로써 제국시기의 교육사 주제들과 연구사 정리에서 나타나는 특징들을 살펴보았다. 특히 제국 시기의 교육사적 중요성을 드러내주는 주제로서 일반교육분야와 기술교육분야를 살펴보았고, 연구주제와 연구경향에 대한 비판점을 알아보았다. IV장에서는 독일 제국시기의 역사서술의 동향을 살펴보면서 교육사 연구동향의 변화도 함께 비교, 대조하였다. 역사서술방향이 교육사 연구동향에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위해 2000년 전후의 연구주제들이 어떻게 변화하였는지도 알아보았다. 끝으로 이러한 사실을 바탕으로 하여 앞으로 교육사 연구 분야에서 새로이 재고되어야 할 점을 제시하였다. 그것은 독일의 교육사연구는 연구주제와 방법론의 다양화를 위해 다른 인접 학문들, 교육학, 역사학, 경제학 및 교육심리학, 교육사회학, 교육철학, 성인교육학, 직업교육학과 특수교육학 등과의 연계가 필요하다는 점이었다. This study focuses on the tendency of History of Education during the German Empire (1871-1914), because the education in this period is very related to the present educational system in Germany. I analysed various themes and points of views from the book "Handbook for German History of Education IV" and from three representative journals on History of Education in Germany, "Historische Bildungsforschung", "Zeitschrift fur p?dagogische Historiographie", and "Jahrbuch fur Universitatsgeschichte". As a result I have found that the tendency of History of Education dealing with the period, the German Empire has mostly been influenced from trends of History. For instance, through the History of technical-vocational education part I found various trends of History of Education like political History of Education, economic History of Education, social History of Education, autobiographical History of Education etc. In conclusion, I came up with suggestions on what needs to be considered and changed in the existing researches on the trends of History of Education in Germany. The research for History of Education needs to be more intensive in relation, not only with history, but also with other human science fields like pedagogy, economics, psychology etc. due to various complicated topics and abstract descriptions in existing researches.

      • KCI등재후보

        History and Eschatology: A Study on Calvin’s Understanding of History

        라영환 개혁신학회 2020 개혁논총 Vol.53 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine Calvin’s understanding of history in relation to eschatology. Calvin believes that God is not the God who created the world and stepped back from it, but the God who ceaselessly acts in his- tory. When he talks about providence it is within the context of emphasizing God’s dominion over history and the push towards the ultimate goal. Calvin asserts that history is based on the order of the physical world flows by the appointment of God, an appointment which is promised to continue to the end of the world. Calvin vigorously rejects an idea which views God as the cause of the motion but left the world to its own right. Calvin argues that such an idea leads to the error of distancing God from the world, and makes human affairs to be regulated by uncertain wheel of fortune. Everything is under God’s hand and care, and thus nothing happens by chance. The contingency of history and the suffering of righteous raise the question of God’s provi- dence. For Calvin, the telos of history does not conflict with the contingency of history. From God's point of view, everything rests in his hand, and history proceeds through the omnipotent God's providence. But from the limited per- spective and finite understanding of human beings, history may seem like a continuous progression of contingent events, one after another. Calvin admit- ted that the meaning is beyond natural human grasp and known only to God. For Calvin, providence is a band, which binds past, present and future to- gether. According to Calvin, the eschaton is not an outbreak event, which hap- pens beyond history, but is a ripe fruit, which reaches its maturity. In Calvin’s view, eschatology is closely related to his understanding of history. Calvin be- lieves that the end for which the world was created is the completion of God’s good purpose orient towards the glory of God. This is the goal by which God has set a direction to history.

      • KCI등재

        生活史 敎育의 來歷과 방향 : 초등학교 사회과 교육과정 역사 영역의 내용 구성을 중심으로

        姜鮮珠(Kang Sun-Joo) 역사교육연구회 2005 역사교육 Vol.95 No.-

        This study is concerned with "history organized with a theme, "lives of people" in the 7th national elementary social studies curriculum and its development. This study explores the limits of history organized around lives of people in the social studies curriculum and suggests a new direction that it should take in the light of Korean history scholarship in the fields of Korean history and Western history. This study maintains that history organized around lives of people in the social studies has been developed as an abstract configuration of interlinked idea of "life" in the life adjustment curriculum theory and history in the 1950s. The theme, lives of people came to be adopted to the organization of social studies including history because educators claimed that elementary school students would easily understand social studies as well as history if they had been organized with the theme, everyday life around them. In order to give students an opportunity to appreciate various aspects of life in the past and to practice historical thinking, history organized around live of people in the elementary social studies curriculum should be reconceptualized and reorganized from a historical perspective.

      • KCI등재

        History Matters : Christian Studies in China since 1949

        Wong Man Kong(黃文江) 한국기독교역사연구소 2010 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.32 No.-

        이 논문은 중국 개신교의 역사에 대한 역사적 연구를, 정치, 신학, 선교, 그리고 학제간 연구들이 그것을 사용했는가를 살펴봄으로써 설명했다. 이 논문은 5개의 부분으로 나누어져있다. 첫 부분은 중국 개신교에 관한 역사연구를 연구사적으로 살펴보았고, 나머지 부분에서는 역사를 어떻게 사용했는지 4가지 분야를 통해 논했다. 중국과 대만에서는 역사서들이 특정한 이데올로기적 요소를 강화한다. 역사는 중국인들 사이에서 개신교에 대한 특정한 신학적 개념을 구축하며, 기독교 사상과 긴밀하게 연관된다. 역사는 근거없는 주장에 근거한 신화를 바로잡아주어서 전도에 유용하다. 그리고 마지막으로, 중국 개신교 역사의 최근 동향은 중국 이해에 새로운 빛을 비추는 학제간 연구가 가진 장점을 보여준다. 이 논문은 중국 개신교 역사 연구가 일정한 사이클을 거치며 더 넓고 풍성하게 사용되어 왔다고 주장했다. 그렇게 함으로써 논문은 중국 개신교와 역사 연구에 구축된 그 과거를 연결시키는 중층적 의미들을 이해하는 데 역사가 필요하다는 점을 강조하고자 했다. This article aims at accounting for the dynamics of historical writings about the history of Chinese Protestantism from the multiple uses of history in politics, theology, evangelism and cross-boundary scholarship. This article is divided into five parts, of which the first part outlines the salient features of the historiography of Chinese Protestantism while the remaining parts discuss the four uses of history. History writing reinforces certain ideological elements in political thoughts in mainland China as well as in Taiwan in different ways. History constitutes certain theological notions of Protestantism among the Chinese, sharing significant implications for Christian thoughts. History is relevant for evangelism for it is useful to correct myths that based upon unjustified allegations. Finally, recent trends in the history of Chinese Protestantism show signs of merits for cross-boundary scholarship that sheds new lights on understanding China. I argue that the writing of the history of Chinese Protestantism has undergone cycles of broadening and enriching its own uses. In doing so, it is intended to stress the necessity of history for understanding the multiple layers of meanings that connect Chinese Protestantism with its constructed past in historical writings.

      • KCI등재

        삶의 비평으로서 역사

        김기봉 ( Gi Bong Kim ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2010 동방학지 Vol.152 No.-

        History is a narrative composed by the communication of the present and the past, E. H. Carr once describing it as the endless dialogue. The relationship between the communication between the present and the past is primarily determined by the pertinent side of the initiative. An appropriate historical discourse of every epoch is constructed by way of this dialogue. We, thus, may say that the history of the historiography has been basically developed by the changes in historical discourse. The periodization of the discourse is generally categorized into three parts: the pre-modern, the modern, and the postmodern ages. First, pre-modern historical discourse is well expressed by the famous words of Cicero, historia magistra viate (History is a teacher of human life). Historians then write their histories by way of criticizing the given present time according to the precedents of the past. Second, modern historical discourse came from the perspective of the Enlightenment, which viewed the past not as an example for the present but as an obstacle to the future`s progress. In other words, the progressivism of the modern historical discourse created the future-type project beyond history as the records of past; therefore, the idea becomes a grand narrative covering all of the different histories. The past loses its function of criticizing the present. This modern concept of history as a grand narrative allowed the modern time to be viewed as a revolutionary age. Third, postmodern historical discourse serves to excavate each history that has been buried by History as Grand Narrative. Although a scientific approach to history has reached a crisis, historical narratives have become popular, which reflects the the postmodern turn of historical discourse. On the other hand, as we all know, the postmodern historical discourse reverses the Marxian 11th thesis of Ludwig Feuerbach, as follows: People attempted to change the world in one way; however, in the postmodern age, various ways of thinking have become significant. If the modern era is considered as a revolutionary age, the postmodern era should be considered as the age of criticism. While the moral right, in their pre-modern historical criticism, belongs to the hegemony of the historical discourse, modern history in which historiography is the exclusive property of professional historians loses the function of history as the criticism of life, finally facing a crisis. Although historical science has confronted a critical stage, historical narratives have become popular through the return of micro-histories. If the past is a finished book, then history is rather related to a work that is written to criticize the past. Every man who critiques the past is a historian in the postmodern time. According to Alvin Toffler, the term prosuming describes the open source-like phenomenon of people producing what they consume. The producers of historical dramas and historical novelists critically reuse historical knowledge, and they become prosumers. In this prosuming age, historical criticism is expected to play major role. With the crisis of historical science, people may have an opportunity to become history critics but not historians. If so, we can apply the common phrase, opportunities are found in times of crisis.

      • KCI등재

        공공역사로서의 역사영화와 개연성으로서의 역사

        이하나 역사문제연구소 2022 역사비평 Vol.- No.139

        This article aims to review the issues and challenges of history films, which are one of the most problematic fields of historical use in the field of popular culture, and explore the direction of Korean history films from the perspective of public history. In this article, among all historical films based on history or subject matter, all historical films that are dealt with at least one of the three elements: real people, real events, and representation of a specific era are broadly referred to history films. Since the 2010s, history films have become a popular genre that has been successful in both box office and criticism. However, history films were highly controversial due to pro-Japanese issues or historical distortions and had a decisive impact on box office success, including “Cheongyeon(Blue Swallow)” in the mid-2000s, “Deokhye Ongju(The Last Princess)”, “Gunhamdo(The Battleship Island)”, and “Naratmal Sami(The King’s Letters)” in the mid-to-late 2010s. In the controversy surrounding these films, the issue is whether history films should not have negative characters as leading roles, how far can they pursue film imagination and entertainment, and whether imaginative fiction inserted in history films can be viewed as a kind of historical interpretation. Through these issues, it is argued that history films are a place where the public’s perception and emotions about history are expressed through criticism and discussion around the film as well as the content, and strategies and attitudes are set in different positions of creators/producers and users/consumers. When recognizing historical films as public history, is the problem of verisimilitude of history films, the problem of re-recognizing the meaning of history films as historical interpreters, the need to recognize that history films are films of the present rather than films of the past, and the ethics of representation in history films. After all, history films indicate history as a probability rather than history of fact. The film has an outstanding advantage in recreating and portraying plausible stories that might have been there at the time. It will be a strategy of history films as a public history to capture the various paths that may come to face the truth there. 이 글은 대중문화 영역에서 발생하는 역사 활용 중에서도 가장 문제적 분야의 하나라고 할 수 있는 역사영화의 쟁점 및 난제들을 검토하고 공공역사의 관점에서 한국 역사영화의 방향을 탐색해 보고자 한다. 이 글에서는 역사를 배경이나 소재로 하는 전체 역사극영화 중에서 실존 인물, 실제 사건, 구체적인 시대의 재현이라는 세가지 요소 중에서 한 가지라도 비중 있게 다루어지는 모든 역사극영화를 광범위하게 역사영화로 칭한다. 2010년대 이후 역사영화는 흥행과 비평 모두에서 성공한 대세 장르가 되었다. 하지만 역사영화가 친일문제나 역사왜곡 문제로 크게 논란이 일고 흥행에까지 결정적인 영향을 미친 것은 2000년대 중반의 <청연>을 필두로, 2010년대 중후반의 <덕혜옹주>, <군함도>, <나랏말싸미> 등의 사례를 대표적으로 꼽을 수 있다. 이들 영화를 둘러싼 논란들 속에서 쟁점은 ① 역사영화는 부정적 인물을 주인공으로 삼아서는 안되는가 하는 문제, ② 역사영화가 허용하는 영화적 상상력과 오락성의 추구는 어디까지 가능한가 하는 문제, ③ 역사영화에 삽입된 상상적 허구를 일종의 역사해석으로 볼 수 있는가 하는 문제이다. 이러한 쟁점들을 통해 역사영화가 내용 뿐만 아니라 영화를 둘러싼 비평과 토론을 통해서 대중이 역사에 대해 가지는 인식과 정서가 표출되는 장소이며, 이에 대한 전략과 태도는 창작자/생산자와 수용자/소비자 각각의 다른 입장 속에서 설정되는 것임을 논한다. 역사영화를 공공역사로서 인식할 때, ① 역사영화의 핍진성(verisimilitude) 문제, ② 역사 해석자로서의 역사영화의 의미를 재인식하는 문제, ③ 역사영화는 과거에 대한 영화라기보다는 현재에 대한 영화라는 것을 인식할 필요성, ④ 역사영화에서의 ‘재현의 윤리’가 문제가 된다. 결국, 역사영화가 보여주는 것은 사실의 역사라기보다는 개연성(probability)으로서의 역사이다. 그때 그 장소에서 있었을 법하고 있었을지도 모르는 그럴듯한 이야기를 재현하고 묘사하는 데 영화는 탁월한 장점을 발휘한다. 어쩌면 그곳에서 진실을 마주하게 될지도 모르는 다양한 경로들을 포착하는 것이 공공역사로서의 역사영화의 전략이 될 것이다.

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