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        예비교원의 수업전문성 인식 조사 연구와 시사점 : 『교육방법 및 교육공학』을 중심으로

        이준,방선희 한국교육방법학회 2010 교육방법연구 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the reality of education on『educational methods and educational technology』in pre-service teacher education program. For that purpose, the researchers reviewed the previous studies related to teaching professionalism and pre-service teacher education program, and analyzed the 7 textbooks of the『educational methods and educational technology』courses in order to identify whether the widely used textbooks fit to the purpose of the pre-service teacher education. After that, we surveyed 140 university students, who are participating in a lesson of『educational methods and educational technology』in pre-service teacher education program. From this study, pre-service teachers responded about teaching professionalism which are evaluating own self and effects of『educational methods and educational technology』which are helping their teaching professionalism. Overall results are students assessed their own professionalism level as higher than the ordinary level. On the other hand the score about effects of『educational methods and educational technology』which are helping their teaching professionalism are lower than their own teaching professionalism level. In the open-ended questionnaire, the pre-service teachers answered that they need learning educational methods and educational technology as form of practically apply. Several suggestions were derived from the results. First, we need to teach by『educational methods and educational technology』need to teach by practical case, real example in『educational methods and educational technology』class for promote teaching professionalism. Second, students need to get opportunity for practice and actual implementation when they take a class. Finally, we have to consider about the actual classroom environment of K-12 schools. 교원자격증 취득을 위한 교직이론 과목은 교원의 전문성 함양에 필요한 지식을 습득하는데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 교직이론 과목 중『교육방법 및 교육공학』은 특히 교원의 수업전문성 신장을 위해 개설되는 과목이다. 따라서 사범대, 교육대학원 등 교원양성기관에서 개설되는『교육방법 및 교육공학』과목은 교육내용과 교육방법에 있어 예비교원의 수업전문성을 배양할 수 있는 이론적, 실천적 지식이 습득되도록 운영되어야 한다. 본 연구는 교원양성과정에서 교원의 수업전문성을 위한 기본 이수 과목인『교육방법 및 교육공학』이 예비교원의 수업전문성 신장에 얼마나 기여하고 있는지를 검토하고 과목 개설 취지에 보다 내실 있게 부합할 수 있도록 시사점을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 교원양성과정에서의 교직과목 운영에 관한 선행연구를 검토하고,『교육방법 및 교육공학』교재에 대한 내용을 분석하였으며,『교육방법 및 교육공학』과목을 이수하고 현장학교에서 수업실습을 마친 예비교원 대상의 설문조사를 실시하고 그 결과를 분석하였다. 연구결과『교육방법 및 교육공학』교재들은 교원양성과정에 요구되는 교수요목을 적절히 반영하고는 있었으나 교사와 학생간의 의사소통 방법이나 창의적인 수업방법의 개발, 국내 공교육의 특수성을 고려한 현장 적용 방안 등은 미흡하게 다뤄진 것으로 조사되었다. 예비교원들은 교직과목『교육방법 및 교육공학』수강이 수업전문성 신장에 도움을 주는 정도가 크지 않은 것으로 인식하고 있으며, 전반적으로 예비교원 스스로 평가한 본인의 수업전문성보다 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 예비교원들은『교육방법 및 교육공학』교육내용이 실제 교실 수업장면에서 활용하기에는 이론적이고 추상적인 것으로 인식하고 있어 현장 중심의 실용적이고 적용 가능한 수업으로 개선될 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Educational Methods(아랍어 논문)

        Salim Idan Al-Tie 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 중동연구소 2006 중동연구 Vol.24 No.2

        <Abstract> Educational Methods Salim Idan Al-Tie HUFS Educational methods are becoming very important in the development and advancement era. They are aids for the professors and teachers throughout his educational journey as they make the students happy and more opened and willing to study without boredom. That is why professors and teachers should be keen to provide all the essential educational methods and it is not necessary to be expensive, but rather they can use environmental materials in order to enrich these methods and present them in a special and attractive way, but this doesn't mean that neglecting the technological side while we are in the development era. The professors and teachers should use these methods in their classes and teach their students how to use and deal with them as modernized methods. These professors should deal and present these modernized and renewable and not to just stick to one traditional method in presenting his educational methods but he should always work on improving them. This research came to the following important conclusions: 1- Increasing the efforts concerning how to work with the modern educational methods. 2- Having training courses and workshops for the professors and teachers in order to be always updated on the modern and new educational methods. 3- Effectively applying the educational system using computers in the universities and schools. 4- Applying the Internet in universities and schools in order to facilitate the educational system among students. Finally, I hope that this research has gained the approval of the professors and teachers. Key word: Educational method, educational system, Internet, Application of Modern Technology

      • KCI등재

        한국 공교육 현장의 근본적 문제에 대한 기독교적 접근: 코메니우스의 교육사상을 중심으로

        서미경 기독교학문연구회 2021 신앙과 학문 Vol.26 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to diagnose fundamental problems in the Korean public education fields through the educational thoughts of Comenius and to suggest alternatives for solving problems. First, this paper examined the factors of the formation of educational thoughts in order to promote the understanding of Comenius' educational thoughts. The factors that influenced the formation of Comenius' educational thoughts show the fundamental problems of the public education fields in Korea during the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and revealing the driving force behind educational reform and the changes in the educational paradigm caused by COVID-19. Second, the fundamental problems of public education fields were analyzed and diagnosed by dividing them into the educational purpose, educational contents, and teaching-learning methods of Comenius. Third, based on the educational thoughts of Comenius, this study proposed alternative methods for solving the fundamental problems in Korean public education fields. The diagnosis and suggestions through this study were summarized as follows. Diagnosis 1. The original purpose of educating the restoration of God's image through Pampaedia was lost. Proposition 1. The starting point to solve fundamental problems related to Korean public education is to restore the original purpose of education and provide education to become human beings based on the educational thoughts of Comenius. Diagnosis 2. In terms of education contents, it is another problem that divided education is provided in the Korean public education fields not complete education. The divided knowledge education led to the collapse of the educational community rather than having positive influences on understanding God, the human spirit and nature, and also rather than having beneficial effects on using the knowledge through learning correctly while making the right relationships. Proposition 2. To solve the fundamental problem of public education, it is necessary to restore humanity by not only human spirit and nature but teaching bible. This is the complete education of Comenius. Diagnosis 3. The test score-oriented teaching-learning methods are often used rather than teaching about the restoration of human dignity and the pleasure of learning. Proposition 3. Comenius' teaching method with respect to humanity and pleasure in learning should be applied in practice. This is because the essential capability to open the era of artificial intelligence during the fourth industrial revolution is social capabilities such as community cooperation. 본 연구의 목적은 한국 공교육 현장의 근본적인 문제를 코메니우스의 교육사상을 통하여 진단하고, 문제 해결을 위한 대안을 제시하는데 있다. 첫째, 본 연구는 코메니우스의 교육사상에 대한 이해를 도모하기 위해 교육사상 형성 요인을 탐구하였다. 이를 통하여 한국 공교육 현장의 근본적인 문제들과 4차 산업혁명과 코로나 19로 인한 교육 패러다임 변화의 현시점에서 교육개혁의 원동력을 엿볼 수 있었다. 둘째, 공교육 현장의 근본적인 문제를 코메니우스의 교육사상의 교육목적, 교육내용, 교수-학습 방법으로 나누어 분석하고, 진단하였다. 셋째, 코메니우스의 교육사상을 중심으로 한국 공교육 현장의 근본적인 문제에 대한 대안을 제언하였다. 본 연구의 진단과 제언을 짝으로 요약하면 다음과 같다. 진단1. 한국 공교육 현장은 범교육(Pampaedia)을 통한 하나님의 형상 회복(인간다운 인간)이라는 교육의 원천목적을 상실하였다. 제언1. 한국 공교육 현장은 코메니우스의 교육사상에서 말하는 인간다운 인간이 되기 위한 교육의 원천목적을 회복해야 한다. 교육과 관련된 근본적인 문제 해결의 출발점은 교육의 본질이 되는 인간다운 인간(하나님의 형상 회복)이 되기 위한 교육의 원천목적을 회복하는 것에 있다. 진단2. 한국 공교육 현장은 교육내용에 있어서 온전한 교육이 아닌 분절된 교육을 하고 있다. 분절된 지식교육으로 인하여 하나님, 인간 정신, 자연을 이해하고, 배운 지식을 올바르게 사용하고, 바른 관계를 맺기보다는 교육공동체의 붕괴를 초래하였다. 제언2. 공교육 현장의 근본적인 문제 해결을 위해 교과교육에 자연, 인간 정신뿐 아니라, 성경을 포함하여 총체적 지식교육이 이루어져야 한다. 그것이 코메니우스가 말하는 온전한 교육이다. 진단3. 한국 공교육 현장은 인간의 존엄성 회복과 배움의 즐거움 보다는 성적위주의 교수-학습 방법을 사용하고 있다. 제언3. 인간성 존중과 배움의 즐거움을 위한 코메니우스의 교수-학습 방법이 실천적으로 적용되어야 한다. 4차 산업혁명의 인공지능 시대를 열어 갈 수 있는 필수역량은 인격적인 연결을 중시하는 공동체적 협력과 같은 사회역량이기 때문이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대학교육 혁신에 있어 교육공학의 공헌 및 미래방향

        송상호 ( Sangho Song ),이지현 ( Jihyun Lee ),박태정 ( Taejung Park ) 한국교육공학회 2016 교육공학연구 Vol.32 No.4

        교육공학 연구와 실천이 이루어지고 있는 현장 중 대학은 그동안 교육공학이 주도한 교육 혁신이 활발히 일어난 영역 중에 하나이다. 지금까지 교육공학은 `설계`라는 특징적인 방법론을 활용하여 고등교육 분야에서 비판을 받고 있는 문제들을 해결하기 위한 혁신을 시도해 오고 있다. 이는 개별 교과목 차원, 커리큘럼 차원, 기관 차원, 국가적 차원, 나아가 세계적 차원에서 교수방법, 교육 내용, 교육 시스템 및 환경에의 혁신을 위한 다층적인 노력을 통해 실행되어 왔다. 본고에서는 교육공학이 고등교육에 기여한 바에 대해서 방법적 혁신, 교육의 대중화, 세계화, 질 관리 및 첨단화 차원에서 고찰해 보고, 이후 교육공학의 발전 방향을 제안하였다. 첫째, 교육공학은 고등교육 분야에서 학습자 중심 교수법을 확대하고, 교수자 교육 등을 CTL 및 그 협의체와 같은 전문 조직을 통해 지원하는 방법적 변혁을 주도해 왔다. 둘째, 교육공학은 원격대학 및 사이버대학의 설립 및 운영에 참여하면서 고등교육의 대중화에 기여했으며, 우리 사회가 요구하는 역량을 키워내는 역량기반 고등교육을 확산했으며, 첨단정보통신 기술을 기반으로 OER, OCW, MOOCs를 활용한 고등교육의 세계화, 나아가 이러닝 공적개발원조를 통한 세계 사회 공헌에 주도적 역할을 해오고 있다. 셋째, 교육공학은 대학평가 등을 통 한 고등교육 질 관리에 전문성을 발휘해 왔고, 점점 빅데이터 및 학습분석학과 뇌과학 등의 첨단 과학을 적용하여 근거기반 고등교육 혁신에 일조를 담당하고 있다. 교육공학이 나아갈 방향에 대하여 `혁신`, `사회공헌`, `과학적 근거기반 의사결정`의 세 가지 핵심 가치를 중심으로 논의하였다. 교육공학학회가 설립된 1985년 이후 2015년까지 30년 동안 교육공학의 이론과 실천이 대학교육의 혁신에 기여한 바를 되짚어보고, 앞으로의 방향을 설정하는 것은 교육공학의 발전적 지향점을 세우는데 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다. The field of educational technology has played a vital role in educational innovation at the level of higher education. Employing the characteristic design methodology of educational technology, researchers and practitioners have implemented educational innovation by improving instructional methods, educational systems, and learning environments at course, curriculum, institutional, national, and global levels. This study is a retrospective analysis of the roles and contributions of educational technology in higher education over the last 30 years, with a focus on: (1) methodologic innovation, (2) the popularity and globalization of higher education, (3) quality assurance and cutting edge approaches, and (4) potential future directions for educational technology. Among the insights gained from this analysis are, first, that educational technology has played a leading role in advancing higher education instructional methods by expanding learner-centered approaches, training instructors, and establishing professional organizations like the CTLs (Centers for Teaching and Learning) and associated councils. Second, educational technology has been at the center of efforts to expand educational opportunities through distance education and cyber universities, to contexualize educational outcomes through competency-based education, to globalize higher education through OER (Open Educational Resources), OCW (Open Courseware), and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and to bring about global ODA (Official Development Assistance). Third, educational technology has been influential in assuring educational quality in higher education by enhancing evaluation in higher education institutions, and by utilizing evidence-based decision-making through the adoption of cutting-edge science in such areas as learning analytics, big data, and brain science. Finally, this analysis revealed several future directions for educational technology around its three core values: innovation, social contribution, and scientific evidence-based decision-making. In reviewing the valuable contributions of educational technology to theory and practice in higher education, it is hoped that this study will help to uncover promising future directions for the field.

      • KCI등재후보

        실천적 지혜를 탐구하는 잠언 교수 - 학습 방법

        김광률(Kwang-Yool Kim) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2010 신학논단 Vol.62 No.-

        One of the primary tasks for the Christian educators lies in making their traditional contents of Christian faith relevant to their contemporary ways of living. Therefore it is necessary to pursue an interdisciplinary re-search between the Bible and the Christian Education, particularly a hermeneutics approach in the Christian Education. It has been pursued in various ways. This article looks for the ways how to relate theory to practice in the hermeneutics approach in which the Proverbs, one of the wisdom lit-erature is taught for the contemporary youths. It is chosen because it puts the most emphasis on practice in the Bible. This analyzes Aristotle’s phronesis, practical wisdom, options in the Christian Education, the sapiential mode as a teaching-learning methods implicit in the Proverbs, in order to bridge the gaps between theory and practice. Just as Aristotle’s phronesis, theoria, praxis, and poesis have their distinctive methods to complete themselves, the Proverbs has its own method to illuminate and accomplish wisdom in a community. Therefore it is possible and significant in the hermeneutics approach in the Christian Education to make a connection between the phronesis and the Proverbs. The sapiential mode and its teaching-learning methods’ val-idities are elaborated in terms of contemporary teaching-learning theory and practice in the Christian Education. This presents a new mode composed of principles and methods in the wisdom education. It shows how to apply content of Christian faith to everyday lives, It contributes to the Bible education in the Christian Education fields One of the primary tasks for the Christian educators lies in making their traditional contents of Christian faith relevant to their contemporary ways of living. Therefore it is necessary to pursue an interdisciplinary re-search between the Bible and the Christian Education, particularly a hermeneutics approach in the Christian Education. It has been pursued in various ways. This article looks for the ways how to relate theory to practice in the hermeneutics approach in which the Proverbs, one of the wisdom lit-erature is taught for the contemporary youths. It is chosen because it puts the most emphasis on practice in the Bible. This analyzes Aristotle’s phronesis, practical wisdom, options in the Christian Education, the sapiential mode as a teaching-learning methods implicit in the Proverbs, in order to bridge the gaps between theory and practice. Just as Aristotle’s phronesis, theoria, praxis, and poesis have their distinctive methods to complete themselves, the Proverbs has its own method to illuminate and accomplish wisdom in a community. Therefore it is possible and significant in the hermeneutics approach in the Christian Education to make a connection between the phronesis and the Proverbs. The sapiential mode and its teaching-learning methods’ val-idities are elaborated in terms of contemporary teaching-learning theory and practice in the Christian Education. This presents a new mode composed of principles and methods in the wisdom education. It shows how to apply content of Christian faith to everyday lives, It contributes to the Bible education in the Christian Education fields

      • KCI등재

        차례 : 가르치기 어려움에 대한 교육현상학적 검토 : 서양교육사에서

        고요한 ( Yo Han Go ) 한국교육철학회 2012 교육철학 Vol.46 No.-

        The purpose of this study is researching on educational difficulty in the history of western education. In other words, the goal and significance of this paper lies in knowing the essential meaning of education based on the norms of difficulty. The major method for this study is hermeneutical-anthropological pedagogy. My fundamental claim is the following: the essential nature of teaching is difficulty at any instructional condition and situations. Such a discrete idea was clearly identified and confirmed in the process of pedagogical anthropology. That is, through the consciousness of educational difficulty and critical review for the history of western education, I can cleary define the concept of educational difficulty. Educational difficulty was various ways for understanding by all audiences. Namely, various formulars were developed for understanding it according to the age, cultures, nations, ideology, etc.. But there are continuous characters on the way for understanding on educational difficulty. The results on research are as followings. In the primitive age, fundamental difficulty of education lies in the initiation ceremony. At the classical ancient time, the purpose of education was ``Politai`` with politike arete, in this educational conditions, instruction have a complex dimension politically as well as psychologically. At the medieval age, educational difficulty lies in the ``Askese`` for instructional methods. In the modern and conventional age, educational difficulty is more and more complex and confused on goals, methods, evaluations, etc.. Most of all, the major or key concept of educational difficulty in this world is the conflict between the two instructional principles, that is, objectivis and constructivism in education. At now, the schoolworks for instruction over all educational situations and conditions have a difficulty of traditional as well conventional dilemma. In conclusion, educational difficulty have formal, natural, original attribute and it is general and universal phenomenon.

      • KCI등재

        가르치기 어려움에 대한 교육현상학적 검토

        고요한(Go, Yo-Han) 한국교육철학회 2012 교육철학 Vol.46 No.-

        The purpose of this study is researching on educational difficulty in the history of western education. In other words, the goal and significance of this paper lies in knowing the essential meaning of education based on the norms of difficulty. The major method for this study is hermeneutical-anthropological pedagogy. My fundamental claim is the following: the essential nature of teaching is difficulty at any instructional condition and situations. Such a discrete idea was clearly identified and confirmed in the process of pedagogical anthropology. That is, through the consciousness of educational difficulty and critical review for the history of western education, I can cleary define the concept of educational difficulty. Educational difficulty was various ways for understanding by all audiences. Namely, various formulars were developed for understanding it according to the age, cultures, nations, ideology, etc.. But there are continuous characters on the way for understanding on educational difficulty. The results on research are as followings. In the primitive age, fundamental difficulty of education lies in the initiation ceremony. At the classical ancient time, the purpose of education was ‘Politai’ with politike arete, in this educational conditions, instruction have a complex dimension politically as well as psychologically. At the medieval age, educational difficulty lies in the ‘Askese’ for instructional methods. In the modern and conventional age, educational difficulty is more and more complex and confused on goals, methods, evaluations, etc.. Most of all, the major or key concept of educational difficulty in this world is the conflict between the two instructional principles, that is, objectivism and constructivism in education. At now, the schoolworks for instruction over all educational situations and conditions have a difficulty of traditional as well conventional dilemma. In conclusion, educational difficulty have formal, natural, original attribute and it is general and universal phenomenon.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한교육 연구의 성과와 과제

        신효숙 통일연구원 2006 統一 政策 硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        The aim of th study is to present prospects of North Korean educational study, through discussing the issues and evaluating the results of study. Area of North Korean educational study has been surprisingly extended since 1990, especially after the historical South-North Korean sumit talks. Thus focusing to recent study results of North Korean education, this research values issues and efforts, and tries to show directions of development in the future. in the second chapter by arranging present conditions of North Korean educational study in periods and subjects, it displays characteristics and limits of the study. The third chapter classi-fies results of North Korean educational study into detailed subjects which include methods and theories of the research, the educational policy and object, the compulsory educational policy and school educational system, social functions of education, and the historical study of education. They presented and evaluated issues that could be disputed. The conclusion assesses overall outcomes of studies and shows developmental directions of North Korean educational studies.

      • Current Status of ICT in the Practice and its Implications for the Elementary Teacher Education Program

        Chung, HyeYoung 이화여자대학교 동서교육연구소 2006 East west education Vol.23 No.-

        With considering teaching-learning methods in the elementary education, this paper aims at presenting some future agenda in the area of educational method, especially ICT. While there has been introduced many methods and strategies regarding teaching-learning methods, teachers in the field prefer their own ones based on their educational belief systems. The research on teaching-learning methods show that it does not reflect to which methods they prefer and why, and that their status as professionals may be doubted as they use more ICT approaches. It needs to select educational methods along with appropriateness and accomplishment of educational purposes, to cover broader context of ICT education, and to emphasize the image of professional teachers when they are dealing with teaching-learning methods.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한의 전문 피아노 연주자 교육 연구 -교육제도와 교재분석을 중심으로-

        한영화 한국음악교육공학회 2007 음악교육공학 Vol.- No.6

        This study aimed to deepen understanding about the North Korean educational system for their professional pianists. To achieve this goal, this study performed the analysis of the educational system and piano method books. This study researched on North Korean Music education. In educational system, this paper summarized materials from interviews, forums, and special lectures. For the study of method books, this study analyzed published North Korean piano method books for both basic-level kindergarten students and the upper mid-level professional classes. The character of the educational system is as below. First, North Korea establishes professional educational institutions, such as Pyung-yang Music and Dancing School, and the government provides the full scholarship for their students. Second, a difficult entrance exam and their political backgrounds are concerned for admissions, and the school starts its education when students become the first grades, 8 years old. Third, the school continues up to the fourteenth grades(4-3-3-4). Fourth, The education for political thought is particularly emphasized compare to the other general educational programs of the North Korea. Fifth, they use method books for the piano published in North Korea. The method books contained praises for their leader, and political propagandas. The kindergarten method books use the Middle C approach with detail explanations for the appropriate exercise methods and the music theory. They emphasizes practice to make a good sound by the strong knuckles. The tempo, expression, and directions were explained in the pure Korean. For the practice, they put some pieces about praise music for their leaders and political education. The professional method books contain arranged famous North Korean song pieces by the current North Korean educators. They fill spaces in melody’s continuity, by using Scale, Arpeggio, Rhythm, Trill, and Octave. Also, it includes a large portion asking for the training of performance technique skills. Likewise, in North Korea, the government selects talented students in early ages, training in both politics and performance to produce professional pianists. Then those pianists bears a responsibility to deliver the revolutionary thoughts to people. Hopefully, this study inspires following several studies on the education for the professional pianists in North Korea, and South and North Korean piano education is going to show progress up to the world class level.

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